Sunday, October 30, 2016

Huma Abedin's Life In Danger Without Life Insurance

Reminiscent of a Mafia style book and or movie, the great Clinton Crime Family may have just gone down at the hands of Hillary Clinton's closest confidant. The go to person when you want an audience with the Boss, contact Huma to have it cleared. There is probably no one who knows all of the recent Clinton crimes better than Abedin. From the State Department to the fraudulent Clinton Foundation, Abedin was involved. This may result in Abedin turning evidence against Hillary and the Godfather Bill. We've seen this before as Sammy "the Bull" Gravano turned on Gambino crime boss John Gotti. After all who knows the boss better than the underboss?

With more than 650,000 emails found on a laptop that Huma and husband Anthony Weiner used, it became clear that chances are there will be a smoking gun or two therein. The most stunning discovery was a folder marked Life Insurance, that is said to contain 10,000 emails. This maybe the folder that Abedin kept certain emails that she could use to blackmail the Clinton's if need be. A widely used Washington technique to gain leverage when needed. Now that Huma no longer has possession of this folder and the FBI has it, she lacks the safety net she had relied on. This puts her life in jeopardy, leaving her one option if she wants to survive. She will have to negotiate a deal with the FBI and Department of Justice should Hillary, Bill and or others become charged with crimes.

One major problem is with the pass given to Hillary before we can't be assured that any charges are forth coming as Attorney General Lynch and President Obama were involved in the original coverup. Huma could be charged herself with perjury and possibly more charges and take the sentence in the hopes that when Obama leaves office he will pardon her, or if Hillary successfully steals the election she could pardon her. It will all depend on the results of the election, if Trump wins it will spell the end to this entire email scandal as all those involved in the original crimes and the coverups could face a multitude of charges. And Hillary will put the entire blame on her once most trusted aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner. When in truth it was Hillary's own arrogance and belief that she was above the law that may bring down many others involved in the destruction of our Republic.

US Military Fears Civil War If Planned Steal Of Election Succeeds

Almost a week ago the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Francis Dunford Jr. Wrote in his blog asking all American military personnel to remain committed to their military oath and not become involved in what may follow the election of 2016. He reminded the troops that they must remain committed to the chain of command. He also stated that the military should not undermine its credibility in the interim with the next president. He's not speaking about Donald Trump, this is if Hillary Clinton steals the election.

That oath is as follows,
I [        ] do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice . So help me God

You can see that Dunford's reminder about the oath is telling of what they fear, if the Globalists do in fact steal the election from Donald Trump, there is a fear of a revolt within the military. Add this to the revolt that may come from within the FBI and the intelligence agencies along with the possibility of a peoples revolt and we have a Civil War. The key being the Constitution, there is an obvious twist here that can justify such a revolt. You are sworn to defend the Constitution from both foreign and domestic enemies. As many know some of Hillary Clinton's actions while Secretary of State are now being shown as treasonous, that makes her an enemy of the US., Obama's actions in the cover ups also places him in the same category as Clinton. Put this with their obvious moves to place the US in the hands of the (NWO) One World Government and violations of the peoples right to elect their own President through the process instructed by the Constitution and you can see the problem.

The US military has an obligation under the law to, if need be overthrow a government that is ignoring the Constitution. That document over rides any other document or person. Dunford may think that chain of command and presidential orders come first but they do not. The Constitution comes first and it must be defended over all other obligations. The US military must not stand down and allow enemies or foreign interests to have the seats of power.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Immunity? Huma Abedin Will Testify Against Clinton And Others If Granted

A source within the FBI is reporting that Huma Abedin is requesting Immunity in exchange for testimony against Hillary Clinton and possibly others. Since the story broke about the FBI finding what are now said to be tens of thousands of emails on a laptop seized in an unrelated case being investigated by the FBI against husband Anthony Weiner, there has been speculation as to the nature of these emails. Abedin had by sworn testimony claimed that she turned over all devices and emails she had pertaining to the original investigation of Hillary Clinton.

This find by the FBI may contain the thought to be deleted emails of Hillary Clinton's, and with this report that Abedin is seeking immunity it could signal that possibility. We will have to wait as this announced reopening of the original case has created a heated backlash against the embattled FBI director. Some believe that only a significant find would have caused Comey to do this at this time so close to the election. There is said to be a revolt amongst agents over the decision not to prosecute Clinton the first time around as they felt there was substantial evidence of many laws being broken. Hopefully we will know more within 48 hrs as this story continues to develop.

Is FBI Director Comey Pulling The Wool Over Our Eyes?

The initial reaction to the FBI's decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email scandal, has been extreme optimisum that maybe, finally she will be indicted for her many crimes involving the use of her private server as Secretary of State. We have watched as the FBI mangled the entire original investigation by giving many immunity and destroying evidence, it was as the confident Hillary Clinton that often repeated "nothing was there", as if knowing she was untouchable. Two congressional committees looked into it also and despite a multitude of crimes committed that Comey himself admmited that had occured, Clinton was free to go. This list of crimes is extensive and the cover up proves that Hillary Clinton is above the law.

We have seen through WikiLeaks that the entire campaign and Democratic National Committee is involved in many more crimes and unethical behaviors. It shows to the world all the deciete and corruption that infests the US political system today. So much has been revealed about how our Mainstream Media is in reality nothing more than the propaganda machine reminiscent of Pravda in the Soviet Union of days past. Social media that was believed to be a format to freely express yourself as long as you stayed away from vulgar or pornigraphic material was a haven of free speech. We now see this not to be true at all as censorship by extreme or subtle techniques are often used. There appears to be no place where we can find the truth except for a select few, called alternative websites, radio, YouTube or bloggers that have to battle through the censorship and little to no funding just to get the word out. We are becoming the Resistance that sits in dank attics using shortwave radios as was done in Nazi occupied Europe during WWII awaiting that knock on the door by the Gestopo.

So the FBI is reopening the investigation so close to the election, what does it mean as the letter that Comey sent to law makers is in fact vague in content? Is the laptop that was confiscated by the FBI while investigating Huma Abedin's estranged husband Anthony Weiner the one claimed to have been mailed and lost? This was one of the devices said to contain the 33,000 deleted emails, is this it? We don't know as nobody is said to have begun to go through what are said to be the thousands of emails found. And with all of the immunity handed out why was Huma unable to receive such a pass, did she not remember that she had this laptop, or was she told to deny that it existed? Was there something in those 33,000 emails that Hillary needed to keep in order to use it as a tool to blackmail someone at a later date? This is a Washington DC tactic, you have something that someone has done that they don't want known so you use it to influence their decision making. The questions and speculations are immense on this as we just don't know exactly what the FBI has.

The one question that I have and asked before in a blog "Where Is Huma Abedin?" Is where has she been? Abedin spent several years right by Hillary Clinton's side as she was said to be her top aide and confidant. However this hasn't been the case for several months now, as Abedin has only been seen on rare occasions and not with Hillary. There is something here that isn't adding up at all as her sudden disappearance from the day to day campaign and her only being seen alone seems odd. Yes we know that her husband Anthony Weiner is being investigated and that they have separated but in reality Huma was not home often as she travelled with Clinton and was always close by. We know Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and I thought that her disapearence from the campaign was to keep that topic out of the race. There are just so many unanswered questions here as nothing adds up.

We cant allow this to distract us as the election is so close at hand, WikiLeaks is still dumping and those emails need to be examined. The vote flipping machines, the violence by the left upon Trump supporters, the MSM still ignoring what WikiLeaks has given that proves the extensive corruption, these polls are so faked that the uninformed voter sadly believes the lie. There is an increasing threat of nuclear war and the stock market could plunge at any moment. Soros has ordered his militant groups to engage in violence upon a Trump victory. Standing Rock is being ignored, the Bundy's winning in a federal court is also ignored, the border with Mexico is being overrun, Obama is still bringing in Islamists. The French people are having massive protest against their government, in Swedan violence is becoming common place, the German people are protesting. The world is watching as we now have known criminals in charge. This people is not looking good at all and if you continue to ignore it all then it will be too late. You must put God and country first if you want to save our Republic and therefore yourselves.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Anthony "I Gotta Show You" Weiner Hillary's Loose End?

Director James Comey of the FBI sent a letter to congress today telling them that during an investigation into an unrelated case, They have discovered emails on his device that may be pertinent to the case recently closed on Hillary Clinton. The emails number in the thousands and it is not known if any are classified, however since Comey is reopening the Clinton case so close to the election odds are they may contain a smoking gun.

Anthony Weiner who is separated from Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin is being investigated for sexual misconduct with a minor. With reports that many top agents disgust over Comey closing the case on Clinton when they felt they had plenty to indict her for, may be behind Comeys willingness to reopen the case. This may spell the end of Hillary Clinton. Some also suspect that the Democrats and their Globalists backers realize that they won't be able to steal this election from Trump. So they decided to possibly sacrifice the Clinton's. More to develop we should keep our eyes open this could be a trigger for something bigger.

America Needs Trump, Trump Needs America, We All Need God

Getting closer now and we shall witness one of two things, a Donald Trump/Mike Pence victory and a new beginning for us all, or the end of everything we knew from freedom, happiness to God. What many are missing in this election is the spiritual part, if you understood just who the Globalists really are you would understand what I mean. Stanley Kubrick the film maker who gave us The Shinning, Full Metal Jacket and Eyes Wide Shut, was showing us ourselves and the things we are sadly capable of when we allow evil in. Eyes Wide Shut was his last film that gave us a peak into what is the demonic side of the people of power. The secret societies and there worship of evil, how they may appear normal average people yet steal away to worship all things demonic. Many can see this evil in the way the Hillary Clinton campaign is run. WikiLeaks has provided the thoughts and corruption within our government. How they despise every race, Christians, ethnic background. These leaks show how they believe they are somehow more aware and entitled than anyone else.

The majority of those serving in Washington have only gotten there by being hand picked by state and local political bosses. And some were groomed and presented to us as new voices of change and promise. Many have been compromised by the most unimaginable acts, the greater the sin the tighter the control. The once powerful FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who served 6 presidents from Franklin Roosevelt to Richard Nixon, held his power by knowing things about every president that would cause their demise if it was revealed. He also didn't even admit there was anything called Cosa Nostra (Mafia) he did little to interfere in the mobs dealings because of a set of pictures that the great Mafia leader Meyer Lansky had that would expose Hoovers taste for men and young boys. This is how Washington continues to work today, everyone is compromised.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich spoke of why the Establishment feared Donald Trump so much early on. He told how Trump does not belong to their secret societies or other groups where they are compromised. In other words Donald Trump has never been compromised, that's why these stories of sexual assault are all lies just to deceive you. Trump does know many of the ways those in Washington are compromised as he has first hand knowledge of it. That is why they fear him so much , he knows these people personally and they have tried to get him into their demonic driven groups. Trump is just not wired like that mentally as he is so fiercely independent and driven to prove that he can do things on his own. MSM wants you to believe that Trump is not as informed and intelligent as he truly is. Just another lie to deceive your reality of what is true.

The Globalists are all morally and ethically bankrupt. They worship money or the power it brings and  despise the people as we are nothing but slaves to them. They hold sick demonic rituals that are now being done in the open, to only normalize it and make you believe that this is the true path in life. Just look at society, listen to friends and family that shock you by their actions and things they say. Look how easily people lie and hurt others and feel no guilt, people bounce in and out of situations and think nothing of it. This election is more than politics, its life and turning away from the evil that has consumed our world is one of your choices.

A Donald Trump presidency is only the beginning, but at least it is a start. He will avoid WW3 that the Globalists are pushing as they thrive on death and destruction. Hillary Clinton, Obama, George W. Bush  all have been seen laughing while talking about death. It was a sign we ignored and didn't react to ourselves. There is no more time as the clock continues to tick ever closer to the Globalists plan of chaos and death. They celebrate everything evil and are unashamed of what they have done. Fact is we need Donald Trump who like us all, has his faults and has sinned, but not to the magnitude of Hillary Clinton or those like her, who not only sin but have lost their souls and worship the darkness as if it was the light. Donald Trump needs us to support him through it all, on election day and after to ensure we can return our country to what it was meant to represent. "One nation under God."

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Democrat VP Nominee Tim Kaine Embarrassed By Small Turnouts

It is becoming more obvious that Hillary Clinton and her VP pick Tim Kaine can't gather a crowd to hear them speak, Kaine just cancelled a Florida event for this reason. After an embarrassing event of only 30 people showing up recently at a rally in West Palm Beach, Florida a few days ago Kaine chose not to try again in Florida. Despite polls showing Clinton/Kaine leading or being close, it is abundantly clear that neither can draw crowds to their rally's. The polls are wrong and have been manipulated to give you a false count. With the WikiLeaks revalations we now know why. They plan to steal this election in the same way they did the primary. Its sad that a candidate who is despised by so many Americans would even want to run.

Hillary Clinton has lied so often that only those who for reasons other than being blind followers or are Globalists that want to destroy our country, the average American has seen through the deception. The as we now know is a State run Media still keep pushing their false narrative that Hillary is the peoples choice. Think of it as your asked if you like hamburgers or hotdogs? You answer, "hamburger" but the questioner says "okay then what is it about the hotdog you like best?" You remind them again that you said hamburger but they again say "okay what do you like on your hotdog?" The State run Media is doing the same thing. They are ignoring your answer and claiming you like hotdogs. So sadly the fact that the vast majority of people do not want Hillary as their president SRM is just ignoring this and telling you that no, the majority do want her.

The SRM is ignoring what is in the WikiLeaks data and using misdirection by claiming that Russia is trying to interfere in the elections. False claim after false claim is being used as they hide the extent of corruption within government and themselves. All of the Globalists have been exposed during this election cycle and the American people are awakening to the realities before them. We do not want what the international bankers and corporations want, we want our country and our constitution back. We want to be free and put ourselves first and then we can help those in other countries. We don't want endless war as we are tired of the constant death and destruction. Our young men and women have been killed and forever damaged, not to keep us free but to help the bankers and corporations profit even more.

So to Tim Kaine, sorry that you don't get any support at your rally's and that embarrasses you, but you know very well that as a whole we don't want what you're selling.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Trump Wins November 9, 2016 Headlines Throughout The World

Now we all know that by the numbers Donald Trump should win by a landslide, however with all of the fraud and rigging we already know will happen it will most likely be a close one, at least Electorally. Regardless, Trump wins, and we brace for what the Globalist might pull. Will Obama receive orders to begin World War 3? Will the economic bubble finally burst that we all know will soon? Will George Soros controlled groups take to the streets to riot and create utter chaos? Or will Obama try claim the election null and void in some manner? Or by chance will the Globalists just step, back quietly and allow the American voters their victory?

I could sit here and write a scenario out for each possibility and spend space and time on each. Let's not as we all know the economy is ripe for the bubble to burst. So this is a given no matter what. How badly it effects us will depend on many factors, Trump who is not a fan of Wall Street has ideas to make adjustments as needed to either repair or reconstruct the system. Rioting is another problem because if Trump supporters feel they were robbed we do face the possibility of Civil War. If Trump wins as is this scenario we can expect Soros to create chaos by unleashing the militant groups he controls, there will be the question as to whether these groups can sustain support in large enough numbers to really do much disruption. And what if the Globalists just decide to step back and rebuild their machine and wait it out for four years, to again try to retake the presidency. They have Congress and the Senate still, many statehouse's and counties, municipalities and the largest cities still under their controlled minions.

Now the military is another question mark, as the officer ranks have both Globalist and Nationalist within. We already witnessed the military refuse to follow Obama's orders to invade Syria back in 2013 as this was followed by a purge of top brass who led this refusal. The depletion of ammunition stocks, equipment that is short on spare parts and the manpower to service it, plus the decline in overall personnel. We in reality are not able to deploy enough of a force to engage an Army that is equipped.
This of course makes the WW3 scenario only likely if it went nuclear. Putin has already said that he would use nuclear weapons to defend the Russian homeland. Chances are we may avoid an Obama order to instigate a beyond return scenario, such as nuclear war and it is even more unlikely that the US military leadership would agree to any war let alone nuclear.

So now its January 20, 2017 Donald Trump officially becomes 45th President of the United States. And Mike Pence becomes Vice President. The economy is already in a shambles and President Trump has the largest job of any president in history as he begins the task of rebuilding a country that has suffered from neglect and corruption. He must quickly reach out to Russia to ease the tensions began by the Obama administration as they need to work together to go after ISIS and eliminate their ability to continue to wreak havoc in the world. President Trump then has to begin the purge and downsizing of the federal government as he simultaneously tries to get the House and Senate on board to what the people want and need instead of Wall Streeters and the Globalists.

Many former members of the federal government including Presidents and Vice presidents will be in a panic as Trump has promised to begin to clean up of Washington. The Clinton's will be one of his first targets as their crimes are so severe and include past and present felonies. Then those within the US government involved in 9/11, also the bankers and members of Wall Street whose crimes are also many. He will be setting off landmines with every step he takes, on the great task to restore the Republic of the United States back to the visions of the founding fathers. He will begin the largest nation rebuild in the history of mankind.

Obama Violated National Security, He too Used Clinton Private Server

I wrote on this subject on a blog earlier during the Democratic Primary, I wondered if since Hillary did use a private, unsecured server while Secretary of State, then how did she not have contact with the White House and other agencies on this illegal server? It has now been confirmed that she in fact did have conversations with President Obama in this way. So he too violated National Security protocols, I had assumed that he had and these were some of the reasons she and her staff deleted so many emails. Which of course is another violation of the law by destroying government documents. We can assume and not be too far out on a limb that she had been in contact with other agencies since the President was in contact this way.

This leads us to one of the reasons that the case against her was covered up by FBI director Comey and Attorney General Lynch. The entire top tier of the federal government had allowed state secrets to be exposed to foreign governments and anyone with the ability to hack emails to access said secrets. We also know that her server had been hacked by someone or many. Everyone emailing her could plainly see that she was using this private server and so willingly and knowingly broke many federal laws. This makes it the largest number of crimes ever committed by the federal government in history.

Everyone from the President and Secretary of State to whoever else were involved, such as other officials in the White House, State Department to possibly Department of Defence, CIA and others. This would have brought down the Executive Branch and caused a crisis never before seen in the history of the United States. The Obama administration is guilty of many crimes that would land them in prison for years to come. Thanks to WikiLeaks we now have undeniable proof of not only corruption but fraud, bribes, treason and other crimes. This all centers around one person who instigated this entire situation by her belief that she is above any law and is untouchable. She is the most dangerous person on planet earth and now we can confirm that she is totally insane.

This makes it absolutely imperative that we can not allow this woman to become our next President. If anyone fails to understand what has happened here they need to be instructed on the severity of the things she has done. Some may ask why nobody within government now does anything? It is because they are complicit or have been compromised. Our government has been overtaken by criminals who hide and coverup each others crimes in a sick and twisted nod to corruption. They have failed to live up to their oaths and instead have given into the deceptions and illusions that they serve the people. They have no loyalty to this Republic and only feed off the people as sharks do upon the fishes of the seas. Its time to take the first step and take back what is rightfully ours. We can't afford to wait and hope that some define miracle may happen, it is now with a massive turn out at the polls we must vote against those who have harmed this nation and its people.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Patriot In CIA Claims Osama Bin Laden Died Before Raid, Obama/Clinton Scammed America

This story fresh from a source with contacts inside the CIA, he has just confirmed that Osama bin Laden died of Kidney Failure 5 months prior to the May 2, 2011 operation by SEAL Team 6. This source states that bin Ladens death occurred in a Karachi Pakistan hospital, the attending physician has been missing since and feared dead. This of course makes the video shown at the time, a complete fraud as again we are seeing the lies we have been told are mounting.

The members of SEAL Team 6 who we were told pulled off the stunning raid and killing, died in a helicopter crash in August of 2011 killing 29 in Afghanistan. There was much skepticism at the time as the US Navy immediately claimed to have buried bin Laden at sea. This alone drew fire as it bypassed all protocols for such cases. The deaths within months of those who participated also makes it clear we were scammed by the Obama Administration at the time.

It is now becoming clear that the US government has been willfully lying to the American people. WikiLeaks and others are exposing the government and its treason upon America. James Kallstrom former asst. FBI director has just exposed how Hillary Clinton got away with her email crimes. There are Patriots within who are working to stop the complete Globalists takeover with Clinton as Commander in Chief. There will be more reveals in the next two weeks so hold on and keep the faith the Globalists have been exposed.

If You Vote For Hillary Clinton You Vote For The Death Of America

There is no other way to say it, a vote for Clinton means you vote for the destruction of our Republic. You are against free speech, you are against the right to bear arms, you are against every right that the Constitution guarantees us. You support job exportation, you support taxes that will drastically destroy your spending power, you are for socialized medicine and sadly you are for war and the death and destruction it causes.

This woman and the Globalists that support her and back her will eat us alive, there goal is no middle class, only two classes one being the Elite the other poor. How can you vote for someone that Wall Street and the extremely wealthy support unless you are the same? And if she is going to really tax the wealthy why would they back that? Use the brain you were given and think for God sake, this isn't some game that you can just stop playing at the moment of your choice. This is reality and you must stop falling for the lies.

Hillary Clinton is a despicable human being if she even is human at all in the sense that she has never acted like one. She loves war, death and destruction, she has had people silenced, she has committed hundreds of crimes against this country and you. Don't be so damn dumb and claim that because she was never charged means anything. Do you think John Gotti the Mafia kingpin would have been charged if his fellow mobsters had been the ones doing the investigation? Wake up Sheep!

Hillary Clinton despises you, every race, religion and ethnic background, the proof is in her own words and actions. Read WikiLeaks and don't say you don't have time, ya better make time if you really care about your futures and those of your children. Most of you don't even know who the Globalists are or what they represent, you have been kept in the dark and refuse to come out of it.

If you hate your country then go ahead vote for Hillary and her Globalists backers. Don't spend the time to educate yourself to the truth and watch what happens. Myself and others have told you and yet you ignore us and call us crazy despite the fact that you have been told you can find the truth if you want. So enjoy your Sporting event or your TV and movies and continue to be the lemming that just jumps of the cliff for no other reason than everyone else did. If that makes sense to you I feel sorry for you because that is exactly what you're doing.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Say What You Will, Donald Trump Is A Patriot And Putting His Life On The Line For You

Getting closer to this rigged election finale and only by the grace of God or the massive turn out can we save ourselves from the Globalists plans. Operation Veritas, WikiLeaks, DCLeaks and others have been dumping large quantities of emails, hidden video, and documents proving the elections have been rigged in the past and are going to be again this year. There are millions totally in the dark as they don't take the time to look for themselves or listen to anyone but Mainstream Media. They almost seem trance like and ignore the truth as they refuse to accept what is in fact readily available and right in theirs faces. On social media they use the very words given them by MSM to what they think discredit you. "Conspiracy Theorist, crazy, uninformed, crackpot are just a few that are heard or seen. I had one individual rail me for putting out non truths using words straight from the mouth of Hillary Clinton, claiming it to be their own original thought. Or you get people that link to a government or MSM report as their proof that I am wrong. My assertions on vaccines and Global warming are attacked as if I'm not telling the truth because Science says so. Well exactly whose science are you going by? Oh the science that the government supplies because the government would never lie, they protect us, that's their jobs. That is what the governments job is supposed to be I agree.

Isn't everything supposed to be open and honest? Why would members of government conspire against the people? Well, that answer is very simple as it is wealth and power. Now I'm sure you could accept that as a logical assumption. Some do aspire to wealth and some have a need to achieve power whether over a small group or millions possibly billions, and some want both. It is here that the problem becomes real and at times evil in nature. And sadly that is what we are dealing with today in all areas of government and sadly life. There are men and some women who have achieved great wealth and some power, there are families that have passed this wealth and power down through the generations. Most of these have become who we know as Globalists, the people who desire to rule over the world and all its people. These people already have all the wealth they could possibly spend so why do they want more? Just plain greed as their minds have been programmed for generations to think money before humanity. Its an illness, a mental disorder that gets handed down along with everything else.

This top tier is very small maybe 13 families who make up the ruling class, then you have the next tier of those with new wealth and power who sit on the boards of many corporations, one can sit on several at a time, there are also those like George Soros and the Koch bros. who work to run the political and non governmental organizations that work on engineering the norms for society to follow. Then you have the political class that works closely with the before mentioned group sometimes alternating between both. This is why you can't believe government science in most cases. This science is for profit or used as a tool to control society. They also use psychological operations in order to make you follow along and not think outside the box as it were.

Your work and play are not for your benefit it is for their benefit. Back in the days of Rome you were given sport and theatre to keep you happy and therefore compliant to the ruling classes wishes. Today you still enjoy these benefits plus you are sold on buying new things and following the latest fashions spending money that only benefits the rulers in the end. Think of how you just have to have that next IPhone or IPad, you already have the last one but now you just have to have the newest version in order to show your friends that you are a success. The ruling families hear the coins fall into their pockets and know they have you psychologically also, you will be peaceful and compliant and follow the herd.

In politics its the job of the politician to again guide your thoughts to the wishes of these ruling families (Globalists). MSM is also part of this Psyop. They both, working together want you to accept and believe what they want for you is your choice and so they hold elections to further the idea that you did make the decision when reality is you again were fooled into this thought.

What is Donald Trump bringing to the table? He was establishment that is true, there are those within the establishment that don't like what is happening in our world and either won't out of fear or can't as they don't have the ability to lead a revolt from within. People must realize that this is a revolt that we are experiencing this year. Not the full blown storm the castle revolution but as is within our Constitution we are allowed to change our government if it no longer fulfills the duties that we request. Trump is using the system through the elections to become President where he can wield the power to stop the Globalists destruction of the United States. Many voters due to being so controlled mentally fail to see what has been going on. And then you have others that don't basically care as they are more into their own daily happiness to be bothered. Trump has picked up the torch that lay dormant for years and has first been the messenger and now the leader of this revolt to take America back. He knows full well that this decision could very well cost him his life and if he doesn't win his businesses and life will suffer as he dared to make this move against the Globalists. He's been hit with every dirty tactic available to the Globalists, but has withstood these attacks without any true harm as he holds the torch high to lighten the way. Many throughout the world are not part of, nor do they want to be part of the Globalist One World Government.

WikiLeaks has helped expose the total corruption within government and exposed the Globalists for who they are. And as they have their leadership from Julian Assange on down have been under different forms of attacks including mysterious deaths. The Globalists will do everything possible to fudge the numbers during the election. They know the real numbers show an absolutes landslide in Trumps favor but hide it through manipulated polls of MSM. The Globalists hold on our country runs deep, yet is not complete and therefore even a win will only be a beginning since we could still see war and the economic crash they will most certainly attempt as punishment to us peasants that dared to follow the Patriotic Trump. If the Globalist steal the election there will be retribution upon all who dared to speak the truth, the rights of all Americans will dwindle as they won't risk another revolt against their hold onto power. Many within and some that spoke out, will simply go away some by violence and others with stern warnings not to speak out again. We need to make sure that Trump succeeds or there will be no turning back. If I die for what I've said then so be it but at least I sacrificed here on the front lines as a patriot to my country.

As Patrick Henry said to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775 "Give me liberty or give me death" I will never regret what I've attempted to do, as with the many other Patriots out here and the biggest Patriot of us all Donald J. Trump, we will fight till silenced.

This Is War Not Between Nations, Its A War For Freedom And Your Futures

This may sound dramatic and is meant to, for it is now at this time in history we can see the direction that the Globalists wish us to take. Open borders that will join all as one under the control of a select few that intend to rule as tyrants. There will be no differences of cultures, the religions will become one as everything is going to be controlled. You will see a distribution of wealth and despite the promises, it sadly means less for all. They have plans that will restrict your freedom of movement and limit your access to anything we have today. You will buy into the idea of less is more as you will no longer own property. Only those at the top will enjoy the luxuries of life that was once a goal all had a chance to achieve. These plans of enslavement will mean education will become limited to only what you need to know to fulfil the needs of the select few.

This election is really about a vote for the continuation of this Globalist agenda that is in no way the Utopia they want you to believe. Their plans are accessible easily through the internet as every aspect is spelled out in detail. It should shock or horrify you if you truly grasp the implications of it all. We as a sovereign nation will no longer be, as our Constitution will become a memory of the past and forgotten to history. There will no longer be a United States of America as we melt into the Globalist One World Government.

Our so-called Democratic Republic that we are, has been corrupted by these Globalists as they have held the reigns of power for decades through a two party system that in truth is only one party as they both, Republican and Democrat are controlled by the Globalists. We have only had an illusion of free elections where the people pick our members of both houses of Congress and the President. This years election season has shown us this not to have been true at all. The process is flawed as we are given choices that were picked by those in backrooms that we do not see. So the term rigged fits very well as it actually is. The Mainstream Media that we're told was independent is actually a major part of the process. You are guided by, in truth nothing more than propaganda as again the Globalist decide what you see and hear. You vote and believe you made the choice, yet your choice has very little to do with it as the system was already rigged like casino to favor the house, the Globalists being the house.

This year we have now learned through WikiLeaks and other sources that Hillary Clinton was to become President even before any votes have been cast. The Globalist had actually decided this before the 2008 election cycle. First Obama for two terms then Hillary, Obamas skill, delivering speeches was felt to be an easier fit to allow the Globalist to ratchet up the move to their goal of One World Government, he would have the plate set for Hillary who is to begin the next phase of the goal.
Something happened that wasn't to entirely, Donald Trump and Senator Bernie Sanders were to generate interest to bring in more to the fold. Something unforseen happened as Bernie's Socialism gained tread as it also promoted the idea of not aligning with the Globalists. This was a problem that would require some adjustments during the primary. Through a already rigged delegate process and some voting machine adjustment Bernie was stopped from winning the democratic nomination. Bernie caved for reasons that as of yet been explained. On the Republican side Trump had began to pick each of his 16 opponents off in a unorthodox style that drew negative attention but was successful. The Republican party attempted every traditional method and some not, to stop this movement that like a snowball gained in size and speed as time moved on. There was all out panic as Trump's momentum couldn't be stopped. The Republicans were stuck, they reluctantly gave Trump the nomination. Trump who is totally against Globalism and business as usual in Washington DC caused a division within the Party. Since most every member is controlled by Globalist interests, some bolted to Globalist Hillary or stayed uncommitted. The Republican party has been taken away from Globalist control and become the party of the people.

The battle lines drawn, MSM, Wall Street, the Banks, Democratic Party, some members of the Republican Party and Hillary Clinton on one side, facing Donald Trump and the American people who have become awakened to the fact this maybe the last time we have a chance to save our country from the Globalist. Everything is being thrown at Trump and he still stands tall as the movement he leads continues to grow. Julian Assange's WikiLeaks has began having daily dumps of emails and documents exposing the complete corruption within the election process and to how the federal government functions. The entire system is being exposed for what it is. While the Globalist MSM and politicians try to deflect these truths by claiming the Russians are behind it and threatening war over it. Reality dictates that insiders at the Democratic party and members of several government agencies who do not support the Globalist agenda would be the best suspects.This may not end on election day.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

This Election Isn't Republican vs. Democrat, It's Trump vs. Globalism

Many appear not to realize that the words Republican and Democrat are just the smoke screens for reality. There is only one party with one agenda, that being Globalism, both support the police state, both support the use of US military power to be the spearhead of the Globalist army. And both are as corrupt as the other. They have given us the perceived division that is in reality only cosmetic in nature.

One has more of the Globalist influence than the other and that being the Democrats. George Soros is their Puppet Master. He ultimately pulls the strings as he uses his wealth and influence to control the direction they are heading. The Koch brothers are the so-called Republican Puppet Masters who use their wealth and influence to control. Both of these masters share the ultimate goal of One World Government. And like any group they have different ideas and some slight variations of what this One World Government should look like. The problem is that for you and I its not enough to save us from the loss of our sovereignty and freedoms that are protected by the Constitution.

Trump came in and upset the apple cart as he is not a politician, he is not controlled and he understands the ramifications that a One World Government will have upon the people. He could have just sat back and enjoyed the benefits that the super rich have. He was a member of the Establishment and understands it very well. But he never joined their societies and organizations as he is fiercely independent, a trait that he has always exhibited. When he initially broke from his fathers company he did what his father warned against. He went into the Manhattan real estate market at a time when it was not advisable and made it work.

If you'd only stop thinking that anything will get better by voting in Hillary (Globalist) you will see the correct course. Our first President warned of the perils of political parties, he was wealthy himself. We need to step back and reset the corrupt system we have now. A vote for Hillary is just a vote for more of the same. Whether Republican or Democrat they are mostly corrupt, its the way it is in Washington. Face it and deal with it, let's change this mess and put someone in who will clean out the garbage. Is he perfect? Not at all but its just a first step that we need to take.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Are We Living The End Times, Can We Change This Course?

You have to wonder just exactly what is going on as this presidential election appears to be bringing out the evil in politics and life. Everywhere you look its there as morals, ethics and values have been lost as we ignore what is right and pure. War is so common place, murders so normal, whatever is in the realm of destruction it is happening. Humanity has lost its soul and there seems no end in sight. Everyday people only look to gain what is truly best for themselves as they ignore the ramifications of what they do. Politicians have been exposed as being corrupt sales agents who rarely use honesty as their podium. Religion has been relegated to questionable acts, claiming it all in God's name.

Cruelty, lies and anger permeate every crack and crevice upon the earth as if a mass sickness has befallen us all. We accept the liar, the judgemental and their evil as commonplace and the new normal. Acts of violence and rage are excepted forms of protest as words and wisdom are now said to be wrong. There seems to be no end in sight, just the final destination of creating a true Hell on earth, with its fire of pain and the wounds of despair and heart ache. We are not allowed to feel true compassion as time won't allow the luxury.

Is this how it all ends, where love and truth have no place? Have we lost our souls and placed them aside as it is to difficult to be bothered with those things that truly matter. We all need to ask ourselves if this is what is truly the genuine nature of things? Do we want war as the only way to settle differences? We can no longer keep using the same tired excuse, "that it has always been this way" for the rationale. Why do we feel the need to dominate anyone or thing, has it become so hard to accept our differences and learn to cherish our similarities? Why are those that speak of peace and good to be banished and hated? Sadly its these words that somehow have been considered dangerous, as society has allowed words to have no value.

Is it too late to reverse what direction we have been sailing? To actually stop for a moment and decide what is being said from within. We all have a soul if we only understood how to listen. It doesn't allow for you to injure or hurt anyone in any way as it is the truth and the light we were meant to follow. How is it we have failed time and again to take a moment to reflect and see for ourselves the mistakes we've made and correct our vision. There are no jokes here as today's world is reaching the point of no return. Too many have silenced their souls and some have obviously chosen to have given into the evil side of self, quick satisfaction unable to really care or feel.

We have become border less within as nothing is off limits as we allow our nation to reflect this destructive notion. We choose to ignore what we know deep inside is true. Unfortunately we have given ourselves and lives over to those of evil and hatred. Hillary Clinton epitomizes everything that is wrong. She casts a shadow over our eyes with the support of those like her who choose to ignore their light.

Very dangerous times lurk ahead as we move forward into the abyss. This is not the time to follow the easy path as truth is achieved by sticking to what is a cluttered path of troubles that abound, there are those who will entice you with being the way sent as a distraction. As Hillary trumpets repeating the same mistakes that have been done before. Donald Trump who admits his once following that path has been awakened and tries to alert us to its dangers. Sadly this is only the political side and nothing is perfect but we can all choose to do what is in our hearts. As he says "What do you have to loose?"

We can't just vote to change it all, its got be much greater, as we need to change ourselves and think about how we need to stop living in the here and now and remember our pasts and the mistakes that are there. Then we can move forward and change our course as a nation, a people and as a human being.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Time That We Make Sacrifices For What Is Really Important, Stopping WWIII

Unless you've been too involved with yourself or going through your daily routine there is some major issues many are still oblivious to. The Obama administration is poking the Bear as in Russian Bear. Vladimir Putin has been saying for over a year, "wake up America" as he attempted to alert us as to what is going on. We now are at DEFCON 3 as war, meaning nuclear war is quickly approaching us. All of the MSM that is ignoring this fact while lying about Russian involvement in hacked emails and supposedly going to interfere in our elections. When Donald Trump warned of a rigged election President Obama called it a Conspiracy Theory, yet now Obama is claiming the Russians will rig the election to favor Trump. Seems like Doublespeak to me.

Then in Syria we have Russian ally, the Assad government and Iran fighting a war against a multitude of groups that are mostly ISIS and Al Qaeda fronts. Supported and armed by our so-called allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, their is also US, Jordanian, Turkey and Israeli involvement. We and the Russians agreed to a cease fire against all groups except the ISIS controlled. First the Israelis struck Syrian positions inside Syrian territory in retaliation for a mortar that landed inside Israeli held ground. The Israelis were not a part of the cease fire and do support the group that Syria fired upon. Then the US bombed a Syrian military outpost and claimed it to be a mistake, but like the Israeli attack these just happened to coincide with ground assaults by rebel and ISIS forces. Of course MSM failed to point this fact out in their reporting. Then a humanitarian convoy heading into Aleppo was claimed to have been attacked by air, Syria and Russia were both blamed. It was later found their was no air attack, yet again the MSM failed to report this. The attack was from the ground as it appeared to be a ISIS attack. The cease fire fell apart over these major battles. We now have a threat of a US no fly zone suggested by Hillary Clinton that in effect, protects the ISIS and Al Qaeda groups. And this could spark direct Russian and US conflicts as Russia is helping Syrian forces against these groups the MSM claims we are against also, the problem being that we have time and again been found to be supporting our claimed enemy.

This grave possibility of WWIII breaking out that will end in mutual annihilation for both Russia and the US. The world will cease to be as we know it. MSM is ignoring all of these facts as they are not reporting this. The most serious problem that the US has is we no longer have shelters or bunkers for our people. Only the Elite have this safety net, while the Russians just completed drills involving 40 million Russians in the event of nuclear war. Again MSM ignores. There is also a drive to make false claims that the Trump campaign, many alternative media outlets and supporters of Trump are being labeled Russian agents. This of course gives the Globalist controlled US government another option to react to a Trump victory at the polls. If they decide to hold back from instigating a war they can use this label to round up many people and either execute or imprison them, to forever silence those who are against the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

I choose to stand with those who believe in the rights given to us by God and assured to us by the Constitution. This entire election means more than many know. Some of us will do anything we can to stop the complete destruction of our country and possibly the world. You will be told this isn't true but the facts are in your face if you'd just put your country and the people first. WikiLeaks proves what the Globalist controlled politicians are up to, the total corruption within our government and MSM. This is a fight some of us have sacrificed many things for and we will do our patriotic duty and continue to inform you of the truth no matter the risks, and they are many. If you care anything about your children, grandchildren or yourselves you need to stand up now and give every ounce of strength to defeat these tyrants who have proven the evil they will inflict. Take the time to read, read, read and become informed to the truth. Let the Globalists know you are aware of their plans.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Bird Dogging Clinton Campaign Promotes Violence, Nothing New From A Lifetime Of Killing

Thanks again to WikiLeaks we now have proof that Clinton's Campaign is backing violence toward Trump supporters. One of many dirty campaign tricks, even the fake sexual assault accusations against Trump were set up by these people. Starting to look as if the entire Clinton Campaign staff have criminal minds. Must have answered the Help Wanted, criminally insane add on Craig's list. With WikiLeaks, DCLeaks and even FBI 302's we see a pattern of corruption throughout MSM to the White House.

Obama, Clinton, Comey and Lynch all took part in the email server cover up, Clinton's campaign is taking money from foreign donors and inciting riots and other acts of violence. MSM is giving free campaign assistance in covering up everything. These are crimes people. All of these people belong behind bars.

With the Hurricane that killed at least a 1,000 people so far in Haiti, we are hearing how the Clinton Foundation stole 100's of millions of dollars in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in 2010. The UN and MSM just looked the other way, everyone hides the crimes of the Clinton's. The Haitian people hate the Clinton's as they know first hand of the treachery. Over 10,000 Haitians died after the earthquake due to no infrastructure and inept UN workers who dumped raw sewage into drinking water. Where did those billions go Clinton's? You helped kill 10,000 men, women and children. Add that to the 500,000 Iraqi children that died as a result of Bill Clinton's policies and the tens of thousands more that Hillary's policies have killed since her support of Arab Spring. These people are two of the largest mass murders in history. Not in the Hitler, Stalin or Mao class yet, but with her pushing for a nuclear war with Russia they will get there quickly.

I haven't even mentioned the 4 Americans in Benghazi or the Clinton body count at home, but if y'all just want to vote for these people to remain as powerful as they are. Don't complain when you or someone you know gets killed, that's what the Clinton's are all about. In fact that's the only thing they unfortunately are good at.

The Sick Establishment Exposed By WikiLeaks, Wake Up People They Really Are Out To Destroy You

We knew it was there just needed the smoking gun, thanks to WikiLeaks and whoever their source(s) are and I highly doubt that the Russians are involved, we are getting more insight to the corruption that has ahold of the Establishment. This is proving that Globalism is the end game that will end the sovereignty of the United States and our own elected and political party's are involved. We see now that the MSM has been controlled as in Operation Mockingbird for half a century. You only get what the Globalists want you to get. You are controlled by search engine giant Google on where they want you to go and what they want you to see. Everything in life is controlled by what appears to be people who have some very questionable ideas.

We have spent over a week hearing about Trump's so-called lewd talk and sexual assaults, nobody cares about Bill Clinton's Rapes or exposing himself. There is a video that has Obama showing off an erection on a plane with female reporters giggling telling secret service to sit down so they have a better view. Rappers who have lyrics that demean women visit the White House and are celebrated. Entertainers such as Miley Cyrus outraged at Trump yet she stands on stage allowing young men to grope her. CNN's Anderson Cooper can be seen with Kathy Griffin as she acts out attempts to engage in oral sex on him as he laughs, TV and movies with nudity and sex has become common place and yet normal guy talk is considered so bad that MSM spends over a week on this garbage. Every woman that has come out making claims against Trump has been found to be lying.

During this same period WikiLeaks has been exposing government corruption, Obama has been signing more executive orders and flying around signing UN agreements that will negatively affect our lives, we are at DEFCON 3 as WWIII is very close to becoming a reality basically ending the world as we know it. Yet MSM only talks about a fake sexgate against Trump.

Now CNN announces that reading WikiLeaks is illegal as if they are the ones who make the law. Members of the FBI are beginning to revolt as their credibility was ruined by their own director Comey who ignored the law and allowed Clinton to walk. Well, stumble is more appropriate as she obviously suffers from a very serious health condition that doesn't allow her to fulfil the duties of President. One thing is becoming very obvious through WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton doesn't make too many decisions on her own. She is a true puppet on a string controlled by Wall Street and those in her staff. The women is even told when to smile. She hates everyone and is totally fake, every word is a lie and her only loyalty seems to be money. She is all in with Saudi Arabia and George Soros as they both give her millions. She is nothing more than a glorified prostitute as she allows money to make her decisions for her. We now have proof that her main donors back ISIS and therefore this makes her complicit in every terrorist attack that ISIS has done.

Here is what we know about how the Establishment thinks of the American people. They don't like Catholics, Evangelicals or any Christians, they support Black Lives Matter over all of the Police and Sheriff departments, Black and Muslim Americans are just failures, the Military and Veterans are their enemies, Latinos are needy, Trump supporters are everything bad they want to claim, all Americans are stupid.

This is the Establishments plans, remove the 1st and 2nd amendments, destroy the Constitution and the Republic, allow Sharia law to be implemented, raise taxes on the middle class to the point of no return, allow all manufacturing to leave, allow the UN to run our police departments, allow One World Government to be the ONLY government and there will no longer be a need for voting. Remove all national borders as there will no longer be independent nations, enslave the entire world population, begin mass sterilization programs, create a language void of he, she, boy, girl, family etc.. Pretty much what they have been doing now only quicken the pace. This too is terrorism against all people of the world.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

"Damn The Torpedoes" Trump Still Wins, The People Against A Corrupted Government

A biased lying media, a Republican party that is showing itself supporting government corruption over its people and a Democratic party that supports every treasonous act of its candidate and current president. The word of the day is a federal government and two political parties that are showing themselves as one of the most corrupt systems in the world. Doesn't matter what agency or branch the entire thing has been compromised and corrupted by money and power. The FBI, Department of Justice, CIA, Department of the interior through its Bureau of Land Management, Department of Homeland Security, Internal Revenue Service, the State Department, White House and National Security Agency. All have either hidden or participate in corruption, fraud, treason, ani-constitutional acts, drug and gun trafficking, international terrorism, pay to play, money laundering, theft, murder and more.

None of the above can be denied by anyone with any common sense, the fact is every agency and department is corrupt, not just the ones mentioned. We are living in one of the most corrupt societies ever in world history. The major problems are that those at the top of the system are the ones who are lying, deceiving and committing crimes at levels never before seen and there is no way for the people to regain control, as every politician who is supposed to represent the people doesn't care what is best for the people, as they do as the special interests ( Globalists ) tell them to do. The WikiLeaks releases show how these people really think and who is really in charge. George Soros and the koch Brothers through foundations that are masked as charities but in reality are where their directives come out of, that run many operations within government and organizations like Black Lives Matter who is funded by Soros who also funds the Clinton campaign and now as revealed sent her directives while Secretary of State.

Donald Trump who for years has been in this circle of Globalists who really run the government today, watched in horror what these people had done. There are taped interviews going back 30 years of him saying what he does today. These are the same conversations he had in private with the politicians that he has defeated this year and even the Clinton's. He is an outsider politically and always has been, he is not racists and they know it, his company has more women in executive positions then men unlike most and they know this. The Washington Post spent months looking for any woman they could who had worked for him or had a relationship with him, trying to find dirt. They came up with a story that was quickly found to be lies as the women interviewed said they didn't say what was reported. Now months later we have women who are all lying suddenly pop out of the woodwork making false claims. One by one their stories are knocked down as its just political dirty tricks. The problem that the corrupt system has with Donald Trump is he unlike them isn't corrupt. They have no big scandal or anything to compromise him with. That's why they all fear him, he isn't a member of their secret societies, he doesn't belong to the corrupt open groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, they have nothing criminal or truly unethical on him. He is a Billionaire who did his own thing and avoided becoming involved in their misdeeds, perversions, crimes or rituals. He is your average guy next door who just happens to know how to make money.

So Damn these liars and con artists, Damn the Globalists and their sick demented ways, Damn the MSM who are just as corrupt and controlled as the majority of politicians and Damn their torpedoes that are full of lies, hate and fear. We the people of all races and backgrounds have a voice and for once a rich businessman that wants the same things we want. Freedom, prosperity, the right to pursue happiness, love of country, God and a flag that once represented all of these things. Long live the Constitution and long live Donald Trump.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trump Calls For Drug Test Prior To Final Debate, All Americans Deserve To Know

At his New Hampshire rally today Donald Trump said that he and Hillary Clinton should be drug tested immediately before they step onto the stage for final debate. I think we need this to be done in order to find out why Hillary's strength seems to fade during debates. After the last debate she was seen being helped down stairs leading to her modified van by Bill Clinton. If she requires drugs for a 90 minute event just to stay alert then she is unfit to be POTUS.

Let's spread the word, demand both to be Drug tested before the debate. Most Americans are just for employment so why not to be President? If you agree like and share on all social media. 

Obama And Clinton Would Fail The Truthiness Test Themselves

By calling for a truthiness test President Obama leaves the question, who would decide the truth? He and Hillary Clinton would certainly fail it miserably. Google announces they will begin to label reliable sources and again how can they be trusted?, Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google advises the Clinton campaign, rigs search results to favor Clinton and most telling he is a member of Bilderberg the Elite Globalist group that Henry Kissinger, The Rothschild's and others belong to.

What Obama is actually calling for is censorship and the truth has little to nothing to do with his truthiness. This is the Globalists destruction of our 1st amendment rights, well over half the stories called conspiracy theories now are in fact truth's that the Globalists don't want known. Its all part of the keeping the people ignorant that Hillary Clinton's staff says is required for them to win the election. The Globalist take over has used the MSM media throughout the world to do this from the UK to Germany to Canada. The MSM is controlled and only does the stories that they are told to do and how.

The "terrorist attack" in Nice France was called a "truck attack" instead, Germany, Sweden and others completely hide the fact there are terrorist acts. In the US they call them "homegrown" and not what they really are " radical Islamic terrorist attacks". So Obama's truthiness is really his call for shutting down the truth. I can't stress enough just how this fits with the George Orwell book 1984. This book should be read by everyone in the US so they understand exactly what is going on.

I first read it in the 1970's and saw signs of what was to come. Been called a conspiracy theorist ever since. I was full in with the vaccine questions of the late 90's and early 2000's and was referred to as crazy, conspiracy junkie even received death threats from as far away as Europe. I networked with people from Australia to Sweden, was warned by the great Dr. Rimland that I needed to be careful as the powers that be would be watching. I allowed these shadow forces to silence me by 2008. Then I saw and experienced full out corruption at the local level and began to watch the primaries. I am neither Republican or Democrat as I am a Constitutionalist. But I quickly saw who was trying to get the word out. Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump, both from outside the political spectrum. Both talking the truth.

I came full circle and am back to do what I can to get the word out as Trump and Carson are. Donald Trump is receiving all of the attacks from the same people I did at a much lower level than he is. Trump is doing as I had, exposing the Globalists for who they are. These people twist the truth hide the truth and manipulate those who lack the information to even know they are being lied to. This really is our last stand for truth in America. We have one shot before Hillary and her Globalist controllers destroy our constitution further and use us as guinea pigs and slaves. We in truth are not the Rebels, we are the ones being attacked by terrorists wearing pantsuits and suits with ties. You have the choice,  vote to follow the truth or follow the lies. Donald Trumps major flaw is that he tells the truth and that is a flaw nobody should say is a bad thing.

Friday, October 14, 2016

DEFCON 3 Prepare For High Possibility Of Nuclear War

Well here we go, thanks to Obama and Hillary Clinton the possibility of Nuclear War is a fluid situation. Russia has been preparing its citizens, as Germany and others had alerted its people over a month ago. The situation in Yemen as the US Navy began firing missiles while Iran sends its warships to the area. The US alerted ISIS troops to head to Syria by announcing an operation on the ISIS stronghold of Mosul Iraq well in advance (still no movement to retake Mosul) as Russian and Syrian forces begin to take the upper hand in Syria. This announced operation was a clear signal to US allied ISIS to move.

The Globalists are drawing at straws since everything is becoming exposed by WikiLeaks data dumps that have shown that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are in fact allied with ISIS. That the US elections are rigged to keep everyone but Globalist Pawn Hillary Clinton out of the White House. Also new revelations that 100's of FBI, Intelligence and Military personnel are not under Globalist control, Trump actually has a land slide lead in Democratic internal polls. They can't figure out how to steal by fraud a landslide.

HSBC has sent out warnings of a huge stock market crash that is immanent, this will be much worse than 2007 since the economy has been so weak, any bounce back is in question. Healthcare costs are increasing by 70% in insurance costs for those that struggle to even pay now. The whole house of cards is about to fall as the Globalists lose control.

WikiLeaks has also shown that MSM is in collusion with the Clinton Campaign and is not telling the truth as it is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Globalists. The Obama administration is holding high level meetings on what moves the White House will make in conjunction with all of the unfolding turmoil. The Globalists are in complete panic about Trumps impending victory, and the Russia, Syrian and Iranian push to destroy ISIS. DEFCON 3 is yellow and could change quickly, all Americans need to be aware of this and should take action immediately.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

"All Hillary Clinton Voters Must Be Kept Ignorant" Clinton Campaign Strategy

We Deplorable, Unredeemable, Sexist, Racist, Islamaphobic, Xenophobic, Rednecks have had enough of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and the Democrats calling us names like these whacked out freaks who are selling us out have been. This includes the fake Republicans who like the punks they are ran to the treasonous traitors that the Nazi Collaborator George Soros and his inbred Globalist masters have been paying off for years.

We know we have the votes, MSM can lie all they want, they claimed Trump was behind during the primaries yet he won handily. Run your fake polls, write your fictitious stories and keep ignoring the WikiLeaks releases. Its all in there, its exposing everything. This is the United States of America not the Globalist Islamic State of the American Sector or whatever you want to call us. We know the truth.

Word is some major surprises coming your way Hillary and Bill. There is a new video coming, you know the one. Yes that's right the one Israel has been using to blackmail you guys and Obama with for awhile now. Also rumours abound that many in our own Intelligence community, the FBI and even the Military are quite upset at you Globalists and your shenanigans. Guess they have some emails you thought were gone. I don't want to ruin the real October surprise courtesy of real American patriots, so let's just say that its best y'all have a fair vote. No dead people, multiple votes or those illegals voting. We freedom loving, constitution loving true American citizens have had enough.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Truth Shall Set You Free Hillary Clinton, Maybe Prison Is More Appropriate

The emails have begun to roll in from WikiLeaks that prove the complete corruption of the Clinton's and Hillary's staff at the State Department, Clinton Foundation and the Campaign. Where to begin? There are so many areas and subjects that its almost mind boggling. Even a few thought to be deleted emails have surfaced that were received and kept. When NAZI Germany was defeated those working on the Nuremberg Trial found it fascinating that Hitler's people had written down everything that they did and planned. This is what people who falsely believe that they will never be challenged for power do. In their minds they believe nobody but themselves will ever see the crimes committed. The only reason Hillary deleted those 33,000 emails was due to receiving a subpoena from Congress. A complete violation of the law.

Well, as we can't help but see, the so-called free press is and has been working with the Clinton Campaign from the start. Emails between the Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton's Campaign and many Mainstream Media organizations now prove this. They put away Bernie Sanders with false stories and manipulations by MSM then the outright voter fraud during the Democratic Primary. Now they are doing the same to Republican Nominee Donald Trump in the general election. DNC Chair, then Vice Chair Donna Brazile had given Clinton the question she received from CNN in advance of a Sanders/Clinton debate. Then in the Commander in Chief Forum Hillary was seen wearing an earpiece, the first debate Lester Holt of NBC reportedly gave the questions in advance and there were obvious hand signals going on as Hillary would touch her face often as if in a bad attempt to alert her Uecker partner what cards she holds.

We have heard Hillary call Trump supporters deplorable and unredeemable and worse, she called Sanders people basement dwellers via recording, and now Bill Clinton just chimed in with "Rednecks" this week. Despite these names the most telling is what her own campaign feels about Hillary supporters, "ignorant", in other words they can't know the truth in order to have them support her. And we also see that Democrats are against Catholics and Evangelicals, pretty much all Christians. And when questioned about these statements Hillary's hard core act outright stupid as they don't care about it. I think Hillary's Campaign wish is coming true.

The emails are also proving pay to play was the word at the State Department, give to the Clinton Foundation and get access and favors from Hillary. Uranium One, the Russian owned mining company that received 20% of all American Uranium assets is a prime example. The Billions in weapons sales to Saudi Arabia with the knowledge of their participation in 9/11 and arming ISIS is another. The list is very long on how Hillary with the help of others in the Obama administration illegally ran the State Department and therefore our foreign policy. There are also emails proving that the UN is being given control of the US government. We are being handed over to the Globalists lock, stock and barrel and only Trump supporters can see this.

This election has turned into good verses evil, it is becoming Biblical as the Globalists move against Russia and the people of the United States. The emails and the words prove it all. All of the Establishment is showing itself in the last days of this election for who they really are. This election is about Freedom, the Constitution and God vs. Enslavement, Poverty and Evil. Stop being sheep Clinton supporters read for yourself what they are doing and have planned for you. Jesus help us all, they say you have to be ignorant, doesn't that alone mean anything to you?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Stop The Insanity, Where Is Your Common Sense?

Every morning I read the headlines from the New York Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Chicago Tribune and LA Times, I also check out CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Fox and CBS. I also check AP, Reuters, BBC and Al Jazeera. I find it funny that there is little to none of the WikiLeaks revelations about the Clinton Campaign, DNC or Clinton Foundation. The Media is all in with the Globalists lies. Frankly I don't know whether to laugh or cry as the people world wide are being so misguided by these Globalist pigs. On occasion a story of truth based on facts leaks out but for the most part its all propaganda to place you into submission. Hell, I'd bet that if they ran a story telling you that the only way to stop air pollution was too kill yourself there would be millions worldwide committing suicide. That's how controlled most are.

There are some news sources that give you the most factual stories where journalism still exists. The Drudge Report, Breitbart and a few others who actually talk to insiders that tell the truth. Yet these are the ones you are told to ignore and have been threatened by Hillary Clinton to be silenced. That's a removal of free speech in case you don't understand. Ask yourself why the Globalists and Hillary Clinton want to silence these people? If they are lying just prove them wrong. Its not that at all its because they are telling the truth and the Globalists don't want you to know the truth. Why you ask? Because then you think for yourself and realize their plans of enslavement for the world. Stop being stupid, it has already begun. Is the country better off now than before 9/11? Notice all the cameras everywhere? Notice all the GPS devices in your phones and now cars. Why? How did we get from point A to point B before? Why do we need all of these cameras everywhere? Oh its to stop theft and to protect you they claim. Well it doesn't really do either as most theft in retail stores is from within' and they only pull video after the fact. What's it like knowing that every personal email and text or call is captured and stored? That's your private conversations and the NSA has every one. This brings up Hillary Clinton's emails that were destroyed. 33,000 that the government has but won't allow anyone to see. Insiders say they have them but since they would destroy her the Globalists keep them from even congress.

Ask yourself why nobody reacted to those 28 pages about 9/11, why ? Its proof that it was an inside job. But who cares right? MSM doesn't even tell you the truth about Aleppo Syria, it once was the largest city in Syria and its industrial base. Your being told that the Russians and Syrians are attacking innocents, flat out lying as ISIS and their allies are occupying these areas. Just like 9/11 Saudi Arabia is supporting ISIS and the Al Qeada groups. Our own government has been arming the same groups, we had attacked by air a Syrian Army outpost in direct support of an ISIS ground assault. This was while we were supposed to be in a cease fire agreement. Whose side are we really on?

The WikiLeaks emails that are proving that MSM and the Republican and Democrat Globalists are working hand in hand to push you towards Hillary Clinton. All your hearing is that Russia is behind the leaks, don't you care about what the leaks are revealing? The Clinton's are criminals and so is the majority of MSM and your political partys. The leaks are proving it but your to believe its the Russians, its they who are doing wrong. Julian Assange flat out says his source was NOT the Russians and that the DNC emails was the murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich. Put 2 and 2 together, who killed him? It wasn't some random street criminal.

The Globalists are making damn fools out of you and your following along like mindless sheep right into the slaughter. Do you like war? You must you keep putting in people who have kept us in constant war for decades, now they want Nuclear War as they keep pushing and pushing at Putin and Russia. They are lying to you about everything, Climate Change, The Mid East, TPP, The refugees from the Mideast, they are lying about everything and you act just like they call you "Stupid."

Now there's tape of the head of elections in New York telling how they do election fraud, Skulkin is a Democrat, they drive bus loads of people from polling place to polling place using names of dead people. The electronic voting machines are easily tampered with and there is no trace. Is this all okay with you? Illegals are given instant approval to vote, is this okay? Have you all lost your minds?

Vote Hillary and your taxes will skyrocket, not the rich Wall Streeters they have loop holes that you don't. Do you like paying taxes? How's Obamacare going for ya? Well the healthcare companies are showing record profits but your wallets are showing less money. My God please wake up! Stop the insanity.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Donald Trump Leads American Revolution Of 2016, Globalists Under Siege

The war is on and the Globalists are in a major retreat as they are beginning to realize that their days are numbered. Donald Trump who leveled Hillary Clinton in the 2nd debate is leading his forces from the front. He has his armies of the American citizenry moving forward to retake the reigns of government from the Globalist traitors who had taken the capital by stealth. The lies and deceptions of the pawns of the international Bankers and Corporations are scrambling to stop the bleeding of the massive wounds inflicted by Trump at the debate.

The Globalists front woman Hillary Clinton's and her husband on paper only former President Bill Clinton's years of crimes have been exposed. Their crimes are many and the fact that the government and MSM have all covered them up, have now become common knowledge to anyone who wants to know the truth. As I and others had written or said about the explosive tirade that Hillary Clinton had after the Commander in Chief Forum where she said "that fucking Fascist will have all of our necks in nooses" is wrong only in the claim that Donald Trump is a fascist, yet 100% correct that he will make those who acted and participated in crimes in general and crimes against the United States will pay. The Globalists now realize this to be true as they circle their wagons in the face of the Trump forces approach. Some of the Republican traitors like John McCain and Paul Ryan have crossed back over into enemy lines. These are weak men who fear the Trump led victory that is sure to come. They along with their fellow Globalists are trying to devise a plan in order to steal the victory that gives the government back to the American people.

The Globalists forces are led by men in the shadows who have successively overthrown the government by lies and deceit and programs of deceptions that depended on the MSM and its propaganda. They had kept the truth at bay by labeling it as conspiracy theories, they used the what till now was the classic, keep repeating the lies until they become the truth technique that had always worked. Its all falling apart as Donald Trump, a true American Patriot realized that there were no others who could take charge and lead the people. He was an insider who witnessed first hand what was happening. He attempted to influence these people but saw and heard just how evil they were. He listened to their plans as he golfed with them, went to their social events and was even recruited at one point by Bill Clinton to become involved in their sick rituals and lifestyles. In truth the Globalists consider him their Benedict Arnold when he in fact is a modern day George Washington.

Like Washington who at the time was one of the wealthiest men in the colonies and used his own money to keep the first American Revolution on course, Trump has used his own money for this one. Like Washington Trump is an imposing figure in front of his troops, Washington rode his white horse, Trump rides his custom 757 aircraft. Washington envisioned a free and growing America not beholden to the influences of the Elite from Europe. As Trump envisions a free and growing America not beholden to the influences of the Globalists. Some of these are in fact the same families that we fought in the first Revolution of 1776 that we are fighting today in this Revolution of 2016.

There is no doubt that Trump will again win the third and final debate on October 19th as Hillary Clinton is no leader and is lacking the ammunition to defeat Trump. This is only a battle to be won as the war continues as we wait to see what the Globalists may pull. From today forward until November 8th when the last battle is set to happen we need to be aware. The Globalists lack the manpower, ammunition and are encircled, this makes them the most dangerous as their options and time is quickly running out. We must be vigilante and keep them confined as until the day of the last battle when Americans go to vote, we must not allow them any path of escape to out flank us. We must continue to lay siege to them and keep them from regaining any advantage. Move in mass with our voices armed with the truth and let's follow and protect our leader Donald Trump as he retakes our government from our Globalist enemies.