Thursday, October 20, 2016

Are We Living The End Times, Can We Change This Course?

You have to wonder just exactly what is going on as this presidential election appears to be bringing out the evil in politics and life. Everywhere you look its there as morals, ethics and values have been lost as we ignore what is right and pure. War is so common place, murders so normal, whatever is in the realm of destruction it is happening. Humanity has lost its soul and there seems no end in sight. Everyday people only look to gain what is truly best for themselves as they ignore the ramifications of what they do. Politicians have been exposed as being corrupt sales agents who rarely use honesty as their podium. Religion has been relegated to questionable acts, claiming it all in God's name.

Cruelty, lies and anger permeate every crack and crevice upon the earth as if a mass sickness has befallen us all. We accept the liar, the judgemental and their evil as commonplace and the new normal. Acts of violence and rage are excepted forms of protest as words and wisdom are now said to be wrong. There seems to be no end in sight, just the final destination of creating a true Hell on earth, with its fire of pain and the wounds of despair and heart ache. We are not allowed to feel true compassion as time won't allow the luxury.

Is this how it all ends, where love and truth have no place? Have we lost our souls and placed them aside as it is to difficult to be bothered with those things that truly matter. We all need to ask ourselves if this is what is truly the genuine nature of things? Do we want war as the only way to settle differences? We can no longer keep using the same tired excuse, "that it has always been this way" for the rationale. Why do we feel the need to dominate anyone or thing, has it become so hard to accept our differences and learn to cherish our similarities? Why are those that speak of peace and good to be banished and hated? Sadly its these words that somehow have been considered dangerous, as society has allowed words to have no value.

Is it too late to reverse what direction we have been sailing? To actually stop for a moment and decide what is being said from within. We all have a soul if we only understood how to listen. It doesn't allow for you to injure or hurt anyone in any way as it is the truth and the light we were meant to follow. How is it we have failed time and again to take a moment to reflect and see for ourselves the mistakes we've made and correct our vision. There are no jokes here as today's world is reaching the point of no return. Too many have silenced their souls and some have obviously chosen to have given into the evil side of self, quick satisfaction unable to really care or feel.

We have become border less within as nothing is off limits as we allow our nation to reflect this destructive notion. We choose to ignore what we know deep inside is true. Unfortunately we have given ourselves and lives over to those of evil and hatred. Hillary Clinton epitomizes everything that is wrong. She casts a shadow over our eyes with the support of those like her who choose to ignore their light.

Very dangerous times lurk ahead as we move forward into the abyss. This is not the time to follow the easy path as truth is achieved by sticking to what is a cluttered path of troubles that abound, there are those who will entice you with being the way sent as a distraction. As Hillary trumpets repeating the same mistakes that have been done before. Donald Trump who admits his once following that path has been awakened and tries to alert us to its dangers. Sadly this is only the political side and nothing is perfect but we can all choose to do what is in our hearts. As he says "What do you have to loose?"

We can't just vote to change it all, its got be much greater, as we need to change ourselves and think about how we need to stop living in the here and now and remember our pasts and the mistakes that are there. Then we can move forward and change our course as a nation, a people and as a human being.

1 comment:

  1. It is written, As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be again!
