Every morning I read the headlines from the New York Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Chicago Tribune and LA Times, I also check out CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Fox and CBS. I also check AP, Reuters, BBC and Al Jazeera. I find it funny that there is little to none of the WikiLeaks revelations about the Clinton Campaign, DNC or Clinton Foundation. The Media is all in with the Globalists lies. Frankly I don't know whether to laugh or cry as the people world wide are being so misguided by these Globalist pigs. On occasion a story of truth based on facts leaks out but for the most part its all propaganda to place you into submission. Hell, I'd bet that if they ran a story telling you that the only way to stop air pollution was too kill yourself there would be millions worldwide committing suicide. That's how controlled most are.
There are some news sources that give you the most factual stories where journalism still exists. The Drudge Report, Breitbart and a few others who actually talk to insiders that tell the truth. Yet these are the ones you are told to ignore and have been threatened by Hillary Clinton to be silenced. That's a removal of free speech in case you don't understand. Ask yourself why the Globalists and Hillary Clinton want to silence these people? If they are lying just prove them wrong. Its not that at all its because they are telling the truth and the Globalists don't want you to know the truth. Why you ask? Because then you think for yourself and realize their plans of enslavement for the world. Stop being stupid, it has already begun. Is the country better off now than before 9/11? Notice all the cameras everywhere? Notice all the GPS devices in your phones and now cars. Why? How did we get from point A to point B before? Why do we need all of these cameras everywhere? Oh its to stop theft and to protect you they claim. Well it doesn't really do either as most theft in retail stores is from within' and they only pull video after the fact. What's it like knowing that every personal email and text or call is captured and stored? That's your private conversations and the NSA has every one. This brings up Hillary Clinton's emails that were destroyed. 33,000 that the government has but won't allow anyone to see. Insiders say they have them but since they would destroy her the Globalists keep them from even congress.
Ask yourself why nobody reacted to those 28 pages about 9/11, why ? Its proof that it was an inside job. But who cares right? MSM doesn't even tell you the truth about Aleppo Syria, it once was the largest city in Syria and its industrial base. Your being told that the Russians and Syrians are attacking innocents, flat out lying as ISIS and their allies are occupying these areas. Just like 9/11 Saudi Arabia is supporting ISIS and the Al Qeada groups. Our own government has been arming the same groups, we had attacked by air a Syrian Army outpost in direct support of an ISIS ground assault. This was while we were supposed to be in a cease fire agreement. Whose side are we really on?
The WikiLeaks emails that are proving that MSM and the Republican and Democrat Globalists are working hand in hand to push you towards Hillary Clinton. All your hearing is that Russia is behind the leaks, don't you care about what the leaks are revealing? The Clinton's are criminals and so is the majority of MSM and your political partys. The leaks are proving it but your to believe its the Russians, its they who are doing wrong. Julian Assange flat out says his source was NOT the Russians and that the DNC emails was the murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich. Put 2 and 2 together, who killed him? It wasn't some random street criminal.
The Globalists are making damn fools out of you and your following along like mindless sheep right into the slaughter. Do you like war? You must you keep putting in people who have kept us in constant war for decades, now they want Nuclear War as they keep pushing and pushing at Putin and Russia. They are lying to you about everything, Climate Change, The Mid East, TPP, The refugees from the Mideast, they are lying about everything and you act just like they call you "Stupid."
Now there's tape of the head of elections in New York telling how they do election fraud, Skulkin is a Democrat, they drive bus loads of people from polling place to polling place using names of dead people. The electronic voting machines are easily tampered with and there is no trace. Is this all okay with you? Illegals are given instant approval to vote, is this okay? Have you all lost your minds?
Vote Hillary and your taxes will skyrocket, not the rich Wall Streeters they have loop holes that you don't. Do you like paying taxes? How's Obamacare going for ya? Well the healthcare companies are showing record profits but your wallets are showing less money. My God please wake up! Stop the insanity.
Truth is your sword and it can cut deep. Thanks for your diligent effort. Corruption and crime in DC governance and high courts are the #1 enemy of Americans.