Monday, November 28, 2016

What Soros And Clinton Really Want

The 2016 election is not over despite what we are lead to believe, the corrupt evil Globalist are pulling out all of the stops. The Green Party's Jill Stein, backed by Nazi collaborator and international financial terrorist George Soros and his puppet, Hillary Clinton's recount call is only one part of the plan. Race riots, terrorist attacks, intensified propaganda by MSM and pushing the recounts past the date that the Electoral College has to vote are others. The college electors are being threatened by the Liberal left to ignore the normal protocols and install Globalist Clinton. If the recounts go past December 19th it could force the election into congress. All this is to disrupt the election results and stop Donald Trump from assuming his rightful position as our 45th President.

The Corporate Global Governance, New World Order or One World Government all being one in the same are in a major state of panic. They were kicked out of Russia by Putin, Brexit was the next blow, then Trumps election and they fear next springs elections in France, as Marine Le Pen leader of the Front  National Party seeks to end the Globalist stranglehold of French politics. There is also movements in Austria and the Netherlands as the anti Globalists are gaining support, as people have seen their corruption filled, Satanic worshiping political leaders turn their backs on their own countrymen. The last minute push by these anti humanity Globalists could result in civil wars in the US, France and other countries that would create a world crisis never seen before.

This all is the closest to Apocalyptic as we have been in recorded history. There is no games here this is a matter of life and death. The Liberal Left and those who have become so distant from the truth and what our American traditional values stand for are all just following evil as their new Lord and Master. Many totally unaware of what the truth is as they spew rehearsed propaganda and somehow justify their hateful actions. The calling for executions of police and destruction of private property while claiming to be against hate. Many see the almost pure mental illness driven actions as complete insanity as there is no justification on how what is said and what is done makes sense.

We live in a society where Satanic symbolism is heralded as people foolishly open the door ways to Hell. On TV, in music and through the movies this dominates all forms of entertainment. The total ignorance of what they are doing seems to be excepted as normal behaviour. The Nationalist movements are not only attempting to reset our political systems but also to stop the erosion of what is good being pushed out by the evil in this world. A true spiritual war is at hand and we cannot allow the election to be stolen or to have the Globalist toss a match into the fireworks factory as they leave the building. Donald Trump still needs our prayers and support, perhaps even more now then ever before. Don't give Soros and Clinton what they really want, that being your souls.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Spiritual War

To all of my FB friends and those that I have known for years as well as those who read my blog, I pray that you understand that we are living in very turbulent times. There is a spiritual war taking place as I write. Just as in the political arena, its the Satanist and those who wish to harm us that we are fighting against, many wolves have appeared in sheep's clothing over the years. We now find that in secret they commit the most obscene sins. These are people who have allowed themselves to be hosts to many demons. We must use our prayers and words to defeat them. Allow God through his son Jesus to guide you, as we may lose some battles we will win this war.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Is Jill Stein Another Sellout Like Bernie? Seems The Far Left Are Pure Globalists

Jill Stein the Green Party candidate this past election, is backing a last ditch effort to put Hillary Clinton into office. She has begun a campaign to generate millions in an attempt to gain recounts in three normally Democratic states that went to Republican Donal Trump. The main question is, why would a third party candidate who had zero chance of winning the presidency let alone a state, ask for a recount? Her claim of ensuring integrity falls short due to the fact that there was no claims of pro Trump voter fraud. In fact there was wide spread documented pro Clinton voter fraud throughout the country. So what is Stein's angle?

She like Bernie Sanders tilt heavily in favor of Socialism style government, laden with the so-called freebies that are far from free. And during the election campaign she seemed to prefer a Trump victory over a Clinton. Bernie Sanders who had energized the far left as Democrats after joining the party for the election. Was cheated in every way and had his nomination stolen by the Party itself, as was planned from day one. Bernie ended up selling out to the Globalist Queen Hillary just before the Democratic Convention. His supporters were let down and everyone wondered where they would go, stay in the party, jump to Trump or move over to the Green Party and support Jill Stein who shared many of Bernie's Socialist ideas. They appeared to scatter to the wind, many wondered why Bernie ended up endorsing Hillary Clinton in the end. Many rumours, yet no distinct reasons were given other than being against a Trump presidency.

Jill Stein had often mentioned that she would prefer Trump over Clinton and that is what makes this whole recount suspicious. Is she trying to take away the Trump win? Has she been threatened in some way? Is she in it for the money that started out at 2.5 million and has since climbed to over 6 needed to attempt to gain recounts? Some believe that it is a scam to financially benefit her, others feel that she has become another puppet of the Globalists, as they are trying anything and everything to stop Trump from being inaugurated. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are the targets, all usually blue states that went Red this year. This like most things at this point, we will just have to wait and see what happens.

We have the Electoral College vote on December 19th and that is in question as rumours swirl around its outcome also. The Globalist's are pulling all valves in order to find a solution to their problem, and that being the Nationalist movement that is gaining ground throughout the world. As more people have begun to wake up to what Globalism really means, and are beginning to stand against it. Jill Stein seems to have buckled for whatever reason and is just playing her part. There is probably nothing to worry about at this point. It will however be interesting to see exactly what will happen? So hold on folks we again have to just ride it out.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Globalist Silence Is Deafening What Are They Planning?

As Donald Trump and his transition team work on his choices for the over 4,000 positions he must fill. The protests seem to be quieting down, the mayors who will attempt to ignore federal law have spoken and the Clinton machine appears to be quietly riding off into the sunset. The major question is, what will the Globalist do next to impede the movement of nationalism that opposes them across the world? Vladimir Putin had walked away from the Globalist, Brexit was the next major blow and of course the Trump landslide victory in the US signaled the possible beginning of the end of Globalism. France is on the brink of Civil War, Merkle of Germany is fighting for her political life as the German people have become weary of the Globalists agenda. The TPP is dead and NAFTA will change or be thrown out.

The Globalists political wing is suffering and since they still control the financial and markets this may be their only option to create the chaos needed to regain total control. Since Trump's victory the markets did the opposite of what was expected. They climbed to new records, ignoring the possible burst of the bubble that is behind schedule. For the last 8 years the markets have been artificially kept stable and yet the recent response was a surprise to many. So the question is, what are they setting up? A truly huge collapse that causes a super recession or a world wide depression? They have the ability to do as they wish and unfortunately there isn't anything anyone can do to change this fact. The few (the Globalists) control it all and until the nations of the world take back their control of producing the money from the private international bankers, we still have to be held hostage to the whims of the Globalists. No matter who we have as leaders, only by taking back the Federal Reserve can America truly be free of Globalist control.

There are other options that the Globalists can employ to force the Nationalist movement to capitulate. One being war, with the nations of those they still control politically, they could use this option to draw us into a war that is of no purpose and only used to create deceptions that can be used against a President Trump. Americans are weary of continuous war that seem to never end. And Trump ran on an anti war policy, by drawing us into a war discredits this policy. The Globalists and their terrorist groups that they falsely claim to be against and are in actual alliance with could attempt a massive program of terror attacks, that will also discredit President Trump as he has promised to keep us safe. The fact is there are so many options still left for the Globalist to create havoc and cause the atmosphere they require to regain political control.

This will be a tough road as we have won just the first battle of this war on the Globalists. They will not just give up and quietly go away as the failed politicians do. These are the people with the real power and have controlled everything up until now. Thankfully they failed to realize that they haven't gotten control of everyone's minds. We do have a generation or two that have been severely hampered with an inability to think on their own. The educational system is of major concern and needs immediate attention as we must return to our basics and teach our children to become problem solvers not just memorization of often untruths and distorted thoughts. As I have said we have many more battles to fight and we need to be vigilant and stay the course.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Leftist Globalist Media Still Using Child Like Name Calling To Discredit Trumps Picks

The maturity level of the MSM and those on the Left still showing as President elect Trump announces who his choices are for various positions in his administration. Racist, Islamaphobic and other labels used to discredit these choices continue as they did during the campaign. As if a small child screaming "meanie" because Billy took his candy bar. And those that are falling for these tactics are the ones that sat and cried and claimed that they feared for their lives because Trump rode a landslide to victory. Sadly it reflects a society where the overall maturity level is lowering. University students who are supposed to be our nations most intelligent required coloring books, play doh and even pacifiers to help cope with the Trump victory. Not sure here but that in itself is very disturbing, given those items are usually associated with children aged 2-7 and not 18-21. Its a phenomenon seen throughout the country as many children and young adults are acting like spoiled little adolescents well into their early 40's.

The Clinton campaign and MSM for the past year have used this name calling tactic to deflect the fact that they lacked any clear cut policy changes and were in fact promoting destruction of everyone's rights. First these false claims were pushed onto Trump, then his supporters and now his choices for positions within his administration. Bannon was the first to be attacked in this manner, then General Flynn and now Senator Jeff Sessions. This type of tactic is meant for the ears of those whom are clueless to any facts about these men, Laura Ingram whose position as Press Secretary is raising eyebrows as she too will fall into one of the categories in short order. People must understand that these tactics are only used when there isn't any other practical reason to deny these choices. Trump has long been known to pick people for his businesses that have the best chance to do their jobs in the most professional way. And so far he is proving that his choices to date for these government positions is the same.

MSM, that is the propaganda wing of the Globalist front will attack anyone that is not of the same mindset as they are. As they did with Trump they will give false narratives about his picks. No surprise really and of course expected. The problem lies in that there are so many that still fall for these tactics of lies and deception. What MSM needs to focus on more is the fact that you have a generation possibly two that are acting as if they require diaper changes because something didn't go as they were told it would go. Too many participation awards has created the inability to except defeat on a clean playing field. Only if you are deceived should you become upset, not when it was done fairly. We have a long way to go America, this is just the beginning as this fight has only just begun. Many more need to be awakened to the harshness of reality as we can't allow the path we've been on to continue.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Putin And Trump One Phone Call Changes The World

In a recent phone conversation Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump laid down the foundation for uniting forces to defeat ISIS and the other threat to their respective country's sovereignty, Globalism. The New York Times that just recently promised its readers to print the truth and get away from the biased tone it held during the election has just come out claiming Globalism doesn't exist. They call it a Conspiracy Theory made up by altright media. This despite years of calls by US Presidents Bush 41, Bill Clinton and Bush 43 for a New World Order. Obama began talking about Global instead of NWO, yet they both mean the same. The EU that is in fact the blue print for Globalism I suspect doesn't exist, since all nation members have a common flag, trade agreements and now talk of one military as they dismantle each nations and combine forces into one, under the control of the EU.

Many of the American politicians whose loyalties belong to Globalism and not the US are upset that the President elect has made this move before even taking office. It seems odd that these politicians are upset that we will have an active ally to defeat ISIS who they all claim is a threat to America. This phone call also eased the tensions and the threat of a nuclear war between Russia and the United States. So why are they so upset? ISIS is in fact allied with Globalism and by destroying it there will no longer be a threat to use for many purposes of the PSYOP being run on the American people. And with Russia off the books as an active enemy it completely eliminates a reason to go to war with them. The entire game plan has been thrown out with one phone call. Something Obama could have done at anytime if he was in reality controlled by the Globalists.

Within one week Trump has proven his ability to change America's course and to make us safer already and before he is even sworn in. Mexico and Canada have already pledged to renegotiate NAFTA also as Trump had wanted. The US Border Patrol has begun to enforce security on the border with Mexico as they now ignore Obama's stand down order. The Globalists are irate as they sit and watch the President elect demonstrate his leadership skills without being controlled. Trump is already benefiting the US and will continue to do so before his inauguration on January 20th next year.

The Globalists are said to continue the protests and riots that are lead by George Soros, as some Mayors and Police Commissioners vow to ignore Trumps calls to deport criminal illegal immigrants immediately. Many of Americas Globalists politicians are going to ignore the authority of a President who won the election as they know that Trump is for real and will drain the swamp of the corruption filled political system. All out panic has the Globalists wanting more protests and more riots in the hopes of a Civil War. Everyone of these politicians is calling in reality for a violent overthrow of our recently elected president and the executive branch he will have. They all should be tried for treason as they only want death and destruction, as Hitler did in WWII they want to turn over a destroyed nation as they refuse to surrender to their own peoples votes for an end of their style of government.

Globalism is not a Conspiracy Theory it is very real and it needs to be stopped as we see now first hand what it creates. A nation where many of those who support the Globalists are literally mentally ill  or possessed by evil thoughts and actions. They chant hate and are completely delusional as the truth is absent in their minds. Everything is backwards in their minds as they are fighting to be enslaved by corporations that mean them no freedom. On one hand we are safer and yet the other we are in some very real danger. Its up to those of us with clear and focused vision to continue to support our 45th President and ignore the haters and confused. We can't sit back now and just wait for things to happen as we need to stay awake and active to ensure that we get our country back completely.

Obama Still Peddling Globalism Despite Its Evil Agenda

The man just doesn't get it, his dream of no borders, no national identity and One World Government is being exposed as an evil anti human form of mass slavery. Throughout his 8 years as President of the United States Obama began to further dismantle the American way of life. The move to Globalism began in earnest under Bill Clinton with laws passed that quietly began to destroy the middle class. Then the election of George W. Bush and the false flag of 9/11 that resulted in a Security State that took many civil rights and began the destabilization of the Middle East with the invasion of Iraq. Taking out strongman Saddam Hussein would later allow ISIS to have a base of operation.

Add to this the Obama and Hillary Clinton led Arab Spring in conjunction with the Muslim Brotherhood that took out strongmen Col. Gaddafi of Libya and President Mubarak of Egypt. All under the false guise that these men were radial dictators who subjected their people to cruelty. We now see what in truth the reasons behind these moves, to unleash massive migration of radical Islam from these areas into Europe and the US. Same reason that the Saudi's and Qatar fund ISIS as they attempt to take down Syrian strongman Assad. What we in the west weren't told is that all these men we labeled as oppressive, were in fact holding back an evil form of Islam. They had empowered women and allowed more freedom of religion than the groups that we and the Saudi's support. All four kept the rise of radical Islam from coming to power and spilling out upon the world.

Obama opened our southern border to also create the goal of Arab Spring and that is chaos and to strain government finances throughout Europe and the US. Include the racial divisions and religious divisions that have an evil purpose. Destroy all cultures and the creation of one culture and world vision. People like Obama, Bush's and Clinton's are all of the same thought and ideology, that being the full enslavement of the people of the world. This is evil driven and not of God despite the claims of peace and security for all. Its all based on lies and deception perpetuated by MSM through news and entertainment as we saw this election cycle.

So as protesters using untruths for justification shout total lies and further divide the people, Obama does nothing and takes an overseas trip to speak against the will of the people. Globalism is in a panic as first Brexit exposed in the UK and Trumps landslide victory in the US the people are awakening. In France there have been massive demonstrations against Globalism but MSM doesn't show Americans this. In Greece there were protests against Obama's visit because of his Globalist rhetoric. This truly is a war of good and evil, informed against the uninformed, God against those of no understanding of faith. And sadly it will continue as the Globalists will use every tactic that they can to further destroy us all.

Liberal Establishment Painting Pictures That Don't Match

Two picks in, and the Liberal establishment continues to use their failed racism card to down President elect Donald Trump's choice of Steven Bannon as Counselor to the President. This position is a counter to Reince Priebus as Trump's Chief of Staff, Bannon the anti establishment pick and Priebus the establishment. Reality dictates how wise these moves are in that President Trump is showing that he is more willing to listen to both sides of an argument than previous administrations. Acting more in tune with true liberalism Trump is always on the lookout for fresh ideas and ways to do things better. But this is ignored by the false liberal establishment that demands only that you hear their side of an issue. And so they label anyone who doesn't agree with their positions racist, sexist, xenophobic or any other negative in order to down play their oppositions point of view.

So now MSM and social media are using the negative term racism against someone who in reality is not. Pointing to specific stories from Breitbart, the Alternative News Network he took over when name sake Andrew Breitbart passed away in 2012. Bannon didn't write the stories in question, but allowed them to be published and as many in the so called altright news business he only allowed a journalist to air their own opinions. This is where MSM has failed as they have become entirely one sided with no room for opposing ideas. So again these attacks are not a true representation of who Steven Bannon is.

Once the liberal establishment realizes that these unfounded attacks won't work, they should learn that the American people will not listen anymore. And its up to those who have listened, to learn that those you relied on for the truth had only lied to you repeatedly. There are 3,998 more positions that Trump needs to fill, that is if he doesn't begin to minimize the overall size of government. There is a good chance that he will as this is one of the reasons the federal government has failed the American people. Its the old, "too many Chiefs not enough Indians" problem as the bureaucracy has become so large and is uncontrollable. It is the Trump supporter who will have to watch closely at who he brings in to fill these positions of power. And everyone can be assured that we will be keeping our eyes on the ball.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Protests Continue With False Narratives, President Elect Trump Searches For Cabinet

As the news continues to focus on Trump protests that are being organized and financed by George Soros and his foundations and organizations to cause chaos in the streets of America. It is sad to watch so many being misled with false claims and fears that are unwarranted. This is all by design as the Globalists are grasping at straws and refusing to accept defeat at the polls. MSM had worked so hard during the election to paint Trump as this racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic candidate. The truth is he is none of those things as nothing in his statements or background supports these claims. Some even claim they heard Trump say things that match these false charges, the question is did they? No, they didn't and it was a contrived and edited piece from MSM that made you believe that is what he said.

On the other hand you have the Democratic candidate heavily funded by the super rich, Wall Street, foreign regimes that abuse woman and kill gays and funds ISIS. How you could believe Hillary Clinton could even care about poor people or the middle class is beyond belief. And as we see now neither Clinton or President Obama have said or done anything to help stop these protests. But of course both are or have been funded by Globalist George Soros. Try to get the protesters to see these connections that make their entire reason for protesting is negligible. Most protesters seem irrational and clueless as to why they are even protesting. Of course many are being paid and bused into the locations which is further proof these protests don't represent the true feelings of the people and are contrived.

As the protests continue President elect Trump is setting up his cabinet and it is here that we all will get the true direction that his presidency will take. He has a monumental task ahead as he attempts to  fill these positions with those people who like him support the Constitution fully and desire to fix decades of policies that has destroyed the country. We must walk back the ideas of socialism as this form of government has never worked when implemented. We have a generation that has been indoctrinated through the failed Common Core program to believe in many falsehoods.

It is too soon to react upon anything that Trump may or may not do. The New York Times has even admitted that they were not being fair and doing true journalism. All of MSM were and most still involved in the Globalist agenda. What these protesters need to do is use their time to read for themselves the WikiLeaks releases, the DCLeaks and it is there they will find what the truth is, in the words of the Establishment. It is here their eyes will be opened as to how those they believe are their saviours are not. This is why so many Trump supporters shake their heads as they watch these protesters yell and scream against Trump. They have a right to protest but if you choose to protest then at least make sure you have a clue as to why.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

God Saved Our Republic Donald J. Trump Will Be Our 45th President

God Blessed America today, the defeat of Globalism has begun. Donald Trump is officially our next President. This war against the Globalist will continue as they have so heavily infiltrated our system. There is a lot to do and it won't happen overnight. But I want everyone to believe me when I say that God played a major part in this victory. He exposed the evil that prevailed not only in the country but in your lives also. We have defeated the demonic forces today as they will run and lick their wounds and prepare a counter attack in the near future. And I can assure you these forces will, you are still needed to stand and continue to be counted. This early morning of November 9 2016 is only the beginning of our future that will be full of challenges and sorry to say more pain and suffering. Yet together we can defeat and reverse what has happened to our beloved country and its people.

The time to heal our societies divisions must begin now, if we ever wish to ensure a better and more prosperous future. We as a people need to look behind us into our history to see how the mistakes were made, only in this manner can we truly realize how not to repeat them. It will take us all to repair what went wrong and to fix these problems we face. We can no longer allow ourselves to become blinded by the evil we have allowed to prevail. Let us as a nation move forward and make a conscious effort to do what is right not just for ourselves but for us all.

We were given the gift of this Republic by men of great vision who wanted us to be allowed to be free from a heavy handed government that dictated what is right from wrong. They, I believe were guided in their thoughts by the God who looks upon us as his children and gave us the freedom of making our own decisions. I am sure he has been watching in complete disdain as we have become a people of evil who failed him and ourselves the most. When we are born we have a soul given from above, he allows us the choices we wish to make. Ask now for his forgiveness and allow him to guide our path and remove the shackles of evil. We have the chance starting today to change what we have done and to be a better people and nation. Stop the lies and stop believing that to be evil is the answer as you have been given your last chance.

Many of us have fought our own demons, back in the year 2002 I sat in my den and told Satan to come on give me your best shot. I had done many things in my life that were wrong but I still looked at the bigger picture and saw it was nothing compared to society as a whole. I warn you all never do what I did that night as not only did Satan hear me but God did too. I would begin a journey I never thought I would see. I was already working on research for my book. I kept thinking why is this government allowing this evil to continue. I was finding fraud and corruption at all levels, I was becoming distraught as I soon realized how evil was everywhere. So I challenged it head on. Fourteen years later I've battled it in all forms, from drugs to alcohol and losing what was a great job that wasn't going to make me rich but that I loved. Then evil hit me hard, Satan didn't forget that night I challenged him. He took everything I owned and cherished, my entire life gone. But there was still God waiting for my call, I'd imagine he stood watching saying to himself "figure it out my son."

He guided me to this election and gave me a reason to change my ways. I was to fight the evil again I was to take on those that side with the beast below. It didn't take long to find just how powerful the enemy had become as I no longer worried about myself and realized my mission. Use what I had learned and try to alert as many people as possible, I again would be ridiculed, I may receive death threats again as my opinions and introduction of the truth had before. So I started to write what I know, I knew at the time it would be hard. I also knew that those who I was made to believe were my friends or loved ones would walk away as they would be exposed for who they really are. I'm writing this for a reason as I believe it shows just how we as a people have allowed evil to reign unchecked in this country and within our own lives for so long.

We have had some of the most evil and insane driven leaders for far too long, when Trump took them on I saw instantly how everyone started to hate him and watched as they would make false claims on him. Nobody is perfect upon this earth but if you really understand good and evil you can quickly tell the difference. The Globalist who all have chosen to be evil attacked Trump as if he was a plague. They became almost insane in the way they would attack, twisting his words and throwing out lies as they only wanted to destroy him. I had seen this before as I could walk into a room and feel a sense of hate coming from some people in the past. It was a look and feeling of utter hate from someone I didn't even know. These are demons who become fearful of certain people and I was witnessing it being done to Trump. I realized that Trump was on a mission and he was not driven by evil, in fact he was exposing the evil. I knew I had to do everything I could to change at least one person or more to understand what has been really going on.

So I again went back to writing and getting the word out, I quickly reached 100's of thousands the world over (83 countries) and knew this was what I was to do. In fact I was silenced by a website for only telling the truth, this came within the same week I suffered a personal loss that broke my heart, but I had to continue my journey. The evil was fighting back and God was exposing the truth. I will continue to hopefully expose the evil and corrupt people in our government for this is what I must do. I will inform you of the truth as this is what I do. Its up to you if you choose to believe me or not. Just remember that God has given us all this last chance, and I choose to be aligned with him and never give into those driven by Satan again.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Obama And Clinton Have America In Distress Vote Out The Lies

The President of the United States literally tells illegal immigrants to vote in the elections despite it being a crime. He also lied about not knowing that his Secretary of State was using a non secure email server as he received and sent emails on it. Then we have what is obviously a cover up within his Department of Justice protecting Clinton by calling off a 2nd investigation. His entire presidency has been a failure in every sense of the word. Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as the worst president that we ever had to date. Failed economic policies, foreign policies, educational policies, and of course his Obamacare failure. Let's not forget his paying ransom of $1.8 billion in cash to Iran or his treatment of our veterans.

The most corrupt individual in American politics ever Hillary Rodham Clinton who allowed 5 enemy states to hack US secrets by insisting on using a private email server while holding a position that deals with foreign policy. Allowed a US ambassador and 3 others to die in Benghazi Libya, ran a pay for play scheme that made her hundreds of millions of dollars while heading up the State Department. Ordered the destruction of government documents and wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the face. She is a known drunk that practices Satanic rituals and is known for violent outbursts when the cameras are off. Defends her husbands sexual assaults and rapes of women and has close ties to countries that treat women on the same level as goats. She admits having one public policy and another for her super wealthy donors. Admittedly relies on voters who are ignorant for support.

This isn't even close to being all that these two disgraceful people have done, neither respects our Republic or the Constitution. Their actions have been nothing short of treasonous, and both should be held accountable for this crime and many others. Their entire goals have been to dismantle the US and turn it over to the Globalists. The plan tomorrow is to steal an election that they can't win as the majority of Americans are tired of the corruption in the federal government. But as their careers suggest they don't care what the people want or need. We are the laughing stock to the world, we no longer have respect from even the smallest of nations as they understand our lack of leadership. We are a nation in distress and by the grace of God we can take this country back tomorrow.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Hillary Clinton And Others Confirmed Satanists

There is a serious problem within the Elite class worldwide, these people are the most evil people on earth. The Huma Abedin life insurance policy of 650,000 emails and documents has revealed the truth about the Elite worldwide and here in America, not only are they criminals stealing everything they can, they kidnap and abuse children in every way including murder. Hillary Clinton has been involved in these practices for several decades. These Satanic rituals include Bankers, Wall Steelers, Democrat and Republicans in congress past and present. The list of names is known and will be released. The New York City Police who first investigated Anthony Weiner's sexting with underaged girls case ran across the 650,000 life insurance on his and wife Huma's laptop. What they have found has literally sickened many.

The NYPD copied the contents of the 650,000 and turned over a copy to the FBI who forced Director Comey to reopen the email case against Hillary Clinton. This case and all material will eventually become known. Corruption, fraud, treason, pay to play, child abduction, pedophilia and murder is included. This case shows just who these demonic people are. There is a coup in progress within our government, between those protecting the Satanists and those demanding this information to come out and arrests to begin now. As of now the Department of Justice and the NYPD, FBI along with other intelligence organizations both civil and military are embroiled in a push and pull. Our government is in fact run by Satanists engaged in these vicious crimes.

MSM of course is not reporting any of this as it would cause a national outrage and possible Constitutional crisis. This election is the key to stop these demonic people in their tracks, and we need to ensure a Trump victory. This is the greatest threat our government has ever had internally, it may result in a civil war. The Elite who are Globalists will try to steal the election and its up to the American people to stop it. This situation is fluid and all Americans need to prepare for the worst. These Satanists are trapped in a corner and they hold the ultimate power, this makes them extremely dangerous as they now know the secrets are about to be revealed. This is good against evil and we need to stand firm and be ready for whatever these scum throw at us.

Mainstream Media PSYOP vs. Alternative Media Journalism

Previously published prior to the election. The question today is who decides what is fake news?

The whole idea of a free press is so that different people with differing opinions can express those differences to others without restrictions. This is one of the principle tenants for our first amendment to the Constitution, it is to ensure that all ideas could be expressed and debated publicly by the people. A press that is regulated and controlled by the government or a ruling class is not free and is therefore a tool of these entities to be used to limit information and therefore knowledge. In these cases it controls the peoples preceptive to believe whatever the conveyer of the information desires. Therefore we call this propaganda or in today's atmosphere a PSYOP.

What is a PSYOP? Psychological operation, it is generally designed to be a part of a military operation against an enemy, also used as a means to influence noncombatants who are within the targeted area. This can be done by the dropping of leaflets, radio broadcasts, television announcements and other more covert ways. Today our Mainstream Media is in fact engaged in a PSYOP upon the American people, we are and have been engaged in a war of sorts. This has been an ongoing information war where the Globalist interests have coopted our MSM and use it as part of their plan to create the ultimate goal of the New World Order/One World Government. It is for this reason the stories and reporting by MSM is so severely tilted to influence your opinions and knowledge on the issues they want you to support.

The use of this PSYOP is to guide you to support the candidates that the Globalists want you to vote for and therefore elect. In this way they can consolidate power and continue the dismantling of our constitution that was designed to block one entities control over everyone. The constitution was designed to ensure your freedoms of thought and speech. The decision of creating a Republic over a straight Democracy was to have imbedded checks and balances to thwart any dominance by one thought over another. It is the only form of government that allows the most individual freedom of choice and desire. Our founding fathers gave us the greatest gift to mankind and unfortunately we have been fooled by a longstanding PSYOP that has influenced us into following and supporting those who wish to destroy our freedoms.

Thanks in part to technology the creation of the internet has given us a needed new avenue to find the truth and research the various ideas and thoughts. We do have options other than following the MSM PSYOP. The creation of the Alternative Media was born shortly after the internet became so highly used throughout the country and world. Again our first amendment protected the rights of anyone to share their thoughts and opinions. Unlike MSM the Alternative Media is not controlled, their are a couple what claim to be alternative sites that actually are a part of the Globalist PSYOP. But it is on the internet that you can find all sides of any issue or opinion, this has become the new free press that the founding fathers desired the press to be. Globalist MSM and politicians will tell you that many true journalists are nothing more than Conspiracy Theorists, they claim this to sway your opinion of the Alternative Media. Again the term itself is actually part of the PSYOP.

This election has brought a lot to light as we have the Globalists for the first time in a very long time up against a Nationalist who wants to stop the Globalist from further destruction of our Republic. The Globalist MSM and their PSYOP is in full attack mode against Donald Trump and the Alternative Media. Despite the first amendment it is not uncommon that AM has been under attack by Social Media sites that have censored information that doesn't fit the Globalist PSYOP. Search engines are geared to hide stories and opinions that do not agree with the Globalist position. The MSM has continued to put out polls that show a close race in the election despite it being no such thing. This is so you fall for what is now known to be a steal and manipulation of the votes. They plan to put Hillary Clinton into the presidency whether you agree or not. And the PSYOP is designed to make you believe that a majority agreed. We need to really understand the difference between the PSYOP and the truth.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Indictments Coming Over Clinton Foundation, Election Steal Still In The Works

The entire world is watching in dismay as word has come that indictments are imminent in the case of Pay to Play allegations against Hillary and Bill Clinton at the Clinton Foundation. These could be followed by another set of indictments concerning the email scandal concerning Hillary Clinton's use of a private server while Secretary of State. There is also questions concerning Huma Abedin and exactly who she really worked for as the emails found in her and husband Anthony Weiner's laptop could have been used in an espionage scenario. The fact is that this entire situation could involve many including President Obama.

Reports are now coming out about many criminal, unethical and massive corruption cases within the Executive Branch of government and Mainstream Medias collusion in the coverups. All appear to center around the private server that Hillary used knowingly against the law. New reports say that this server was indeed hacked on 5 separate occasions and documents and emails that were top secret were collected by foreign adversaries. This is the largest case of US secrets ever gained by an enemy in the history of the United States.

There had been rumours circulating around Washington that many within the intelligence community had been angered over this fact. There was a loss of intelligence assets that included deaths and exposure. This of course explains the recent initiation of the Soft Coup that Dr. Steve Pieczenik had announced. The intelligence community had decided that Hillary Clinton was a danger to the entire country and had to be stopped. We also now know that the Democratic National Committee and Hillary's Campaign chairman John Podesta's emails were not hacked by the Russians, but in fact from within the US intelligence community. Clinton has repeatedly claimed that Vladimir Putin was behind it, and threatened Russia with war. Reality now says that members of the US intelligence community had in fact sent these documents and emails to WikiLeaks. Julian Assange had denied Russian involvement from the beginning.

While all of these facts are surfacing the Clinton campaign continues. Mainstream Media is still in with the campaign as the operation to steal the election continues. There have been countless incidents reported already as early voting has been exposing the fraud. The main concern are the electronic voting machines that it is now known to be easily altered and reports have shown this. With MSM putting out altered poll numbers that shows a close race, it is believed that a steal could easily happen. The truth is that both campaigns run internal polls that are not altered and Trump would win by a landslide.

With Hillary being under continuous investigation since last year by the FBI concerning the Clinton Foundation and FBI Director Comey being forced from within due to a revolt by his agents to reopen the original private server case the end seems assured. Any vote for Hillary would be a waist as there is too much evidence against her. The choice is now clear for the American voter, we must elect Trump and do everything possible to stop the steal. This is our last chance to stop the Globalists from completely destroying the country.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt and treasonous politician ever to be allowed to run for president. The entire world is watching as it now is up to the American people to join those in our intelligence community and take our country back. Arrogant Clinton has already ordered a fireworks show for New York City to celebrate her election victory. Mainstream Media has already produced the final vote tallies showing a Clinton win by 2% with over 300 electoral votes. This is further proof that a steal is being done. Its up to we the people to stop it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Your Country Needs You America Dont Just Vote Become Involved

The days are ticking by quickly, this election is the most important decision in your lifetime and that of your children's and future generations. Just a vote will not ensure a victory as there is so much more needed. You must become active and not only support Donald Trump but the others who have sacrificed their time and energy to make sure you can be free. I would hope that you finally understand what is at stake, if not God help us because there will not be another chance to do this peacefully. Many men and women in our intelligence community have stepped up and begun to initiate what is known as a Soft Coup. They are sacrificing everything for you and need you to also become involved and join this fight.

This Soft Coup is not a traditional military or armed civilian coup where violence and an overthrow of government takes place. There are no tanks, troops or jets filling the streets or circling above, its only individuals using the internet and alternative news sources to carry the words. They have the information that shows the extent of corruption at the highest levels of our government. WikiLeaks and its founder though not an American, Julian Assange, a brave Australian has sacrificed his ability to live a normal life, holed up in a room in the Ecuadorian embassy in London England, who has allowed you to see the inner workings of those who lead this country. You see how these so called people of power really feel about you. You see as they discuss how to have the election go in their favor despite how you feel. You see who is behind this treason and what foreign entities really run your lives.

There is so much that you don't understand or know as you have been living your daily lives and just don't take the time to be aware of the truth. You had believed the news media that we now know is controlled, you walked around in a daze trying to just live a normal life. You've been kept ignorant as again its proven that the government wants you this way. As a flock of birds you just follow whatever direction the one in front takes, all in unison as if orchestrated in advance. What you don't realize is that it has been and you just never knew. Like a dog on a leash you just do as your told.

This really is a revolution as we had in 1776 we now have again, only this time its not a war with muskets and cannon but a war of words, the truth against the lies. The 2nd American Revolution is under way and as in the first only 3% are involved in the daily battles, from military generals, intelligence agents, alternative news sites, the police, individual bloggers like myself to our George Washington, Donald J. Trump. Most of us sacrifice every spare moment and any sense of normal lives for one reason and one reason only. That is to alert you to what's at hand, what is being planned for you and where you'll end up more quickly than you think. You have been blinded for far to long and the problem with that is there is no more time.

You may be asking " what can I do?", there is a lot if you'd only understand that if Hillary Clinton who is controlled by George Soros, The Saudi Royal Family and China, steals this election and gets away with it, your life will never be the same. The women has had as her top aide a Saudi agent in Huma Abedin for way to long. Haven't you wondered why this could have been allowed? Its simple really its called cold hard cash, the Clinton's are criminals and always have been they and the Bush's have sold you out. Don't be fooled and believe that 9/11 was real. Have you not noticed what changed in your lives that day and has continued up until now? Be active call your congressmen and women your senators all elected officials remind them who they really work for. Let these people know that you are awake, fill your social media sites with the truth about what you want to happen, what you expect to happen and what you demand to happen. Demand the truth as this is the best starting point as it is the largest problem we have in today's world.

Have you not noticed the amount of lies being revealed? Have you not noticed how often everyone is lying about everything? All of society has been infected to the point most can't tell when they are told the truth, they are as if trained to believe that the truth is a lie. Its a sickness that is destroying us from within. The drugs, both prescription and street have destroyed lives and have been used to blunt the reality of this world. Free yourself and fight with everything you have, fight the corruption and end the lies that those we trusted are telling. You can make a difference if you really try, you just have to try. If you don't care and want to be enslaved then do nothing that is up to you.

Remember the service men and women who sacrificed their lives and years from their lives? They did this for you and now its time to pay it all back. My father gave four years of his life during WW2 just so I could be free, now our freedom is being attacked again from an enemy within our government. I will sacrifice whatever time and energy I have left so that those who come after me can be free too. Your country needs you, your children and grandchildren need you, its time to step up and take our country back. Hopefully I will see you on the front lines.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

No Russian Involvement In WikiLeaks Data, US Intelligence Soft Coup

After all the claims that Vladimir Putin was behind the WikiLeaks data dump it is now known that members of all US Intelligence agencies along with the FBI have in fact been operating a soft Coup in order to stop Hillary Clinton. Many within these communities have been wrestling with the idea that what has been happening within Washington had become unbearable to continue to go along with. They are members and former members of all intelligence agencies who finally had had enough of the direction we were heading. The corruption in Washington had caused these men and women to take action.

Stephen Pieczenik MD PhD who has been involved with the American intelligence community for decades and served several presidents at posts within the State Department and Defence Department, broke the news yesterday November 1, 2016. He has been involved himself in this operation to save the Republic, he and others had lost faith in the direction of the political leadership. The corruption and treasonous behaviour had become too much to bear. They leaked emails to WikiLeaks and enlisted Julian Assange to help with the data dumps. Word is that those 33,000 deleted Clinton emails are soon to be released also. The arrest of Anthony Weiner, Clinton's top aides husband, Huma Abedin didn't hurt either. Huma had been saving every email of Hillary Clinton's that she could. It was truly her Life Insurance policy against Clinton. The New York City police had found the laptop when they began the investigation into Weiner's sexting case with a minor about a month ago.

The FBI had been experiencing a revolt as director James Comey let Hillary walk on many charges earlier this year. Once they had the laptop contents they gave Comey an ultimatum either he reopen the case against Clinton or they would go to the public with everything they had and it would have caused a take down of the entire Obama administration. So in a combined effort by some in the FBI and those in the intelligence community everything suddenly changed last Friday. Comey announced that he was reopening the case against Hillary Clinton, Obama was silent in the ridicule many Democrats expressed, he then through his Press Secretary backed Comeys decision. The reason has now been explained by Pieczenik. Obama was told not to interfere or he to could go down along with Clinton.

Suddenly overnight many top Democrats have withdrawn their endorsements of Clinton, and Michele Obama and Senator Warren have removed all tweets containing Hillary Clinton support from their Twitter accounts. MSNBC Clinton supporter Chris Mathews suddenly withdrew his support also. It certainly appears that Hillary is losing those she once controlled as more is coming to light. The WikiLeaks data dumps are proving many crimes and nobody can keep their finger in the dam to hold back the impending flood any longer. Once that Abedin Life Insurance policy is opened all will be exposed as reports say it in fact contains Classified emails and documents. It also has emails and documents on the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary remains on the campaign trail alone as she still arrogantly believes she can steal her lifelong dream of becoming president and destroying the United States. It has long been rumoured that Hillary is in fact a communist and has worked closely with the Chinese for years. We can just hope that finally she has been caught and those who are still working for her and those who may still support her will be unable to steal the election from Donald Trump. Five days to go and we will have to wait and see what happens next, what we do know is that thanks to those in the FBI and the CIA and other intelligence agencies Hillary's days are numbered.

What Will You Do To Make Sure They Don't Steal The Election?

There is no way you can sit there and believe that Hillary Clinton has a chance to win this election. If you are at all honest with yourself you can't justify it in anyway shape or form. Don't even bother to try to point at the polls that are proven to be manipulated in order to have a specific outcome. One thing we rely on is government or their State Run Press to give us is, reliable polls or statistics and unless you understand how these are done, you have no clue just how easy it is to make them fit any narrative they want. You the American people have become so unwilling to question anything at all, using the excuse that the government said it so it must be true. How dangerous this has become that you have allowed yourself to be so easily lied to.

My entire life has been to question the obvious, this of course has made me the one that becomes labelled and falsely accused of stirring up trouble. I have only pointed to the true injustices and frauds that are so imbedded in our system and society. Many others have done this also and the results have been the same, ignored and called crazy as the herd moves off over the hill following the shepherds to their doom. There are times that you must look back and wonder why that one or two have just refused to follow along? Do you think that maybe just maybe they know something you don't? The shepherd still leads you away telling you not to look back there, those people are wrong this is the way. How many times have you been told, "this is the way it is and there is nothing you can do about it?" Now there is, now just maybe you can see the truth.  

It took one of the shepherds to say "hey come this way", and as you begin to realize you are going back over that hill where the others had broken away, those that you were told were wrong and to ignore are there as they had wondered what took you so long. The key was it took one of the shepherds to turn you around, to tell you that what you have been told all along wasn't true, that wasn't the way it has to be and you can do something about it. That shepherd is Donald Trump, who as you struggled to deal with what you had given into, Trump while sitting around the fire staying warm with the other shepherds was always looking away and watching as you shivered in the cold trying to huddle together for some warmth. Trump would feast with the others but didn't take his eyes away from you as he wondered how to do what was right and lead you back over the hill. Trump would listen to the others laugh as they plotted against you and revelled in the fact that you so willingly followed them to what would be your destruction.

Donald Trump made the decision to lead you away from the hands of those who lied, cheated, scammed and abused you. He knew the dangers he faced and the ridicule he would have to endure. All of the other shepherds and their herding dogs would attack him and claim he was a traitor to them and you. They would pile it on as they realize that the numbers who are breaking from their herds are growing, their power is in decline. How dare he take you back over that hill were those who had broken away so long ago had been. How dare he let you know just what their real plans are. How dare he tell you that to think freely and desire to really be informed is the right way, not the wrong way you had always been told. How dare he tell you how corrupt and evil the other shepherds have been. It took one of their own to break away and bring you back over that long ago passed over hill.

Now is the chance to finally strike back and with a simple vote you can choose the shepherd you wish. For years and generations you were misled and told that you were picking the lead shepherd, you can now see this like almost everything else has not been true. This is your chance and most likely your last chance to begin to end the torment and lies. It requires that you stand together still but not as followers, as leaders to ensure the future of your herd. Go to the polls vote then watch for tricks and frauds that are going to happen as they have already. Don't allow them to control you anymore take charge and let the shepherds of doom know that you refuse to blindly follow them anymore. Take off the blinders and remove the chains from your hands and ankles, its okay its called being free and it feels good.

Be Americans again and strive for all those things you believe to be right, there never was any truth in being told "that's the way it is and there is nothing you can do about it." You can change things it can be fair, the truth should prevail not lies and deceit. This election is your chance, don't allow them to steal it from you, demand that they don't, tell them with your voices and tell them with your actions. Stop being sheep and allowing them to make fools of you, take this first step and defeat them by electing Donald Trump, "Drain the swamp" and start to be free again. You have no idea the amount of lies you've been told, do this for yourselves and your children, stop sitting on the sidelines and not caring because you've been broken to the point of being unable to realize what this means.

I had broken away many years ago, I saw it as a young child during the 1960's. I was a rebel without a cause. None of it made sense to me and I didn't know how to make anyone understand. I was an outsider and not because I wanted to be but because I was told to be, I would challenge authority not in a radical way but directly as I would say, that's not right, not fair, I was told time and again "that's the way it is and there's nothing you can do about it." I've spent my life in a state of inner turmoil, self destructing as I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I thought I found a cause when I became involved in the vaccine/autism controversy, I wrote about what I found and like others I was called a liar and crazy, my dear friend and mentor Dr. Rimland warned me to be careful as I was up against more than I knew. I spoke to a group of Special Education teachers at a local school system, I was literally laughed at as I knew then they were all unaware of the truth. The rate of Autism/ASD was 1- 500 at the time, today it is 1-38. I wrote a book with Dr. Michael Sichel of Australia in 2004 and by 2006 I was forced to end my fight for the truth to be told about this hideous vaccine program. Death threats, being called crazy you name it. I then found myself back in the herd. I continued to educate myself as I had never stopped believing that something could change. I still was a rebel and felt that somehow things really could change. I on occasion would mention things that I had found on many subjects that were not what we had been made to believe to be true to friends, and most would laugh or just act as though I was kidding around.

In January I found myself at the lowest point in my life, I began to become interested in this years election and already being aware of how the system is, I saw one person stand out that surprised me. Donald Trump one of the shepherds who was saying things that didn't fit the normal politician dialogue. Yes he was brash and he didn't pull any punches, he was attacked and laughed at but didn't waver at all. I at first believed that the powers that be would quickly dispense of him. I began to fall back into my researching ways to find the truth. As I learned I became more interested again in writing what I had learned in the past and was becoming aware of today. Writing, though I have only a tablet for my tool was always a passion and a way that I could say what I knew to be true. I had reached millions before and decided to not allow anyone or thing stop me in this goal. I will tell as many as I can what they are not being told. I knew that many wouldn't care as they had bought into the lies and deceptions just as I found before. I knew with Trump I had found someone running for the highest office in the world. He gets it, he's aware of many of the same things, he tells the truth and he will allow others to finally be heard. So here I am again fighting those same Shepherds. I was just getting back to finding an audience having my words being heard again, not only from my own site but others who thankfully felt the same. Being quoted in Russia, Ukraine and other countries gave me the drive to keep going, then suddenly last week I knew I had become relevant as I got hit with a social media sites suspension, censorship is the correct term. They didn't tell me exactly why or exactly which piece had forced their hand. But I have been silenced there until after the election. Ironically the pieces remain on the site, I am barred from adding more.

This is not the America I was told where you have freedom to speak your mind. This is not the America any of you were told either, if they can silence me, they can you too. I will not stop I will not be swayed, I will do everything humanly possible to continue to alert you to the truth. You must make sure that Trump wins, he has the numbers despite what's being said. Don't let them take our freedom, don't allow them to continue their lies and deceit. Don't just sit and believe the lie "that's the way it is and there's nothing you can do about it."