Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Time That We Make Sacrifices For What Is Really Important, Stopping WWIII

Unless you've been too involved with yourself or going through your daily routine there is some major issues many are still oblivious to. The Obama administration is poking the Bear as in Russian Bear. Vladimir Putin has been saying for over a year, "wake up America" as he attempted to alert us as to what is going on. We now are at DEFCON 3 as war, meaning nuclear war is quickly approaching us. All of the MSM that is ignoring this fact while lying about Russian involvement in hacked emails and supposedly going to interfere in our elections. When Donald Trump warned of a rigged election President Obama called it a Conspiracy Theory, yet now Obama is claiming the Russians will rig the election to favor Trump. Seems like Doublespeak to me.

Then in Syria we have Russian ally, the Assad government and Iran fighting a war against a multitude of groups that are mostly ISIS and Al Qaeda fronts. Supported and armed by our so-called allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, their is also US, Jordanian, Turkey and Israeli involvement. We and the Russians agreed to a cease fire against all groups except the ISIS controlled. First the Israelis struck Syrian positions inside Syrian territory in retaliation for a mortar that landed inside Israeli held ground. The Israelis were not a part of the cease fire and do support the group that Syria fired upon. Then the US bombed a Syrian military outpost and claimed it to be a mistake, but like the Israeli attack these just happened to coincide with ground assaults by rebel and ISIS forces. Of course MSM failed to point this fact out in their reporting. Then a humanitarian convoy heading into Aleppo was claimed to have been attacked by air, Syria and Russia were both blamed. It was later found their was no air attack, yet again the MSM failed to report this. The attack was from the ground as it appeared to be a ISIS attack. The cease fire fell apart over these major battles. We now have a threat of a US no fly zone suggested by Hillary Clinton that in effect, protects the ISIS and Al Qaeda groups. And this could spark direct Russian and US conflicts as Russia is helping Syrian forces against these groups the MSM claims we are against also, the problem being that we have time and again been found to be supporting our claimed enemy.

This grave possibility of WWIII breaking out that will end in mutual annihilation for both Russia and the US. The world will cease to be as we know it. MSM is ignoring all of these facts as they are not reporting this. The most serious problem that the US has is we no longer have shelters or bunkers for our people. Only the Elite have this safety net, while the Russians just completed drills involving 40 million Russians in the event of nuclear war. Again MSM ignores. There is also a drive to make false claims that the Trump campaign, many alternative media outlets and supporters of Trump are being labeled Russian agents. This of course gives the Globalist controlled US government another option to react to a Trump victory at the polls. If they decide to hold back from instigating a war they can use this label to round up many people and either execute or imprison them, to forever silence those who are against the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

I choose to stand with those who believe in the rights given to us by God and assured to us by the Constitution. This entire election means more than many know. Some of us will do anything we can to stop the complete destruction of our country and possibly the world. You will be told this isn't true but the facts are in your face if you'd just put your country and the people first. WikiLeaks proves what the Globalist controlled politicians are up to, the total corruption within our government and MSM. This is a fight some of us have sacrificed many things for and we will do our patriotic duty and continue to inform you of the truth no matter the risks, and they are many. If you care anything about your children, grandchildren or yourselves you need to stand up now and give every ounce of strength to defeat these tyrants who have proven the evil they will inflict. Take the time to read, read, read and become informed to the truth. Let the Globalists know you are aware of their plans.

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