Saturday, October 8, 2016

Awww Donald Trump Said Bad Words, Grow Up MSM! Get to The Issues

Are they serious? This newest attack on Donald Trump only proves that he is normal, yes normal. That's the way men talk when they are alone and are sharing stories. Trump even told about how woman act towards him, it happens daily to famous people. I had just spent some time the other night watching a YouTube live stream from the Weather Channel, Hurricane Matthew was running along the coast of Florida. They have a meteorologist Mike Seidel who is known for his on scene coverage of major weather events. During this live stream there was an open chat going on among the viewers,  and oddly I thought at the time there were people gushing about Seidels looks and some claimed they wanted to have his baby etc... The only thing I was concerned about was that Seidel was holding onto a metal stop sign live on camera in the middle of a storm. The fact is people talk about sexual things, its not like Trump was yelling out the window of the bus. This type of garbage reporting by MSM is why so many voters are clueless to the true issues.

MSM is doing the American voter an injustice by ignoring the crimes of the Clinton's as they spin the BS trying to find just one truthfully bad thing about Trump. Grow up and stop acting like you and the Clinton's are saints. Tell the people the truth about who the actress, a bad one at that, is with the little red bow during Hillary's Town Hall that also did an add for Hillary's 2008 campaign in regards to Bill Clinton's treatment of women. You know the one that she, Brennan Leach, says "who cares I wasn't even born yet" about Bill's actions. You people are the sick ones for lying through your teeth and covering up all of the Clinton's crimes, yes crimes. Tell us about FBI director James Comeys ties to the Clinton's. Anderson Cooper of CNN you need to tell about your own ties to a criminal operation known as the Clinton Foundation, you might want to explain your time as an intern with the CIA for good measure. Rigged, rigged, rigged everything is rigged.

We Trump supporters may be Deplorable and Bernie Sanders supporters Losers according to Hillary and MSM like Anderson Cooper, but one thing we are not is Demonic driven scum of the earth who lie with every word and breath. We want our country back and like Mr. CIA George HW Bush told the UN about the New World Order, "it will happen" we will take back this country that is ours, the People's. The British found out in 1776 and now the Globalists will find out, when we decide we will do something it gets done. Long live the Republic, Constitution and our flag.

Photo: A picture says a thousand words, her eyes aren't down there Hillary.

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