Monday, October 24, 2016

This Is War Not Between Nations, Its A War For Freedom And Your Futures

This may sound dramatic and is meant to, for it is now at this time in history we can see the direction that the Globalists wish us to take. Open borders that will join all as one under the control of a select few that intend to rule as tyrants. There will be no differences of cultures, the religions will become one as everything is going to be controlled. You will see a distribution of wealth and despite the promises, it sadly means less for all. They have plans that will restrict your freedom of movement and limit your access to anything we have today. You will buy into the idea of less is more as you will no longer own property. Only those at the top will enjoy the luxuries of life that was once a goal all had a chance to achieve. These plans of enslavement will mean education will become limited to only what you need to know to fulfil the needs of the select few.

This election is really about a vote for the continuation of this Globalist agenda that is in no way the Utopia they want you to believe. Their plans are accessible easily through the internet as every aspect is spelled out in detail. It should shock or horrify you if you truly grasp the implications of it all. We as a sovereign nation will no longer be, as our Constitution will become a memory of the past and forgotten to history. There will no longer be a United States of America as we melt into the Globalist One World Government.

Our so-called Democratic Republic that we are, has been corrupted by these Globalists as they have held the reigns of power for decades through a two party system that in truth is only one party as they both, Republican and Democrat are controlled by the Globalists. We have only had an illusion of free elections where the people pick our members of both houses of Congress and the President. This years election season has shown us this not to have been true at all. The process is flawed as we are given choices that were picked by those in backrooms that we do not see. So the term rigged fits very well as it actually is. The Mainstream Media that we're told was independent is actually a major part of the process. You are guided by, in truth nothing more than propaganda as again the Globalist decide what you see and hear. You vote and believe you made the choice, yet your choice has very little to do with it as the system was already rigged like casino to favor the house, the Globalists being the house.

This year we have now learned through WikiLeaks and other sources that Hillary Clinton was to become President even before any votes have been cast. The Globalist had actually decided this before the 2008 election cycle. First Obama for two terms then Hillary, Obamas skill, delivering speeches was felt to be an easier fit to allow the Globalist to ratchet up the move to their goal of One World Government, he would have the plate set for Hillary who is to begin the next phase of the goal.
Something happened that wasn't to entirely, Donald Trump and Senator Bernie Sanders were to generate interest to bring in more to the fold. Something unforseen happened as Bernie's Socialism gained tread as it also promoted the idea of not aligning with the Globalists. This was a problem that would require some adjustments during the primary. Through a already rigged delegate process and some voting machine adjustment Bernie was stopped from winning the democratic nomination. Bernie caved for reasons that as of yet been explained. On the Republican side Trump had began to pick each of his 16 opponents off in a unorthodox style that drew negative attention but was successful. The Republican party attempted every traditional method and some not, to stop this movement that like a snowball gained in size and speed as time moved on. There was all out panic as Trump's momentum couldn't be stopped. The Republicans were stuck, they reluctantly gave Trump the nomination. Trump who is totally against Globalism and business as usual in Washington DC caused a division within the Party. Since most every member is controlled by Globalist interests, some bolted to Globalist Hillary or stayed uncommitted. The Republican party has been taken away from Globalist control and become the party of the people.

The battle lines drawn, MSM, Wall Street, the Banks, Democratic Party, some members of the Republican Party and Hillary Clinton on one side, facing Donald Trump and the American people who have become awakened to the fact this maybe the last time we have a chance to save our country from the Globalist. Everything is being thrown at Trump and he still stands tall as the movement he leads continues to grow. Julian Assange's WikiLeaks has began having daily dumps of emails and documents exposing the complete corruption within the election process and to how the federal government functions. The entire system is being exposed for what it is. While the Globalist MSM and politicians try to deflect these truths by claiming the Russians are behind it and threatening war over it. Reality dictates that insiders at the Democratic party and members of several government agencies who do not support the Globalist agenda would be the best suspects.This may not end on election day.


  1. To all those people living in the Land of Oz .
    We are in a World wide Islamic Cultural War or 1400-year-old Jihad.
    We each see a different parts of it in the world and if you put all the violent parts together it adds up to only one cause: a 1400 year old Islamic Cultural War. It is the same as that joke of four blind men touching the elephant.
    The names of the Arabs and Muslim Terrorists change but the behavior has been always the same for the last 1400 years.

    It is not about land, rights or settlements, water or being politically left or right. If it were it would have been solved long ago. It has not.

    It is Cultural War that means Islamic Culture must destroy Western Culture or Western Culture must destroy Islamic Culture.
    It is an Islamic Genocidal Cultural War, just like the American/Indian Wars that ended in Genocide. This time we are the Indians.

    Muslims have been fighting each other and others for 1400 years or more. There is no reason that it will stop now. If we want peace we must change Islamic Culture.

    The book "Culture and Conflict”, explains it clearly. It shows that current cultural conditions in the Arab Middle East will not support internal development, advancement or peace until there is a major cultural change. “It is critical that we understand our enemy. That is step one in every conflict,” RR. Philip Carl Salzman, INSB # 978-1-59102-587-0.

  2. Shalom,
    I strongly recommend that you read this “Culture and Conflict”, by Prof. Philip Salzman. It will help you stop repeating your errors about Terrorism and Islam.
    It is the first study of Arab cultural structure in the Middle East and Mediterranean area in 70 years. An Egyptian anthropologist, around 1900, did the first study.
    This study shows Arab Culture as a tribal cultural from top to bottom. Each extended family has their own tribal structure that is in continually in conflict with every other tribal family, to acquire more power in order to move up the social ladder, i.e. the Arab Spring. There are no cultural limits on violence in Arab culture. Families maintain a balance of power based on violence or the threat of violence. When one family becomes weak another moves up to take its place.
    All Arab nations are lead by a family tribal leader.
    Syria has many extended tribal family groups fighting each other trying to acquire more power and move up the social structure. Until one of them damages or destroys all the others, in order get complete control, the conflict will continue, i.e. the Arab Spring.
    This social structure is at least 1400 years old. It has internal defense mechanisms that defend Arab culture rejecting everything from Western Culture. Western culture values threaten the authority and structure of Arab culture. Western democracies cannot assume they can democratize Arab culture because they reject everything western.
    Ps. you should employ both Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. Pamela follows Islamic developments in America. You might want to check out her web site, Atlas Shrugs; Robert is an overall expert on Islam and a past employee of the CIA. You also may want to check out Bill Warner web site Political Islam.
    Respectful yours,
    Robin Rosenblatt, M.Sc. Animal science, former Israeli soldier and past anti terrorist agent
    The Israel Longhorn project
    Nonprofit 501(c) 3 #74-3177354
    22 Yarnall place
    Redwood City, CA 94063
    Tele: 650.631.9270 / cell: 650.339.0269
