Friday, October 7, 2016

Globalism Is Your True Enemy, So Why Support Their Candidate Hillary Clinton?

It is truly a terrifying thought on how many people do not understand what Globalism is and what it means for your future and the future of your children. Do you understand that Hillary Clinton and the Establishment Democrats and Republicans are all Globalists? The Libertarian party has been highjacked by Globalist Gary Johnson? Do you think Globalism is a Conspiracy Theory? Do you know how the Globalists are accomplishing this right in front of your eyes? Do you know that Globalists are anti-American, anti-Republic and anti-Constitution? Do you understand that what they are doing is treason?

The American people really need to open their eyes and ears. Stop falling for the lies and deceptions that you are being fed and believe, just because some authority figure tells you. We have become a nation of literal sheep that follow along and never question anything that we are told. Global Warming now called Climate change, since the oceans haven't flooded our coasts because the polar ice caps melted away, is false. Former VP Al Gore told us a decade ago that our shorelines would be underwater by now due to Global Warming. Didn't happen and so the new term Climate Change came into being and you are made to believe its all your fault. Why? Well, they want to tax you and eliminate cheap sources of fuel and take more of your money and force you to use less and live in small centralized locations. Does the word control ever come to mind? There are droughts and there are storms as there always has been. Warming trends and cooling trends are normal, always have been. "Scientists say its true so it must be", and we forget that science is not exact, we forget that these Scientists are dependent on those who need you to believe in Climate Change for their own purposes. One thing I know is that the US government and others have and use weather manipulating technologies. This is not a conspiracy theory as you are told. Look up Operation Popeye, that was ran during the Vietnam war. Believe me when I say they are much more advanced now, Chemtrails are very real.

Another Globalist tool is the CDC that we think is looking out for our health and well being. Not so fast there buckaroo, as the CDC is an extension of Big Pharma and the Globalists Eugenics programs. Unfortunately these Doctors and Scientists will disregard the truth for financial gain. As many go back and forth, between the CDC and Big Pharma employment opportunities. Many current CDC employees hold large quantities of stocks in the pharmaceutical industry, so its all about the money and serving their Globalist Masters wishes. Vaccines have increased from 3 or 4 in the 1960's to over 70 recommended today for our children, states such as California make them mandatory in order to attend school. The argument is that children are healthier, but is this true at all? We have the highest rates of Sudden Infant Deaths (SIDS) in the world. We also watched the numbers of chronic autoimmune disorders and diseases explode with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Diabetes leading the way. The reported cases of ASD seems to have slowed once the toxic preservative Thimerosal was removed or lowered in quantity of vaccines. The CDC's own studies found a link in 1999, yet the public was never told, and it is still denied today despite whistleblower William Thompson PhD. telling of the cover up. You can also read the Simpsonwood transcripts online that shows that the CDC has known for 17 years or more. There are many more underhanded programs going on with vaccines.

Trade agreements from NAFTA to TPP that are not only the cause of job loss in the US, but also a tool used to bring the signators countries under one umbrella that runs as a separate and independent body. Like the EU that has its own flag, police force, regulatory system, monetary, laws, courts, constitution etc.. Headquartered in Brussels Belgium this body is controlled by a council of 28 members who rule without the agreement or elections by the people of the member states. This is the blue print of Globalism, the EU is controlled and run by individuals who are handpicked by leading international bankers and industrialists. The now infamous Brexit that was a referendum in the UK that allowed the people to choose whether to stay in the EU or leave. The people spoke, yet to date the UK government has not begun the exit process, once they do it will take another two years and the UK must continue to honor all laws and regulations within the EU doctrine. The US is heading into the same type of situation today, the TPP and TTIP are two so-called trade agreements that will tighten Globalists control over our country.

Hillary Clinton runs on the Globalist issues, that are open national borders, taxation that only taxes the upper class and corporations on paper and increases the taxes on everyone else. She will allow jobs to leave as they level the playing field. Its equality for all but not by enriching the poor but eliminating the middle class completely, Our constitution will continue to be phased out as they remove all rights. Only state controlled news sources and speech will be allowed. The Security State will become even more widely used as every word, movement and thought will become controlled. In case you haven't read the book 1984 I suggest that you do as it was written as a fiction, it is in reality exactly what is happening now.

We have one shot on November 8 2016, frankly its not looking good as the MSM is still claiming Hillary is even, slightly ahead or slightly behind Donald Trump. This despite the obvious rally participation and the extreme propaganda going on that seems fear driven by the Globalists. Every Clinton event has been proven to be staged, the debates have been staged. Only due to Tim Kaine's being a complete idiot did the VP debate not go as planned by the Globalists as Mike Pence trounced Kaine. It was a bit of a concern how Pence talked about Russia, he echoed the Globalist line.

The truth is we have been made fools of for far to long by Globalists who are taking our country, culture and freedoms. 9/11 was most definitely an inside job, I didn't hear anyone in Washington complain about the Saudi's, our so-called allies and friends being involved. They received more weapons and have exported not only oil but Islam, and here again nobody is calling for war against them despite doing the things an enemy would do. Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan and now Syria are the enemy. Seems strange when you really look at it. This whole thing is strange! Face it there are many lies that you believe are true, there are things going on that you have no clue. Just maybe what your being told is conspiracy theory is in fact the truth. Go ahead vote for a proven evil criminal and never allow yourself to know the truth. Call me crazy if you must, I have old acquaintances that are no longer with us because they dared to prove a so-called conspiracy theory was in fact the truth. These Globalists are hiding a lot more than Chemtrails.