Saturday, April 29, 2017

Kim Jong Un Fires Another Dud What Next?

Kim Jong Un continues to attempt to be the reason for starting World War 3. He is definitely playing a game of Russian Roulette that could lead the world into an all out nuclear war. He for reasons as of yet to be known believes he is untouchable and would survive such an event. China and Russia have asked him to stop his nuclear weapons testing and to end the verbal threats towards the US, Japan and South Korea. All involved seek a diplomatic end to this volatile situation except Kim. Acting as a spoiled child or more realistically a mentally ill man who lacks the ability to understand what the results of his actions could be.

How did a economically limited country attain the ability to become one of the few nations in the world to obtain nuclear weapons? As of June 2014 only 9 nations have nuclear weapons; The United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). There have been undocumented reports that Saudi Arabia has used Neutron bombs in Yemen. Officially called an Enhanced Radiation Weapon (ERW). And of course Iran is beginning it's Nuclear Weapons Program. The US and Russia account for 93% of the total weapons yet one nuclear weapon is one too many. The question is who allowed North Korea to obtain this capability?

The Soviet Union helped the North Koreans develop a Nuclear Science program in the early 1960's but refused to help them develop weapons, China also refused to help. In 1994 the Clinton Administration signed an agreement with North Korea that they receive two light water reactors in exchange for disarmament. By 2002 this agreement fell apart and Pakistan admitted that North Korea had gained Pakistani nuclear technology. North Korea had its first nuclear test on October 9, 2006. By January 6, 2007 North Korea confirmed it had nuclear weapons.

North Korea has only executed 6 nuclear weapons tests yet claim they can destroy the US totally. But can they? They also claim they have the ability to hit the lower 48. This of course would require long range missile technology. Recent missile tests have proven this claim to be very sketchy as the last two tests failed miserably. And yet the CIA claims the North Koreans have an active satellite armed with a EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse weapon) that can be set off above the US knocking out a large portion of our electrical grid. I have to question this last claim as it suggests they have mastered missile/rocket technology. Their test results are witness to the fact this CIA information is false.

Recent video of the military parades that North Korea routinely has suggest that the missiles displayed were fake. It was also noted that their soldiers were equipped with outdated weapons and gear including sunglasses. We can be assured that US military technology far exceeds that of North Koreas in every category. So we ask why Kim Jong Un is so confident that he can defeat the US in war? We know that an invasion by US and or South Korean forces is out of the question as this would more likely than not spark World War 3. Kim seems to be ignoring his Chinese and Russian allies request at this moment. Economic sanctions don't appear to work as he apparently has found ways to generate a cash flow through the black market.

The Opium Poppy production in North Korea has been reignited to fill the void left by sanctions, most recently China's coal import ban from Kim's Korea. Opiate use world wide had skyrocketed due to the medical professions willingness to hand out pain killers. Heroin addiction in Europe and the US is at all time highs since the occupation of Afghanistan also. The Taliban had almost eradicated all poppy production in Afghanistan. Once the US invaded they allied with the drug lords of the north to help defeat the Taliban. These drug lords were rewarded by the US allowing them to resume their poppy production under protection of US forces who turn a blind eye to the situation. Kim has made North Korea a leader in this illicit drug trade also as he reversed his father Kim Jong il's policy.

As with Afghanistan that sits on top of not only prime poppy production land it has a largely untapped wealth of suspected minerals beneath the ground. There are over 200 mineral types, covering 80% of the land including coal and gold. The Chinese are already mining there and this explains their desire to keep North Korea under their sphere of influence. As you can see there is more involved than nuclear weapons when it comes to North Korea.

The Chinese have made it clear that regime change is out of the question at this point. If it does happen they not the US would be the ones doing it. A tactical American strike is an option but would require China's permission. This of course has its danger as Kim may then attack into the South and create World War. The next option is that the US or whoever it is that may be triggering the self destruct mechanism on these North Korean missiles continues this pattern for years. And the last option is to give into Kim's demands and allow him to remain a world menace and nuclear threat.

The Chinese, Russians and US need to act in some manner and remove North Koreas nuclear threat and pull off  a regime change. Kim is very young (33)  and unless he is killed or dies from disease or accidentally he will out live Presidents Trump, Xi Jinping and Putin. The world awaits as this situation must be resolved before someone makes a mistake that can't be forgiven.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Beating The Globalists At Their Own Game President Trump Is The Master

When Americans went to the polls in 2016 we elected a man that promised to fix most of our problems. Donald J Trump the outsider, anti establishment candidate who shocked the political world with his off the cuff remarks. Trump steam rolled over the Republican Party and their 16 challengers with the skill of a master chess player, picking off one opponent at a time. Trump's style though unorthodox was genius in the way he out played his professional political adversaries. When he faced off with his Democrat largely assumed the next POTUS challenger Hillary Clinton, Trump outmaneuvered the well oiled Clinton machine.

After his first 100 days as POTUS Trump is still playing the game of politics his way as he had during the campaign. Keeping his opponents off balance he allows them to destroy themselves as they attempt to subvert his policies. The Washington Establishment, both Democrat and Republican are acting almost schizophrenic as one moment they are attacking him then the next praising him. Trump has them right where he wants them, off balance. Unfortunately some of his own base have become confused as they wonder if he has given into the Globalist policies they are so vehemently against. Everyone seems to forget the Trump tactic of allowing the opponent to assume they have the upper hand before he brilliantly slips a checkmate in.

Ask yourself if President Trump was really all in on the Ryan healthcare bill that died quickly as it was in truth just a modification to Obamacare? Did he push it as the answer or even claim it as the fix? The answer is no as he basically allowed it to fail and therefore allowed those who were pushing it to fail. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan who has been a thorn in the Trump agenda since the campaign received two black eyes and is close to being knocked out. We watched this happen time and again during the campaign as Trump's opponents lull themselves into thinking they have him on the ropes as he quickly sidesteps their punches and they fall flat onto the canvas.

Not only has President Trump been outplaying the US Globalist Establishment on economic and social policies he has been doing the same on foreign policy. On April 4th 59 Tomahawk missiles were fired into Syria by the US hitting the Syrian airbase Al Shayrat. This was in response to a supposed chemical weapons attack by the Syrian government on the town of Khan Shaykhun in Syria's northern province of Idlib. Killing 100 and injuring hundreds more including women and children. Suddenly the American Globalist Establishment were praising President Trump and they were noticeably acting as though they had achieved a great victory. The narrative about Syria quickly became the Globalist's regime change narrative.

Just days before, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had stated that regime change in Syria was not the Trump policy. Had the Globalist's Deep State turned President Trump against his base and into their control? Remember who we are dealing with before you panic. This entire incident has red flags all over it. The town in question is under the control of Al Qaeda linked rebel groups, Al Qaeda, ISIS and other rebel groups have used chemical weapons in the past. The Syrian air force did bomb a munitions depot the rebels had within Khan Shaykhun. Al Qaeda, ISIS and their allies use innocent civilians as shields. So we can ask ourselves, What really happened?

The Syrian base attacked by the US was said to be the staging area for the Syrian chemical attack. We can assume that if Assad did have these weapons still, despite claims that he no longer does, this base had more. We also know that Russia has military personnel dispersed throughout Syrian military bases. We have been told that the US gave the Russian's and therefore Syria a heads up on our attack. Of course the claim is an hours notice but reality could be much longer. Photographs of the aftermath showed some damage to hangers, bunkers and buildings. There were a few aircraft destroyed and yet the runways were unscathed leaving the airbase operational. The Syrians claimed 7 military personnel were killed with no Russian or civilians dead or injured.

The Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) used, carries a 1,000 lb warhead. Multiply that by 59 and of course you get 59,000 lbs. For comparison the MOAB dropped on the 13th of April in Afghanistan is a 18,700 lb bomb. If you haven't seen a video of the explosive power of a MOAB I urge you to look it up. You may then understand my analysis on the US Tomahawk attack with close to 140% more firepower. The master of the political chess game President Trump has again outplayed his opponents. Despite the renewed calls for the ouster of Assad and a suspicion of a flip flop by President Trump you are barking up the wrong tree.

The Tomahawk attack was an orchestrated ruse to setup the Globalists and their allies. The Russians played their part as they gave the appearance of being dismayed as to Trumps sudden reverse pivot. MSM dropped all reference to a Trump/ Russian alliance, those who had supported ISIS secretly came forward and outed themselves praising Trump's action. Some have felt compelled to even suggest an open alliance with ISIS. President Trump also was able to attain first hand how the Chinese would react as he himself informed Xi Jinping in person. One of Trump's greatest gifts is an ability to read a persons body language and facial expressions. He now knows America's biggest true threats the Globalists and the Chinese and has the upper hand when dealing with them.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Trump Restores US To World's #1 Superpower In Less Than 100 Day's

Many may dislike this resumption of being the worlds only legitimate superpower. However, it does reverse a trend that was the main cause of turmoil on the world stage. The world has changed greatly since the end of World War II as we had the Soviet Union and the US sharing this title up to the collapse of the USSR. While the Soviet block quickly fell apart and left Russian influence in the world to a much smaller sphere. The Europeans through its Globalist Corporate controlled European Union (EU)  filled the void in Europe left by Russian withdrawal.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that was created in 1949 to counter the Soviet led Warsaw Pact is today controlled by the EU. The US and Canada being the only non European members remain. The US is still the major financier of this organization despite having little voice in its direction and operations. Many can argue that once the Soviet threat was eliminated, the US didn't need to remain a member. However the access to European military bases would most likely have been removed. Of course we have to realize that the Globalists had gained full control of not only Europe but the US government as well.

The US being the wealthiest and holders of the worlds most powerful military were going to play the police of the world as the Globalist began in earnest to solidify global control. During the 1950's thru the 1980's the US was fighting the Russians by proxy in wars and covert actions in what was labeled the "Chess Game". Throughout the world this political chess game was played out in third world nations. The people of the world were used as pawns as the Kings never directly went against each other. The main reason the Superpowers avoided a direct confrontation was mutual nuclear annihilation.

The Globalist's had planned to bring the Chinese under it's influence once the Sino-Soviet split began in the early 1960's. The worlds two largest Communist nations could not reconcile their political and ideological differences. In July of 1971 US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (one of today's most powerful Globalist leaders) met in Beijing secretly. This was the beginning of China's entrance into the Globalist world of influence. This was the birth of the worlds third Superpower.

The Chinese opened it borders to US corporations who were seeking low labor costs (slave labor) and production costs. The Chinese have little regulation, low corporate taxes and a huge consumer base that translates to gigantic profits for anyone moving production there. The government also literally stole technology that helped it build a formidable military. While the Globalists of Europe and the US were busy on fulfilling their New World Order plans at home. They were also creating chaos in the Muslim world to implement the immigration crisis. China made economic and political moves that quickly transformed it into a world power.

The Chinese and Globalists had an agreement that they were welcome to become economic partners within the Globalist community. One important note here is that once the completion of the New World Order One World Government was attained. It would mirror the Chinese style of government. The European model of uniting many nations and cultures into one, was to continue in the same manner throughout the world as the European Union was. Control was to be with the European Elites and American. Something went wrong as was seen over the last decade.

During President Obama's last visit to China there was a noticeable disregard of respect towards the US President. The leader of the supposed worlds only Superpower was forced to exit the rear of his plane and the President of China Xi Jinping was nowhere to be seen. This was China telling the Globalists that they were now the ones to lead. This is a key situation on the truth about the weakening of the Globalist's plans. Brexit, the rise of Nationalism and Trumps victory in the US elections are the others. The Globalist's are in truth losing control.

As within any group there will be differences of opinion and internal wrangling for power. The death of David Rockefeller has created a vacuum at the top of the World's Globalist order. Age and ideological differences are playing out as the Globalist's attempt to maintain control. President Trump is now playing out a chess match within Washington DC between the different sides within our own American Globalists and those in Europe and throughout the world.

Is President Trump a Globalist? Only he knows for certain, but his policies don't reflect those of the Globalists of the US or Europe. Many can ask then why has he allowed known Globalists within his inner circle? One reason is that there just aren't many Nationalist around capable of being placed in positions of power. The Globalists have run our country for so long that the chance of being a Nationalist and working within government were nonexistent. This left little to few choices for Trump to find like minded people. We only have to note the living Hell that Trump himself has had to deal with for his beliefs to understand why his choices are so limited.

The one thing that can not be denied is that President Trump has made it clear that the US is again the the worlds #1 Superpower. He has regained the respect for this fact from China by having Chinese President Xi come to the US within the first 100 days. So far it looks as if President Trump and Xi realize that they must work together to ensure their mutual interests can be protected. Their talks were much more than the North Korean problem. Trade and the changing worlds political landscape were also discussed. Only China can threaten American economic and military dominance as Russia may have massive nuclear capabilities it lacks any economic threat. The EU has economic might however militarily it lacks the ability to dominate. Of course after Brexit the future of the EU is in question.

The "Make America Great Again" slogan is coming true. There are many hurdles to clear, however there seems to be some positive changes. We must realize that this won't be easy and that there will be many stumbling blocks. As long as we retain the right to vote it is up to us to eliminate the Globalist politicians that have destroyed our country. It is up to us to voice our displeasure with policies we don't agree with. It is up to us to become educated as to the truth and stop listening to Globalist propaganda. The truth is that you get the government you deserve, isn't it time we deserve  better?

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

From ANTIFA To Government Employee The Swamp Is Much Deeper Than Thought

We now live in a world were everything is upside down and turned sideways. Those who claim to be against fascism are in truth fascist. Gangs of black clothed, masked, violence prone so called defenders of democracy and freedom remind the world of the days of the rise of fascism in the 1920's and 30's Spain, Italy and Germany. On a recent YouTube video that was showing a confrontation between ANTIFA and those attending a free speech rally, it became very clear that those representing ANTIFA seemed uncertain as to the meaning of words in the English language. One ANTIFA member asked a rally attendee why they were there? "I am here to protect our freedom of speech" was the answer given. This somehow caused the ANTIFA protester to scream "then you're a Fascist!" Its very sad to say that this type of confused thought is the norm within this so-called antifascist groups members.

This confusion about history and the true meaning of words has become the norm among a large portion of American and Western Society as a whole. Running around committing violent acts upon people and property, shutting down those who have different views is not liberal at all. It is totalitarian and fascist behaviour. We have white professors claiming all white people are privileged and racist. MSM continuously lying and promoting Globalist propaganda well past the sell by date. Politicians who do nothing promised and seem to be reelected year after year. Schools that are producing children who are unable to think for themselves. Universities that indoctrinate students into communist theory and subservient behaviour to the Globalist governments of the world calling themselves liberals. Somewhere the definition was changed as their actions are not liberal at all.

Obama told the United Nations in his last speech there in 2016 that Liberal Democracies were the future. Again right in front of the world, Liberal Democracies that exclude all other ideas. A clear reference to the planned New World Order Globalist One World Government. Liberal (socialist fascist) government, Muslim religion and the elimination of all borders. The truth is that the Globalist would rule in the open instead of as they do today from behind the curtain. The need for elections would no longer be necessary as there would openly be one political party instead of the smoke and mirrors of choice we think we have today. Does anyone understand that the European Union is run by unelected leaders and that those who are elected to the EU Parliament are ceremonial only as all laws and decisions are made by a council of unelected members? Even most Europeans are unaware of this.

We Americans beat the odds as we elected President Trump to be our 45th President. A nonpolitical person who believes in sovereignty and nationalism. He represented a break from Globalist control and promised to actually abide by the constitution as written. Were we fooled or was President Trump mistaken as to how deep the Globalist had entrenched themselves not only in Washington but within the state and local governments throughout the country? Whether anyone wants to admit it or not Trumps pick of Mike Pence to be his vice president was questionable as Pence has been a Globalist pawn for years. Yet it did soften many of the Globalist Republicans towards a Trump Presidency. Another question was his choice for Chief of Staff Rience Priebus who was the Republican Party Chairman and of course a Globalist. Reality may dictate that these moves were brilliant as he does need some Globalist allies in order to function at all unfortunately.

The MSM, hard-line Globalist Republicans like Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham along with the entire Globalist Liberal Democratic Party. Have done everything they could to block every move President Trump makes. Yet he still has done more in his first three months than anyone else in recent memory. The largest problem that the President faces is that the executive branch requires 4 thousand appointees that he must make. These of course are only for the top positions as most are held by lifelong employees who have run these departments and agencies for years. Most of course are supporters of huge government and have the Globalist mindset. We wanted the swamp drained but didn't realize how deep it really was. In business the heads of departments generally run the show as orders are sent down and followed if those below wish to remain employed. Unfortunately in government this is not the case. With the constant changes at the top it is the mid level employee who runs the department or agency. Therefore you can drain off a couple inches of the swamp but there's a couple of feet of water and mud that remains a constant.

When General Flynn was chased out by the Globalists as National Security Advisor President Trump attempted to appoint another like minded Nationalist and was turned down by all. He was left with General McMaster who is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and so a longtime Globalist. To some this was a sell out move yet it may have been a brilliant move. Despite the rumored manipulated intelligence that McMaster gave the President and the eventual missile attack on a Syrian airbase in response to the false claim of Assad using chemical weapons on his own people. President Trump has to date refused to okay the invasion of Syria that McMaster and the Globalist's have sought for years. The President has stood firm on the position that ISIS is the enemy and target. Not regime change in Syria.

North Korea is a problem ignored for years as the Globalists allowed them to begin developing nuclear weapons. Now the third generation Kim seems hellbent on using these weapons as a tool to possibly gain the upper hand in trade, relief from sanctions or for other reasons as yet declared. The possibility of him selling these weapons to others also exists and is a problem for the world at large. What President Trump decides here will determine the future of America's standing in the world for good or bad.

The President has his hands full and many still are determined to remove him from office whether by impeachment or worse. The Globalist's are using every tool in their toolbox from ANTIFA to MSM and fake news. What this swamp contains is the dirtiest muddiest waters of over a centuries worth of Globalist's buildup. Nobody could drain it, clean it and scrub it in just 100 days. We need to hold tight and be aware of what is going on. The FBI needs to shut down these ANTIFA protesters/rioters quickly. This could be done by eliminating the source of funding by George Soros's NGO's. The Clinton's and Obama need to be dealt with for their treasonous behaviour. The truth must rise to the top of the swamp allowing the dirt to fall to the bottom. Those of us who support the President need to help our President stay on task and not allow the Globalists to distract our movement. There is no more time as we have to end the Globalist's hold on our Republic and the world.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Will Psychotic Kim Jong Un Pull Trigger On April 25th?

The clock ticks away as the US, Japan, China and Russia all gather around the Korean peninsula in response to North Korea's constant threats of Nuclear War. How this ends is anyone's guess as nobody seems to have real control over Kim Jong Un. China being North Korea's protector since the cease fire of 1953 has been placed in a precarious position as the world expects them to control this dangerous situation. Chinese President Xi Jinping has given US President Trump mixed signals as to his countries response to American action.

China will not allow an invasion of North Korea by the US, that is certain. The question is, will the Chinese allow a tactical US strike upon the North Korean nuclear facilities and weapon production sites? This option appears to be the only threat at hand as an all out invasion would certainly receive a negative response from the Chinese. Regime change in North Korea would have to be done by the Chinese themselves as they don't seem willing to allow a unified Korea led by a US ally as the South Koreans are today. The 150,000 Chinese troops recently moved to the North Korean/Chinese border serve a two fold purpose. On one hand its a sign for Kim to stop his insane threats towards South Korea, Japan and the US. On the other hand these troops are a deterrent to any thought of an American led invasion of North Korea.

Kim Jong Un is the third generation of the Kim family to rule North Korea. One of the poorest nations in the world that relies on one of the largest militaries in the world to maintain control. Every aspect of life is government controlled and despite having no real economy or ability to progress there has been no internal threat to the Kim family's hold on power. Anyone who is even suspected of attempting to overthrow the government is dealt with immediately and brutally. As we've seen recently even family members are not beyond the ever watchful paranoid eye of the leader. This has made it almost impossible for anyone to overthrow the Kim Dynasty from within.

So the world awaits as Kim continues his threats as he seems willing to do the unthinkable. It would be insane for North Korea to ignite a Nuclear War. Yet Kim Jong Un seems to be willing to engage in this madness. In the US we are told that Kim has a satellite that passes over the US daily that has the ability to unleash a Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) weapon capable of taking out our entire electric grid. Basically leaving us in the dark ages as we rely on electricity for everything. Coincidentally our military is running Operation Gotham Shield that is a training exercise for the response to the exact same weapon.

Here are some questions you must ask yourself about this whole North Korean threat. Why has China allowed the obviously unstable Kim Jong Un to remain in power? If this EMP threat is real, then why didn't the US take this satellite out? If they can track it then they certainly can destroy it. Why is the date of Operation Gotham Shield, the arrival of the USS Carl Vinson strike group in position and Kim Jong Un's declared date for his next planned nuclear capable missile launch or nuclear bomb test all on same date? This also coincides with North Korea's Military Foundation Day.

Are we going to see the beginning of the end as one mistake by President Trump of the US, President Xi of China or North Korea's Kim putting his threats into action beginning a nuclear war that could easily spread globally? Even if the 25th passes without incident we should still keep our eyes on what happens in the near future on the Korean peninsula. Can someone within the North Korean Military pull off a Chinese backed Coup? Will China allow the US to destroy North Korea's nuclear capabilities? Or does Kim broker a deal and become rewarded for his bad behaviour? The next few days should be telling as to the outcome.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Cleveland Facebook Killer Still At Large Independent Journalist Forced To Leave City

What started as a local hunt for murder suspect Steve Stephens of Cleveland Ohio became a larger story about Press freedom. Known as the Facebook Killer Stephens apparently uploaded a video of himself killing a random victim. Robert Godwin Sr.74, who was gunned down Easter Sunday in front of his home at Carr Ave. and 93rd street for reasons not yet understood. Stephens 37 uploaded a video of the encounter to his Social Media site on Facebook shortly after Mr. Godwin was killed. Stephens also claimed to have killed 14 others in another video. So far this claim remains unconfirmed.

Stephens is reportedly driving a 2016 White Ford Fusion with a temporary tag number E363630, despite all Ford motor vehicle's having a GPS tracker installed, Cleveland Police, Ohio State Troopers and the FBI have failed to locate the vehicle. Ford's global vice president for marketing and sales, Jim Farley was quoted in a CNBC article from January 9, 2014 " everyone who breaks the law, we know when your doing it. We have GPS in your car, so we know what your doing." Add the fact that Stephens had his cell phone with him at the time of the crime and at least for a couple hours after. The question arises, why can't law enforcement find him?

An independent journalist who lives in North Central Ohio, known on YouTube as Brian iCitizenNews headed into Cleveland to bring his viewers the story as it was happening. Live Streaming, Brian drove around the East side of Cleveland hoping to bring the suspects capture live to viewers. He also reported what MSM and the Cleveland Police were saying. As Brian drove toward the location of the murder to see if he could interview possible witnesses he was pulled over by a group of five police cars and ten officers.

Brian who has a Ohio Carry and Conceal permit notified the officer immediately that he was armed. The officer's first words were "are you with the press?", Brian's vehicle displays placards that read Press. Once leaving the vehicle his gun was secured and he was told that the Cleveland Police Department was notified by the Los Angeles California Police Department who had called and said Brian appeared to be a vigilante. This is disturbing in many ways as we must ask several questions. Why was LAPD watching a YouTube video about a story developing in Cleveland Ohio? Why did the CPD respond with 5 cars and 10 officers to pull over a independent journalist? How did the CPD find Brian so quickly when the murder suspect seems to have vanished? And the most disturbing of all is why was Brian ordered to cease and desist and to leave the city of Cleveland? It must also be noted that Brian was wearing a Punisher T-shirt at the time and this was mentioned twice by officers while communicating to dispatch. This T-shirt is associated with US military special forces.

Almost 24 hours later we have a murder suspect on the loose and despite the Ford Motor Company claims that the vehicle the suspect is driving has a GPS that they can access. Reports that the suspect continues to carry his cellphone and had used it for at least a couple hours after the crime. Law enforcement apparently has no idea where Steve Stephens or the vehicle is. On the other hand an independent journalist investigating the story is found without a problem and officers are diverted from the manhunt for a killer to intercept the journalist and run him out of town.

There are many questions and as of yet no answers to this situation. MSM and CPD along with the FBI are controlling the whole story. Why did they fear an independent journalist investigating? Are they hiding something? Do we even get the chance to find the truth?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Globalist McMaster Misleads President Trump In Syria

Now that President Trump has made it clear that he doesn't intend to militarily oust Basher al-Assad of Syria. The President has also acknowledged that the addition of Marine Artillery units and US Army Infantry units around the Iraqi-Syrian border area is in fact, not for a push to the Syrian Capital of Damascus as some had speculated. They are there to eliminate ISIS and their allies as he promised during the 2016 election campaign. Many within the Globalist camp in Washington including National Security Advisor (NSA) McMaster have apparently spoken out of turn suggesting otherwise.

After decades of Globalist run foreign policy decisions that has created the problems we face today, the Trump administration is left with a world that is one mistake away from Armageddon. Most of us don't even know whose our friend or foe anymore. The only certainty that the American people have discovered is that we have been lied to by our government and the mainstream media on a daily basis since we were born. Most only know what they are allowed to know and except whatever they were taught or told. After all there isn't anything you can do about it, or so we are made to believe.

Here are a few realities that counter the lies you were made to believe about today's world. Russia did not interfere in our elections in 2016. Russia does not have an expansionist foreign policy. A freely elected government in Ukraine was overthrown in 2014 by those backed by Globalist George Soros and others including the European Union. The Russian annexation of Crimea followed as this Ukrainian region held Russian military bases that had been established over centuries. Putin was not the aggressor. Before the false flag of 9/11 the Deep State within the US government had developed a list of countries to be overthrown. The Globalist had begun to eye their destabilization plan. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. This is known as the General Wesley Clarke list

Fast forward to today and what have we witnessed. Civil Wars in all but Iran so far. We also watched longtime American ally Mubarak's government topple in Egypt. You can call this collateral damage. This all is part of the destabilization program to cause the humanitarian refugee crisis that has allowed Islamic terrorists to infiltrate Western Europe and North America. As President Trump so aptly calls it " a Trojan Horse".

These Islamic terrorists were organized and funded by the US, NATO, Israeli and Saudi intelligence agencies during the Soviet Unions war in Afghanistan. Saudi Osama bin Laden was the defacto leader of the main group known as Al  Qaeda. The Globalist's had replaced the Soviet threat with the fall of the USSR in large part due to bankrupting it by its failed involvement in Afghanistan with a new enemy, "Islamic terrorism". This may seem confusing, however the fact is that the Globalist had created its own enemy to use as a reason for sustained war. At the same time they were toppling the regimes of those they claimed were threats.

The first large scale attempt to remove those regimes in the Middle East and Northern Africa was not Desert Storm or the first Iraq war. This war happened due to Kuwait's use of oil drilling techniques that allowed it to tap Iraqi oil reserves. The US had supported Saddam Hussein's war with Iran through intelligence and weapons that included chemical weapons. (These were the chemical weapons that the US used later as the excuse for the invasion of Iraq). The government of Iraq had approached the US government about the Kuwaiti issue and warned that if Kuwait didn't stop Iraq would invade. The US took this information and for reasons never explained  did nothing. Saddam rightly or wrongly assumed he was cleared to invade Kuwait. Once the US formed the coalition to remove the Iraqi's from Kuwait it was done quickly. Iraq was now out of the loop.

The question as to why Globalist US President GHW Bush chose not to remove Saddam at this time is simple. The Globalist New World Order Plans were still in the development stage. It was too soon to implement. Hussein had thrown an unforseen wrench into things, more time was needed. There were other more pressing issues at hand that would have to come first. The Globalist are very controlling and meticulous and are not prone to move quickly as they were and for the most part today still undetected by most.

The false flag of 9/11 would have to come first. This operation would do three PSYOPS at once on the American people. 1. The outrage and demand that those who would dare commit such a heinous act upon the US should pay. 2. Implementation of the Patriot Act that gave the government the right to remove some freedoms and allow it to spy on its own people. 3. Allow the US to begin taking out those regimes on the Clarke List. The invasion of Afghanistan was an obvious choice as that was where the Globalist created terrorist group Al  Qaeda was headquartered. After all within the first two hours after the 9/11 attacks, Al  Qaeda was the named culprit. (Classic false flag move, solving a crime immediately, naming those guilty before any evidence is gathered) since the public had taken the bait the first of the Clarke List could be handled directly. It was claimed that Hussein of Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD's) and some thin implied connection with Al  Qaeda.

Oh the webs we weave when we practice to deceive; the WMD claim was true as we had given Iraq Chemical Weapons during the Iran Iraq War. Saddam used them during that war and reportedly against the Kurds of Northern Iraq. Between 2004 and 2011 there were several incidents that these weapons were found. It was kept secret as these weapons obviously could be traced back to the US and Europe. Despite this truth turned lie these WMD's and unsubstantiated Al  Qaeda claims were not the reason we invaded Iraq. The beginning of the destabilization program had begun.

The Globalist's would soon make moves that would create all out destabilization after the US election of Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States. Obama promised to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan during the election and despite failing to do so in Afghanistan the Obama administration did remove the combat troops from Iraq. They of course decided to leave massive amounts of weapons and munitions behind that later were found to be used by the newer, larger and more organized Islamic terrorist groups known as Islamic State (ISIS), Daesh, Al  Nuzra or many other names including Al  Qaeda. It was claimed that bin Ladens assassination in Pakistan ended Al Qaeda yet that name is still used by some today. The truth about bin Laden's death is unknown as some claim he died of Kidney failure in 2001 while others claim he is alive and well somewhere in the Caribbean enjoying a large CIA pension.

Arab Spring began in 2010 in Tunisia and spread quickly throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East in 2011. The Muslim Brotherhood with US and Globalist support  began the 2nd part of the destabilization program. Western media denied the connections between the Brotherhood and radical Islam despite the obvious names involved in financing both. The Muslim Brotherhood being the so-called moderate wing of Islam has the open backing of the Globalist and had infiltrated the White House when the young Clinton associate Huma Abedin was hired by President Bill Clinton as a WH intern during his first term. We of course know her today as Hillary Clinton's closest aide. When you start to connect the dots you see that the Globalists and Islam are allied and have worked together in the goal of creating the New World Order Globalist One World Government and Religion.

Those leaders who aren't willing to surrender to Islam and Sharia are marked for overthrow by not only the islamists but also the Globalists who have allied with them. Libyan strongman Gaddafi had long left the anti west movement of the 1970's and was only guilty of unwillingness to not allow the Globalists to control his country and people through fiat currency, Gaddafi was actively setting up a commodity currency that would be gold backed. The same is true for Hussein of Iraq as both nations were large oil exporters and desired something other than the Globalist fiat money in return that is nothing more than a creation out of thin air.

These regimes were targeted not because they were led by crazed dictators who abused their own people or were threats to others. Its all about money and resources to the Globalist West. Syria is a prime example of this truth. Qatar, a Gulf State deeply embedded with the Globalists, desires to build a pipeline that will deliver gas to Europe quickly and cheaper than current methods today. Syrian land is slated to be used. One reason for the US Obama administrations funding and arming those who seek to overthrow Assad is due to Syria's unwillingness to corporate with the Qatar plan. Again it's not about saving the Syrian people, it's the money and resources.

Syria is also a flashpoint for a larger issue, that being world war. The Syrians have long been allied to first the Soviet Union and today with The Russian Federation along with Shiite Iran. The Globalists are allied with Sunni dominated Saudi Arabia, Qatar, NATO and Israel. Syria has many different religious and ethnic groups within its borders that allows for many separate desires to make claims. These lands have long been a powder keg like Iraq as the diversity is huge and the age old history of warring clans lends a need for a strong government. It would require volumes of books for those of us in the West to understand the history of this part of the Middle East. The only thing we need to understand is why we risk a World War by meddling in Syria and continuing the Globalist plan?

By continuing to be militarily involved in Syria other than to help Russia take out ISIS and the other radicalized groups of the region we need to step back and stop funding and arming these Globalist rebels. Its time to wake up and abandoned the actions of the past that have created this entire mess. President Trump needs to return to his campaign promises and not allow the ever increasing power of the Globalists in his administration to lead him astray. As some of us realize that Assad is not our enemy nor are the Russians. It is the Globalists and their cronies who want to destroy us and the way of life we all want. The New World Order and it's ideology is in reality anti-American and anti humanity. Diversity can't be created by force and only exists when people have freedom to be themselves and allow others the same.

President Trump wrongly attacked the Syrians and only by shear luck has a broader war not been the result. McMaster and the other Globalist's misled the president and they desire nothing but war to fulfill their sick ideology. We voted in November in favor of freedom, jobs, lower taxes and an end to lies at home. We voted against the never ending wars and constant interference in other peoples lands and lives. We are tired of the lies from Washington DC and the Mainstream Media. It needs to stop and those we voted for need to do as they said they would and not what the Globalists want. Time is running out as our freedom of speech is being silenced by the minute. The real criminals need to be arrested and pay for their corruption and abuse of power. It is a simple choice that we have to make. Do we continue the evil and lies that plagues society as a whole or do we truly change course and begin to live lives based on truth and honesty? Time is running out quickly.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Who Is In Charge Of American Foreign Policy President Trump Or The Deep State?


One thing is certain; President Trump has shown the world that he knows how to keep his enemies and possibly allies on their heels. Those who have known him for decades will acknowledge his ability to take the upper hand in any situation. He is a fighter that uses the negatives as well as his positives to attain a winning result. As the great Heavyweight boxer Muhammad Ali would back into the ropes feigning defeat, Trump, as Ali, suddenly explodes with a left-right combination knocking out his enemies. Leaving the crowd stunned, as even Ali's corner men were certain that Ali was heading for defeat.


The Trump style has always been brash, off the cuff, some can rightly say seemingly unhinged. Yet time and again this method of madness has worked for him since his early years in real estate development. Despite his father’s own warnings, the young Donald Trump ventured into the risky Manhattan New York re-development of the time. Despite his father not believing that it was a sound idea, he loaned his son one million dollars to either succeed or fail. The older Mr. Trump actually thought it would fail, yet Donald not only proved his father wrong, Donald proved many others wrong also. The ability to beat the odds, going against the grain became the Donald Trump way.


As time moved on, his endeavors were meet with both success and failure; Trump however, remained in the limelight. He dabbled in everything from real estate to bottled water, businessman to celebrity. Nothing and no one could stop this drive to succeed. He rubbed elbows with others that were striving for or had success. He donated to whatever politician’s campaign that he felt would do the right thing at the time. Democrats and Republicans alike, Trump always followed the greener pastures. He never had time to join the secret societies or clicks as his own desire of doing it on his own wouldn't allow himself to be controlled by anyone.


We all have seen what happened during the 2016 election. Trump beat the odds, he picked off his opponent's one by one by blurting out random statements about each that seemed off the wall yet were calculated to bring his opponents negatives to the forefront. He said what the American voter knew or believed. He said our elections were rigged and he proved it. He called out the Clinton's for who they really were. He called out the Mainstream Media for whom and what they really are. Trump woke up millions of Americans as to what, who and where we were headed as a nation and society. Trump reinvigorated the Silent Majority who most believed had disappeared since President Nixon had done the same in 1968.


Unlike Trump, Nixon had been a politician and ex Vice President. Nixon was a protégé of the infamous Prescott Bush who had been involved in the backing of NAZI Germany, father to GHW Bush and grandfather to GW Bush and a Globalist. Nixon was an outsider of the Elite and played his role and owed the Elite/Globalist his success in politics. Like Trump he knew who they were and despite doing their bidding he too became disgruntled and knew he couldn't trust them. President Nixon feared the Globalists and was well aware also of their plans for America and the world. He trusted nobody and ended up being forced to resign after the setup of Watergate.


Here we are in early April of 2017, Donald Trump is the President of the United States. He ran on exposure of all the Globalist tyranny. The silent majority has arisen again and defeated the Globalists. The President promised to drain the swamp, give America back to the people. The lies were to stop, freedom would be restored and America would be great again. Is this not what we were to believe? No more false flags, no more lies, no more regime changes. Sovereignty and America First wasn't that what we were told? The Republic and Constitution was to be restored.


Something went wrong, and very quickly, as we are seeing the Trump Administration suddenly flip to the Globalist agenda. Is Trump not aware that his base knows that Assad of Syria did not use chemical weapons on his own people? Does the President not realize that those who elected him are awake and can see through the lies we have heard for years? Has Trump like Obama promised change only to continue the evil? Are we just being fooled again into the Globalist lies?


There is anger within the Trump base. At least half of us have many questions as to why the President is continuing the Globalist policies of Obama, Bush and Clinton. Most of us are awake and know the truth. Why lose us just to appease those establishment Democrats and Republicans? Is John McCain or Nancy Pelosi worth more than we are? There are hundreds of questions that need to be answered. Exactly who are we enemies with and what result is seen with all of this?


Some are suggesting that President Trump is allowing those of the establishment Globalist agenda to run our foreign policy. There are others who suggest that in reality the President was secretly with them the whole time. And of course there are even those who believe that the establishment Globalist or Deep State have pulled off a coup within the White House.


Where the truth is remains unclear at this time. What is known is that many within the administration have Globalist backgrounds. National Security Advisor Lt. General H.R. McMaster has strong ties to those of Globalist ideology. Serving under Bilderberg attendee Gen. Petraeus and said to still be under his former commanders influence, McMaster is said to have given President Trump altered intelligence data on the Syrian situation. Independent reports suggest that the truth is that Assad's air force actually bombed a weapons depot that contained the Chemical Weapons. So in reality they did not use chemical weapons. It has long been known that ISIS and their allied groups have used Chemical Weapons on multiple occasions and blamed Assad for it.


The Russian and American Military have worked together for some time in Syria and there is a claim that Syrian President Assad had agreed to transition out of power once the ISIS rebel groups were eliminated. Recent reports have circulated that Assad has let it be known that he has decided to remain in power despite the agreement. Again what is truth and what is fiction is impossible to discern. Most Americans hadn't known that Russia and the US have been sharing intelligence and working together.


Since President Trump took office there has been a US Military buildup in Northeast Iraq and Southwest Syria. Mostly Special Forces that have been pushing the ISIS main forces into a pocket on the Iraqi and Syrian shared border. Some describe this as a pincer maneuver that will accelerate their elimination. However there remains several Syrian rebel groups still throughout Syria and along the Turkish/Syrian border. This Syrian Civil War was started by the Obama administration in conjunction with Arab Spring in 2013.


What is happening today in Syria is also connected to the Bush administrations invasion and overthrow of Iraqi Strongman Saddam Hussein. Both Arab Spring and the Iraqi war are in reality pieces to the Globalist New World Order Agenda. Destabilization of the Middle East and Northern Africa was in fact a piece of a much larger puzzle that included the immigration crisis we see in Europe today. Unless you understand this you can't understand what is really going on. The Globalists who control Europe and our own political establishment have allied with the Saudis and Gulf States to push Wahhabism as the One World Religion to complement the One World Government. This is the strictest form of Islam. Since the Globalist's agenda also includes a world of free Elites and everyone else being slaves the use of this radical form of Islam works well as a catalyst to create chaos within the free cultures of the west; allowing the Globalists to eliminate freedoms under the cloak of protecting the entire people. We have experienced this in the US after the false flag of 9/11 with the Patriot Act. We also had President Obama signing Executive Orders that has allowed the Federal Government to easily implement Martial Law when that decision is made.


We can only sit and wonder if President Trump is in reality a Globalist or if the Globalists have infiltrated his administration so heavily that they have taken control. Unfortunately only time will answer this question. We are only the people who entrust our government and the politicians to do what is right. The problem is that if we use our past experience as the scale, it is not looking very good at all.