By calling for a truthiness test President Obama leaves the question, who would decide the truth? He and Hillary Clinton would certainly fail it miserably. Google announces they will begin to label reliable sources and again how can they be trusted?, Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google advises the Clinton campaign, rigs search results to favor Clinton and most telling he is a member of Bilderberg the Elite Globalist group that Henry Kissinger, The Rothschild's and others belong to.
What Obama is actually calling for is censorship and the truth has little to nothing to do with his truthiness. This is the Globalists destruction of our 1st amendment rights, well over half the stories called conspiracy theories now are in fact truth's that the Globalists don't want known. Its all part of the keeping the people ignorant that Hillary Clinton's staff says is required for them to win the election. The Globalist take over has used the MSM media throughout the world to do this from the UK to Germany to Canada. The MSM is controlled and only does the stories that they are told to do and how.
The "terrorist attack" in Nice France was called a "truck attack" instead, Germany, Sweden and others completely hide the fact there are terrorist acts. In the US they call them "homegrown" and not what they really are " radical Islamic terrorist attacks". So Obama's truthiness is really his call for shutting down the truth. I can't stress enough just how this fits with the George Orwell book 1984. This book should be read by everyone in the US so they understand exactly what is going on.
I first read it in the 1970's and saw signs of what was to come. Been called a conspiracy theorist ever since. I was full in with the vaccine questions of the late 90's and early 2000's and was referred to as crazy, conspiracy junkie even received death threats from as far away as Europe. I networked with people from Australia to Sweden, was warned by the great Dr. Rimland that I needed to be careful as the powers that be would be watching. I allowed these shadow forces to silence me by 2008. Then I saw and experienced full out corruption at the local level and began to watch the primaries. I am neither Republican or Democrat as I am a Constitutionalist. But I quickly saw who was trying to get the word out. Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump, both from outside the political spectrum. Both talking the truth.
I came full circle and am back to do what I can to get the word out as Trump and Carson are. Donald Trump is receiving all of the attacks from the same people I did at a much lower level than he is. Trump is doing as I had, exposing the Globalists for who they are. These people twist the truth hide the truth and manipulate those who lack the information to even know they are being lied to. This really is our last stand for truth in America. We have one shot before Hillary and her Globalist controllers destroy our constitution further and use us as guinea pigs and slaves. We in truth are not the Rebels, we are the ones being attacked by terrorists wearing pantsuits and suits with ties. You have the choice, vote to follow the truth or follow the lies. Donald Trumps major flaw is that he tells the truth and that is a flaw nobody should say is a bad thing.
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