The initial reaction to the FBI's decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email scandal, has been extreme optimisum that maybe, finally she will be indicted for her many crimes involving the use of her private server as Secretary of State. We have watched as the FBI mangled the entire original investigation by giving many immunity and destroying evidence, it was as the confident Hillary Clinton that often repeated "nothing was there", as if knowing she was untouchable. Two congressional committees looked into it also and despite a multitude of crimes committed that Comey himself admmited that had occured, Clinton was free to go. This list of crimes is extensive and the cover up proves that Hillary Clinton is above the law.
We have seen through WikiLeaks that the entire campaign and Democratic National Committee is involved in many more crimes and unethical behaviors. It shows to the world all the deciete and corruption that infests the US political system today. So much has been revealed about how our Mainstream Media is in reality nothing more than the propaganda machine reminiscent of Pravda in the Soviet Union of days past. Social media that was believed to be a format to freely express yourself as long as you stayed away from vulgar or pornigraphic material was a haven of free speech. We now see this not to be true at all as censorship by extreme or subtle techniques are often used. There appears to be no place where we can find the truth except for a select few, called alternative websites, radio, YouTube or bloggers that have to battle through the censorship and little to no funding just to get the word out. We are becoming the Resistance that sits in dank attics using shortwave radios as was done in Nazi occupied Europe during WWII awaiting that knock on the door by the Gestopo.
So the FBI is reopening the investigation so close to the election, what does it mean as the letter that Comey sent to law makers is in fact vague in content? Is the laptop that was confiscated by the FBI while investigating Huma Abedin's estranged husband Anthony Weiner the one claimed to have been mailed and lost? This was one of the devices said to contain the 33,000 deleted emails, is this it? We don't know as nobody is said to have begun to go through what are said to be the thousands of emails found. And with all of the immunity handed out why was Huma unable to receive such a pass, did she not remember that she had this laptop, or was she told to deny that it existed? Was there something in those 33,000 emails that Hillary needed to keep in order to use it as a tool to blackmail someone at a later date? This is a Washington DC tactic, you have something that someone has done that they don't want known so you use it to influence their decision making. The questions and speculations are immense on this as we just don't know exactly what the FBI has.
The one question that I have and asked before in a blog "Where Is Huma Abedin?" Is where has she been? Abedin spent several years right by Hillary Clinton's side as she was said to be her top aide and confidant. However this hasn't been the case for several months now, as Abedin has only been seen on rare occasions and not with Hillary. There is something here that isn't adding up at all as her sudden disappearance from the day to day campaign and her only being seen alone seems odd. Yes we know that her husband Anthony Weiner is being investigated and that they have separated but in reality Huma was not home often as she travelled with Clinton and was always close by. We know Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and I thought that her disapearence from the campaign was to keep that topic out of the race. There are just so many unanswered questions here as nothing adds up.
We cant allow this to distract us as the election is so close at hand, WikiLeaks is still dumping and those emails need to be examined. The vote flipping machines, the violence by the left upon Trump supporters, the MSM still ignoring what WikiLeaks has given that proves the extensive corruption, these polls are so faked that the uninformed voter sadly believes the lie. There is an increasing threat of nuclear war and the stock market could plunge at any moment. Soros has ordered his militant groups to engage in violence upon a Trump victory. Standing Rock is being ignored, the Bundy's winning in a federal court is also ignored, the border with Mexico is being overrun, Obama is still bringing in Islamists. The French people are having massive protest against their government, in Swedan violence is becoming common place, the German people are protesting. The world is watching as we now have known criminals in charge. This people is not looking good at all and if you continue to ignore it all then it will be too late. You must put God and country first if you want to save our Republic and therefore yourselves.
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