I wrote on this subject on a blog earlier during the Democratic Primary, I wondered if since Hillary did use a private, unsecured server while Secretary of State, then how did she not have contact with the White House and other agencies on this illegal server? It has now been confirmed that she in fact did have conversations with President Obama in this way. So he too violated National Security protocols, I had assumed that he had and these were some of the reasons she and her staff deleted so many emails. Which of course is another violation of the law by destroying government documents. We can assume and not be too far out on a limb that she had been in contact with other agencies since the President was in contact this way.
This leads us to one of the reasons that the case against her was covered up by FBI director Comey and Attorney General Lynch. The entire top tier of the federal government had allowed state secrets to be exposed to foreign governments and anyone with the ability to hack emails to access said secrets. We also know that her server had been hacked by someone or many. Everyone emailing her could plainly see that she was using this private server and so willingly and knowingly broke many federal laws. This makes it the largest number of crimes ever committed by the federal government in history.
Everyone from the President and Secretary of State to whoever else were involved, such as other officials in the White House, State Department to possibly Department of Defence, CIA and others. This would have brought down the Executive Branch and caused a crisis never before seen in the history of the United States. The Obama administration is guilty of many crimes that would land them in prison for years to come. Thanks to WikiLeaks we now have undeniable proof of not only corruption but fraud, bribes, treason and other crimes. This all centers around one person who instigated this entire situation by her belief that she is above any law and is untouchable. She is the most dangerous person on planet earth and now we can confirm that she is totally insane.
This makes it absolutely imperative that we can not allow this woman to become our next President. If anyone fails to understand what has happened here they need to be instructed on the severity of the things she has done. Some may ask why nobody within government now does anything? It is because they are complicit or have been compromised. Our government has been overtaken by criminals who hide and coverup each others crimes in a sick and twisted nod to corruption. They have failed to live up to their oaths and instead have given into the deceptions and illusions that they serve the people. They have no loyalty to this Republic and only feed off the people as sharks do upon the fishes of the seas. Its time to take the first step and take back what is rightfully ours. We can't afford to wait and hope that some define miracle may happen, it is now with a massive turn out at the polls we must vote against those who have harmed this nation and its people.
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