Many appear not to realize that the words Republican and Democrat are just the smoke screens for reality. There is only one party with one agenda, that being Globalism, both support the police state, both support the use of US military power to be the spearhead of the Globalist army. And both are as corrupt as the other. They have given us the perceived division that is in reality only cosmetic in nature.
One has more of the Globalist influence than the other and that being the Democrats. George Soros is their Puppet Master. He ultimately pulls the strings as he uses his wealth and influence to control the direction they are heading. The Koch brothers are the so-called Republican Puppet Masters who use their wealth and influence to control. Both of these masters share the ultimate goal of One World Government. And like any group they have different ideas and some slight variations of what this One World Government should look like. The problem is that for you and I its not enough to save us from the loss of our sovereignty and freedoms that are protected by the Constitution.
Trump came in and upset the apple cart as he is not a politician, he is not controlled and he understands the ramifications that a One World Government will have upon the people. He could have just sat back and enjoyed the benefits that the super rich have. He was a member of the Establishment and understands it very well. But he never joined their societies and organizations as he is fiercely independent, a trait that he has always exhibited. When he initially broke from his fathers company he did what his father warned against. He went into the Manhattan real estate market at a time when it was not advisable and made it work.
If you'd only stop thinking that anything will get better by voting in Hillary (Globalist) you will see the correct course. Our first President warned of the perils of political parties, he was wealthy himself. We need to step back and reset the corrupt system we have now. A vote for Hillary is just a vote for more of the same. Whether Republican or Democrat they are mostly corrupt, its the way it is in Washington. Face it and deal with it, let's change this mess and put someone in who will clean out the garbage. Is he perfect? Not at all but its just a first step that we need to take.
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