Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Trump Gains Respect From Mexico's President Nieto

Doing what Trump does best, he faces problems by listening to all sides to find the solution that will work best. Unlike most in the business world Donald Trump has built his reputation on being a problem solver. He doesn't sit in an office and just listen to a few people, he goes right to the job site and talks to as many as he can in order to understand the entire problem and learn how best to fix it. Before the deadline and under budget is his goal. He brings this to politics where most don't care about the time or costs involved. Politicians don't care about a lot of things that they should, they just do as the lobbyist and special interests tell them. They don't spend the time or give the effort to listen to all sides and make decisions based on all the facts. This is how Trump can change the face of American politics and change America for the better.

Nieto remarked that he had offered both Trump and Hillary Clinton invitations and that Trump responded quickly and accepted. While Hillary Clinton accepted but for a more appropriate time. Donald Trump has shown his style and the way he will be doing business as president. He showed respect to Mexico's President by responding and accepting immediately to his offer. He then received respect from Nieto for doing so and having a candid and constructive meeting. Nieto agreed with Trump that NAFTA can be enhanced and that the border does have its problems going both ways.

This was a victory for Trump as he showed not only the voters but the world that he is a man of respect, something that has been lacking with US presidents of our recent past. Meanwhile Hillary was busy tweeting that Trumps a racist, like a school girl that lost the vote for Prom Queen. Her anger over being outplayed by Trump was evident. She also showed again that there just may be something to those health problem rumours as she declined Nieto's offer at this time, or is this like her actions as Secretary of State? She will get to it when she has time, unless you give the Clinton Foundation a few million. Trump gives respect and receives respect back. Clinton respects nobody unless you pay her and nobody respects that. We don't need a President who prostitutes the office.

Obama Gladly Hands Over Internet To Globalist Control, October 1 2016

Obama, in his quest to destroy everything from healthcare to the Constitution is continuing as he turns the last bastion of finding truth, the internet over to the Globalist One World Government. On October 1, 2016 the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will gain sole control over the internet, their slogan, One World, One Internet, says it all. Another piece of the puzzle that will complete the goal of One World Government.

Our mainstream news media (MSM) has been under Globalist control for some time and we all see how that works. They manufacture the information you receive and rarely tell the truth as its pure propaganda. That left the internet as a source of information when doing research or finding the truth. There was a time when even .gov websites would post things that contradicted what was being told by MSM. Back in the late 1990's most of us that were researching into why the sudden explosion of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) had occurred, we used information from government and pharmaceutical company websites and found the information pointing to vaccines as one of the major contributors of this phenomenon. Once we would write about it and cite particular web pages, those pages would be removed by them. Pure coverup of truth to mislead the public. It was a game of cat and mouse as we who found the information, were finding the proof and those who denied it were removing it just as quickly. This was when I discovered the truth about our government and its willingness to out right lie and mislead the public. I would watch and read the MSM and see how they too would claim all that I found was labeled as untrue. I and many others wrote books and articles on the internet, yet the truth remains hidden today. The movie Vax is a prime example of this situation on the vaccine issue. California forced vaccination program shows the denial of truth by government. The fact is that vaccines are linked to many of the chronic health problems we see today and even cancer, some even contain things to cause lower birth rates among vaccinated populations.

Reputations, careers and even lives have been the price that those who dare tell the truth pay in this world today. Government Whistleblowers are imprisoned for only telling the truth about corruption and fraud that is becoming the norm in government. Honesty is silenced while lies are rewarded. A prime example is weather manipulation by government, despite evidence being right in front of you that it is 100% true, most don't believe it because MSM and government says it not true. You can sit outside and watch the aerial spraying of Chemtrails that can produce artificial clouds that stops the natural process of heat to rise causing elevated temperatures, or they can cause flooding rains and even spray chemicals and viruses if they wish. But no its all a conspiracy theory despite your ability to find members of the government discussing it on the internet. The problem is for every truth there are 100's of lies that you must filter through to find it, if it hasn't been removed.

Social media also plays their role as they will suspend accounts that they deem Hate driven. The now known Hate Speech that is considered a badge that makes your views unacceptable. What? Yes there are now limits as to what is an acceptable point of view. But who decides this? Who gave them the right? It seems that if you follow the Globalist doctrine then you can say anything you want. But if you challenge them you will be censored by having your views hidden or placed so deep within a search nobody has the time to find it. And of course they can just kick you off the site.

ICANN will be able to kick whatever point of view they deem unacceptable off the internet. Search engines already have and use this ability today, what you write or post may not become indexed and therefore never be seen. But ICANN can go further and remove your .com status and shut your site off from access. Therefore silencing you completely. We see this also today, DCLeaks webpages about George Soros went mysteriously missing. By the way George has his tentacles that reach throughout the world by infiltration of governments and Nongovernmental Organizations, like Black Lives Matter and Hillary Clinton,  into ICANN through foundations and other nefarious organizations like his Open Society that in truth has the goal to close society by silencing the truth. This move by Obama without congressional interference is going to silence the truth from ever being seen again, the internet will become like MSM and only allow you to know what the Globalist want you to know. As Hillary has said she will shutdown news sites that don't tow the Globalist line by labeling them extremists and conspiracy theorists. This may be done for her by ICANN, 1st amendment destroyed. As the death of our Republic is almost complete. Where did I hear that before? Obama, at the White House Correspondence Dinner this year.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Quanell X Leader Of The New Black Panthers Agrees With Donald Trump, Democrats Have Done Nothing For Black Americans

While Hillary Clinton hires actors to portray Klansmen in order to influence voters to believe That Donald Trump is racist in a campaign ad. The Leader of the New Black Panthers urges his fellow Black Americans to listen to what Trump is saying about the Democratic Party's treatment of Black voters. In fact Quanell X said that "the Democrats have acted as Pimps and promised the world and done nothing for 54 years for Black Americans." He urged that Black Americans need to look at what other political party's are saying. He praised Trump for going to Milwaukee after the shooting of a Black man by a Black Police Officer that resulted in rioting. He said that his "Brothers and Sisters should ignore the vessel, but listen to his words, because what Trump said was the truth." Although not an endorsement for Trump, Quanell X left little doubt about his view of Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party.

Trump is breaking new ground and has the ears of traditional Democratic voters who like many others are getting fed up with the lies and deceit that has been American politics for far too long. Every 4 years the Democrats talk about what they will do for minorities and take for granted that they will receive their vote. The tables are turning as minorities have seen no change for the better and only witness the continued decline in their situation. The Establishment both Democrat and Republican, falsely believe that the agenda against the middle class, that is dominated by White Americans could be completed as minorities wouldn't be caught up. The trickle down theory came into play, as while the middle class began to suffer, those of low income or in poverty also began to suffer and ended up in worse shape than before.

You determine the greatness of a society on how it treats its weak, poor and those unable to flourish. When you begin to eliminate the options for your strength, ( the middle class ) you subject those at the bottom to even worse conditions than before. You have begun to eliminate rungs at the bottom of the ladder used to get to the top. By bringing in millions of immigrants who are treated better than those born here, that are stuck in the never ending cycle of poverty is nothing more than a slap in the face.
The system is broken and needs to be fixed, when Trump says "America first" he means "Americans first."

This will take all Americans to right the ship, Black, White, Latino and Asian. We need to look away from the Establishment politicians of both party's. Stop allowing them to divide us and unite together to rebuild this country that can return to a place that dreams can come true. Promote families not tear them apart, teach our young to think, not to memorize a few untrue facts then unleash a generation of rejects that can't do anything but repeat what they were told to. Promote real science and tell the truth about the planet and what surrounds it. Give helping hands that help, not those that only continue to keep people down. Become human again and realize that it will take us all together not just a few who will only use and abuse you. Vote Donald Trump, demand that he do as he promises then get out there and help him help us.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

ISIS Already Here In US, Obama's Jihadist

Unless you live out in the middle of nowhere you can't help but notice the numbers of Mideastern Muslims that are what seems to be everywhere. Mosques springing up replacing churches and the women who wear coverings over their heads known as hijabs and dress very conservatively seem to be everywhere, the post office, the ice cream shop, grocery store and the drug store. These are not older women but younger, many with small children. They stick out only because of the suddenness of their appearance in areas they were not seen before. I live in a part of the country where people of Arab decent is not uncommon. Two very famous Lebanese Americans were born and raised here, Danny Thomas and Jamie Farr, we also have a large Indian population. Like most of America this area has had its share of immigrants. The Polish Village that once dominated the North End, A large Latino community in the South, you name it we have a true melting pot. Our immigration story is like most American cities.

Different times and different reasons brought immigrants to this region, being situated between Cleveland to the east, Detroit to the north and Chicago further west, Northwest Ohio has a rich history from the War of 1812 through to today. Like most of the countries manufacturing backbone we lost most of those jobs since NAFTA in the 1990's, only the Jeep plant and GMC transmission plant remain. The largest employers now are in the healthcare field, wages are down and options limited as it has become for many other cities. A county dominated by Democrats and well known to be Establishment run with a sprinkling of Republicans who aren't much different other than Party name. What is your average American medium sized city? Toledo Ohio in Lucas County would be it.

A vast majority of the immigrants from the Middle East were of Christian belief, Lebanese and Syrians dominating with some from Iraq in years past. However the newer immigrants are Muslim and they seem to be of the more stricter doctrine as the amount of young women in more traditional clothing is noticeable. There doesn't seem to be any radicalized Muslims but we unfortunately won't know until its to late. Just north in Dearborn Michigan a much larger Muslim community has been growing for years. Known as Dearbornistan due to the over whelming numbers. This is where support for ISIS is the most openly expressed, this is where the trouble will come from, as is being done in Europe, the taking over of an entire town or city that Sharia law begins. The Radicals gain support of the moderate Muslims because the religion teaches Sharia as Allah's (God's) Law. The Mosques become dominated by the Radical Imams and the kindling is lit. What will become a blaze that will soon be out of control and will consume everything in its path.

Many ask why its Muslims that are being brought in and not the Christian Arabs like in the past who assimilated to American culture without much effort? Doesn't anyone understand that most Muslims even those we consider moderate believe in Sharia law? Don't they know that the Muslim prophet Muhammad teaches all Muslims to dominate the world by any means necessary? Its their duty as Muslims to dominate where ever they are? The answer is a resounding yes it is understood exactly what Islam is all about. Every president who opened up the gates to these Muslims that are escaping from wars created by the west to eliminate rulers and dictators who kept the fight amongst themselves and within their regions. Its not the Christians or others who don't abide by the teachings of Muhammad who for generations have been abused, humiliated and killed that are being allowed to migrate. It is the ones who will not assimilate to western culture, who want to destroy it and desire to take over the land, people and therefore complete Muhammad's work.

The Bush family, Clinton's and Obama all have created this dangerous situation all under the guidance of their Globalist Masters. Its not crazy to believe that these Globalist who worship not God but worship the Devil and do his bidding on earth are using man's beliefs against each other to achieve their goal. That being to create Hell on earth and to rule this Hell where death and destruction replaces life and beauty. Obama has brought in more Muslims that is being told, Hillary Clinton will bring in more, its all part of the plan to create chaos to eliminate every possible freedom and allow these evil Globalist to bring us the solution. Death to most and enslavement for the rest. Obama's Jihadist are here in America and the final war in the name of religion will begin as those who worship evil watch it all unfold, creating the Hell they so desire.

Are The Bankster's Setting Up Another Round Of Bailouts?

Here we go again, rumours are gaining steam as those poor Banksters are claiming empty pockets again and will be asking governments to cover the debts. Just a little game we all play called Banksters get richer while citizens become poorer. What happens is simple, banks loan money to the rich and throw in some poor who they hope don't pay. When those loans go bad they run to the government claiming to be destitute. Your politicians, some knowing the scam well, agree to cover these bad debts and throw it onto its debt, that in fact is your debt. That is almost $60,000.00 each and every one of us owe no matter our age, that new baby just born, came into the world already in debt. Who do we owe? Oh yea, the Banksters but wait how can we owe the bank for a loan we didn't take out? Well those Politicians have been borrowing money like crazy and then the banks have this game that like a High Rollers Casino in Vegas or Monaco the odds are heavily in their favor.

The Banks will ask your Politicians for help with covering this bad dept that they have incurred, the politicians will be forced to cover it in almost 90% of the cases. But how does the government that has no money give these Banksters money they claim they need to continue to operate? Again simple, the government borrows the money from the bank then gives the money back to the bank, then you owe the bank for the governments debt, that became your debt, and the bank has its debt covered plus it hopes to get your debt paid, but until then your government pays interest on your debt, so the bank profits off its debt, and all you did was pay the banks debt. What a great scam and yet nobody tries to stop it from being played out. Sounds like it is becoming time to hit the Reset button.

Can this be done and just start over? Certainly it wouldn't be hard if those people the Banksters would be willing to but they won't, as their true profits are way too high and greed unfortunately is a trait that some humans thrive on. I think most of us have figured out that the system both politically and economically is broken. The Banking system is totally broken and favors the banks and they have too much freedom to do as they wish. The Federal Reserve was a scam thought up by J.P. Morgan and others for one purpose. That being to control all the money and gain bigger profit. President Woodrow Wilson admitted that it was his biggest mistake to have signed the law to allow this. This is why the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished without question. we need major banking reform and some transparency throughout all financial institutions. These economists who smugly sit and talk as if you would never understand all of their complete nonsense are right. We were once taught that 2+2=4 and they want to claim that 2+2=4÷7+1×2%= You owe them. All these ridiculous mathematical formulas just to confuse and ensure massive profits. Capitalism does work if you take the scammers out of it. 

Its like everything else we have done, made things much more complicated than needed. Our Federal Government is way too big, they spend money like a drunkin' sailor in a bar with a brothel upstairs after a year at sea. why do we have so many departments and agencies that in most cases cross over with other departments and agencies. They end up stepping on each others toes and this makes things very insufficiently run. In order to bust up a crime ring you can have local police, state police, FBI, DEA, ATF and if the CIA, NSA and DHS believe they need to be involved, you've got way too many involved, spending way too much money, and ignoring way too many other crimes and criminals. Then you have Hillary Clinton where they spend millions just to say "she was careless."

Banks need to be heavily regulated, control of all money policies needs to return to government, the federal government needs to shrink in size massively and be restricted to balanced budgets. New policies that have never been tried before need to be implemented as we need policies that work and at a much lower cost. Simplify the system instead of making it more complicated by the day. We need to become smarter in the way we do things and stop this never ending spiral of stupidity.

I've got to go borrow some money today so I need to go loan the guy down the street $50 so he can loan it to me. Then I'll go loan that $50 to another guy who I'll then borrow $50 from. Wow I think I've got it, my $50 turns into $150 and if I add interest I could throw a sign up and call myself a bank. Anyone want to loan me $50? Don't worry I can loan it to ya. I am sure someone will say that's not how it works, sorry but it is and they know it.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Conspiracy Theory? Clinton Claims Russia's Putin Global Threat, No Mention Of ISIS

It appears that Hillary Clinton sees Russian President Putin as the cause of all the problems facing the world. He somehow is behind all of the Nationalist movements here in the US and in Europe. Nigel Farage who led the Brexit move in the UK and Donald Trump and the Alt Right in the US take their orders from the mastermind Putin according to Hillary. Since the term Conspiracy Theory is used most often when someone is telling a truth that a government doesn't want known, we can call this exactly what it is, "Insanity." Hillary has been pointing to Russia as the main global threat for some time. She doesn't speak too much at all about Radical Islamic terrorism. There is a very good reason for this.

Hillary is 100% Globalist and she wants to take down the US government from within and turn it over to the Globalist One World Government. She fully supports the European Union and its corporate run government made up of "a bunch of unelected old men in Brussels" as Nigel Farage told those attending a Trump Rally in Mississippi. The American Establishment has been in the process of doing the same here for about the last 30 years, this One World Government begins with trade agreements that end up being so much more. These agreements are not only about trade but soon create a government unto itself, with its own monetary system, courts, regulations, laws, police and military. Those in charge are non elected individuals from the corporate world and they assume dictatorial powers. That is what the EU is and the reason Nigel Farage fought for the past 20 plus years to get the UK out. His movement is for national independence from the Globalist form of government.

Like any empire, the Globalists have been on the move east in Europe, gaining control of country after country, this is the true nature of the problems in Ukraine. Whatever the resources that a nation controls the Globalist want control. Through trade and regulations they soon make all decisions within these countries. You must do as the EU Council says and there is no independent thought or trade allowed. This is what has Putin upset as he and others can no longer trade with just Ukraine, Germany or others, he has to work out agreements with the entire EU that is run by those unelected members of the EU Council.

From NAFTA through to the TPP our government has been handing over control to the Globalists and therefore taking your options out of play. It is why voting has become useless whether you pick Democrat or Republican since both Party's had relinquished control over to the Globalist agenda years ago. That is why this years election is so important, as Donald Trump is representing a movement away from Globalist control and returning it to the American people. Just as Nigel Farage has done in the UK with Brexit. Does this make Putin happy? You can bet on it, as he is fully aware of the empire of world domination that the Globalists are pushing. We in the US had heard of the NWO but never understood its real meaning or who was leading it. The Mainstream Media has hidden it while doing propaganda for it. Our own political parties have been selling us out while claiming the opposite.

Is Putin a threat to world peace? Not at all, is Globalism a threat to world peace? Yes as it is they who want world domination not Russia despite the propaganda saying otherwise. The Globalist political pawns such as Hillary Clinton, Merkle of Germany, Hollande of France all share the same world view and it has nothing to do with freedom or true democracy. It has to do with One Government, One Religion and One World. This means that there will be no middle class as there is only two, the rulers and those being ruled, the rich and the poor. This is the Globalists agenda and that means that all who wish to retain their individual cultures, values and principles are their enemies. Putin, Trump and Farage to name a few. These 3 men have stood up to the Globalists and threatened their ability to take over the world quietly.

This explains the Globalist attacks on these men who only want the people of the world to decide for themselves what type of government they want, not be forced into one that claims to be something its not. Unlike Hillary's claim that these men are involved in some conspiracy against the people, they in fact are exposing the real conspiracy that has been going on for years. That being the One World Government that is ruled by unelected individuals from the worlds Elite class who will rule by decree, without your ability to have any say in the matter. You will be totally controlled with no freedom to make the most minor of choices in your life. Globalists don't believe in borders since its all one, there will be a new culture, new values and new principles once the old ones have been destroyed. This is why ISIS was created to be the insurrection wing of the Globalists to tighten control over the population. Manufactured chaos to give the government reason to eliminate your freedom by claiming it will make you safer.

Sorry Hillary, there is no Conspiracy in play by these men. They don't want war or take my freedoms away. It is you Hillary and your Establishment Globalists who are involved in the Conspiracy. It is you who like Merkle, Hollande and others that are the Conspirators against all of the people of the world.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Days In Politics Are Over, Time To Make It Happen

The closer we get to November the 8th the more obvious it is becoming that the Clinton Crime Family's days of ruining the country are over. Too many lies, too many crimes, too many times caught on the wrong side of reality. Hillary just called the majority of American voters racists and conspiracy theorists, talk about being out of touch with reality. Whoever advised her on her Alt-Right speech sure has a good sense of humour. President Obama fell out of his golf cart with laughter while listening to Hillary claim everything is a bed of roses for those stuck in the never ending cycle of poverty. She denounced Donald Trump for talking openly and honestly about the plight of African Americans and Latinos who live in the poorest of communities in the inner cities and fear for their lives and the lives of their children. How dare Trump tell the truth about the schools that don't teach children but simply warehouse them until they hit the streets and find nothing is there for them. How dare Trump tell of the lack of jobs or the fact that crime rates are increasing. How dare anyone speak the truth.

Hillary Clinton has made her final mistake, she has proven that she is out of touch with reality as she who has the record to prove that she could care less about anyone but her wealthy friends, foreign and domestic who give millions to her campaign and her foundation. She again has proven that she can't attract the support of 10's of thousands to hear her speak, with those who do attend not even knowing when they are to cheer. During her Alt Right speech she brought up the wall Donald Trump has spoken of and when she said "you know who is going to pay for it? the American taxpayer is", there was dead silence in the room, as this was supposed to receive a loud response, it got nothing.

MSM is doing their best to cover up all the lies and crimes that surrounds Clinton, they don't mention her emails or answer the question as to how someone like Huma Abedin whose entire family has connections with the Muslim Brotherhood including herself, could be allowed so close to sensitive US government documents that most members of congress aren't allowed to even see? MSM does seem to brag about all the fundraising Hillary does, as if she is winning the election because Wall Streeters give her so many millions. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Hillary claim to be against Wall Street? I'm confused, so you say you are against these super rich and they will give you money? Okay I'm against them, where is the money? The people who suffer from poverty are against them, where is the money? Oh I get it, its all a huge lie just to get the poor to vote for Hillary, she's not really against Wall Street, Big Banks or the wealthy entertainers she has private fundraisers with. Those are actually who she is running for.

Can't wait for the debates and watch Trump crush Hillary, wonder if Vegas has odds on Hillary going nuts on stage as Trump brings up all of the crimes, lies and deceptions? I hope he mentions Vince Foster, by the way all the files on this mans "suicide" seem to have disappeared, wonder if these files are with President Kennedy's brain that also was lost to history. Can we finally see just how evil and corrupt Washington is? We of the Alt Right as Hillary calls us are just plain fed up with it all. Since we are all now called racists, I wonder if that includes Dr. Ben Carson, Sheriff David Clarke or Pastor Rick Burns to name a few who Hillary claims are White Supremacists.

Fact is Hillary will allow more poor to stream over the border to the south, she promises to bring more Muslims from the areas she helped start wars in. She will pass the TPP and hand our country over to the Globalists, she will do nothing to change things for those living in poverty, she won't fix our failed educational system, she will create more poverty by raising taxes even higher, she will find another war to fight just because she loves war and the death and destruction it causes. She will continue to destroy our American culture and values, she will continue to eliminate our constitution, no more gun ownership and no more freedom of speech, she will continue to enrich herself and sadly she will do it all with the laughter of evil as she relishes in the Hell she creates. Good bye Hillary you are finished.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hilary Clinton's Supporters Lack Enthusiasm As She Calls Trump Racist

This is becoming sad, as it is so obvious that Hillary has nothing but outright lies and distortions to use against Trump. She gave her altright speech in Reno Nevada for almost 20 minutes about how Donald Trump and his supporters are all racists and conspiracy theorists. Calling out Alex Jones of Infowars, It was very noticeable that she kept one hand holding onto the podium for the majority of this low energy speech. If you look back at past speeches even in this election cycle she rarely held onto anything while she spoke like this, almost continuously.

She denied there is a health problem, she claimed Trump is connected to the KKK and she denied that our inner cities and that African Americans are having both economic and social problems. Saying that since Trump speaks of the issue he is insensitive and racist. Donald Trump forgets that according to the Democrats there is absolutely nothing wrong in the African American community. After all a quick look at the situation tells you that the conditions are exactly what the Democrats wanted from day one.

Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law a series of Federal anti poverty programs known as The Great Society. Upon completion he was quoted as saying " This will have these N#&gets voting Democrat for the next 200 years." Statistics show that after 50 years and trillions of dollars these programs have failed, poverty is worse today for Black,White and Latino communities than in 1965. Hillary's husband Bill golfed on White only courses while Governor of Arkansas, during his tenure, Arkansas didn't enact one piece of civil right legislation. Bill and Hillary were also very close to Democratic Arkansas US Senator J. William Fulbright, a signer of the Southern Manifesto that gave southern states the right to keep populations segregated by race. The J. William Fulbright Fellowship is now known as the J. William Fulbright - Hillary Rodham Clinton Fellowship. Bill also had Al Gore whose father was a Democratic US Senator who also was a known racist and segregationist, as his VP. They used a Confederate flag as their campaign symbol in 1992. And just 6 years ago Hillary Clinton eulogized Democrat US Senator from West Virginia Robert Byrd, calling him her "friend and mentor" who was the "heart and soul of America." Byrd was a top Klansman and recruiter for the KKK for decades and even while a Senator.

Who are the real racists here? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? The record proves it is Clinton hands down. The Democrats have a long history of being racists, the KKK was started by the Democrats. LBJ's Great Society was in fact a plan to keep African Americans in poverty as the saying is "once you get into the program it is almost impossible to get out." These lies that Hillary continues to spew just don't hold water any more. She is ill and it is obvious to see but just read the emails that have been released. She allowed 4 Americans to die in Benghazi by refusing to send help despite the multiple requests, she knowingly allowed US secrets to be hacked, even continued to use unsecured servers after she knew they were hacked already, she and Bill with daughter Chelsea ran a Pay for Play operation with their Foundation while she was Secretary of State, she didn't even win her Party's nomination fairly as they instructed their insiders to rig the process, Its all in the emails.

Just think of being this women, she knows for a fact that Trump is trouncing her in reality, she knows that people don't like her, she knows that the only way she can win is by stealing the election and she knows that in truth she, Bill and even Chelsea all belong behind bars due to a list of crimes that would take a book the size of War and Peace to cover. Bill and Hillary Clinton are the worlds most corrupt couple ever in history, nobody comes to a close second. You name the crime and they have done it.

Hillary Clinton Back On Campaign After Satanic Holiday, Accuses Trump of Nativism

After celebrating Bartholomew's Day with fellow Satanist on Wednesday, Hillary Clinton is back to campaigning with an event in Nevada. She plans to accuse rival Donald Trump of Nativism as if that's a bad thing.
The policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants. A return to or emphasis on traditional or local customs, in opposition to outside influences.
In other words protecting American culture, ideals and principles. Something the Globalists are against as they destroy local or regional traditions and customs by creating a mass of chaos and violence as the immigrants come and force their religion and laws upon the people who have been there for 100's of years. We see what Hillary and the Globalists want for America in Europe today.

Since time began man has developed and begun their own and diverse cultures and this has only been a problem when others who wanted world domination came to force their ideas and cultures upon the defeated. Looking back through history this has been done repeatedly as the names of Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler and Muhammad come to mind. Each expanded their area of influence and brought their cultural, religious or political beliefs to new lands and many died for these adventures. It was achieved through war and all that comes with it.

Today we still have the pure definition of war but there is a different strategy being used in Europe and the United States. Our own governments have declared war on their own people. It is a war against our culture, traditions, religions and principles. The Globalists used our own systems of democracy to infiltrate and take over the highest and most powerful positions. They have taken over the press, news media, our school systems and most universities, they will soon have complete and unchallenged control of the internet. All this was achieved slowly and by lies and deceptions, as the people were unaware of what was truly going on. In America Eisenhower warned us as he exited the White House and then Kennedy warned us but this cost him his life. All that tried to give warning have been silenced. 

One man who was well read about history and grew up in New York City, played the Globalist game as he learned who was who and what their plans were to complete the One World Government. He never joined their secret societies as he saw the sickness of many who had. He didn't just hear of the rituals and child molestation he once walked in on it. Jeffrey Epstein the convicted Billionaire sex offender and close friend of Bill Clinton had invited Donald Trump over to his home. Trump walked past the pool area noticing the young teenage girls, he commented to a friend " that's nice he allows the neighborhood kids to use his pool." Upon entering the house he saw much more and it was then he realized it was time to go. Unlike Bill Clinton who had spent many nights at Epstein's private Island where lavish parties were thrown featuring underage girls who were nothing more than sex slaves. Trump would have no part of it. You can bet that he is aware of the Satanic worshiping that also goes on within the hierarchy of American politics. This is what held him back from running for president. He was fully aware that if he ran there would be many angry Globalists as they know he knows exactly what is planned. He knows the truth about what they do behind closed doors, he knows all the evil that takes place. They spent years trying to recruit him to join them, He never would.

So here we are at this moment of history, Donald Trump a man who decided to put his life, wealth and future on the line for one purpose. That is to stop the Globalists in their tracks, and take America back from those who despise everything it stands for. His fight is not against just Hillary Clinton it is against the entire Globalist attempt to dominate the world. Its against those sick individuals who tramps around worshiping Satan or doing rituals that include sexual deviances, sacrifices of animals and children. People who love destruction and death and love power and wealth. He knows we are in a war right now. And he wants to win it as, yes he is a Nationalist, Constitutionalist, Capitalist and Nativist. The world is a better place when the diverse cultures all have their own areas and we are allowed to enjoy our own ideals, religions and principals. There is no room for one set of rules for everyone throughout the world, there are too many cultures and as they say "when in Rome, do as the Romans do." The Globalist idea can't bring peace as its entire idea will cause total war not amongst nations but amongst people, neighbor against neighbor, religion against religion, race against race. Globalism can only succeed if everyone is forced into one culture, one religion and one government with no tolerance for anything else. And I can assure you that one religion will not be to worship God, that one government will not allow any freedoms and that one culture will have nothing to do with a true culture. Simply put Globalism will be Hell on earth.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Anti-Trump Protesters, MSM, Politicians Having Problems With Reality

As the clock keeps ticking and we move closer to the most important Presidential election possibly ever, Americans are witnessing the full collapse of civilization. Reality has become distorted as what is being said or seen has absolutely nothing to do with what is real. To be hateful and violent towards others is justified as they claim to be against the hate of others that isn' actually there. Lies are accepted as truth while truth has become conspiracy theory. A 15 year old in Austin Texas was protesting at a the Trump Rally, when she was asked "why?" Her answer was like most. She looked at the reporter bewildered and said "I don't know." Another protester was asked why they didn't like Donald Trump? They too seemed out of touch, as they looked at the hand made sign they were holding to find out them self. An older protester with clown paint on, representing a claim that Trump is a clown, was asked why she was wearing clown paint? Her answer "they told us to." And of course a group claiming to be Communists, with faces covered and the ability to only say two maybe three words at most kept repeating "F%+k Trump," when asked why? Their answer was "F%+k you." This was a clear representation of the intellectually stunted mindset of the Anti-Trump protester and sadly many others.

In the MSM we have these so-called professionals who have university degrees that will write or tell you things that they know are untrue. Doesn't seem to matter, but when challenged they will change the subject or as in most cases just end the conversation. They have no way to support the lies and so its a must to stop if challenged. And yes the use of the words "conspiracy theory" is always used as the response to, in most cases a factual statement. Those words to discredit anything that are in fact true, but something they don't want known, were created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1960's as a way to hide the truth. 95% of the time when you hear or see conspiracy theory in print as a response, it is because the truth came out and they won't admit it.

Here are some of the real conspiracy theories: Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, 9/11, Oswald killed Kennedy, Gulf of Tonkin, eliminating the 2nd amendment will lower crime. The Clinton Foundation, MSM tells the truth, freedom, you are not being enslaved, Climate change is real, Hillary Clinton has massive support from the average American, All those people listed in the Clinton Body Count just had some really bad luck, Black Americans aren't being played by Democrats as was the plan that was hatched in the 60's, Obama has done a good job, Islam is a peaceful religion, your future looks bright. The list goes on and on as most of what we have been told or taught is nothing but lies. Yes I added Santa and the Easter bunny for a reason as it shows how we are indoctrinated by our own parents to become used to being told lies. ( A little side note here, I personally could never figure out why a Rabbit would leave eggs? Or do I have the whole Rabbit reproductive thing screwed up?) But it shows how humans seem to thrive on lies and ignore the obvious truth. We begin at a young age as when we get caught with cake all over our hands and face we inevitably answer "no" when asked if it was us that got into the cake?

You would think that as you age the need to lie would fade, as intelligence expands through experience and what you have learned would eliminate the need. Its as simple as realizing that fire is hot and it will burn you. How many times does it take before you learn this fact? Didn't you reach an age when the ridiculousness of a heavy set guy dressed in red, riding in a sleigh pulled by reindeer that fly is not real? The lie couldn't be believed any longer because your intelligence wouldn't allow it. So what is going on now? How can we explain how all of these lies that we have accepted as truth are being pulled off?

Realize that it wasn't done overnight as that would have failed quickly, sudden change is questioned even by the least intelligent species. Our mindset today is the creation of the Elite who believe that they alone have the right to make you act as sheep and follow along quietly to even the most ridiculous of ideas. They will eventually get you to not only touch that flame but allow it to burn your flesh and claim that it is in fact not hot. Humans had become more intelligent over time and even those that have stuck to the same traditions as their ancestors, had the ability to learn. Everything has been learned by trial and error. One invention by one individual can lead to hundreds and thousands of other new inventions by others once they have learned the first.

So when did it begin to reverse? How have we begun to become less intelligent in the matter of a generations time? It is the children, they have short circuited our children's minds. Literally stopping the ability to learn or think for themselves. Its starts when a child is very young and this is where they stunt the minds ability to grow emotionally or intellectually. After all a child is much more prone to believe a lie than an adult. The plan was and continues to be to create a society of child like adults who are unable to discern fact from fiction. Blurring what is reality and what is fictional.

We are seeing this today as MSM lies, Politicians lie and Hillary Clinton and her Globalist backers are the ones who want you to be child like, they require you to be this way in order to control you. Because that is what the end game is. World domination and the masses are to be slaves to the few who are not of God but of the Evil that believes it is God. The young whose minds have been stunted by forced vaccinations, educational systems that purposely don't reward individual thought, but rather teach our children to follow and never think of leading, they are rewarded for memorizing lies and nothing more. The oldest of control techniques being used to repeat lies until it becomes reality.

Reality is that we are in serious trouble as a civilization as this is nearing the end of all freedoms and having any choices at all. Your children are going to be nothing but slaves, living in a world of control from an unseen Elite that live behind walls of secrecy and evil. Your children will not be allowed to travel or move around freely, food, water and all that we for the most part take for granted will be limited. As in the book 1984 you are watched and listened to through phones, tablets, computers, televisions and even in your cars. Imagine Hillary's surprise that she too was being monitored. This shows that she is only a puppet and not the real one in charge. Everyone is monitored as these people don't trust anyone including each other. These are evil people and what they have done and are doing will become much worse. It is time for us to take our lives and freedoms back while we have the chance still. Demand and get this government by the people and for the people back. Reverse all of the policies that are meant to destroy us all.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton In California For St. Bartholomew's Day?

Knowing that those close to Hillary Clinton have confirmed her involvement with Satanic worship, it caught me that she has no events scheduled at all on this Satanic Holiday. Known also as the Great Sabbat and Fire Festival by those who partake in such rituals, I couldn't help but notice that her schedule was made to take her to California from Monday the 22nd to Thursday the 25th when she appears in Reno Nevada. She did the Jimmy Kimmel show on Monday night  in Los Angeles acting as if she is doing just wonderful health wise, and sticking to the script that her campaign and Kimmel's staff had prepared. Of course she was sitting the entire time and yes she had a pillow to prop her up. So this sad attempt to show the world that she is in excellent health did nothing to prove or disprove this claim.

On Tuesday the 23rd she appeared at a fundraiser with celebrities from the entertainment field for a luncheon. This was closed to the press as most of her recent events are, it was low energy and highly controlled. This was originally to take place at Leonardo DiCaprio's home, however he had to cancel suddenly over the weekend, as word came that his own Foundation was under investigation for improprieties, Justin Timberlake came to the rescue and hosted the "Conversation With Hillary" event.

On August the 24th, St. Bartholomew's Day she has nothing scheduled Ironically. I can hear the screams of "Conspiracy Theory!" But you have to wait before you judge. For one this site is called Thoughts and Opinions and that is what it is, my thoughts and opinions. I take information that is at hand and give my thoughts and opinions and am doing the same here. Unless you have been isolated for the past 25 years or so you have heard the rumblings that Hillary Clinton is involved in the occult. Its not farfetched as many of our politicians have questionable ties to secret societies and the occult or ritualistic activity. Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove or Freemasonry to name a few. This is what most of the Elite Establishment do, whether you want to admit it or not, it is true.

Hillary Clinton has for years gone to California to participate in occult rituals, even while First Lady she would take trips to California often under the cover of political duty or vacations. And this has all the markings of one of those times. She is in California, she is in the middle of a presidential campaign, she has a lite schedule due to health issues that she denies of course, yet she has had small controlled events/fundraisers on the 22-23 of August this week and resumes in Nevada on the 25th. The only day she has nothing scheduled is a Satanic Holiday, and she is in the state where her coven or church is located. I'm sure her Campaign will claim it is to rest. "Rest?" What is she resting from? She hasn't been doing anything stressful, they claim she is in excellent health, so what is the real story? She was resting last week also doing small controlled events/fundraisers.

I am sure many won't believe this simple case of connecting the dots but again this is my opinion on what Hillary is doing. We can no longer keep our eyes wide shut as to who many of these establishment politicians really are and, what they believe in. We wonder why they seem so different from ourselves and a lot of it has to do with their beliefs. Oh sure some will go to a church or synagogue but in truth like Damien from the movie the Omen they are freaking out inside. Everything about Hillary Clinton is evil, she lies constantly and feels no empathy for anyone. She laughs at death as she did about the violent overthrow of Omar Gaddafi, she allowed 4 Americans to die in Benghazi and famously said " What difference does it make?" She laughed at how she knowingly got a guilty pedophile off on charges while she was practicing law. She is feared in Washington for reasons nobody dares to speak of. Hillary Clinton is the essence of evil and we must realize it.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Not Again! 14,900 More Clinton Emails, Globalists Weighing Their Options

It is going from bad to worse for the Globalists Establishment, not only has Hillary Clinton's health issues begun to influence the election narrative. Those emails just keep popping up giving attention to her criminal activity while Secretary of State. The State Department has begun to filter this latest batch that were undocumented and not included in the 30,000 known or 33,000 deleted emails. Donald Trump today at a campaign event in Akron Ohio called for a Special Prosecutor to be named and begin an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, noting that the FBI and Department of Justice can't be trusted to do the job correctly as the Obama administration is involved in covering up Clinton's crimes. Trump also stated that this election is beginning to look like a "Landslide" that received booming cheers from the overflow crowd.

The Globalists Establishment has been running a heavy propaganda campaign thru Mainstream Media outlets attempting to cover up the truth about Hillary's health and crimes. They have been loosing ground as the MSM no longer is trusted by 90% plus of Americans. With Trump talking openly about a rigged election and asking his supporters to be proactive at the polls, this has given Hillary backers fits, as this will block most of the usual election rigging techniques.

Black Lives Matter, the George Soros financed group responsible for creating racial tensions has been exposed as nothing more than the agitation wing of the Democratic Party. It is loosing ground with Black Americans as their calls for violence are being ignored for the most part. They like Obama and Clinton have been unseen in the crisis in Louisiana and this has angered many in both the White and Black communities dealing with the devastation the flood waters have caused. MSM too has been absent and busy claiming that to do nothing is the best way to help. None of this is the way America has reacted as race and creed is ignored when other Americans are in trouble. We have always rushed to help in any way we can, however the Globalist Establishment is saying we are to ignore the situation. The sociopathic mindset that these people all have is what has brought us to this point in history.

The open borders between Mexico and the US has allowed an increase of drug and criminal instances to vastly increase. Obama and Clinton smile and promote the complete upsetting of the southwestern states and others. These states resources are stretched to the limit and they are drained by illegal immigrants. The US Military just released an intelligence report from US South Command that said Sunni Muslims (ISIS & Al Qaeda) are coming across unchecked as South American smugglers are helping them in. Add this to the Obama administration bringing in Sunni Muslims through the front door and we are destined to repeat the problems that are destroying European culture. All being done by Globalists too further cause chaos. The ancient tactic of divide and conquer. A Trump election would vastly curtail all of this.

It has become evident that censorship has been used during this election cycle. Social media and Google have repeatedly been accused of eliminating accounts or manipulating search results to hide facts and truth from the people. Freedom of speech has been under siege for the last year. In parts of Europe posting the wrong post or writing the wrong words can land you in jail. The right to have a differing opinion is no longer allowed. In reality the Globalists have declared war on all of mankind, you either agree or you are silenced, freedom no longer is tolerated.

Donald Trump has caused the Globalists to become emboldened as they are right in our faces, openly doing all of this. They are basically saying that we will except Hillary Clinton, or they do have other options to ensure that they win this war. Julian Assange of WikiLeaks just avoided an assassination attempt in London. He has been staying in the Ecuadorian Embassy there since a warrant for his arrest was issued in 2010 for rape in Sweden, Assange denies this and believes it to be a ploy to have him extradited to the US for leaking US government documents. He has angered Clinton as he has been releasing damning evidence from emails that are connected to criminal activities of Clinton, the Democratic Committee and Clinton associates.

The Globalists may be left with one option if all else fails and Trump is elected, that being a Nuclear War with Russia. There has been sabre rattling between Russia and NATO since George Soros, the US and some European Union members helped overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2014. This is a dispute between Globalists who want Ukraine to join the EU and Russia that has had influence there for many decades. The Russians saw the interference of the Globalists as a threat. This has led to a NATO troop buildup and a Russian buildup to counter. The US has placed missiles that have nuclear offensive and defensive capabilities. Putin of Russia has repeatedly said that the possibility of nuclear war is imminent. Yet the Western MSM has hidden this all along.

The German press has alerted its citizens to stock up on food and water and to reinforce their homes, however the reason remains unclear. Other EU states have begun to quietly follow suit. This is a real threat and our MSM has ignored it. There would be no winners if this Ukraine issue should escalate. Putin has said that he will use Nuclear weapons if necessary. And sadly this may be the last option for the Globalists to stop the Trump movement. They understand what will happen as Trump will reveal it all upon assuming the presidency. This already is a war and the Globalists are loosing. The question is just how far will they go to retain power in order to continue their plans for a One World Government. The Globalists have played almost every card they hold and they are loosing but they have a couple cards left, that if played correctly they could still win. But if they lose in the end, will they punish us all by starting the forgotten real threat of a Nuclear Holocaust?


2016 Election Being Rigged In Front Of Your Eyes

This is no conspiracy theory as it has been done before and is happening again. This election isn't even close as the MSM polls would have you believe. its part of the process to give the illusion that Trump and Clinton are neck and neck and could go either way. The truth is that Hillary Clinton is trailing even the Green Party's Jill Stein and Libertarian Gary Johnson in some online polls. The Democratic ticket is shipwrecked as the scandals and further leaked evidence of Hillary Clinton's many criminal activities can't be hidden despite the massive MSM use of deceptions that gain little ground. Her latest claim that Colin Powell told her to use her private servers has been denied by Powell. He told her to use her private servers for personal email and the State Department email server for SD business. Just another Hillary lie.

Donald Trump and his surprise take over of the Republican Party wing of the true one party system, has caused the establishment to go into full panic mode, as Trump seems always to be one step ahead of them. This election wasn't supposed to go like this. Trump and also Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side revealed the unforeseen uprising from the right and left against the status quo. The Establishment Globalists must act quickly to repulse these movements. For the most part Bernie Sanders sold his movement out and walked away leaving it leaderless. Trump isn't walking away and his movement is growing by the day. Of course MSM claims otherwise.

It was quickly noticed that the Republican National Convention had more viewers by millions then the Democratic Convention. That was telling, as was the disruptions that Bernie's people did during the convention. Trump took a hit when paid plant Khazir Khan was unleashed on him and MSM did its part to show Trump in a bad light. It soon became clear that Khan was a Con, Just another Clinton Machine dirty trick. Trump's Train again built up steam and his events became larger while Hillary's shrunk to nothing. Yet MSM polls would contradict what was seen really to be going on.

Hillary's health problems soon became stage center as she didn't look well and was having problems walking, standing and talking. She has refused to have a press conference for over a year, her speeches are much shorter than Trumps and she revealed that there will be no more events with the public at least thru the end of August. All the while having her staff and MSM claiming that her health is excellent. She is being kept out of sight doing only fundraisers with the rich for reasons as yet to be explained. There are rumors that a look alike is being sought, this may seem unlikely, however throughout history it has been done before in other countries. It is too obvious that something is seriously wrong with Clinton for her to go into semi hiding. She obviously can't handle the riggers of normal campaigning let alone being President.

President Obama using his patent laugh it off style, told the press that to claim an election can be rigged is a "conspiracy theory." He then explained that voting is run by the individual States and would be impossible. Then he said that if the polls where at 15% in favor and a candidate lost then it would be turned over to the Justice Department. Sounded as if he kept talking he might have walked it all the way back and said "Damn right its rigged." However it has been announced that Jeh Johnson Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is thinking of designating electronic voting machines as critical infrastructure. This would allow the federal government to take control of the election process from the States and cause the addition of Justice Department lawyers, FBI and DHS staff. Johnson claims this would prevent a cyber attack. Problem is this could only happen if the machines were connected through the internet and they aren't. This move by Johnson is highly suspect since this issue only came up after Trump spoke of his fear of a rigged election. Most would worry more of the possibility of impropriety if the federal government became involved at the start.

The fake polls and electronic voting machines that have been proven to be susceptible to rigging by programing the individual memory cards that tally the machines votes, along with MSM using photo shopped video and pictures to give the illusion of large crowds at Clinton events while downplaying the size of Trumps. And possibly having the DHS become involved all spells R-I-G-G-E-D.

Something else is happening, on October 1st as Obama hands the keys of the internet over to a United Nations backed organization ICANN. It has already been in operation, however once October 1st hits the United States will no longer control the internet. ICANN will have the power to shut down websites it deems to be in violation of user agreements or any other regulation it comes up with. This could result in alternative news sites and channels being eliminated, basically removing most of our 1st amendment rights, and silencing the only sources of the truth we have left. 2016 is a pivotal year for the United States and the world as we know it, this just may be our last election.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Trump Spends His Time With The People, Clinton Rests And Does Fundraisers With Super Rich

What is becoming more of the same as Donald Trump continues to hold events with overflowing crowds, he also adds time for doing those things expected of a President. While in Wisconsin he took the time to look into the recent police shooting in Milwaukee, then he and his runningmate Gov. Mike Pence flew to a non-swing state, Louisiana to see first hand the devastation of the flooding that killed 13 and displaced over 100,000 people. Hillary Clinton stays unseen except for an occasional event with embarrassing low turn outs and doing fundraisers with the super rich, her only true supporters. This should give insight to the American voter as to how both candidates will act upon winning the presidency.

Trump is a hands on, always on the move type, as he knows first hand knowledge is better than being told of a situation by others. He goes directly to those on the ground who are dealing with a situation first hand. Never known to work out of an office, Trump has always preferred the on sight management style he learned from his father. He listens to all sides before he makes a decision. He is old school, "let's get it done right the first time" type. One of Trumps biggest problems is that MSM doesn't tell you who he really is, as they are too busy trying to destroy him with articles and news stories that twist and turn the facts.  The real Donald Trump is a man of blue collar origins who lives in a white collar world. He believes in his country and believes in the people, he knows the truth about what the Globalists have planned and he is willing to sacrifice everything he has to stop them.

Hillary Clinton is of a much different mindset as she uses her lawyer training to look at all situations through eyes fogged by years of manipulation and corruption. Her first thought is how can she gain the upper hand? She has used people and law to become powerful and untouchable. She see's herself as above everyone else. She has dreamed of becoming the most powerful person in the world since she was little. She along with her husband "on paper only" Bill have not allowed anything or anyone to stop them. Known for unethical and immoral actions the Clinton's built alliances among the most corrupt people in the world. Hillary's only goal is for herself to be President and to hell with anyone who gets hurt along the way. She will smile and look you in the eye while she plots against you. She is feared in Washington as all know the wrath of Hillary Clinton. Her constant lying has always been known yet somehow ignored by MSM. We are led to believe that the truth is a lie and only Hillary's lies are the truth. We are all to just accept this and move along as we can't seem to stop her. It is as if she is a Queen that is totally out of her mind and we are the subjects who go along with everything, knowing it is wrong, but also knowing and waiting until time removes her from the throne.

So while MSM continues to deceive you about Trump and ignore the Mad Queens indiscretions we must realize that what we are told is not true by them. It is what we see that is true. Your eyes can't lie even if your brain tells you otherwise. Donald Trump looks and acts like a President, Hillary Clinton looks seriously Ill and acts like someone who thinks she is above all of us and the law. You see a Trump rally and there are thousands cheering both inside and outside, the air is filled with enthusiasm. Go to hear the Queen speak if you can find an event and notice that hardly anyone shows up and its almost as if those attending are cheering on cue, as an unseen person holds up the "Cheer" sign. And really ask yourself why MSM does not run stories about the truth? Wouldn't you rather read or watch stories about the truth? There is a way to force MSM to give you the truth. Boycott them, don't watch them at all or buy their newspapers or go to their websites. Its all in the numbers and they pay attention to their numbers as their numbers equal dollars.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Open Letter To Hillary Clinton

As I sit here this morning wondering about the future that awaits while drinking coffee and reading newspapers and other mainstream news sites online, I can't help but wonder where you are and what have you been doing? I see that you're not doing many public appearances or holding any press conferences. Find this a little strange since you are running for president. Is this a new campaign technique? Stay out of sight and don't be heard from.

I did read that a federal judge said that your deposition on those pesky emails can be done in writing. That's nice of him not to make you have to go out in this heat. I also noticed that unlike your Republican opponent, you called Louisiana instead of going in person to meet with those people who are dealing with the aftermath of the flooding. Better than an email i guess. Did you call Julian Assange also? That was terrible to hear that his lawyer was killed by being hit by a train. Makes me wonder how all these people involved in testifying or about to or leaking things that show what you have done seem to die by accident, suicide or unsolved motiveless murder. It was also a good thing that your husband, Bill not Donald Trump, just happened to be in Phoenix when the Attorney General landed. It was nice that they got the chance to catch up on family, golf and their travels. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the FBI investigation about your emails. That ended a week later didn't it?

I can't wait to see the faces of those rich people when you steal "oops typo" get elected. I Imagine they will be surprised that after giving you millions for your campaign you are going to raise their taxes big time. And don't worry I'm guessing that all Americans want things to stay as they are as everything is going so well. We also agree that we need to be disarmed, who needs guns anyway? Only criminals need them, and so getting rid of the 2nd amendment is a great idea. In fact throwing out that whole Constitution thing sounds pretty good. Nobody pays attention to it any more, just a bunch of rights that are guaranteed.

I know you're busy so I should let you go. Hope you feel better, your secret is safe with me. I haven't told a soul about your illness and I don't think anyone else has noticed. Staying out of sight is working great, maybe you can cancel those debates. They might let you write them in or call, just figure out a good excuse. Tell Mr. Soros hello for me, love what he's doing. Hope he succeeds at causing the collapse of another country, the Ukraine was priceless. Has he told you what country is next yet? Oh don't tell us, we all love surprises. Well see ya next fall, have a nice trip, sorry just joking, but do watch your step Hillary that last step is a doozy. I'm saving up to rent the Lincoln bedroom, can't wait until you get into the White House. After all we need another good war, all that death and destruction is invigorating, I know you agree.

P.S. Just having a little fun with you Hillary, you and I both know that Donald Trump is going to win the election. We both know that the polls are false and you lack support from anyone other than Globalist fat cats who profit from your policies and back door deals. And the Communist Party that you see eye to eye with. You and Bill had a great run but it looks like its over. Take the millions and just go quietly off into history. The truth is always revealed in the end always.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Proven Failures Obama And Clinton Do Nothing For Flood Victims

As Donald Trump diverted his Campaign to go to Louisiana Friday morning and offer support for the people who suffered from the Flooding. Obama still refuses to interrupt his golfing vacation as he through the Department of Justice sent on Tuesday only a (16 page guidance) to warn people not to discriminate. They warned Louisiana recipients of federal disaster assistance against engaging in “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).” According to the Washington Times. And Obama has not missed a Tee time since. And has MSM said anything about his obvious lack of concern? The answer is no as they are more concerned about the Olympics.

Hillary Clinton who still is doing only limited campaigning and apparently has the "Do not Disturb" sign on the door of wherever she is located, could only call in her condolences and support. MSM assures us she is perfectly healthy and rumors to the contrary are only a far right conspiracy. There is still little if any reporting about the pay to play revelations in connection with the Clinton Foundation. The only thing from there, is that Bill Clinton will step down from being co-director and an assurance that when Hillary becomes president the foundation will not accept donations from foreign individuals or governments. They will be redirecting their efforts and this will take approximately a year. They must need the year to figure out other ways to receive these pay offs.

So while Hillary lays low her VP pick Tim Kaine has been touting the line that Muslims treat women more equally than we do in western culture. Kaine seems to be against everything about western culture and is showing that he is 100% Globalist and a Agenda 21 believer. He also thinks that all white people must pay for racism and oppression towards minorities. He like Hillary and Obama also believes that its the police that need to adjust as it is their fault that the conditions of communities within the inner cities are the cause of the shootings. A total disregard of the fact that its been 50 years of failed policy by the Democratic Party that have run these cities where the problems are most evident.

Obama and Clinton are prime examples of the attitudes of the establishment politician. When problems arise they blame others and do nothing concrete to change anything. And the MSM that no longer does investigative news stories and has been relegated to propaganda duties, has become useless. Failure is the norm and nobody challenges the status quo. Free speech is being censored and political correctness has taken over and has led to the ignoring of truth. Maybe this year people will begin to see exactly what is wrong and begin to fix it.

Clinton Points At Powell, Obama Avoids Water Hazard While Ignoring Louisiana's Hazardous Water

Hillary Clinton tries to put blame for her use of private servers while Secretary of State on former Secretary of State Colin Powell. The facts of course don't match as Powell told her specifically to use State Department server for SD business and private server for personal as he had done. The heavily redacted documents that the FBI released to Congress confirms that Clinton and Powell had an email exchange on this question. Clinton was already using the private servers by this point. Seems odd to ask the question after already setting up and using the private server. And why she would claim that Powell's answer justified her use of the private server for State Department business? These documents have not been released to MSM yet, but I think the bigger question is who else did Clinton communicate with on the private servers in regards to State Department business? Did she and anyone in the White House discuss Top Secret information during this period on her private servers?

Meanwhile on the golf course, President Obama avoids sand traps and water hazards with his drives but unfortunately for the people of Louisiana he also avoids their water hazard. After record rains left many homeless and without food and drinking water Obama chose to golf instead of doing his job as President and going to Louisiana and showing support for the thousands of victims.

These two top Democrats have just done what they both have always done in the same types of situations. Clinton lies and blames someone else and Obama looks the other way while he perfects his golf game. This lack of leadership has been the main reason that so many situations and crises have gone left unattended and therefore unresolved. MSM does nothing to help expose this problem as they are too busy creating false stories to distract the public from the truth.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Islam Being Used By Globalists To Destroy The West

After centuries of jihad, those who follow the Prophet Muhammad and his teachings are set to conquer the world. This war with nonbelievers has been on going ever since Mohammed and his followers (army) began the history of Islam in 622 AD in Medina in what today we call Saudi Arabia. The problem in the West is that we lack the understanding of just what Islam is. We have categorized it as a religion like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism or any other belief. We who are tolerant of religious freedom and have become less aware of the realities of the wars and their ancient causes in the Middle East and elsewhere. We think of religion as being past by word of mouth or conversion by choice and have become ignorant as to history that shows something different.

We need to realize that religion was spread not by peaceful means but by believers of one religion conquering the lands of those who believed in other religions or ways. Then by migration into new lands bringing religious beliefs with it. The Americas were conquered by Christians under the governments of England, France, Spain and Portugal. The people who followed were of the same or similar beliefs. History doesn't state that Christians colonized the New World but in reality it did. As Islam spread from Medina in 622 to the far reaches of Asia, Africa and into southern parts of Europe not by peaceful means but by wars over the centuries.

Today Islam is being spread again by war but not by invasion of an army into Europe, the United States and Canada, but by a complicated plot being carried out by Globalists who have allied with Islam in order to destroy the cultures and societies of the West. Islam is being used as the catalyst to create chaos and eliminate the freedoms of the people. Since Islam is very restrictive upon the people who follow Muhammad's teachings it is the perfect ally for world domination by the Globalists.

By using the religious freedoms and laws in the West that allow them, it has been easy to infiltrate the governments and therefore the power structures. A pincer move by the Globalist is at play as they dominate the top and Islam is coming in from the bottom. The end goal is for Sharia law to dominate all law. Islam is not just religion as it is a doctrine that rules all of life within its grasp. You agree to it and don't question the Laws that Muhammad claims to have received directly from God (Allah) from the Archangel Gabriel. There are no deviations, no free will as you must conform to the entire set of laws or the penalty is death.

What we know as terrorism by ISIS and others is acceptable and mandated by the teachings of Muhammad as he is the perfect example of how man is to act according to Islam. The way he acted is the way every Muslim male is to act. The beheadings, crucifixions, drownings, stonings and amputations are all justified as this was what Muhammad had done. Slavery is allowed under Islamic law as well as the beating of wives and all of the law that is dictated under Sharia. Muhammad taught his followers that it is prudent that you lie in order to achieve the goals of Islam. And simply put that is to dominate the world. It is every Muslims duty to achieve the elimination of all nonbelievers.

The Globalist hierarchy is made up of people who are not involved in traditional religions but lean towards the ancient beliefs of the pre-Christian era or Satanism. They are the 0.1% of the top 1% you often hear about. They have gained control of all the monetary systems and the majority of governments in the West. They have long held the belief that they alone have the right to own and control the world. They have been seeking an ally that could move the populations into a stricter more limited way of life, they needed the freedoms they also used against the people to gain more control from within. They have attempted many forms and types of government but nothing has worked to date. So as a last ditch effort they realized that Islam and its total domination under the guise of religion was the perfect fit. Islam and western culture are polar opposites and would create chaos at unprecedented levels. Overthrow the governments that hold back Islams all out attempt to conquer the world and allow it to cause the destruction of all free societies. Using the Trojan Horse of humanitarian need to allow Islam to move freely into the west as refugees from war. Then watch as Islams own doctrines attack from within.

Basically the Globalists and their belief of mental superiority over all of mankind, are using those of Islam to do their dirty work, thinking in the end they will be able to control Islam also. The blame is fully on the Globalists who have unleashed Islam upon the world through policies of the governments they control. A Religion based war that shouldn't have been, has begun with the full backing of the Globalists. Their final phase to destroy the world as we know it, pitting Christian against Muslim, creating racial divisions throughout the world, causing governments to challenge each other, all to create the need for one entity to stop all of the chaos. That entity being the Globalists who in fact caused it all in the first place.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trump Prepares For Final Leg Of Campaign By Adding To Staff

In a meeting Sunday, Donald Trump brought together his "Four Core" as the newly promoted campaign manager Kellyanne Conway refers to the top four staffers. Conway who has been senior advisor and pollster for Trump and Mike Pence will take the vacated title of Campaign Manager that Corey Lewandowski's departure had left unfilled. Jared Kushner Trumps son-in-law had been acting campaign manager. Stephen Bannon the Executive Chairman of Breitbart News LLC will be the Chief Executive of the Campaign. Bannon is a staunch conservative with anti establishment leanings who like Trump is known for his bare knuckle approach. Paul Manafort will remain as Chairman as will his deputy Rick Gates who are the moderate voices.

Many in MSM are claiming this as a shake up, however Conway doesn't agree with that description. Trump who prefers the off the cuff no holds barred style of campaigning that he is known for, has used telepromters for his policy speeches. As he did Monday and Tuesday of this week. Nobody should read much into this or the adjustment to his staff. Trump is known to have the right people placed in the right positions at the right time throughout his business career. These latest moves will only combine the moderate styles of Manafort and Gates with the hard hitting styles of Bannon and Conway.

The Core Four will give Trump the needed variations in advice that will lead to victory in November. Look for Trump to continue to hit Hillary Clinton hard as he will continue to expose her corruption and lack of judgement. He and most of his supporters know that this is not only a battle between Clinton and himself, it includes a MSM that will outright lie in order to quell the uprising of the American electorate. There is too much at stake as the Globalists are going all out to silence this movement in any way they can. As Trump visited Wisconsin yesterday he made sure that he told another overflow crowd that this election is our "last chance."

Most Americans are unaware what Globalism is and they don't understand the ramifications of it. Just as Clinton's VP pick Tim Kaine told an audience in New Orleans recently "white people must become a minority in order to properly atone for racism and oppression suffered by blacks." We hear similar statements from Europe. Globalism is to destroy all that is of western culture including Christianity, families, property ownership and create racial turmoil. We see it now as home ownership dwindles, job markets that only allow part time and low pay, and the chaos in the streets even when a black criminal pulls a gun on a police officer despite the officers race, and is killed. Paid by Globalists and given legitimacy by Globalists Obama and Globalist MSM, instigators call for attacks on white people. When in fact its the failures of the Globalists like Tim Kaine who have created the entire situation. 

Trump will not abandon his values and style, he may bend at times but as is well known about him, he is a fighter and he will not quit. He views adversity as a challenge and he will personally take on any and all who come at him. This is the final round for America, and we need a knockout in order to win. All races, religions and ethnicity's that make up our country need to rally behind him. Send Globalism and its Satanic ideals and values into the depths of history as the Empire that failed to enslave all of humanity.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Many In Baton Rouge Louisiana Are Asking, Where Is Black Lives Matter Now?

After massive flooding that followed torrential rains that has caused an emergency for many throughout Louisiana, many Black residents are asking where is Black Lives Matter and the New Black Panther Party? With the recent police shootings that BLM and NBPP come out to protest and claim to represent the Black communities, it is very noticeable that in this weather related life and death situation that neither of the so-called Black movements are to be found.

Residents are without food and water and many are trapped in the flooding, yet the only help is coming from the local police and fire departments plus a few federal agencies with many locals helping out. It appears to many that BLM and NBPP don't really seem to care since this situation doesn't involve a political agenda and would just be common decency. With the recent leak that George Soros has given BLM $650,000 many wonder what the money was for. It certainly isn't so BLM can help Black Americans that are in a life and death situation other than a police shooting.

This is the reality of our times, hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars are wasted for political show, while people suffer and do without. The BLM and NBPP have shown that their words are cheap and that unless they can manipulate a situation in their favor for political purposes they seem to look the other way. Theses Black lives in Louisiana don't matter at all to them.

Go to for more information.

Fake Polls, MSM Propaganda Isn't Working Clinton Slips Again

The Trump Train continues to roll over expectations despite all of the dirty tricks piled on the tracks ahead of it. The Establishment Democrats and Republicans are realizing that their lies and deceptions are not working as they begin to show signs of panic. Voters are coming out in droves to hear Donald Trump and show support, while Hillary Clinton is finding it harder to find anyone to bother showing up.

President Obama took time off one of his many vacations to campaign for Clinton at a fundraiser where he warned that Democrats shouldn't become over confident. Vice President Joe Biden joined Clinton at an event in his hometown of Scranton Pennsylvania. Biden tried to sell the idea that Clinton knows how to handle foreign policy, and then showed just how inept he is by pointing out his military aide who carries US nuclear codes for all to see. All that Biden did was confirm what Trump has been saying all along, the Obama administration is full of stupid people who don't know what they are doing. And yes Clinton stumbled again while walking away from the podium just solidifying the concerns further about her health.

The New York Times ran a story claiming financial ties between Trump campaign advisor Paul Manafort and the former Ukrainian government that was allied with Russia. Manafort quickly denied the story. Democrat VP nominee Tim Kaine met with the son of George Soros who DCLeaks just exposed as financially backing and interfering in many European elections and the overthrow of the before mentioned Ukrainian government, Soros is also the financial backer of Black Lives Matter and a major contributor to the Clinton campaign.

The War Hawks of both parties have thrown their support behind Clinton as she is sure to continue the policy of endless war. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is set to continue to reveal more emails that expose criminal activity by Clinton and her aides, Congress is readying perjury charges against Hillary for her lying to them about her multiple server use, and exposing Top Secret information to hackers worldwide. The IRS is looking into the Clinton Foundation and there will be more about the deleted emails as the National Security Agency has all of her emails. And the Clinton pay to play scheme is evident.

The American voter needs to wonder why Wall Street would back the candidate who promises to raise their taxes? We must also demand that Clinton and Trump have complete medical work ups done as they are both over 65 and the job ages younger people noticeably. MSM needs to start giving stories based on truth and stop the continuous outright lies. Everyone one needs to understand what Globalism is and understand who those that sponsor it are. As the saying goes, "you get the government you deserve." The first thing we need to do is stop our nations direction of moving further into the Globalist One World Government. Hoping onto the Trump Train is the first step as he is not a Globalist. Trump is a Nationalist and wants us all to remain free. Read, read and read up on the truth about Clinton and you will have your answers. She despises our system and our freedom she like all the Globalists are criminals and Satanist. Wake up!