Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Senator, Secretary of State, Benghazi, Wall Street

After watching the Democratic National Convention's rendition of "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" I wondered how any American could continue to fall for Hillary Clinton's claims. Even "husband on paper only" former President Bill Clinton took the opportunity during Hillary's acceptance speech to take a little nap. After all it was just another speech full of the fictions that he has heard for years. Tax the rich, create jobs, affordable healthcare, debt free college, equality for all and of course keep you safe.

We must after all look at Hillary's track record to really see what she has accomplished in her career that qualifies her to become the President of the United States. We could start with her ability as a lawyer and mention that she helped a pedophile win a case despite admitting that she was aware he was guilty then laughing about it. "But that wouldn't be fair." She did show great insight and knowledge of the futures markets when she invested $5,000 and walked away with $100,000. "Well maybe that was beginners luck."

Let's skip to when she became US Senator from New York and served from 2001 until she resigned to become Secretary of State in 2009.  Here is where her career in public service begins to shine. This is a gauge to see if Hillary possess leadership qualities and is able to convince others in the political arena that her ideas are good for the country. What kind of bills did she introduce that would create an atmosphere of job growth, building a strong economy and keeping Americans safe at home and abroad? How hard did she work for those who elected her?

In oder to judge how hard a politician works I believe one problem that seems to be rampant is that when a bill comes before the floor for a vote, too many of our elected officials fail to show. Hillary missed 9.5% of the roll call votes during her time in the Senate. Put that in perspective with your job and ask, is missing almost 1 out of every 10 days of work acceptable? That type of call off rate would get you fired quickly, and I am certain you'd admit that you should have been let go. And unlike most Americans our US Senators are paid whether they show or not.

Just maybe Hillary introduced some ground breaking legislation that provided Americans with the things needed to live better lives. She must have had some ground breaking ideas. So lets look at the 3, "yes only 3 bills" that Sen. Hillary Clinton introduced and were signed into law.
S.1241- Establish the "Kate Mullany" National Historic Site in the state of New York. 2004
S.3613- Name a post office the "Major George Quamo" Post Office Building. 2006
S.3145- Designate a highway in New York as the "Timothy J. Russert" Highway. 2008
"Okay she's a proven leader in naming things." She had promised to create jobs for those in upstate New York, 200,000 as a matter of fact. Ouch, they lost over 6,000, and as is evident Hillary never introduced a job creation bill that could create one job let alone 200,000 and got it passed.

After Barrack Obama beat out Clinton during the 2008 Democratic Primaries, He won the general election with a call for change. He appointed Clinton to head the State Department as Secretary of State. In those four years that she served as Americas top diplomat and foreign policy advisor, we saw the implementation of many of the policies that have created the world we now live in. The growth of ISIS, the radical Muslim extremist organization that has become a tool of Globalists to create havoc throughout the world. We watched as the United States supported The Arab Spring movement in North Africa and the Middle East that ultimately wreaked havoc and destabilized the region. We witnessed as a US ambassador was murdered along with 3 others in Benghazi Libya and both Obama and Clinton stood by and did nothing. And the loss of Americas prestige throughout the world has declined immensely.

Maybe trying to find something about Hillary Clinton that could possibly show that she is up for the job as President of the United States was a bad idea. Listening to her claims that she will go after those on Wall Street is beyond reality since they pour millions into her campaign. Hillary is bought and paid for, she has never done anything while in public service for the betterment of our situations on any level. "I tried very hard to find something, anything that she might have done for the good of us all. There sadly just isn't anything in her record to show it."

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Is DOD Covering Up ISIS Claim Of Shooting Down US Warplane In Iraq

A recent claim by ISIS was denied by the Pentagon, then 3 days later a US F/A-18C Hornet is reported to have crashed, killing the pilot while on a training mission at Twentynine Palms Air Base, Mirmar California. This base is home to the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing that provides the aviation combat element for I Marine Expeditionary Force.

On July 25 2016, ISIS through its news site Armaq reportedly claimed to have shot down an American fighter plane near the Ayn Asad joint Iraqi /American air base in Al Anbar province. The Pentagon denied the report. However the Ayn Asad Air Base has been a point of operation for past operations against ISIS in and around Fallujah Iraq. Both Marine units have participated in this area of Iraq before.

On July 28 2016, it was reported that a Marine pilot had died in a training accident at Twentynine  Palms. The Marine Corps spokesman pointed to lack of spare parts and limited flight training hours as the possible cause of the crash. An investigation is ongoing and the pilots name hasn't been released.

The question must be asked, is this a cover up? Does ISIS have the ability to shoot down US fighters? Do they possess Stinger anti aircraft missiles or an equivalent and if so where did they get them? The timing of first the claim, then denial, followed within days of a training crash, leads to suspicion of the Pentagon covering up something.

With the recent events in Turkey, a NATO ally that possesses American and NATO weaponry  there could be a link to ISIS acquiring upgraded anti aircraft weapons. After the so-called Coup attempt in Turkey and the clamp down of all opposition, could this signal that Turkey's President Erdogan is moving closer to ISIS, as they both seek to create a Islamic State? There have been many reports of Erdogan having close ties to ISIS.

Until further information becomes available we can only attempt to find the truth. This could reveal a much larger problem in the so-called Obama Administrations war on terror. As has been the problem, there appears to be much more going on than we are being told.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Americas Real Threat Is Globalism, NOT Putin's Russia

As we now move into the last three months of the presidential election process we have two clear choices. On one hand there is Republican Donald J. Trump, who surprised then defeated the Republican Establishment. Multi billionaire who says what he thinks and has shown the ability to crush anyone who attempts to engage him in verbal debate. He is well informed and despite  his economic and social status, Trump seems to understand the average Americans views as many say that he says what they are thinking. As he has often stated "I'm just the messenger." Unlike most politicians Trump isn't selling ideas that he has, He is selling the very ideas that most Americans have.

On the Democrat side there is the Establishment Hillary Clinton who outright stole her nomination and despite this revelation she is still the Democratic Party favorite. She has been one of the Globalist biggest proponents and follows inline with  George HW Bush, her husband Bill Clinton, George W Bush and current President Barrack Obama. All globalist despite party affiliation. Hillary started with selling one set of ideas at the beginning of the primary to ending with almost polar opposite ideas. She is an old school politician who says what the voter wants to hear while injecting what she thinks the voter should want as it's her experience that matters more than what a voter thinks.

As Trump has said he has no problem with Putin or Russia and we as America don't. The days of the Cold War ended with the fall of the Soviet Union, The great Soviet Empire collapsed as did its expansionist ways, Its former allies in Eastern Europe also threw off the shackles of communism. The military threat of the Warsaw Pact is no more. Russia has no designs of creating a new Russian Empire as some want you to believe.

Russia is fighting on a limited basis in Syria as they are honoring a longtime alliance. While the US under the Obama/Clinton foreign policy is attempting to oust the Assad regime in Syria. However, it is not clear just who the US and its Middle East allies wish to install, since the Civil War instigated by Obama/Clinton has so many different sides and ethnic and religious differences. Russia is doing the most damage to ISIS as this is the single strongest force in the conflict. So you may ask, why do the Democrats and the Establishment Globalist have so many issues with Putin? Simply its Globalist expansion.

Most Americans have been kept in the dark as to what has truthfully been going on in America and the world as a whole. We first heard the words "New World Order" from George HW Bush 30 plus years ago and yet didn't understand its meaning.

The New World Order or Globalist One World Government is much older than we think. It is an idea developed by the Elite, the 0.1% of the 1% richest individuals of the world. Led by Bankers, Businessmen, and some of the Royal families of Europe. The Names Rothschild and Rockefeller are among them. These are the puppet masters who pull the strings of politicians worldwide. They paid for the Russian Revolution of 1917, supported Hitlers rise to power in the 1930's and today are creating the the chaos in the world we live in.

These are people who due to immense wealth and power have developed the plans for One Government to rule the entire world. The process has been long and it has had its setbacks. Yet today we can see it in full view in Europe as the European Union is the blue print of what it will be. One government, one system ruled by unelected people who only answer to the Elite. Brexit has caused an issue, yet as is being seen, the delay on the United Kingdoms exit from the Union may in fact be a plot to ignore the vote and remain. Once the process begins it takes two years for a member state to leave and until they do they must abide by all decisions passed down. The Brexit may never happen in reality.

In the United States the Globalists have entrenched themselves within both political parties. They have also taken control of the entertainment industry and news media. They control most Colleges and major Universities. Most major companies in all fields have Globalist leaders including the internet and social media. Americas constant wars and interventions worldwide are not for our safety or to better our lives. It is a way to solidify the ease to expand control by the Globalist. Our system of perpetual debt allows them to control and enslave everyone including the government.

The United Nations is a front for the future Globalist One World Government. Laws and rules for all governments are enacted within the cover of being treaties. The idea that chaos is one of the goals that Globalist create may seem strange, yet it is done for a reason. When chaos abounds and things begin to get out of control the people will call on government to protect them and ask for help. This allows governments to enact laws that take freedoms away under the explanation that it will keep you safe. They want you to believe freedom is what causes chaos.

Hillary Clinton is 100% controlled and protected by the Globalist. She does their bidding as Obama, the Bushes and Bill Clinton have. 9/11 was done to enact the patriot act that in truth eliminated some basic rights and gave more control of our lives over to the government. It also allowed then President GW Bush to invade Iraq and begin to destabilize the Middle East. It also gave him the ability to occupy Afghanistan. Obama/Clinton then pulled out of Iraq leaving weapons and equipment behind to allow ISIS to arm quickly, they then destabilized Libya. At the same time organized and trained forces to overthrow Syrian President Assad.

This all caused the refugee crisis in Europe and increased terrorism, purposely causing chaos throughout. We have open borders and calls for allowing massive immigration to do what is beginning, cause chaos. At the same time attempts to enact laws that will remove gun rights and free speech.

NAFTA began the collapse of the middle class in America and it was by design as the TTP will further remove the last remnants of a middle class. Trade treaties are used to entangle governments into joint political entities as was the way the European Union began. The goal being to create almost poverty conditions and make everyone equally poor. This in turn makes the people more dependent on the government. The globalist goal includes communism with the Elite in charge. Look at North Korea and you can see what system is in mind. Only the Elite are taken care of and everyone else are slaves to their wishes and needs.

The EU and US are making threatening moves to the Russians, interfering in the Ukraine, setting up forces up to the Russian border, threatening to enlarge the membership of NATO and the EU, running military exercises that simulate attacking Russia and setting up missile systems that have dual capabilities of being used for defensive and offensive purposes that can strike Moscow within minutes. Putin is not threatening us, we are threatening him. Hillary Clinton and the Globalist media are not being truthful. Russia is not a Globalist stronghold and so they are trying to force Putin's hand.

Hillary Clinton will do as her puppet masters instruct both at home and abroad. Donald Trump won't as he is an enemy of the Globalists. That is why the news media, Democrats and Globalist controlled Republicans all are attempting to make Trump and his policies out as being bad for America. They don't want America first as the plans call for America not to be. To the Globalist there is not to be individual nations but just One World Government with little to no freedom. They want to eliminate the Republic of the United States and Putin's Russia, if it be by war, then to the worlds Globalist Elite so be it. You don't matter to them and you don't matter to the Globalist Establishment in America either.

Trump's Truths vs. Clinton's Lies, Nationalism vs. Globalism

No surprise here as we just witnessed two very different types of conventions. The Republicans went to Cleveland amid rumours of a steal by the globalist establishment wing of the Republican Party. It never materialized as  Republicans showed that the party has seen the light and business as usual was no longer welcome. A new and improved version has emerged as Trump leads the Republicans into the November elections. The word change can be used as this truly is a reinvented political party.

The Bush dynasty quietly went into the sunset, Romney, McCain, Kasich and the others who have participated in the policies of the past that began our nations social and economic decline as well as the loss of respect on the world scene, have seen their influence wither. Globalism takes the back seat as the Trump Movement of Patriotism and putting America first is what is needed in order to reestablish the prominence America once took for granted. Tough talk and the brutal truth is what is needed and the Republicans now have such a leader in Donald Trump.

With the Democrats coming out of a chaotic convention in Philadelphia that was a lock for Hillary Clinton as she was selected 8 years ago to be the nominee in 2016. Turmoil and scandal that has become the signature of the Democratic Party was evident throughout. The Globalist have a firm grip on the Democratic Party. The DNC email scandal that replaced Hillary Clinton's email scandal as the major topic is just in the beginning stages. More heads will roll as the Democrats are being exposed as everything Americans despise. Corruption, fraud, lies and deception remain as the keys to a party that seems to sink to new lows on a daily basis. While terrorism increases worldwide the Democrats avoided the issue and pushed for more to be done for illegal immigrants. They not only support Obamas open door policy but want to expand it. Is there one Democrat that understands that it was Europe's open door policy that has largely caused the major increase in terrorism?

This November 8th Americans have a choice to make and it will forever determine the future. Do we want to return to prosperity and real hope with freedom and justice based on truth for all? Or do Americans believe that corrupt life long members of the system who have caused the decline in every aspect of their lives will fix the true problems they face? This will be the time to see if Americans are awake to the truth and want to get up and retake the Republic of the United States. Or if they are truthfully nothing more than sheep with no will or minds of their own who believe in fairy tails and never got past the childhood stage of needing someone to make their decisions for them.

The Globalist want you to believe that the truth is nothing more than conspiracy theories. If they can continue to make you believe this then you have bought into their lies and deceptions. There is so much in the world today that is being hidden from you in plain sight. You just need to take some time to look and see for yourselves what is real. Its a puzzle but as simple as connecting the dots or realizing that 2+2 really does add up to 4.

Vote for real change offered by Trump or continue on the same path of the now change candidate Clinton. Believe in yourself and your ability to make decisions or Believe that your just sheep who follows those who have been leading you to where you are today. Believe in America first or believe in Globalism first. Your choices are complete opposites and its important that you become knowledgeable and look into the issues and seek the truth by looking and not relying on one source. Its okay to think for yourself just don't allow your thoughts to be planted by mainstream news media as they are propagandist for the Globalist. Search, read, listen and become independent in thought become free to have faith in yourself and your ability to think. This election is about you, your future, your life.

Hillary Clinton Presides Over Believers Accepts Nomination During Lie Filled Speech

Tonight's end to the Democratic Convention was just what was expected as Hillary Clinton spoke to her believers. These are the same people that have believed the same promises for years that rarely come true. Much of her new and improved policy promises include: Not honoring the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) that she fully backed prior to Donald Trumps stance against it. She suddenly has a new position on veterans since her statements claiming that the Veterans Administration was doing a fine job handling vets issues. She now uses Trumps position on vets. She claims the military is in great shape despite what is known, lack of equipment and personnel.

It was classic Hillary Clinton saying exactly what her audience wants to hear only to gain votes. How can anyone believe that Hillary would go after the Banks and Wall Street? These are her biggest donors. How can anyone believe that she will go after terrorism when she helped to create ISIS and funded and armed Al Qaeda in Libya. How can anyone believe she supports the police when she put the blame on them originally when Dallas happened this year? Simply put, how can anyone believe Hillary Clinton?

This is the same woman who claimed she ran from a plane under fire in Bosnia. When in fact she walked calmly and was greeted by dignitaries and children. She claimed no Top Secret emails were received or sent from her private server while Secretary of State. Yet, the FBI found that she did in fact do it. She claimed she was never hacked yet there were emails discussing attacks between her and aides. These are but a few of her lies that she is famous for. As the old saying goes, "You can tell every time Hillary lies, if she is talking, she is lying."

Those who clapped and cheered were not the average voter and most if not all are aware of the real Hillary Clinton's past. They know of the scandals that follow the Clinton's everywhere. They know she did nothing but lie to them and the country. But this is their leader that is going to lead them to the promised land. Most are political hacks who believe in the idea of a Globalist One World Government. They want the 2nd amendment to be removed, most don't believe in freedom of speech either. Maybe Bernie had it right "Socialist Democrat."

Two names are important right now as both party's nominees have been confirmed. John Ashe former UN General Assembly President who was making a deal in a case against him involving taking bribes. Ashe was offering to testify against Hillary concerning Campaign irregularities and Clinton Pay to Play Foundation donations. He died the day before he was to appear in court due to dropping barbells on his neck.

Then there was Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, just a little over a week before DNC emails exposed corruption within the DNC over the primary election. "Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans — the right to vote,” Debbie Wasserman Schultz said in statement released by the DNC. He was shot to death in Washington DC, since he wasn't robbed police say they lack a motive in the case. Maybe there is a motive?

These types of accidents, murders and suicides have followed the Clinton's for years. Once or twice in a career maybe but the numbers for these types of coincidences, range from 49 to 90 deaths. The Clinton's after all will do anything for power. The most corrupt people in politics and now its Hillary's turn, Or is it?

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Obama And Establishment Democrats Still on Fantasy Island Theme At DNC

With GDP unable to reach a 3% growth rate during Obama's entire Presidency, 19 trillion in debt and growing, A military that is forced to cannibalism for parts and lacking personnel, a failing educational system, health care costs rising, unsecured borders, and little to no respect on the world stage. Obama and the Establishment Democrats want you to believe everything is fine. Don't mind the Boos inside the convention or the large numbers of protests outside.

They also want you to believe that Hillary Clinton is fit and trustworthy. Despite her use of a private server while Secretary of State, exposing Top Secret government communications to possible enemies. Who is still under investigation by the State Department and other federal agencies, immediately hires Debbie Wasserman Schultz to the campaign after she was exposed as being in collusion with the media, manipulating the primary for Clinton's assured victory, while running the Democratic Party that used racial and religious bias in strategy emails.

Clinton receives millions from foreign donors and Wall Street, is involved in the Clinton Foundation that doesn't pay woman equally to the male employees, and is not as racially or gender diverse as Donald Trump's business. A correlation between donations to the Clinton Foundation and payments for speeches that resulted in favorable State Department decisions for countries and groups with horrendous human rights violations and negative environmental practices.

Clinton also has as her top personal aide, Clinton Foundation employee and was at the State Department with her, Huma Abedin whose family is heavily involved with the Muslim Brotherhood. MB has a long and checkered past with connections to terrorist organizations and anti Israeli sentiments.

Then there is the loss of four American lives including the American ambassador to Libya Stevens, in Benghazi. Stevens had requested extra security for months prior to his death with Clinton's orders the State Department ignored the requests. In front of a House Select Committee investigating Benghazi, Clinton could only respond by saying "What difference does it make?"

Hillary Clinton has a long history of scandals both personal and political. She has lied repeatedly on issues and always denies doing anything wrong. Who she really is is up for debate. Yet it can't be denied that whenever Hillary is involved something illegal or unethical is taking place. Her history proves this as she has pulled off one of the most corruption filled careers to become the Democratic nominee for president. Tonight she will except this nomination not in front of a unified party, but a party that represents the divisions and disgust with the system that most Americans feel. The Establishment will continue to claim the truth are lies and that their lies are truth. They will act as if everything is fine at home and abroad. Clinton will claim only she can make the necessary changes to fix the system despite 30 years of involvement in creating the problems we face. Clinton will blame everyone else for everything bad going on and act as if she is concerned about the people, when n fact it is Power that has driven her and will continue to. Her only desire is for power, nothing or anyone else matters in this lifelong goal. "Da plane, Da plane" Establishment Globalist Democrats and Hillary Clinton will continue their journey on Fantasy Island.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Godfather Bill Clinton Praises Underboss/Enforcer Hillary "Best Change Maker I Know"

Former President Bill Clinton spoke to the split delegates at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday night. His speech about his "best friend" Hillary Clinton was in the classic "good ole boy" Bill Clinton manner. He was trying to sell the idea that Hillary would create the change in Washington that the people are wanting. Attempting to give us the picture of a kind and gentle Hillary that most of America doesn't know. As he sold us on the misleading idea of NAFTA that began the decline of the middle class with the exodus of good paying manufacturing jobs in the 90's. Bill tried to sell the idea that a Hillary Clinton presidency would be good for the country too.

It has been long known that Bill Clinton is the voice and Hillary is the fighter of the Clinton Machine. Even in Arkansas where they began this fact became clear. Bill would talk softly and make the proposals as Hillary would get in the trenches or behind closed doors and hammer out the details. Whether it was policy matters or the many personal or political scandals that come hand in hand with the Clinton's. The roles of Godfather and Underboss/Enforcer have been well defined, the perfect crime family.

We all know how Hillary has helped the Obama administration in making change as he promised in '08. The world is not safe at all for anyone as Islamic terrorism has grown throughout Europe and the Middle East. Despite the rich becoming richer the middle class continues to decline. The division of race is growing not because of the Trump campaign but because of the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement. The BLM has now turned on Hillary and the Democrats since the DNC emails exposed the total corruption within the Democratic Party.

Despite the Godfathers claims and the picture the Democrats are attempting to paint in Philadelphia. Hillary and her Globalist Establishment backers are losing control as the emails, Sanders Revolutionaries, BLM and the terrorist attacks throughout the world have stolen the show. Americans are beginning to figure out that corruption and fraud can't be fixed by those who perpetuated it. As the thousands of protesters outside on the streets of Philadelphia are saying "This is what democracy looks like."

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Can Bernie's Revolution Continue Without Him?

Bernie Sanders the long time Independent turned Socialist Democrat may have jumped ship but those that believed in him vow to continue the Revolution. Many were shocked when Bernie went all in with the Establishment when he endorsed the only candidate left in the presidential election that is firmly connected to everything Bernie claims to be against. Hillary Rodham Clinton IS the Establishment as she and husband on paper only Bill Clinton control the Democratic Party. The corruption that is Washington DC is how the Clinton's run their lives, foundation and political careers. Anything and everything is for sale and the Clinton's don't care who gets hurt in the process. Power is the drug that feeds them as they both have had careers full of scandal after scandal.

Bernie Sanders has sold out to the very people who outright stole his presidential aspirations for nothing in return. He told his supporters that by getting some wording on the Democratic Platform they had made headway. This was an outright lie and Sanders of all people knows this. After November the 8th that Platform will no longer be heard from again. If Hillary wins the election it will be business as usual in DC.

The TPP will become reality, there will be no tuition free universities, ObamaCare will remain as is. The constitution will continue to be mauled and ignored as the 1st and 2nd Amendments will become part of the past. Wall Streeters will continue to get richer as the middle class dies off. Taxes will soar for working families. If the minimum wage goes to $15.00 an hour unemployment will rise and prices for everything will climb. Small businesses will disappear completely as they won't be able to compete. Manufacturing will be MIA as they will have to flee to more profitable ground. Poverty will be the norm as taxes and prices will further deplete the spendable income of those who will have to work two and three jobs if they can even find them just to find 40 hours a week.

The Democrats want you to believe in a system that is broken and want you to rely on the corrupt individuals that broke it, to fix it. How do they propose to fix it? By going further into debt and spending your money on it just as they have been doing. If you continue to do the same things and expect different results its called insanity.

Unfortunately for Bernie supporters their dreams of a Socialist Utopia died when their leader Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary. He exposed himself as a false prophet. His ideas were good in theory but have failed miserably throughout history. A quick look at Venezuela is all you need to see. You've misled people Bernie you are and have always been a part of the establishment you claimed to be against. Selling out your Revolution for nothing more than words and promises from known liars has proven that.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Day One Of DNC Reveals Broken Democratic Party, Troubled Water

As expected the Democratic National Convention had protests inside and outside as Sanders supporters showed their disdain for Hillary Clinton and the Party she controls. This day one, of what was touted as a convention of unity was anything but. Sanders supporters disrupted every speaker until Bernie spoke. Sanders received a 6 minute ovation before he spoke. Many were seen crying as they listened to him lie about Hillary Clinton's record and his wishful thinking that the platform he helped construct would even become reality. Most know that convention devised platforms are rarely followed.

The Godfather of the Clinton Machine former President Bill Clinton sat and watched as Paul Simon, sang terribly as age has definitely caught up with him. Sarah Silverman told Bernie supporters they were "being ridiculous", Michelle Obama's voice seemed shaky as she invoked slavery into her speech. Joseph Kennedy III the grandson of Bobby Kennedy who fought the establishment and was assassinated for it as was  Joe's great uncle President John F. Kennedy, was brought out to introduce Elizabeth Warren, who admitted that the system is broken, yet lied about Republican nominee Donald Trumps policies and statements in her speech.

The emails that have given 100% proof that the Clinton controlled Democratic Party is corrupt and worked feverishly to assure Hillary the nomination by any means possible. May have caused Debbie Wasserman Schultz her position as Party Chairwoman however, Clinton has given her a position with her campaign. And the question remains, what about the others involved? The emails also provided more evidence about the control the party has that extends into the mainstream media. Politico has admitted that their story's are cleared through the Clinton campaign even before their own editors see them. These emails are only just the tip of the Iceberg as more are said to be following from WikiLeaks.

The scene outside was full of anti-Hillary protesters that fought the heat and eventually a weather system that forced many off the streets. They were able to hold a mock funereal, once dark fell by carrying a casket representing the Democratic Party placing it on top of the 8 foot fence surrounding the Convention.

What was witnessed is that the Globalist may still control the Democratic Party apparatus and mainstream media, but is losing in the war for the people. Most speakers sounded only halfhearted and unconvinced themselves as to what they were saying. There were constant interruptions from Sanders supporters and Bernie himself seems to have bitten fully into the establishment control pill. As Paul Simon so badly sang "A bridge over troubled water" you had to wonder if the bridge was about to collapse into the troubled water of the DNC.

Clinton's DNC Starts in Philly Amid Turmoil Within Party and Around The World

As the Democrats claimed that the Republican National Convention was focused on fear, they promised nothing but laughter and good times at their own. How they will pull this off will be a mystery as the Obama/Clinton legacy erupts all around the world and within the Democratic Party.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz will resign after the convention and not attend due to emails that surfaced from WikiLeaks. Others may follow as touchy statements about religion came into play concerning Bernie Sanders. Corruption within the primary was revealed as the party leadership were manipulating the process to ensure a Clinton victory. The Democrats are claiming it was Russian agent hackers in an attempt to distract voters from their own misdeeds.

Another 12 people were injured in Ansbach Germany when a Syrian migrant blew himself up while carrying a bomb in his rucksack near a music festival. This comes on the heals of the 9 dead and 10 wounded days before by an Iranian born man in Munich.

Then again in Iraq another suicide attack kills 21 and injures 32 in khalis. More are possibly injured and killed as this is just being reported. This follows the 15 killed in Baghdad the day before. These are all ISIS connected as they are increasing their terror attacks world wide. Its called "Radical Islamic Terrorism" and yet the Democrats want you to believe it doesn't exist.

The Russian Air force bombed the small Syrian village of Al Tanf recently, close to the Jordanian and Iraqi borders. The Russians were hitting ISIS targets yet American and British special forces got caught up in the bombing. The claim is that the American and British have a training base there for their moderate rebels. The question is why and how could we have a training base in the middle of ISIS held territory? And let's not forget that it was US backed rebels who chopped the head off of a ten year old boy recently. Suspiciously the Russian bombing went without response as 2+2 are not adding up to 4 here. Who are we really training?

In Turkey NATO partner and ally President Erdagon has his people under Martial Law and issued 42 more arrest warrants for Journalist. Thousands from the military, judiciary and police have already been jailed as Erdagon tightens his control after the supposed Coup. No American response here either. Erdagon is known to want to create an Islamic state and despite his claim of wanting to keep Turkey a democracy his actions say otherwise.

And this just breaking from Ft. Meyers Florida, two dead and 17 wounded after shooting, 3 people have been detained and police are searching for other possible suspects.

I guess that the Democrats think all of this is just normal, "nothing to see here, move along everything is just fine." Will the democrats still act as if nothing is wrong? People must ask themselves if they want leadership that looks the other way when things are bad? What kind of a world has Obama and Clinton created where violence and destruction is everywhere? Will they still claim Donald Trump is dangerous because he wants to fix the mess we are all in? While the ones who helped create this mess laugh and joke and deny any responsibility.

Unemployment and underemployment is real, Radical Islamic terrorism is real. Our economy and the worlds is on the brink of collapse, Deutsche Bank the largest in Germany just closed 200 branches and is close to folding. Obama Care has caused a crisis within the insurance industry costing everyone inflated healthcare costs. The US is 19 trillion in debt and unless we change things drastically we are headed for implosion. Do not fall for the lies and deceptions from the Establishment and their false claims. "Houston! We have a problem."

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Democratic Chairwoman Wasserman-Schultz Will Not Be At The Convention

Emails, Emails just keep popping up. After Wiki leaks released nearly 20,000 the first casualty is taken. Democratic Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz will not be involved at the Convention this week. Her exit is a blow to Hillary Clinton as her longtime supporter and backroom controller is sacrificed. This is normal Clinton Machine maneuvering as they allow others to take the fall for their misdeeds. This also shows that the Democrats are not unified as they wish to portray to the voters.

Bernie Sanders was infuriated once the emails became available. He had said all along that the primary was "rigged", this just confirms it. He has called for her resignation today. Sanders will speak at the convention on Monday as will First Lady Michelle Obama. There may be others to fall from grace as the emails have become the story.

The storm clouds may intensify as more distractions seem certain to cause the Clinton/Kaine nomination to become a side story of the Convention. The party in Philly hasn't even begun yet and already the division is creeping in. Hold on tight this may become a bumpy ride. Sanders 1, Clinton 0 much more to come.

Clinton Cash

Democratic National Convention Begins Monday, Storm Clouds Move Into Philadelphia

After the successful RNC in Cleveland it's time to watch the DNC in Philadelphia and see if peace will reign. The Democrats being the party of the Globalists, Wall Street, foreign donors, open borders, higher taxes, email scandals, massive election fraud, pay to play through the Clinton Foundation, anti-2nd amendment lobbyist, safe spaces, censorship and the list goes on. This will certainly be interesting to see how they spin all of this. It will also be interesting to see how the Sanders delegates act after having their candidates nomination being so openly stolen.

Can't help but notice how many of the Democrats have been acting when confronted with these issues. There appears to be a lot of denial and laughter when speaking to the media. President Obama found it funny that 9 people were killed in Munich Germany at a news conference as he began to crack jokes. This is nothing new of course, he did the same after the mysterious and sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antinon Scalia. Obama also found his statement at the annual Correspondence Dinner earlier this year "the end of the Republic never looked better" funny. This behaviour is very odd for a President or anyone else for that matter.

When supporters of Hillary Clinton are confronted with questions about her emails or asked to give just one example of her making any difference in the lives of women, that she claims to be the torch bearer for, you can see the expression change on their faces as they look bewildered and say "I support her" and walk away. This too is odd behaviour for a supporter to be unable to counter these questions.

The floor of the convention was divided up into 3 sections to represent the flag. Red, white and blue, well of course it was decided that the white shouldn't be used as it may offend someone so it was changed. This is the mindset of the Democratic Party. They claim to be so carrying of peoples feelings that they laugh at death and deny reality. This is pure Orwellian as democrats follow the famous fiction turned reality book 1984.

Hillary Clinton the party selected choice comes to Philadelphia with her VP nominee Tim Kaine on a leash, as she slapped the Sanders far left and progressives across the face by this choice. She brings with her a lot of baggage as the State Department and FBI have reopened the email investigation and the not possible or questionable, but obvious use of her position as Secretary of State to profit personally from.

There is going to be some excitement, this will be assured as the lies and fictions fly during the 4 day event. Can the Sanders supporters continue to hold back what should be anger? Will Hillary continue to contradict herself? Will the police who were snubbed and will be ridiculed be willing to stay silent? Will Kaine speak only Spanish? Will Obama tell more jokes about destroying the country? There will be many in mainstream media working overtime to spin all of this and more. Just remember its on TV, its not real, its a movie, all fiction. Its 1984 all being played out before your eyes.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Clinton Cash, The Fraud, Lies and Corruption Exposed

I must beg of you to either read this book or watch the documentary before you even think of voting for Hillary Clinton. Clinton Cash originally a New York Times Bestselling Book is now available as a documentary and can be seen for free online at or on YouTube. Author Peter Schweizer shows the connections of how the Clinton's have used their political positions to enrich themselves, family members and friends.

You think the Clinton's are concerned with Climate Change, the environment, women's issues or human rights? Better look again as Schweizer connects the dots and shows how speaking fees or donations to the Clinton Foundation or Hillary's political campaign can buy you whatever you want. The Clinton's are all fraud and the Clinton Foundation is the smoking gun that should bring down the most corrupt American political duo ever known in history.

I am sure some who believe the Clinton's as if they are these honest poor politicians who only want to help Americans will call these documented truths a lie. "A Right Wing Conspiracy" is what the Clinton's always claim. After all the years of scandals that somehow they escape from, this has to be enough proof to wake up those Clinton followers who just seem to be in denial or unable to recognize the truth.

Just like the emails, its right in front of you. The crime the fraud and the lies. How can you not see them after reading or watching Clinton Cash is beyond me. I highly recommend this book and documentary and think it contains enough proof to sway anyone with enough intelligence to think for themselves. It is all documented so nobody can deny the truth any more. There was no delete button this time.

Clinton Picks Moderate Kaine, Blow To Progressives

Hillary Clinton is following the Clinton election playbook to the letter by choosing someone from the center of the political spectrum. She has pretty much turned her back on Sanders supporters as she heads to the convention in Philadelphia. Freshman Senator Tim Kaine from Virginia who graduated from Harvard Law will satisfy the traditionalist in the democratic party. So we gear up for the 2016 election with the Democrats headed up by two moderates and the Republicans  having the Anti-Establishment Trump and  Christian Conservative Pence.

Many democrats feel Hillary's choice may have doomed her election bid as she is leaving the progressives and far left out of the mix. She is ignoring the huge turnout of support that Sanders brought to the primaries. Its business as usual for Clinton as she shows her unwillingness to unite her party and follow the wishes of the people. A study from Stanford recently showed that the Democratic primary had massive voter fraud that favored Clinton. In states that use electronic voting machines with no paper trail she won by large margins that didn't match exit polling at all. And with the super delegates already hers before the primary votes were even cast it was a fixed system that assured her victory.

Clinton also surprised many by not choosing a Latino, Black or female to join the ticket. She went to the center as has been the traditional move. By keeping with this tradition having Harvard or Yale Law graduates Clinton keeps the status quo and signals that she will continue the failed policies of the Ultra Elite.

The Democratic National Convention has announced that families of those killed by police will speak, however the families of police officers who have been killed in the line of duty will not. Another clear sign that Clinton will continue to stoke the fires of racial division and is a slap in the face to police officers throughout the country. There will also be illegal immigrants represented to make the claim that open borders and entering the United States illegally is acceptable.

The DNC will be a showcase of the Globalist agenda and should be viewed with caution and skepticism as honesty is not a trait that Clinton is known for. The propagandist mainstream media will be out in full force spinning the webs of deception for the Globalists One World Government puppet masters whose choice is clearly Hillary Clinton. The Bankers and Wall Street money will flow heavily as well as the foreign dollars pouring into the Clinton Foundation.

The major question at hand is, will Sanders supporters just roll over as he did and follow Clinton? Or will they wake up and realize that Clinton is the establishment?  She and husband Bill have a history of lying outright to the American people. He was once a lawyer too, key is once here, he accepted a plea deal to be disbarred and lost his licence to ever practice law again because of lying, in exchange for not being impeached and removed from the presidency. Many Americans lack long term memories or knowledge of history and the Clinton's rely heavily on this.

Hillary cheated Sanders at the polls, she risked government secrets via email, she co-created the foreign policy that has terrorism exploding worldwide, she claims to be against Wall Street yet takes millions in donations and speaking engagements from them. Will woman wake up and realize that Hillary supports and accepts millions from foreign governments that belittle women and abuse children? Will the families of those killed in Benghazi be allowed to be heard? Will the American voter allow the Clinton's and the Globalist to finish the job of destroying the Republic and therefore accept losing all rights?