Sunday, October 30, 2016

US Military Fears Civil War If Planned Steal Of Election Succeeds

Almost a week ago the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Francis Dunford Jr. Wrote in his blog asking all American military personnel to remain committed to their military oath and not become involved in what may follow the election of 2016. He reminded the troops that they must remain committed to the chain of command. He also stated that the military should not undermine its credibility in the interim with the next president. He's not speaking about Donald Trump, this is if Hillary Clinton steals the election.

That oath is as follows,
I [        ] do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice . So help me God

You can see that Dunford's reminder about the oath is telling of what they fear, if the Globalists do in fact steal the election from Donald Trump, there is a fear of a revolt within the military. Add this to the revolt that may come from within the FBI and the intelligence agencies along with the possibility of a peoples revolt and we have a Civil War. The key being the Constitution, there is an obvious twist here that can justify such a revolt. You are sworn to defend the Constitution from both foreign and domestic enemies. As many know some of Hillary Clinton's actions while Secretary of State are now being shown as treasonous, that makes her an enemy of the US., Obama's actions in the cover ups also places him in the same category as Clinton. Put this with their obvious moves to place the US in the hands of the (NWO) One World Government and violations of the peoples right to elect their own President through the process instructed by the Constitution and you can see the problem.

The US military has an obligation under the law to, if need be overthrow a government that is ignoring the Constitution. That document over rides any other document or person. Dunford may think that chain of command and presidential orders come first but they do not. The Constitution comes first and it must be defended over all other obligations. The US military must not stand down and allow enemies or foreign interests to have the seats of power.


  1. ...will follow the 'lawful' orders of the president...

  2. This says it all. Hillary would not be a lawful President.
    I [ ] do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
    A president who violates the Constitution is a Traitor and an unlawful president who ought to be tried for treason.

  3. I am in complete agreement with you Mr.Calvert, I just pray that General Dunford see's it the same way.
    I don't believe that the NWO Globalists whatever in the hell you want to call them the Illuminati is going to take this laying down.
    I am strong believer in God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I also think that it is very important to prepare, be ready for whatever comes.

  4. queston did he swair an oath the defend the us constitution or the os called president
