Friday, April 24, 2020



Sadly, many fail to understand the true nature of those who promote Globalism. The idea is promoted through lies and promises that sound good, when in fact they are just ways to control the masses. Depopulation is and has been a primary goal as greed and evil drives those at the top of the pyramid. They believe that everything belongs to them and that the populations of the world are wasting their resources. Consumers are a threat to the goal of having unlimited resources for them and their future generations. Since the beginning of time, man has had rulers who lead tribes, cultures, Nations or continents. 
Pharos, Emperors, Kings, Queens and Chiefs are some the titles we know them by throughout history. Great Empires and Civilizations have come and gone over the Centuries. Either by war or self destruction we have a long history of changes that got us to the point we are at today. Money and resources began to play a larger role overtime as those who had the most of both began to take more control. These people we know today as Bankers, they were able to take control by lending money to both sides of the conflicts over the past three centuries. This of course was a no lose situation as repayment often became impossible. This led to resources being accepted as payment. 
With industrial and technological advances becoming an ever increasing new sphere beyond precious metals and minerals. These Bankers were always there to financially back these advances and therefore they had the true control they desired. From the late 1800's up to today, these Elite of the Elite began to run the world from the safety of being behind the curtain. They decided who had  the illusion of power throughout the world. If you didn't follow the rules or weren't fulfilling the desires of these Elite, you would be exchanged by someone else who would. 
War is one of the Elites greatest tools in today's world. It serves many purposes, technology advancements are always gained at these times as well as more debt being added as well as a tool for population control as millions of people die. It's always a win win situation for those who sit behind the curtain pulling all of the strings. 
World War II became a pivitol moment that has influenced everything we see today. The world was divided up between the Victor's. The Soviet Union gained Eastern Europe and became the number two Super Power behind the new number one the US. The United Kingdom and France who still had many parts of their past Empires still under control rounded out the 3&4 positions on the world stage. 
In the US a very powerful agency was formed to ensure that the US could manipulate the situations going on throughout the world to counteract the Soviet KGB. Acting as the Elite had already learned to do, they worked from behind a curtain to pull the strings of their puppets. The CIA was the creation of the Elitist to help them keep control on the world stage. Unfortunately it didn't take long for them to inflintrat all branches of the US government too. The secret societies on University campuses were now recruitment centers for them. Their influence has become legendary as the media would soon become their propaganda machine in time.
We all remember the Vietnam War, Americans were told that the North Vietnamese attacked the US Navy in the Gulf of Tonkin, and this lead to American boots hitting the ground to fight in a war that had no real purpose. This became a common accurence for US wars to come. 
Universities were also inflintrated and soon leftist propaganda became the main goal. In the 1970's the US Department of Education was created to unify the leftist Education throughout. One thing the Elite had learned was that free people were a danger to their control. They needed Socialism/Communism authoritarian form of government to achieve their goals. JFK, MLK Jr. Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X were all threats to their plans. All were eliminated during the turbulent 1960's. 
We must remember what President Eisenhower warned us about, what JFK warned us about and today what Donald Trump is warning us about. Globalism and those behind the curtain are the enemies of a free people. China is run under a communist regime that once killed an estimated 50 million people who wouldn't submit. Even today the people of China have little freedom at all. Yet, many in the west claim that China is the model of the future politically. Once Trump pulled off his surprise victory, the Globalist's looked to XI to take the post held by US Presidents since WWII. 
Under the Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama administration's the United States was being robbed of it's economy and freedom's. It was involved in wars to upset the balance in the Middleast and North Africa. ISIS was financed and trained by Western intelligence agencies to replace Al Qeada whose leader Osama Bin Laden had died shortly after 911. They needed to create chaos in the west as even the loyal European Union would be targeted. Trump in the US and others in Europe had begun to seek nationalism and move away from the Globalist agenda. 
During the Obama years the the US was moving toward an authoritarian leftist police state, thanks in part to Bush who created the Patriot Act. Not to ensure freedom, but to take it from you. Obama pushed for Chaos within as he fostered revolt against the real rule of law, he ignored the Constitution completely. 
Vaccines were becoming mandatory, infant mortality rose, life expectancy declined. America was nolonger looked up to but hated after decades of wars that brought nothing but death and destruction throughout the world. During the 2016 election, the Obama White House used illegal survaliance of the Trump Campaign, a truly treasonous act. Accusations flew that Putin of Russia was in control of Trump. Nevermind the fact that Obama allowed Russia to have control of 30% of US uranium. Once Hillary lost the most openly rigged election in US history. The Globalist controlled media and Globalist controlled federal government did everything possible to remove Trump from office. 
From 2017 to today they have attempted every avenue possible. Nothing was working, the economy booked, unemployment fell, America was back. Then suddenly a virus out of what was to be a level 4 ( the most secure ) lab in Wuhan China allowed a now transferable Bat virus to begin infecting humans. Wuhan being the central transportation hub in China and the world allowed it to spread throughout the world. The World Health Organization downplayed this threat as it was instructed to do. The heads of the National Institute of Health and CDC all were in lockstep with WHO, China and the Globalist's. 
President Trump made a decision that was not in line with these ( experts ) in health. He shut down travel between China and the US. This move of course was called racist in nature, as the Globalist Media and Democrats attacked. Realizing what was happening and after watching the numbers Trump call for the States to lockdown, bringing a quick shutdown of the greatest economic boom ever witnessed in history. In case you haven't noticed Trump is against war, he doesn't want the blood of millions on his hands. 
The Globalist's with the help of their new master puppet Xi of China could care less. Remember the 50 million in China, remember all the millions in the Soviet Union and the millions that Nazi Germany murdered. We also shouldn't forget the millions that have died with every war since WWII. 
The Elite have wanted to have a decline in world population growth since Plato. They could care less how it's achieved. They do know that a free and we'll informed populace is something that can't have. Only they deserve wealth, freedom and real healthcare. You mean nothing to the Globalist Elite. In fact, do you ever wonder why Western Nations have a decline in population growth outside of immigration? Why infant mortality is rising and longevity is becoming shorter? Why everyone gets cancer, diabetes or other illnesses. Why your incomes have stagnated and the middle class is disappearing? One of the main reasons is IQ's are dropping with each generation. Over vaccination can and does contribute to all of the above. Foods with no nutritional value also contributes, let's not forget that cures are nonprofitable. You must be sick and not too smart in order to control. They are evil and it's time to realize what's really going on.