Friday, December 30, 2016

False Flag Warning Is Obama Going To Initiate An Incident And Blame Putin?

Despite a massive propaganda campaign attempting to blame the Russians for the Trump victory in the election, by deflecting the substance of the emails that WikiLeaks released. The Establishment Democrats and Republicans have obviously been working towards a conflict with Russia under the orders of their Globalists Masters. Regardless of the totally false claims that have been pouring out of Mainstream Media on a daily basis that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been the culprit in everything from Ukraine to Syria and the laughable insinuation that he is behind the Nationalist movements in Europe and the United States. This is not what are the reasons behind the most recent moves against him.

Putin is not a member of the Globalists One World Government, he like Trump in the United States, Nigel Farrage in the United Kingdom, Marine Le Pen in France, Geert Wlders in the Netherlands and others have been leading the movements that are putting the Globalists on notice that their One World Government is not going to succeed. And as of today Russia stands alone as a major military power that is not under Globalist control. We all know that President Trump intends to in fact ally with the Putin to eliminate the threat created by the Globalists, that being the Muslim terrorist organizations of Islamic State, Al Qaeda and others. These terrorists were created as a proxy army to destabilize the Middle East and Africa and to infiltrate Europe and the US as refugees to create havoc and chaos with cultural and religious differences. This is a classic move to fool the people into the need for less freedom and therefore more government control to ensure safety to the people and property. As 9/11 allowed the Bush Administration to side step the Constitution to enact the Patriot Act. A False Flag operation to create fear within the peoples minds and allowing Government to take freedoms away with the peoples consent.

In the 1960's we had the False Flag in the Gulf of Tonkin that resulted in the Vietnam War, 9/11 was not only the Patriot Act at home, it was also used to give the excuse to invade Afghanistan, this was not to take out Osama bin Laden ( CIA and Saudi intelligence asset ) as we were told that he was behind 9/11, it was to take out the Taliban who refused to cooperate with the Globalists and allow the drug cartels in the north to grow and transport their Poppy fields and continue the Heroin trade. There is also valuable resources that have as of yet been mined. 9/11 was also a favor to the Saudis and others to invade and eliminate Saddam Hussein in Iraq, under the false claim that he was creating and producing Weapons of Mass Destruction. And of course his large oil reserves that the Globalists wanted control of. ( Iraq did have WMD's as the US had provided Iraq with chemical weapons that were used by Saddam against Iran and the Kurds of Northern Iraq. A large cache was found all nicely marked "made in the USA") so what was the truth was turned into a lie to cover our own governments complicity.

So now we have the Russian False Flag to watch for in the coming days leading up to the inauguration of Donald Trump as our 45th President. As of now we don't know what is planned, however most analysts believe that Obama is up to something. The good news may be that the US Navy has taken all Aircraft Battle Groups out of the equation. There is not one of these Battle groups at sea as the Dwight Eisenhower ( IKE ) just came home to Norfolk Virginia from its patrol. Was this done on purpose by the Admirals to make starting a war with Russia less likely? Or is it a cover to allow for an excuse to be used as to why Russia made the move that a False Flag would insinuate?

The Globalists know that their days of ultimate power is waining as the people have begun to awake. They know that they do not have control of the US military as they had believed. There is some top brass under control but the majority seem to be emboldened by the Trump victory. And with Trump being aligned with the highly respected Marine General "Mad Dog" Mattis and General Michael Flynn whose work in military intelligence gives Trump an advantage over the military that Obama just doesn't have. The options are limited as to what Obama and the Globalists controlled members of the CIA can do.

The hacking claims are not true and they lack any credibility at all, was still used by Obama to kick out a large portion of Russian diplomats involved in intelligence. This move was unprecedented and in truth was laughed at by Putin as a vain attempt to cause any real reaction by Russia. Putin is aware of what the Globalists have been up to and he also knows that Trump is to. They both are waiting for the inauguration so that a true front can emerge against terrorism and the Globalists themselves. The truth is Putin has zero respect for Obama as he is well aware that he is only a puppet to the Globalists, on the other hand Putin and Trump have a high degree of respect for each other as they know neither is controlled by anyone. Does Russia have any control of Trump or the Nationalist movements in Europe? No, the only thing that ties any of them together is the commonality of enemies, the desire to have sovereign nations that decide for themselves what directions to take internally. Their is no huge conspiracy by the Russians to rule the world, the same goes for Trump as they both only seek peace and a desire to work together as independent partners in the greater good of all. This makes both men the major enemies of the Globalists who have one desire and one only. To rule the world under a totalitarian corporate government where the people have no say or freedom and are relegated to slaves of these Super Rich who have no belief in God as they worship only evil and the power of greed and influence.

We are at the mercy of God and hopefully if a False Flag is initiated by the Globalists thru Obama, cooler heads will prevail and we can avoid a World War. Then we can begin to live again as free citizens with a chance to again prosper and enjoy the promises of our founding fathers. Do not allow yourselves to fall for any deceptions and be willing to stand against those who may attempt to subvert this last chance to right all of the wrongs we have dealt with. Be aware that we have only taken one step of the many needed to do what is required. Even after Trump is sworn in we can't just go back to our normal routines. We need to become more active and regain all of our governments from the federal to the state and even at the local levels. The days of political corruption can end only with our direct involvement. We sat by and gave them their chance and they have failed miserably.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Globalists Actively Trying To Start World War III

This may sound like insanity and you would be correct in thinking so. The truth is unfortunately, that its true, the Globalists are willing to begin a Nuclear War in order to stop the Populists and Nationalists from reclaiming power. The Globalists headed by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the ever evil George Soros, who are allied with the Saudis and other gulf states along with the Communist Chinese are all maneuvering in a last ditch effort to keep control. The Russians, Syrian, Israeli and the American and European people are in their cross hairs. These monsters who are behind the One World Government are willing to destroy all of humanity in order to hold onto power. Their insanity driven greed and need for power will not let them allow a true world of peace and prosperity. Too much time and money has been spent by these criminals to just let go. They truly believe they can survive such a war and come out of the ashes on top.

Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Nigel Farrage and Benjamin Netanyahu lead the list of names that the Globalists fear. These are all men who have gone against these puppet masters that have consolidated power by buying, blackmailing, threatening and even killing those who they select to run their different interests. The European Union, United Nations and the presidents and or prime ministers of most of the worlds nations have been controlled by the Globalists for decades. Our own Presidents Obama, the Bush's, Clinton and so on have worked for the Globalists and not for us. Every trade deal was designed to weaken the economy and the ability of the American and European worker to take care of themselves. The European model of socialism was designed not to benefit the people but to force them to become more reliant on the state. Being in truth more reliant on those few who in reality run everything, the Globalists.

With the people backing Donald Trump the Globalists have given orders to Obama to engage Russia as their attempt to stop Trump's election failed. We have seen the murders of Putin's chauffeur, the Russian Ambassador to Turkey along with another high ranking Russian diplomat being killed while at home in Moscow. We have also seen Russian aircraft both civilian and military shot down. These are attempts to force Putin's hand into war. The entire Syrian war is an attempt to create a larger war as was the Soros backed overthrow of the democratically elected Ukraine government. The entirely false claim of Russian interference in our last elections is a smoke screen to set up this war. Obama and the Globalists know full well that it was members of our own intelligence community that hacked the DNC, Podesta and others and turned it over to Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. As I have said in the past and acknowledged by Dr. Steve Pieczenik former Assistant Secretary of State and intelligence officer, we have true American Patriots inside the military and intelligence communities. Let us not forget that it was our US Military that outright refused to follow Obama's orders and invade Syria. We now see these former Generals who Obama forced into retirement surrounding President Elect Trump, Flynn, Kellogg and Mad Dog Mattis to name a few.

We are technically at war right now, not with Russia but with those in our own government that are controlled by the Globalists. They are trying to take our freedom of speech away and are pumping up the propaganda against Trump, the free press at the same time as Russia. They want to link us all together as so called enemies of the American people. The truth is that it is they who are controlled by non US interests in Europe, Saudi Arabia and China. We have white college professors calling for White Genocide, Islamic terrorists being brought in daily by the Obama administration, the Fed is thinking of raising interest rates yet again to slow the Trump boost to the economy. MSM is pushing their propaganda of lies and deception. The Globalists in the Senate and House pushing anti Russian and anti American bills. The Chinese threatening others in the South China Sea, Pakistan and India sabre rattling each other and now Israel under fire from the UN that promises to only create more tensions in the region. There are many small fires that are being intentionally set by the Globalists and if one gust of wind hits any of them, we will witness a war that could be the end of humanity.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Secretary General Obama And The Globalist Establishment Politburo End Free Speech

The war on freedom continues as President Obama signs into law another illegal bill that ignores the Constitution of the United States. The "power grab" by the federal government continues as they create a 1984 style "Ministry of Truth" reminiscent of Soviet era Pravda, where the Communist Party decides what information is allowed. The 2017 National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) is now law and failed in many areas to help veterans, kill the overpriced and failed F-35 to replace the 30 year old F-15 and to secure our national borders. Also buried within is the "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act".

Much of this bill has little to do with defending Americans from the real threats to our nation or furthering our freedoms. It is in fact another bill that furthers the destruction of the Constitution as it helps to centralize the power of the federal government. The Ministry of Truth, creates yet another arm of the overgrown government that strips one very important part of our basic freedoms. Speech, the backbone of a truly free society, serving two purposes, one is the ability to hear, read or see all sides of any issue the second allows for ideas to be shared and this creates an atmosphere of innovation that hopefully generates better lives. Instead the Globalist Establishment chooses to restrict and control this area, as they continue on a course that eliminates free thought and free thinking, making it in essence a crime to think for yourself. Only tyrants such as Stalin, Hitler and Mao have had a need to remove the God given basic right of thought and expression. As any government that does this is creating a slave state where the government controls every aspect of life.

We have been witnessing this move to the Corporate One World Government for most of our lives and in most cases now, entire lives. With an educational system designed to dumb down potential and indoctrinate our children into thinking in a unified memorized state, the Globalist Establishment have created, a generation that has no ability or want to have independent thought. Now with the open and funded Ministry Of Truth the federal government can continue to indoctrinate as they control all information throughout your life. The truth will not only be deemed a lie, the next step will be to make it a crime. Reeducation, imprisonment or death will be the sentences handed down by judges who are hand picked and owe allegiance to the Globalist Establishment.

The claim that this "Act" is to safeguard the people and country is in reality a propaganda tool that is opposite of what is real. The CIA who has since its creation been nothing more than the Globalist Establishments "Enforcer" and "Masters of Manipulation" will head this elimination of free speech agenda. This election year the already Globalist Establishment Mainstream Media has pushed the "Russian Threat" to the maximum, even claiming that Donald Trump is controlled by "the Kremlin". Anyone that doesn't tow the propaganda line of MSM is also classified a "Russian collaborator". Now understand this, people who fight, write or speak for freedom, and the Constitution are considered to be working in conjunction with a foreign entity against the American people. At the same time those who are openly allied and controlled by the Globalist Establishment that "IS" a foreign entity claim that wanting freedom and respecting the Constitution is anti American. "You may think that I just wrote that wrong, I assure I didn't." Unless you have allowed yourself to believe that "War is Peace", "Lies are Truth" and "Slavery is Freedom" then you can understand what is really happening.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Western Mainstream Media Not Being Truthful About Russia Syria or Aleppo

It shouldn't surprise anyone that what we are being told about Aleppo is nothing but fabrication made up by NATO and US propagandists. Syrian forces along with Russian and Iranian backing are not guilty of killing the Syrian people being held within ISIS and Al Qaeda territory in Aleppo. As has been a long standing tactic the terrorist groups are using the innocents as human shields. Why the US and European media continue to attempt to put out this disinformation is beyond any credible reasoning. Independent journalists and the Syrian people themselves who have gotten out all confirm that the so called rebels are actually ISIS, Al Nusra or Al Qaeda and are listed by the west as terrorists organizations. So why the huge disinformation campaign? It is already known that the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, NATO and Turkey all have directly or indirectly financed, armed and trained these groups who they claim are moderate Arab groups.

The NATO countries involved and their allies are only losing credibility throughout the world as they have been caught red handed playing both sides of the coin. It was this fact that caused the large purge within the US military, of Generals such as Flynn and Mad Dog Mattis. Of course all were allowed to retire however, the ranks knew the truth behind such a large number of Generals departing in the span of a couple years. These were the Generals that flat out refused President Obama's orders to invade Syria as they knew the truth behind who backed the so called rebels of the Arab Spring. Despite this there have been incidents were US war planes have attacked the Syrian Army in support of ISIS, Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. The claim of mistakes in targeting may be believed by nonmilitary individuals but everyone in the military knows that the pilots were given the coordinates and they were purposely deceived themselves.

The Western Media is using these false claims about Syria and Aleppo along with the false story on Ukraine and the now massive interference in all western elections by Russia to bolster the "Russia is our enemy claims" as they seem to be itching for a war. This is exposing the Globalist controlled NATO and US governments who created ISIS and Al Qaeda in the first place and are using them to infiltrate Europe and the US as refugees. Setting up the Chaos part of their plans to grab every freedom they can from their people with the excuse it is to help protect the citizenry. As wars keep the militaries busy and away from the homeland so that they don't interfere with the plans. Very calculated and thought out, yet now being exposed as the Globalists became too bold and allowed everything to come into the open. They use the Muslim refugees to create chaos while trying to distract the people from the planned war with Russia.

Brexit was the first large failure followed by Donald Trumps winning the Presidency in the US. And the rise of populism throughout Europe. The Globalists are losing ground and this only makes them more dangerous. The people of America need to remove their blinders and realize that the Clinton/Trump election was not Democrat/Republican as many still believe. Its been decades since there wasn't a Globalist controlled president in the White House. This past election was about Globalists and American Patriots who do not wish to see the US become a piece of the Globalist One World Government. Donald Trump is an American Patriot, hence his America First slogan. This is why MSM has done everything in its power to paint Trump in every negative they could, the goal of the Globalist is chaos as in Europe. Here the southern borders were opened allowing those from Mexico, Central and South America to flood into the US. This is why the Democrats pushed the Black/White issue so strongly. This is why schools have not been educating children but are indoctrinating children into believing in Communism and also pushing Islam as the new religion. Attempting to destroy Christianity as Islam comes with the repressive Sharia Law as part of the religion.

The Globalists have also been destroying the middle class in the US and Europe as this was seen as their major threat. A happy satisfied populace won't stand by and watch everything to be taken. The Trade agreements first used in post WWII Europe were in reality the first step in creating the European Union. Sold as combining all of Europe to become an economic powerhouse. Also sold as being better than previously independent nations. They failed to inform the Europeans that what was really being done was the creation of a government that was headed by Corporate Elites that in fact are not elected by the people directly, but placed by the Corporations and Elites of Europe. The move in the United States was with the same pattern as trade deals and the opening of Communist China were used to move the middle class jobs out of the US. The Patriot Act that took many freedoms away was the result of the False Flag of 9/11. Done by members of our own government with help from other Globalists allies. This began the destabilization of the Middle East and we now have come full circle as the Obama Administration started the Arab Spring in Northern Africa, Syria and Yemen.

The Obama Affordable Care Act was not done to give everyone affordable healthcare. It was done to further erode spendable income and strain the middle class further and make it harder for small businesses to function. The massive increases in vaccines has created an explosion of chronic illnesses that has driven healthcare costs higher. Weather manipulation is just another part of the Globalists plan to create a falsehood of man made Global Warming that results in taxation for what they call Carbon Footprint. This has increased costs in Europe and other countries that initiated the tax. Of course again it is the people who are hit and this drops expendable income also. Remember that Obama and Clinton wanted to end all coal mining for internal use. Again middle class jobs take the hit.

When Americans and all of Europe wake up and realize that these Globalists with their Islamic allies and the Communist Chinese are the real enemies we all will be able to stop them in their tracks. The United Nations as an organization is where a lot of this plotting is done. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are not the enemies. Its the Big International Bankers, Our Fed, the Rockefeller's, George Soros, the Walton Family, The European Union, The Saudi Royal family, the Pharmaceutical industry, the Communist Chinese and many of the so called Elite in the US and throughout Europe including members of their governments. These are the enemies to humanity. These are who need to be stopped. It is time to turn the tables and take our country back, stop and destroy ISIS and Al Qaeda and all those who backed them. This will be a huge task but unless you don't care what kind of life if any the future generations have then just keep believing the propaganda and allow the Trump presidency to fail and you will see the results, and I assure you it will become worse than today very quickly as you will have Sharia Law and a communist style non elected government known as One World Government.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Who Was The Turkish Assassin Linked To? ISIS NATO Erdogan Or Gulen

In the aftermath of the Assassination of Russian Ambassador Andrey Karlov yesterday at an art exhibit in Ankara Turkey. Many questions have arisen as to who the Turkish policeman received his orders from. The assassin was quickly identified as Mevlut Mert Altintas, a member of Turkey's anti riot Police. Almost as quickly the Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Altinas had links to American based Muslim cleric Fatullah Gulen. This claim seems to have been made as a misinformation ploy as this connection if known would have made Altintas an enemy to the Turkish state itself. Gulen an ex ally to Erdogan in his rise to power was forced into exile in the US when their alliance fell apart. Gulen was blamed for the failed Coup against Erdogan earlier this year and the Erdogan government rounded up thousands of military, police, journalists and others who were claimed to have links to Gulen. So this sudden claimed knowledge of a connection is highly suspect.

Russian President Vladimir Putin labeled this a Radical Muslim terrorist act, today a key ally to Putin the deputy chairman from Russia's upper chamber's defence and security committee Senator Frantz Klintsevich said he believes the assassination was done by "shadowy NATO secret services." This of course links to ISIS or Al Qaeda that Russia is fighting against in Syria. The recent fighting in and around Aleppo has the Syrian and Russians gaining the upper hand. After shooting Karlov the assassin shouted "Allah Akbar" in Arabic then switched to Turkish when saying "remember Aleppo and remember Syria."

It is no secret that US, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have all been linked directly or indirectly in giving weapons, training and financial help to ISIS, Al Qaeda and other rebel forces in Syria. Turkey a long time adversary of Syria especially in the north due to the ethnic Turks that live along the border has been openly involved militarily in northern Syria. Turkey has also been buying oil directly from ISIS that helps fund their war effort. In November of last year Turkey had shot down a Russian jet that it claimed flew into its airspace that caused Russian Turkish relations to become strained, this latest incident has of course further strained relations. With all of the connections that the West has with the war in Syria its not too hard to believe that someone aligned with NATO was indeed behind the assassination. Erdogan himself a man who has wanted to create a greater Islamic State has ties to both NATO as a member, and involvement in Syria. This makes the most recent Russian claim the least farfetched of any.

The United States government of Barack Obama's claims of Russian interference in the recent elections along with Germany's and others within the European Unions elections including now Brexit has been attempts to paint Russia as an aggressor towards the NATO allies. The truth is and has been that Russia has not been the aggressor but they have been reacting defensively in Syria and at home. The stories out of Aleppo in the west are pure propaganda, as Russia has not been guilty of the atrocities claimed. This is backed up by independent journalists who have been on the ground and those Syrians that have been liberated from ( Rebel ) ISIS and Al Qaeda controlled areas of Aleppo.

The same can be said of Ukraine when a democratically elected government that was allied with Russia was overthrown by a George Soros and NATO funded faction. The Russian troop and military movements within its own borders are defensive in posture as NATO has continually made threatening moves and statements over the past few years. All of this like our elections, Brexit and other movements throughout Europe are against the Corporate Globalists who strive to have a One World Government. They see Russia as an enemy as Putin has refused to be a part of this system. Russia does not have the financial or conventional military might to be a real threat to the Globalists. However, the western propaganda machine has pushed for the people to falsely believe that Russia is a threat.

I expect this piece although an opinion based on facts to be buried in the internet as I have given my personal view on this story. The good news is that President Trump knows everything here, in this piece is based on facts. The assassination of Karlov was most likely another attempt by the Globalist to force Putin's hand and engage Russia into starting WW3. The Berlin attack immediately following the assassination was most likely a diversionary tactic to show that Islamic terrorists were attacking the west also. All smoke and mirrors to prepare the people of Europe and the US for war. Donald Trumps swearing in cannot come quicker as it would settle a lot of this. As he has vowed to join Russia and eliminate the real threat to the people of the world. The Globalists and their radical Islamic allies who share one goal and that being to rule the world.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Was The Russian Ambassador To Turkey Assassinated By The Globalists?

There have been rumours of starting WW3 and President Obama threatened Russia over a false claim that they interfered in our elections. And now Andrey Karlov the Russian Ambassador to Turkey is assassinated by a Turkish policeman who yelled " God is great " and " don't forget Syria and Aleppo " in Ankara just hours ago. What is most disturbing is that not only did the gunman shoot the Ambassador several times in the back but he also wounded three others before he stepped forward yelling to the crowd first in Arabic then Turkish. Why others in the security detail hadn't reacted is something that needs to be answered. Turkey and Russia have had strained relations over Russian involvement in Syria.

Earlier this year Russia had shown pictures of ISIS controlled tanker trucks making their way into Turkey, followed by Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter who they claimed violated their air space. Turkey has been shown to be supporting rebel groups inside of Syria that have connections to Al Qaeda and ISIS. Saudi Arabia and Qatar along with the United States all have been found to have either armed, trained or financed groups inside of Syria that have been attempting to topple the Assad regime since Arab Spring. This region is a flashpoint for the possibility of starting WW3 as Russia has been a Syrian ally since the days of the Soviet Union.

Aleppo was once Syria's manufacturing hub, however today it is in ruins. Many Syrian non combatants are being held by Al Qaeda and ISIS backed groups who have held parts of Aleppo for years. They agreed to allow some to leave recently but stopped after a disagreement over two smaller towns and its Shiite inhabitants. Western MSM has put out propaganda claiming that Russian and Syrian troops were killing innocents while taking ground in Aleppo. This has been denied and confined as not true by independent journalists who have been on the ground. Is this what led a Turkish policeman to take revenge? Fake News stories by western MSM? Or is there something more sinister at play?

The European Union and United States have been claiming through their MSM propaganda that Russia has been a threat for awhile and they have intensified this narrative by claims of interfering in elections in Europe and ours. Its long been known that the Globalist are pushing Russia and attempting to get them to fire the first shot. Putin's chauffeur was murdered in an obvious targeted traffic accident in Moscow also, and the downing in the Sinai Peninsula of a Russian commercial Jet prior to that when ISIS claimed responsibility. So the question is, are the Globalists attempting to try and start WW3 especially now that Donald Trump is a little over a month away from taking control of the White House from them? It is well known that this just may end their dream of a One World Government and only a National Emergency would give Obama the ability to halt Trumps inaugural as a war of the magnitude of WW3 could do. We need to keep our eyes open and watch very carefully as this assassination comes with many questions and at a pivotal time in history.

Americas Nightmare Coming To An End Globalist Liberalism Will Soon Be History

Keeping our fingers crossed and hoping that those of the Electoral College do what is right and vote the will of the people from their states we will see a new direction begin. After an election year full of out right lies, manipulations of polls and the Democratic Party's outright theft of a nomination from Bernie Sanders, followed by the attempted theft in the general election with massive voter fraud and a sitting American President telling non US citizens to vote illegally. This absolute nightmare will end with the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as our 45th President. Will the MSM stop their distortions and Globalist Liberal propaganda? I wouldn't bet on it. Will those Globalist that are embedded in Congress and the massive federal bureaucracy just suddenly change their attempt to make us part of the One World Government? I wouldn't lay any bets on this either.

We have many hurdles to jump over before we can be assured that America's downward spiral ends, taking the executive branch is only the beginning. A general house cleaning will need to happen as there are so many that for reasons unknown want to destroy our sovereignty and create a socialist slave state on the order of communist China. Unless you are not paying attention this seems to be the direction of the Globalist One World Government. Where the government controls everything from speech to your children. Where you live, work 16-18 hour days and eat one or if lucky two meals a day. Where you only know what the government allows you to know as information is heavily controlled. We are beginning to see this information restriction now as the Liberal media is calling for those who don't push propaganda and do real reporting to be silenced. The use of fact checkers is a sad joke as, who are these people that claim to be fact checkers? Do they have a crystal ball, or a connection to some artificial intelligence that can determine what is factual? Fact checkers are a bad joke as it isn't fact that they decide, it is what fits their opinion, and you are only allowed to agree with it.

The good news is that we are a month away from the swearing in of Donald J. Trump as our 45th President. Unlike Ronald Reagan there is no Globalist George HW Bush as Vice President to over see every move by made by Trump. The Globalist hold of 52 years on the White House ends. The Chinese and the European Union can kick and scream all they want. President Trump will succeed in restoring the United States back on top of the world stage. The Liberal Globalists in America will begin their decline as they have been exposed as treasonous to our country. Notice has been given, put "America First" or hit the road. Freedom and prosperity will again reign as the threats and divisions end. We will find that truth is going to return and the lies and those who told them will be exposed. The Constitution will again be the law of the land, as we have stood by watching government ignore its meaning and purpose long enough.

Our continued participation is needed to ensure that we remove all of these Globalist controlled shill's who have had their time in the sun and put foreign interests first over us. Wholesale changes are needed and we have the power to make these changes. This is our chance to shine with participation and our right to vote. Let's all help our President "Make America Great Again For All" let's rise up as a people and show the entire world what it means to be free. Only we can change our nightmares into dreams of happiness and success. We have the White House and soon the Supreme Court, that leaves Congress where the need for change is next. We all need to be aware of the changes needed at the local level and state houses also. Let's get this done and end the tyranny that we have suffered for way too long.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Put Up Or Shut Up As Putin Says Obama Knows He Can't

Still on this "it's the Russians fault" narrative, Soon to be ex President Obama needs to take the Putin challenge. Put up the absolute proof that Vladimir Putin hacked the election, DNC, the Podesta emails and forced the American voters to vote for Donald Trump. Why don't you? Because this is only a sad excuse as to why Hillary Clinton lost. She lost for many reasons and not all have to do with the fact that the American people are as ignorant as you think. It simply is that most Americans have lost faith in our government as we see that it does not represent us. Let me repeat that, you and the government do not represent us. We have figured it out and are no longer willing to believe anything that you in government and your Propagandist at MSM tell us. I think the phrase is " the gig is up" or "we have caught too many lies to believe you any longer." You in government seem to forget who is in charge, it is not George Soros or your Globalist masters who hide behind the curtain pulling your strings. We the people decide, and we have made a choice, as it still is our choice despite all of the fraud and manipulations that those in government pulled this year and obviously years past.

Do you think Mr. President, that we don't now see what is going on? I must give you all credit as most seemed oblivious to what was going on for years. Some of us were onto it, but by labeling us Conspiracy Theorists worked pretty well. A lot of lives have been destroyed by doing this and some have been lost. However as the saying goes, "the truth shall set you free" and it always seems to in the end. You can try to alter history by teaching children a different version, but as long as someone remembers the truth and passes it down your teachings become useless. One thing about human nature, there are those born to follow and there are some that naturally are born to lead. Our problem today is that a group of followers have been hand picked by a group of leaders to be placed into leadership roles because they are followers and will do as these leaders tell them. You President Obama are one of these followers. Meanwhile true leaders are identified very young and if they question too often what those in power are doing they are destroyed as threats, many while still young and unable to gather enough followers to succeed.

The leaders of this world today are from the same families that have ruled since before the birth of our United States. It was these same families that our Founding Fathers were breaking from when they created our Constitution. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and all the rest were the born leaders who due to circumstance could not be destroyed by those who ruled Europe. Time and distance prevented them from stopping our American Revolution. We now call these leaders of old Europe who in fact are the same today, Globalists as they desire to finally conquer the entire world. One World Government is their goal. Of course history played into these families hands as our Civil War was the turning point. Our government was forced to go to these Globalists and borrow money. It was at this time that the long process to destroy us began. Our Founders were gone and there no longer was anyone that truly understood the dangers that were coming. The fact is that the Globalists began to infiltrate and allow our richest families to join in the cause.

So as you see Mr. President some of us understand, the Federal Reserve, the reasons for wars and it all. Some of us know many of those things you wish we didn't, that is why thanks to the internet we have all of the true history at our finger tips. That is why we understand that you have realized this great mistake of allowing us to have so much truth so easily accessible. That is why we know the reasons that you are now going to attempt to silence the truth. We are not restricted to your deceptions through MSM. We only need to research and find the truth ourselves. In your minds you thought it would be a tool you could use that would help you in your creation of a One World Government. Your problem is that a few born leaders got past your masters ever present watchful eyes. Donald Trump, Nigel Farrage, Vladimir Putin are just a few. None of these people are controlled by the Globalist Masters, this is why they are grouped together and the claim that they are the evil ones. How so sadly untrue this false narrative is. These people like our Founding Fathers are aware of the true history, they are the ones who understand the truth and what is really going on. They are the enemies of the Globalists but not the enemy of the people.

Now I ask why would anyone believe anything that the CIA says? Most concerning is that the CIA has been wrong so often with their assessments, Castro's true intentions in Cuba, they later blew the Bay of Pigs operation to overthrow Castro, they told President Carter that the Iranian people were not in support of a revolution, they told Mr. CIA himself George HW Bush that Saddam Hussein had no intentions of invading Kuwait over side drilling into Iraqi oil reserves. They told George W Bush that Saddam Hussein was in fact in the process of making Weapons of Mass Destruction. (Fact is he still had some of the chemical weapons left over that he was given by our government through the CIA when fighting Iran) it was found and destroyed secretly. And of course the CIA and its history of Drug and Weapon smuggling is documented. So ask yourself with these few of many incidents just how you can believe anything the CIA says?

Now does Russia use Cyber Spying (hacking)? Of course they do, so does China and every other country including our own. Its used in business and ordinary people hack each other. It is a huge problem for everyone. So Mr. Obama why don't you admit these facts? Why don't you do what President Putin says? Explain in detail how Russia hacked into these systems and then, when did they send them to WikiLeaks, and why WikiLeaks, to expose just how corrupt and evil the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, MSM and everyone else involved is? We saw you mention by the way. And the last question for you Mr. President, why were you not aware of how easy it is to hack, and why didn't you do something to stop it? And by the way, while you are making these false claims against the Russians the Chinese just stole one of our underwater drones right in front of the Navy. Think you're looking in the wrong direction, or was this the plan?

Friday, December 16, 2016

Obama Threatens Russia Over Something He Knows They Didnt Do

Well it seems that President Obama is stuck on a totally fabricated story that claims Russia hacked the election, DNC and Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta. The sad part of it all is that everyone knows this claim is false. 100% politically motivated and so obvious that it has become a joke throughout the country as " the Russians did it" is the punch line for everything from cookies missing out of the cookie jar to cars that won't start. Julian Assange the founder of WikiLeaks has finally reappeared on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show on Dec. 15th and reiterated what he said before his two month silence. Categorically "Russia Is Not The Source Of The DNC or Podesta Emails." The Russians have denied it and many others have also come forward to provide evidence that the Obama Administration is lying to the US public. What Obama is doing is very dangerous and only showing that he and others within our government have been lying about almost everything.

This list of deceptions and outright lies is very long and includes; Obama claimed he knew nothing about Hillary Clinton using a private server while Secretary of State, and found out from the MSM just like the rest of us. This despite the Cheryl Mills email to Podesta that clearly states that Obama sent and received emails from Clinton on the private server. Also Huma Abedin longtime Clinton aide told the FBI she would send the new email address for the server to the White House. Benghazi, both Obama and Clinton were aware of the repeated requests by Ambassador Stevens for more security and neither did anything. Also the claim is that a video was the cause of the attack on the American Consulate where 4 Americans died including Stevens. This has been proven false, just as the claim that Obama couldn't send help as there was no time. Another falsehood as the Military and members of the CIA say they were on the move when told by direct order to stand down. Funding, arming and training of ISIS/Al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria, the false stories that the Syrian military was murdering innocents in Allepo that in truth they liberated from US backed terrorist. The obvious protection given to Hillary Clinton over the FBI investigation into her allowing classified documents to be subject to hacking by using a private unsecured server while Secretary of State. Obama telling illegal immigrants to vote in this years election on national television. President Obama has deceived the American people time and again and has been caught repeatedly and he just continues to do it as if nothing happened.

So now after the continual claim this election that Russia is to blame for everything, these threats from Obama, McCain, Lindsey Graham, Clinton and others needs to stop immediately. All of these people need to be removed from positions of power as they are threatening world peace and knowingly lying with every word. It is said that you deserve the government you have. Well not in this case as these people have been caught and shown for who they really represent and it is not the American people. It is a foreign entity called the Globalists. Sure a few of these Globalists are Americans but the majority are not. So who really interferes in the American government including elections? Its not the Russians!! Oh I know this piece will be buried in the basement of the internet and deemed fake news. Number one it is an opinion not news, but that too isn't being allowed anymore either. We are living in the most dangerous times ever in the history of the world. In the United States of America I can be punished for an opinion, using truths to form my personal thoughts and opinions on. I never thought I would see the day that a country that my family members fought and died for would do these things to us.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Electoral College May Give Hillary Clinton Presidency 28 States Electors Not Bound

This possibility is very real and there are some who believe the steal of the Trump presidency is now certain as 30 Electors to date have asked the CIA for confirmation that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election. A move by Hillary Clinton Electors, mainly House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's daughter, Christine Pelosi who is from California and was to vote for Clinton in the Electoral College vote on the 19th of December regardless. They are reporting 10 but insiders say they have 30 from other states that don't require Electors to vote based on state outcomes in the popular vote. They need 8 more to take the Presidency away from Trump and hand it directly to Clinton.

This move is being made on the heals of the reported assessment by some in the CIA who claim Russia directly interfered in the elections. They have not given proof yet MSM, Democrats and Republican John McCain are pushing what is a false narrative that Russia had in fact interfered. They are also claiming that Donald Trump and many of his supporters in alternative media, namely Breitbart and Infowars are Russian agents or assets. Even Tucker Carlson of Fox News has been labeled. If 38 more Electors vote for Hillary Clinton, the steal of the election will be complete unless challenged when both the Senate and House meet to certify the Electoral College vote on January 6th 2017. Some believe that this will not be known until then on how the EC vote went on the 19th. However you can be sure that the votes outcome will be leaked.

This would be a first since the creation of the EC. The Democrats along with MSM will spin this as the only obvious legitimate choice as Clinton shows a popular vote lead on a national level and of course by selling the idea of saving the country from a Russian take over. Sadly both are untrue as the vote was rife with illegal votes and fraud in favor of Clinton. And the Russians did not interfere. We could face a revolt by those who voted and support Donald Trump. There are rumours that President Obama may call a National Emergency once the EC vote is completed in order to divert any possible uprising. Martial Law and arrests of suspected Russian agents, assets and sympathizers could begin. The entire problem is this is not a true issue. There is no proof of Russian involvement nor is Donald Trump or those at Breitbart or Infowars tied to Russia.

If this EC steal takes place it will in fact be a Coup by the Globalists as they will have to hand power over to Donald Trump and many believe they will refuse to do so. The Globalists have put in to much time and effort over the decades to lose it all so easily. Until we know for certain the outcome and Donald Trump takes the oath of office, things could become very volatile. Unfortunately MSM and the Globalist backed politicians of both parties don't appear ready to fold their hand. This high stakes Poker game is far from over.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Is Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan Donald Trumps Brutus?

On March 15th 44 BC Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by two of the Roman Republics Senators, Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus. Caesar had just been voted as Dictator Perpetuo by the Roman Senate. Longinus and Brutus led over 30 Senators to conspire against Caesar as they feared the end of the Republic. In the end their actions ended the Roman Republic as it was known at the time. So the question is will Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and John McCain conspire against Trump, in the name of saving the Republic? Will history repeat itself as the Republic will likely end if these Globalist are successful? The chances of civil war, just like in the after math of Caesar's assassination could very well be the result. I am not saying that Ryan, McConnell and McCain will have Trump assassinated, I'm only saying that if they conspire to either stop Trump from assuming office or once Trump is President, these men conspire to block Trump politically, we will lose our Republic.

We have allowed these politicians who claim to be Republicans yet have more loyalty to Hillary Clinton than they do Donald Trump, as they all are puppets to the Globalists. They all have been purposely destroying the country piece by piece. First through trade deals that is destroying our middle class, then by allowing Obamacare to be the national healthcare that is costing everyone much more and receiving less in return. The entire plan was designed to fail so that the government is forced to step in and create the government socialized medicine further depleting incomes. The constant wars that have nothing to do with making us safe. The full out attack on the Constitution that they all ignore as our rights are taken away under the lie that we will be safer.

A President Trump threatens the to tip over their apple cart. These politicians that have done nothing but the minimal for the people, serve the Bankers and International Corporations that want One World Government. Simply because it allows them to have absolute control, and the people will have no say and be nothing more than slaves. One of the most terrifying aspects is that the Globalists have plans to eliminate 100's of millions of people as they consider the world over populated. So don't think that World War III is not a possibility. This is why there is so much rhetoric in the media and saber rattling towards Russia. A Nuclear war would serve several of their wants, as with the population and it would also make all those that do survive be willing to do anything they are told to survive into the future. These Globalist are not your normal person as they are full of greed and despise anything good as you mean nothing to them. They are evil and have grown accustom to power and wealth and will not willingly allow Trump to return the country to the people.

Are we going to watch and allow these so called saviours of our Republic in fact destroy it? Don't let history repeat itself as that is what we humans seem to do. As a whole we allow ourselves to be led into the same positions time and again. Doesn't matter how many times it has led to failure we just play follow the leader and like Lemmings, go right over the cliff. We cannot stand by and watch Trump follow in Caesars footsteps. Let Ryan, McConnell, McCain and all the rest know that we will not stand for their treasonous acts. Call, write and email all of your congressman and Senators and let them hear your voices. Stand up and be heard, use social media and let these Globalists know that this is our country and we elected Donald Trump. We will not stand by quietly and allow you to ignore our choices any longer. I can't stress enough how important this is. Spread the word and stop the Globalists from taking our voices and freedoms away.

Mainstream Media Becoming Unhinged

It is getting a bit comical to watch CNN, MSNBC and the other Globalist controlled media personalities attempt to continue the Russian Hack story. Chuck Todd was visibly shaken when he interviewed Republican National Committee Chair and future Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump, Reince Priebus. Todd was pushing the false Russian hack story and he couldn't get Priebus to answer his question the way he wanted it answered. As if in a major play on Broadway Todd presented his lines perfectly from the script and Priebus came back with lines that Todd didn't know, so Todd again presented his lines and Priebus again restated his lines from a different script. Todd obviously became angry as Priebus refused to play along. This and other instances such as Anderson Cooper's and Joe Scarborough's recent meltdowns when attempting to have a guest agree with what are in fact false claims concerning Russian hacking. These MSM news presenters are being exposed as nothing more than controlled, scripted propagandist. They have become so used to having their guests follow their leads that when someone goes off the script they literally become unnerved.

We now are watching these highly paid so called professionals wilt under the pressure of trying to push what are in fact lies and disinformation. It is very stressful to knowingly sit in front of cameras, being broadcast live and lie, and then have guests who won't play along. I can't wait until one of these professional liars just explodes on a guest and tells them "hey, just agree with this Bullshit would ya?"  I really couldn't imagine what it must be like to do that type of job. When I write I gather as much information as I can before I begin, I have never intentionally written things that were false. Have there been times that I had misinterpreted or given an opinion based on non truths? Certainly, I am sure of it, however I don't do it intentionality or very often.

This is not easy to write about events that are happening right now. You have to gather as much information from as many sources that you can and rely on instinct to decipher what is true and what is not. MSM is failing to even bother checking facts and just takes the story from one source, and that generally is a government source that controls what information is allowed to be known. Again, it is pure propaganda and has nothing whatsoever to do with journalism. This is why MSM is failing and is no longer trusted.

Unfortunately you can tell immediately who watches, reads or listens to MSM as they repeat the exact words that all of MSM has put out there for public consumption. You really can see that all of these media sources are scripted as every topic is presented almost identically. Example: The Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta emails. Pretty straight forward and to the point. But wait there is a whole lot missing there. Who, what and when is never mentioned and okay, but if you have that then tell what it is they supposedly found. Must have been some important information or otherwise why would the Russians do it? Fact is there was no proof and it was only claimed so that you wouldn't look and see what those emails said. In truth it was classic deflection as the false claim of Russian hacking became the story to hide the real one. The real one had, who, what and when as those emails had names, what was going on,being said and the dates. One of the most disturbing revelations in those emails was that MSM was and is in collusion with corruption in government. Again, the who, what and where was there for all to see making that one of the many real stories the public wasn't to know.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Fed White House Democrat Republican Electoral College MSM Propaganda All Attacking Trump And You

Have you had enough yet? Are we just going to sit in our homes and watch this all out attack on the man we elected and our future be taken from us? Did you think just voting was the end of it and no further participation was required? Oh please tell me that's not true. That vote was only the first step of many to retake our country back and we can't expect Donald Trump to do it alone. These International Globalists along with their American lap dogs are pulling out everything they have in order to stop us all. This fight just may get out of control if it is not ended quickly.

The Federal Reserve being a little upset that the markets are booming because of the actions and promise of a revitalized economy. are reportedly mulling over the idea of raising interest rates substantially to halt investment and slow the economy down. The Globalist controlled Fed doesn't want everyone to profit, only the select few who do when the economy is sluggish. Yes, you read that correctly. The privately owned, never audited Federal Reserve does not want everyone to profit from a robust economy, so they are meeting and looking at ways to stop economic growth.

Meanwhile at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC the Obama administration is plotting their next move to ensure that Donald Trump does not become the 45th President. Trump has already shown his ability to bring high income jobs back, and investors are lining up to do more. Both the Canadian and Mexican governments have told Trump they are willing to renegotiate NAFTA. Boeing has promised to lower the costs of the new Air Force One, due to Trumps outrage at the spiraling costs to the American tax payer. These moves and others by Trump even before he officially becomes President has embarrassed Obama, as Trump shows what a little hard work can do. Of course his actions are exposing Obama's and his Globalists masters for who they really are and what they have really been doing for 8 years and longer.

In Congress they have begun to show just who they really are also, Republicans Mitch McConnell in the Senate and Paul Ryan in the House are allowing bills to pass that further the Globalists agenda, there are also reports that they will not support Trump's planned tax cuts. Why? They are Globalist controlled just like Obama and Clinton. This is something everyone must understand, the House and Senate are at this point overwhelmingly Globalists despite Party affiliation. While we were sleeping over the past 50 plus years the Globalists had quietly overtaken both the Democratic and Republican Parties. Add this to the last 8 of 9 Presidents that were either directly or indirectly controlled by the Globalists and this explains why we are in the position we are today. I excluded Ronald Reagan because he like Trump was not a supporter of Globalism and fought them behind the scenes. It is well known that Reagan was forced to accept the extreme Globalist George HW Bush as his Vice President and then when the assassination attempt failed Reagan backed off further.

On November 8th 2016 Donald Trump won the election by gaining enough Electoral College votes, and despite the claim that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, this is terribly false as millions of votes were cast illegally for her as the only vote rigging was in the Globalist favor. They fully expected to win as they are so out of touch with the American people they didn't expect Trump's turnout to be so massive. So first thing the Globalist tried was to release the names and addresses of all of those Electors who by right vote on December 19th to elect Trump in the Electoral College voting. These Electors reported repeated death threats to not vote for Trump. Now one possibly two electors have stated that they will not vote Trump despite their states choice. We also had the Jill Stein recount attempt in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Only Wisconsin did this and Trump still won. In Michigan it was found that in the City of Detroit there was massive voter fraud and 10's of thousands of votes for Clinton were thrown out. A federal Judge halted this recount as it exposed the fraud. Of course the Obama appointed Judge said their decision was based on the fact there was no evidence to support the need for the recount. Another ploy by doing the recounts was to hopefully go past the deadline of December 13th. If all three states recounts had gone past this deadline for the Electoral College to receive each states final votes, that would have caused a vote in the Globalist controlled Congress to decide who would be President. Again favoring Clinton.

As you can see the Globalists have been trying every possible way to use our own election laws to negate Trumps victory. There is one final step to go through, on January 6th 2017 Congress meets to certify the election and confirm Donald Trump as the 45th President. One more loophole or hurdle to pass, as long as nobody objects to any states votes in the Electoral College then Trump wins. If one member in the House and one in the Senate do then we have a problem. The question is will anyone take this chance to ruin their career and name? As you can see we have only completed step one of many in the election process alone.

The final attempt the Globalist are trying is to use their Propagandist in MSM to keep pushing the False Flag story that the Russians interfered in the elections, they have also been labeling many in the alternative and independent media as Russian assets. This label is being placed on Trump himself by some. The false story backed by Globalists within the CIA have claimed that Russia was the source for the WikiLeaks release of DNC and Podesta emails. And conveniently Julian Assange the head of WikiLeaks has been missing since October, and therefore he can't dispute the claims. Although he had said that the DNC emails were not Russian sourced previously. This Russian story puts many lives in extreme danger, by labelling people spies this can give government reason to arrest, shutdown and even kill people. These Globalist are willing to do anything to stop the American people from taking our country back. So the question is, are we going to allow them to silence and stop our movement? If like me you are not going to just stand by, then get involved and help Trump succeed, this battle has only just begun.

Monday, December 12, 2016

The CIA, Globalist Controlled Faction A Danger To Our Republic

Just what is this supposed agency that was created to protect the interests of the American people abroad? Its original purpose seems to be only a small part of what it does today. Being draped in such secrecy and a budget that is unlimited it appears that the CIA having many factions, answers to no one. There is no data base that contains the answers to many simple questions such as, who all of the people are that are employed directly and indirectly? What is the total budget and who controls this budget? What we do know about is very disturbing and often seems bizarre that a single government agency could be so involved in so many different types of operations and areas. It is well known that the CIA often is found to be involved in the same situations that our military, police, DEA, FBI, ATF and other agencies and many times without these agencies knowledge. There have been incidents where it was found that the CIA was counter productive and its personnel were the targets of the others investigations or probes.

The CIA has a history that puts to shame any criminal organization or cartel in scope and power. The overthrow of governments abroad, assassinations or attempts of foreign and domestic leaders and individuals, weapons sales, insurgent training, involvement in the illegal worldwide drug trade from production to delivery, mind control experiments, biological and pharmaceutical testing upon uninformed candidates, kidnappings, psychological operations in all forms of media including news, music, books, television shows, the internet to movies. They have also owned and operated airlines and many other businesses as fronts for their operations. This is just a small list of the types of things that the CIA has a history of being involved in. When you think of James Bond 007 movies and all of the gadgets that were used, the real spy agency has created and used many more.

The term spooks was used widely in the 1960's through the 70's to describe members of the CIA as they were as ghosts and you never were really sure who they were. At times they would be sitting right next to you or pop up out of the blue flash credentials and tell you to back away and disappear into the crowd. In today's world CIA agents, operatives or assets are everywhere inside of state, some local and of course the federal government. All of this and the above mentioned is what has made this agency so dangerous. And like any large group or organization they are broken up into factions and have loyalties that are diverse. Some of course being dedicated to the principals and ideals of their intended job to protect the Constitution and country, others have been corrupted by power or money and work outside of what we would consider guidelines and then you have the Globalist faction that works for the corporate and banking interests that are actively trying to destroy the very system they are supposed to protect.

It is this last group that we need to fear above all others as they run the propaganda machine we know as MSM, they also are actively trying to stop Donald Trump from becoming our 45th President. They know that he is a true patriot and as the slogan suggests, he is working with those in Military Intelligence and the faction within the CIA who will "drain the swamp". There has been a history of bad blood between Military Intelligence and the CIA, as those in the military have their largest faction that put the Constitution and country first. Those in the military have also put up with having to fight the very people that the CIA has armed and trained on the battlefields of the world. The main difference of course being that the Military is more controlled as it is based on military structure of command and this is unlike the civilian CIA that is loosely controlled and allows for more individual or small group movements away from any set rules. The danger is that members of the CIA are going to try and keep Trump out of the White House. And unfortunately for us they will stop at nothing as the Globalist faction will do anything that their masters want, they have the experience and know how to pull off almost anything including an assassination attempt. Remember they have done it before and won't think twice to do it again.

We need to reign in this rogue element within the CIA and stop those who have become uncontrollable and have worked against us. We need Donald Trump safe and in the White House to begin the process of removing those within government who do not support the Republic and make up rules as they go along. This is a larger problem than many understand or even admit. We are running out of time as the Globalists have seen that they really have begun to lose ground as people across the world have begun to awaken from an extended sleep. We need to be one step ahead and not be put into a position where we react to them. Be ready for anything at anytime and be prepared to defend yourselves and our country, the Globalists are quickly running out of options. If you back a wild animal (Globalists) into a corner it will attack, and remember this animal has a snake (CIA) hidden behind you.

Originally written and published in December 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016

HR 6393 Intelligence Authorization Act 2017 A Prelude To World War Three

While we were being distracted this bill that has already passed the House and is in the Senate is what we as American citizens need to wake up to. The Globalists of the European Union and their US puppets in our government are pushing through this bill that directly calls out the Russian Federation as our enemy. Basically says that Russia is attempting to overthrow our government. This bill if passed allows our government to link Americans to the Russian Federation and therefore allow for arrests under its wording. Specifically mentions broadcasting, media manipulations and disinformation. Of course they already have been linking those they claim are spreading fake news as Russian agents. This is further proof that the Globalists are the ones using everything mentioned to incite and cause a war, they want to take Putin out for one reason. He refuses to be controlled by Corporate Globalists.

For almost a year there has been a steady stream of propaganda that is false to make it appear that Russia somehow believes they can become the rulers of the world. This is complete nonsense as for one the Russian Federation lacks an economy large enough to even begin to think of conquering the world. Italy and Russia share about the same size of economic power. The Russians also lack the strategic position militarily to even begin to think of what the Globalists are accusing them of. Don't be fooled it is the Globalists who are being aggressive here. They want war and they want access to Russian resources. And sadly the only way for this war to happen will be Nuclear and this will kill hundreds of millions of people and the Globalists just don't care. They truthfully believe they can survive and win this type of war.

This bill is also a way to remove the 1st Amendment by falsely claiming that anyone in independent news media including those like myself can be claimed to be a Russian agent. This also can reach into the political field as a politician can be called a Russian sympathizer and arrested. This bill is dangerous and needs to be stopped now. We are Americans and we don't want the Globalists Authoritarian type of government that they are trying to implement world wide. America this is a true bill that you can read online and see for yourselves. Russia has no designs on world domination as you are being told. We need to end this craziness before there is no way to stop it. This is as real as real can be, wake up as your freedoms and lives will depend on it if the Globalists continue to push us into WW3.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Stop With Claims That Putins Russia Rigged A Victory For Donald Trump

When will this story line go away and why can't the Democrats just admit defeat? I will bet that if we just move forward with the results as is and allow Trumps inauguration in January to take place. Then go back and do a state by state recount of every vote and look for every illegal vote from dead voters to illegal immigrants and the fraud where precincts reported rigged numbers, that we will see that Donald Trump not only won the Electoral College vote but also the popular vote in a landslide. This constant distraction and deception has made a mockery of our system as the Democrats and their Globalist backers have been doing nothing but trying to destroy this country for decades. This includes many Republicans also, as Paul Ryan has shown his willingness to play his hand against Trump since the election process began. People seem to forget that this election was the anti Establishment Trump against not only Clinton but those hardcore Establishment members of the Republican party.

Many Republicans have fallen into line with the Trump take over of the Grand Old Party. However their loyalty to the voters is still suspect as they will be watched as we move forward. The facts remain that the Establishment is controlled by the Globalists and have been for decades. Donald Trump was a major player within these circles yet he never became a member of this group. He has remained the outsider as he has always been, no time for foolishness such as fraternities and secret societies. He is aware of and has been around these people only as necessary to achieve the success in business and entertainment that he enjoyed. But he did not participate in those things that only members are allowed. He was never compromised or allowed himself to be put into a position to be blackmailed as is the way of Washington DC.

And again this continuous claim that Vladimir Putin and his Russian Intelligence community did  become directly involved in the election is false. Has Putin voiced his preference of a Trump victory over a Clinton? Yes he has but that does not mean that he controls anyone such as Trump or many others that have been falsely linked. Putin has been saying many things for a few years as he has been countering the Globalists for sometime. Most in the US have no clue who the Globalist are or what their goals are. All year I have written about the Globalists and often explained the who, what and why. To do so each time I write an opinion would cause each piece to double in size. You can simply Google Globalist and Alan E. Moses, add tags of EU also. ( You will find several Opinion pieces of mine at my website or ). Have the Russians hacked into email accounts and directly into government sites, we can only assume, as the Cyber war is an ongoing process among all nations. Don't throw your hands up and yell "see", as we do it, the Chinese, British and everyone else all do this as a routine way to find out what friends and opponents are really up to. Its an integral part of the intelligence gathering operations of the modern world. Just as our own government collects data on us, you can bet that some or most of us have been viewed if we frequent the internet by foreign interests also.

Julian Assange of WikiLeaks has stated categorically that no, "Russia was not their source." And until his whereabouts can be determined we have to assume that this was true. His disappearance should have caused more concern then it has and there are many rumours out there but nothing substantiated as of yet. Former Assistant Secretary of State and member of our own intelligence community  MD, PHD Steve Pieczenik has said that Assange was working with "members of our own intelligence communities" such as the CIA, FBI and Military Intelligence. And they, not the Russians supplied WikiLeaks with the Podesta emails. And it is widely confirmed by sources that DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was found murdered earlier this year was the source of the DNC emails and documents that WikiLeaks released. So today we only have claims with no proof that Russia was involved, and if there was proof you would have heard the details by now.

You Lost Get Over It Democrats and Globalists And Stop Blaming Russia

This is becoming almost laughable as the MSM is still trying to make it appear that Vladimir Putin and his apparently huge Russian spy network was key in Donald Trumps victory. Its a narrative begun when WikiLeaks began releasing Democratic National Committee emails. Those emails were quite damning as they showed how the DNC purposely fixed the primary to ensure Hillary Clinton would become the Democratic nominee. Socialist Bernie Sanders who joined the Democratic party for this run was used to ignite the far left and Millennial's, who have been indoctrinated through the educational system into believing that Socialism and large government is the path to follow. One problem was that Sanders was against the Globalist trade deals, multinational corporations and the Banks that participate in Global Governance. The Democratic leadership falsely assumed that once Sanders was cheated/beaten that these voters would simply follow Clinton.

Once the nomination was secured for Clinton as planned since 2008 by agreement between the Democratic party and the Globalists. (Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton were summoned to the Bilderberg Group meeting that June 6 in Chantilly Virginia, they came to an agreement that Obama 2008 then Clinton 2016).  WikiLeaks began to unload more emails, this time from Clinton Campaign Chairman's John Podesta's account. In both instances the Democrats claimed it was Russia who was guilty of the hacked emails who then turned them over to WL. Julian Assange and Russian President Putin denied this yet MSM continued to push this claim for the Democrats. What has been ignored by MSM and the Democratic leadership is that these hacked emails came from within the DNC and from a combination of FBI, CIA, NSA and Military Intelligence personnel. It was never the Russians.

Today we have President Obama still making claims that Russia may even have hacked our election and helped Donald Trump win the election. This is complete nonsense as we have just witnessed in the recounts that Green Party candidate Jill Stein initiated in Wisconsin and Michigan, that yes there was voter fraud and as was suspected by those who use the truth for and not propaganda as their sources The fraud was being done in some of the Democratic controlled precincts in favor of Clinton. Why the Democrats would allow these recounts that would expose themselves is beyond comprehension. Are they this out of touch with reality? It is like someone videotaping themselves committing a crime and offering this tape into evidence as a way to convince the jury they did not commit the crime.

Fact is the election was won because a majority of Americans voted legally and voted for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. The Democrats, Globalists and Left might as well admit that they lost and stop trying to blame Russia. This constant need to dictate false claims and out right lies about who Trump really is and who his supporters actually are is getting to the point of being ridiculous as you are only showing who you really are. Of course I am not allowed to express my opinion as I risk being silenced. Yet Donald Trump is not a Fascist, Racist, Bigot, misogynist, Islamaphobe or any other childish and completely misleading name you want to use. Are there people like that who supported him of course as there are people just like that who supported Clinton. The vast majority of Trump support came from all races and backgrounds who are tired of the policies that have come out of Washington for decades. They are tired of MSM and its propaganda that is so noticeably staged that it is fooling less and less people all the time. They are tired of wars that have no meaning, watching our government being more concerned about people who hate our culture and system that they get help while plenty of Americans do without. They are tired of Veterans being treated miserably after going into those wars of no meaning and whether injured or not Washington ignores their simplest of needs.

Wake up Democrats, Globalists and MSM, those who voted Trump in want what is guaranteed by our Constitution and they want you to stop trying to destroy their country. They do not want war with Russia or anyone else. They want secure borders and they want an end to terrorism. They are not Communists or those who believe that socialism is the way to go. They do not want to be dictated to and live under the control of some huge government that treats its own citizens as enemies while allowing the true enemies to walk in the front door. They want freedom of speech for all not just one sided falsehoods. Good paying jobs and freedom is what they want. For those who are so set on destroying this country by believing things that just are not true I have no clue what to tell you as you are acting like sheep that refuse to drink unless the sheepherder tells you its okay. You would literally allow yourselves to die because you fear doing things without being told. Stop complaining and work with others and learn to open your minds and actually find out what it really is that the Democrats, Globalists and MSM are having you believe. I'm sorry but its just not the truth that they are telling you.

Friday, December 9, 2016

What Definition Is Used To Decide What Is Fake News?

I have mentioned the infamous George Orwell classic 1984 on several occasions this year in attempting to draw parallels between the fiction written in 1949 and today's world. It was a novel written about the future and was based on a supposed fictional world where unseen forces controlled the reality that people were forced to accept. The ironies with today's world are astounding as the book references a society similar to the one being created today. How news is altered as history is changed to fit the needs of these rulers that are never seen. Lies become the truth as truth becomes lies. You are spied upon within your own homes through video screens and the brainwashed children who demand you follow Big Brothers rules. Reproduction is discouraged as a way to limit societies drain on the controlled resources. War is constant as they need an enemy to protect you from and keep your freedoms limited. Words are limited as reading and writing are discouraged since Big Brother will tell you all that you need to know. The constant sound of an amplified voice telling you repeatedly what you can and can not do, what you are to believe. An occasional attack from an unseen enemy kills and injures yet is accepted as part of daily life.

Now believe it or not, I have just described your lives today and nobody seems to be aware that a man whose true name was Eric Arthur Blair who used the pen name George Orwell had somehow been able to envision the future so precisely. The reason is simple, its because of his connections to those within the British intelligence community that were in the know of what was being planned by the Elite of that period. We call them the Establishment or Globalists today. If you have any knowledge at all about how these Elite held complete control of the intelligence communities post WWII, you will begin to understand how they have been able to pull this off.

George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barrack Obama all are CIA or controlled by the faction within the agency that is subservient to the Elite/Globalist. During WWII the Office of Strategic Services that later became the Central Intelligence Agency was given the job of controlling the news media. This of course was done to control the information about the war and block accidental or purposeful leaks concerning war strategy. Key word, propaganda was used to give disinformation to enemy and public alike. The OSS recruited the major journalists of that period to preform these tasks and after the war these journalist were still under their control. Once the OSS became the CIA and went from military control to civilian the Globalist now had a firm grip on the operations the intelligence agency preformed. Operation Mockingbird was borne to continue recruitment and control the major news sources.

Despite claims that Operation Mockingbird had ended during the 1970's it of course was not and with the consolidation of the major news media being owned by only 6 Corporations the amount of information and type is fully controlled. The White House even provides the video and written stories we see aired on MSM nightly. WikiLeaks exposed the collusion between the Hillary Clinton Campaign and major journalists who are in fact CIA assets. This is why MSM is primarily just a Propaganda machine that provides nothing more than misinformation to control or influence your knowledge of the facts or truth. Pure 1984 in all aspects.

The words Conspiracy Theory were developed in 1964 by the CIA to be used to discredit anyone who exposed the truth or mentioned a truth. They would have MSM label the person as spreading a Conspiracy Theory and you were to believe them crazy or incompetent. Ironically the word Truther became used as a way to discredit those who didn't follow the controlled information about 9/11. It was to make you think it is somehow bad to desire the truth. Again right out of Blair's book 1984 as the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth.

This presidential election year we have seen all of this go to extreme as now the words are Fake News. MSM and the Globalists want you to believe that unless they say it is a true story it must be Fake News. This is being done to censor independent news organizations and journalists and even shut them down. To silence anything that the Globalist don't want you to know. To keep you ignorant of the facts or the truth as this gives them complete control. These Globalists want a One World Government and they want to destroy the Constitution and therefore free speech to achieve this complete control. It is better to have 10 differing stories to explore than one so that you can find the truth yourself. Let MSM do propaganda and let everyone have a say, its called freedom after all. And please just take a look at that fictional book 1984 and see the comparisons to what we are dealing with today. Blair gave us a warning of things to come, the problem is now its already here.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Why Is PE Donald Trump Appointing So Many Generals?

The answer is not that he is creating a Military Government that some Establishment are fearing. It is because he is looking for those who put Country and Constitution first, he wants true American Patriots. Generals, Flynn, Mattis and Kelly fit this bill as does the possible addition of Navy Admiral Michael Rogers who may become appointed as Director of National Intelligence. The only one that would not at this point is the possibility of General Petaeus as Secretary of State. Petraus appears to have close ties to the Globalists as he attended the yearly meeting of the Bilderberg Group this year in Germany. The Bilderberg Group has long been identified as the Globalists highest ranking members group. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller are long standing members along with others from banking, heads of state, multinational corporations and media throughout the world. Petraus was an invitee this year but that still brings into question his loyalties.

Some are grumbling that this many military officers would place the long tradition of civilian control into question. As with the military and General James "Mad Dog" Mattis being head of the Department of Defence. He will require a waiver similar to President Harry Truman's choice of Army General George C. Marshall. As there is a law requiring military personnel to have been retired for 7 years before being allowed to become head of the DOD, Mattis is only at three years. General Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor will not be required to have Congressional confirmation. He has all the necessary experience to fulfil this position. And General John Kelly who was the former head of the Southern Command is the perfect fit at the Department of Homeland Security. Kelly is well qualified in dealing with border issues, drug trafficking, immigration issues and terrorism.

Admiral Michael Rogers who may be the next Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is in the Obama Administration currently serving as National Security Advisor. He would give the Trump team another highly qualified expert in National Security. Although he survived the purge of military leaders that Obama had implemented, notably Flynn, Mattis and Kelly, his appointment appears to be backed by those Generals advising Trumps transition team. This may also be said of Petraus, yet until they are announced it is only speculation at this point.

In the end PE Trump is doing his best to place the most qualified people who share his goals of returning the US to the people and protecting the Constitution. Those who have backed the Globalist agenda are and will remain upset at these choices. After years of control there is little to show for any accomplishments in any area on the world stage or at home. Since the George HW Bush years we have been on a steady downhill decent. Trump has vowed to reverse this and as we've seen just since his election he has already had an impact. The Globalists are pulling every trick out of the bag to stop him, however all are failing. For America to survive we must have his vision completed, if any of us wish a better life. More of the same will not do as even now freedom of speech is under attack and the threats of violence are increasing by the Globalist backed left. A lot of work is still in our futures and this must be understood as the election of Trump was only the first of many steps needed to return our country to its rightful place, as the leader by example and strength of the free world.