Monday, October 3, 2016

The Unseen Forces Who Stole America, Trying To Hold On

Despite thinking that elections determine the direction our country will take, the sad fact is that in all cases this has not been true for over 200 years. We have only been played to believe that there are two political parties. This election in 2016 will be the chance to actually have a President that will go after those who are really in charge of us. There was a coup the day the Republican Party nominated Donald Trump to run as their candidate for President. He wasn't supposed to make it that far and in actuality was falsely considered to be a joke that would give some entertaining moments before he was eliminated. This was a major miscalculation by the Establishment and their puppet masters who stay behind the curtain.

The Democrats and Republicans have been working in tandem for over a hundred years together to deceive the American people that there are two major parties. Several presidents have mentioned that their power was in fact fictional as secret societies and a hidden force such as the shadow government was in fact in charge. George Washington spoke of what he called the illuminati before during and after his presidency. These evil men who in truth ran the governments of Europe had not gained a foot hold in the Colonies when our founders revolted and won independence. We didn't only become independent of England, but the influence and control of the Illuminati as well. Our Republican form of government was in the minds of the founders a way to avoid the dangers of one party rule as checks and balances were placed that would ensure no one individual, State or group could gain complete control. Washington did not believe in political parties either, as he feared that they would become centralized and result in corruption. As we now know his fears have become reality.

Basically you can vote for whichever candidate you wish and despite the promises or claims both are controlled by the same people or group of people, this is why little changes and government does things as they wish. The Press was to have been totally free of influence and give differing opinions to allow for the people to be informed of all sides to an issue. This is no longer true as the (Press) Mainstream Media is now controlled also by the same people that control the political parties. The American system is centralized and has been for years. None of us have seen a true and free government that we truly have any say in its direction. Our Constitution sits under glass in the Rotunda of the National Archives Building in Washington DC. As we can't touch it, it no longer touches us as for the past 4 Presidents have come to completely ignore its meaning and laws at an accelerated rate.

So who is this secret government that has the absolute control over every aspect of our lives and our government? It is the Super Elite of Europe and America who control the money that runs the world. International Bankers who have the entire world in their debt. In the US its the private owners of the Federal Reserve. They run their Empire by a series of alliances with secret and open societies. The Freemason's, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove Club to name a few that are lower echelon groups, we in America also have the Council on Foreign in Relations (CFR) and The Trilateral Commission. These are similar to the House of Representatives and the Senate, above them is the Bilderberg Group where the leaders of Banks, Industry, Military, Intelligence, and Politics meet for four days a year to pass on directives to those groups below it. The true leadership doesn't always attend but are represented by subordinates. A simple Google search can give you the lists of attendees and members of these groups. Our CIA acts as the enforcers within this shadow government, funded by the American taxpayer and by illegal drug, weapon, and human trafficking. They also have major stakes in many businesses throughout the world to help finance their operations.

Who are the major threats to these rulers that control? Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin of Russia are seen as their major enemies. This is why MSM and the Clinton Campaign attempt to claim that they work together. In reality they do have some similarities in goals and desires, but a connection is nonexistent at this point. Both are against the completion of a One World Government and there for are deemed enemies and dangerous to world peace, when in fact neither desires war and are only trying to reset the direction the shadow government has been leading us all in.

Our job is to ensure that Donald Trump wins this election and stops the decline of liberty, we need to get back to that document given to us called the Constitution and stop falling for the Globalist politicians that only lie for their puppet masters. Ever wonder why the Clinton's have been allowed to get away with all of their crimes? Because they will do as they are told by the World Elite who are just as criminally minded and evil as the Clinton's. Take the first step and get the truth out, one person at a time if need be, the racial differences are creations of the Elite as it keeps us divided, the alliance with Islam is a way for the Elite to create fear and hardship that drives you further into their grasp as they claim they will help you be safe. Islam is not a religion of God as its goal is world domination, and therefore the perfect ally to the nonbelievers of the Elite who believe themselves to be Gods. It is time to retake America and create a true nation that will unshackle our chains of slavery for all of mankind.

1 comment:

  1. The bankers. Who are they? Who owns the Federal Reserve? Name names. Take off the mask of secrecy.
