Sources close to Julian Assange say the WikiLeaks founder will make a major announcement October 4 or 5 2016 that is claimed to be the end for Hillary Clinton's political career. Exactly what is to be released is unclear at this time, however it is believed to be some or most of the illegally deleted emails from her years as Secretary of State.
Mainstream Media is already trying to deflect whatever is released by claiming Assange may release fake emails or documents. The New York Times just illegally ran a story containing parts of Donald Trumps 1995 Tax documents without his okay. It is claimed it shows that he isn't as good of a businessman as he claims and that he may not have had to pay taxes for years. Trump had already told of a downturn in his career, he wrote a book "The Art of the Comeback" two years later. And many of the rich don't pay taxes. The New York Times itself paid no taxes in 2014. You can't blame Trump for how the tax system is set up. This attempt by MSM to discredit Trump is a baseless non issue as Trump has only been open and honest about everything.
The Globalist's are in a major panic mode as Assange has already avoided one assassination attempt at 2:47am London time on August 22 2016. Assange has been held up in the Ecuadorian embassy for four years as a political refugee in the UK. A man was caught climbing the side of the embassy by security, he escaped capture as it took the British Police 2 hours to respond. You can bet that if this was any other embassy that the response would have been in minutes not hours. Just 12 days prior to this incident Assange had hinted that the DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered on July 10 2016 was the WikiLeaks source for the DNC emails that Assange made public, showing that MSM and the Democratic Party had worked together to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.
Many will sit in anticipation for these newest WikiLeaks reveals, as MSM will continue to distract and the Globalist attempt to come up with another assassination plan. They know a Trump win on November 8 will end their dreams of a New World Order/One World Government. Brexit was the first Domino to fall, the US is about to, once it does the rest will fall quickly. And what a great sound of those dominoes falling will be for those who love liberty across the world. We all need to pray for Donald Trump's and Julian Assange's safety from these criminal Globalist who only wish to enslave us all.
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