We knew it was there just needed the smoking gun, thanks to WikiLeaks and whoever their source(s) are and I highly doubt that the Russians are involved, we are getting more insight to the corruption that has ahold of the Establishment. This is proving that Globalism is the end game that will end the sovereignty of the United States and our own elected and political party's are involved. We see now that the MSM has been controlled as in Operation Mockingbird for half a century. You only get what the Globalists want you to get. You are controlled by search engine giant Google on where they want you to go and what they want you to see. Everything in life is controlled by what appears to be people who have some very questionable ideas.
We have spent over a week hearing about Trump's so-called lewd talk and sexual assaults, nobody cares about Bill Clinton's Rapes or exposing himself. There is a video that has Obama showing off an erection on a plane with female reporters giggling telling secret service to sit down so they have a better view. Rappers who have lyrics that demean women visit the White House and are celebrated. Entertainers such as Miley Cyrus outraged at Trump yet she stands on stage allowing young men to grope her. CNN's Anderson Cooper can be seen with Kathy Griffin as she acts out attempts to engage in oral sex on him as he laughs, TV and movies with nudity and sex has become common place and yet normal guy talk is considered so bad that MSM spends over a week on this garbage. Every woman that has come out making claims against Trump has been found to be lying.
During this same period WikiLeaks has been exposing government corruption, Obama has been signing more executive orders and flying around signing UN agreements that will negatively affect our lives, we are at DEFCON 3 as WWIII is very close to becoming a reality basically ending the world as we know it. Yet MSM only talks about a fake sexgate against Trump.
Now CNN announces that reading WikiLeaks is illegal as if they are the ones who make the law. Members of the FBI are beginning to revolt as their credibility was ruined by their own director Comey who ignored the law and allowed Clinton to walk. Well, stumble is more appropriate as she obviously suffers from a very serious health condition that doesn't allow her to fulfil the duties of President. One thing is becoming very obvious through WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton doesn't make too many decisions on her own. She is a true puppet on a string controlled by Wall Street and those in her staff. The women is even told when to smile. She hates everyone and is totally fake, every word is a lie and her only loyalty seems to be money. She is all in with Saudi Arabia and George Soros as they both give her millions. She is nothing more than a glorified prostitute as she allows money to make her decisions for her. We now have proof that her main donors back ISIS and therefore this makes her complicit in every terrorist attack that ISIS has done.
Here is what we know about how the Establishment thinks of the American people. They don't like Catholics, Evangelicals or any Christians, they support Black Lives Matter over all of the Police and Sheriff departments, Black and Muslim Americans are just failures, the Military and Veterans are their enemies, Latinos are needy, Trump supporters are everything bad they want to claim, all Americans are stupid.
This is the Establishments plans, remove the 1st and 2nd amendments, destroy the Constitution and the Republic, allow Sharia law to be implemented, raise taxes on the middle class to the point of no return, allow all manufacturing to leave, allow the UN to run our police departments, allow One World Government to be the ONLY government and there will no longer be a need for voting. Remove all national borders as there will no longer be independent nations, enslave the entire world population, begin mass sterilization programs, create a language void of he, she, boy, girl, family etc.. Pretty much what they have been doing now only quicken the pace. This too is terrorism against all people of the world.
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