Monday, October 10, 2016

Donald Trump Leads American Revolution Of 2016, Globalists Under Siege

The war is on and the Globalists are in a major retreat as they are beginning to realize that their days are numbered. Donald Trump who leveled Hillary Clinton in the 2nd debate is leading his forces from the front. He has his armies of the American citizenry moving forward to retake the reigns of government from the Globalist traitors who had taken the capital by stealth. The lies and deceptions of the pawns of the international Bankers and Corporations are scrambling to stop the bleeding of the massive wounds inflicted by Trump at the debate.

The Globalists front woman Hillary Clinton's and her husband on paper only former President Bill Clinton's years of crimes have been exposed. Their crimes are many and the fact that the government and MSM have all covered them up, have now become common knowledge to anyone who wants to know the truth. As I and others had written or said about the explosive tirade that Hillary Clinton had after the Commander in Chief Forum where she said "that fucking Fascist will have all of our necks in nooses" is wrong only in the claim that Donald Trump is a fascist, yet 100% correct that he will make those who acted and participated in crimes in general and crimes against the United States will pay. The Globalists now realize this to be true as they circle their wagons in the face of the Trump forces approach. Some of the Republican traitors like John McCain and Paul Ryan have crossed back over into enemy lines. These are weak men who fear the Trump led victory that is sure to come. They along with their fellow Globalists are trying to devise a plan in order to steal the victory that gives the government back to the American people.

The Globalists forces are led by men in the shadows who have successively overthrown the government by lies and deceit and programs of deceptions that depended on the MSM and its propaganda. They had kept the truth at bay by labeling it as conspiracy theories, they used the what till now was the classic, keep repeating the lies until they become the truth technique that had always worked. Its all falling apart as Donald Trump, a true American Patriot realized that there were no others who could take charge and lead the people. He was an insider who witnessed first hand what was happening. He attempted to influence these people but saw and heard just how evil they were. He listened to their plans as he golfed with them, went to their social events and was even recruited at one point by Bill Clinton to become involved in their sick rituals and lifestyles. In truth the Globalists consider him their Benedict Arnold when he in fact is a modern day George Washington.

Like Washington who at the time was one of the wealthiest men in the colonies and used his own money to keep the first American Revolution on course, Trump has used his own money for this one. Like Washington Trump is an imposing figure in front of his troops, Washington rode his white horse, Trump rides his custom 757 aircraft. Washington envisioned a free and growing America not beholden to the influences of the Elite from Europe. As Trump envisions a free and growing America not beholden to the influences of the Globalists. Some of these are in fact the same families that we fought in the first Revolution of 1776 that we are fighting today in this Revolution of 2016.

There is no doubt that Trump will again win the third and final debate on October 19th as Hillary Clinton is no leader and is lacking the ammunition to defeat Trump. This is only a battle to be won as the war continues as we wait to see what the Globalists may pull. From today forward until November 8th when the last battle is set to happen we need to be aware. The Globalists lack the manpower, ammunition and are encircled, this makes them the most dangerous as their options and time is quickly running out. We must be vigilante and keep them confined as until the day of the last battle when Americans go to vote, we must not allow them any path of escape to out flank us. We must continue to lay siege to them and keep them from regaining any advantage. Move in mass with our voices armed with the truth and let's follow and protect our leader Donald Trump as he retakes our government from our Globalist enemies.


  1. The globalists had planned in 2000 to place lieberman amid an untimely accident that gore would suffer. They accidentally got bush . They kicked in to overdrive beating the Patriot drums manipulated bush totally destroyed the constitution with a constant March to war. The next best thing after the accident of bush was to build a puppet an empty suit if you will ,now the time has come when a maverick has come to restore law and order and what we are witnessing is the infiltration of the globalist idea on both side republican and Democrats

  2. The globalists had planned in 2000 to place lieberman amid an untimely accident that gore would suffer. They accidentally got bush . They kicked in to overdrive beating the Patriot drums manipulated bush totally destroyed the constitution with a constant March to war. The next best thing after the accident of bush was to build a puppet an empty suit if you will ,now the time has come when a maverick has come to restore law and order and what we are witnessing is the infiltration of the globalist idea on both side republican and Democrats
