Monday, May 22, 2017

If Kim Dotcom Proves Seth Rich Was DNC Wikileaks Source Russian Hacking/Collusion Story Must End

Some very high level Democrats are terrified that the truth is about to be told. Kim Dotcom the German born Entrepreneur who now lives in New Zealand, has let it be known that he can confirm that Seth Rich was in fact the Wikileaks DNC emails source. This destroys the entire "Russia did it" narrative that MSM and Democrats have been claiming. The Seth Rich story may also finally become front page news and no longer buried. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been in a self created situation since the murder of Rich. Assange had vowed to never give up his sources whether alive or dead.

Assange was forced to walk a tightrope of hinting that it was in fact Seth Rich who provided the corruption exposing emails. Offering a $20,000 reward in the murder case, using Rich's death as an example as to the danger his sources face. Assange even retweeted the recent Fox News 5 story that involved investigator Rod Wheeler saying that Seth Rich was the source and that the evidence was on his laptop.

Now that Kim Dotcom has entered the storyline more has come to light. Rich had a Reddit account that has been shown to have recent activity, someone has been editing his account. An anonymous source claiming to be one of Rich's surgeons the morning he was shot has said that the gunshot wounds were not life threatening. This anonymous source has also said that they were witness to federal investigators entering Rich's ICU room and that Rich died shortly afterward. This source seemed legitimate as they described the procedures in medical terms. However as with all anonymous sources you can't be certain if it is the truth.

MSM has used anonymous sources to build it's narrative of the Russian/Trump collusion claims and the Russian/Wikileaks source claims for almost a year now. If Kim Dotcom proves his claims then this entire MSM and Democrat narrative will blow up in their faces. It won't solve the Seth Rich murder investigation but it should create a demand for answers. Hopefully both of these stories can come to light and we can end the guessing game. If this Doctor comes forward it could also expose the level of corruption surrounding Rich's death. Putting to end the botched robbery claim and pointing to a political assassination instead.

Washington DC is full of anonymous sources as the truth can get you killed. The power these people in government wield is enormous even at lower levels. The American people have had the wool pulled over their eyes long enough. We deserve answers, we must demand them if we will ever really get our government back.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Seth Rich Murder Wikileaks Why No Answers Russian Hacking Hoax A Distraction Of The Real Crimes

What began as Democrats blaming the Russians for hacking their National Committee computers and giving Wikileaks the evidence of massive corruption. Has now unequivocally been proven a lie. The Rich family Private Investigator has come forward with the evidence that it was an inside job by Seth. And that both the DC police and FBI have known all along that it wasn't the Russians and they both allowed MSM, the Clinton campaign and DNC to falsely point to Russia. Even spinning this to somehow prove collusion with the Trump campaign.

Why doesn't any of the Democrats care that by doing so they have hindered the murder investigation of one of their own? Why is the Rich family, through their spokesman Brad Bauman claiming this recent development is a conspiracy theory perpetrated by Rod Wheeler their own Private Investigator? Who are these two men that are both working for the Rich family yet paid by third parties have such differing statements. One interesting fact to begin with is that the Rich family didn't have the finances to hire a spokesperson let alone a private investigator. Especially two high profile ones like Wheeler and Bauman.

Let's start with Brad Bauman the family spokesman. He is what is referred to as a spin doctor, he is a professional Democratic Crisis Public Relations consultant for the Pastorum Group. This Group cofounded by Bauman claims to be experts in political strategies and the election process. Any one for screaming Red Flags on why the family of a murder victim would hire a political crisis management company? Especially one with such close ties to the Democratic party? Who is paying the massive fees for these services?

With Rod Wheeler the PI you have a former Metropolitan Police Department (Washington DC) homicide detective and Fox News contributor. Wheeler first told Fox News 5 that he had two sources, one a DC detective the other a federal investigator. He did recant the later saying that his investigation leads him to speculate that evidence on Rich's laptop would connect Rich to Wikileaks. Of course this is his conjecture not definitive. As with all news out of Washington when you have unnamed sources there needs to be caution. I as others may have jumped the gun, however this murder and its timing has got to make you wonder.

Julian Assange the Wikileaks founder who nobody can deny has only released 100% accurate material on his website, has said that he will not give up his sources names whether alive or dead. Assange has stated that the source of the DNC emails was NOT a state actor. There is no Russian connection. When asked about Seth Rich Assange says that Wikileaks does not divulge sources and that Rich's death is the reason. He then offered a $20,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of Rich's killer(s). He also retweeted the original Fox News 5 story on his Twitter page. Connect the dots and you have only one conclusion.

Seth Rich was in contact with Gavin MacFadyen the investigative journalist/ Wikileaks London based director at the time. By Assange's statements and retweeting the Wheeler/Fox News 5 story he can only be saying one thing. Seth Rich was a source of DNC emails that revealed massive corruption and crimes. He did have contact with MacFadyen and the evidence would be on Rich's laptop or other device. And since we know for a fact that the NSA collects all emails, texts and phone conversations in the US and most of the world. Someone could have accessed everyone who worked for the DNC's communications.

The last few hours of Rich's life are accounted for and confirmed until 1:45 am that fateful morning. The Daily Mail UK had done the story of the timeline that morning that despite almost a year past is still all that we know. What we know; those who knew him fairly well said that Rich and his girlfriend were having problems, he frequented a local bar and those who worked there told the Mail that Rich was depressed and highly intoxicated the night he died. He was offered a ride home by an employee but declined. Rich said he was heading to another bar and left on foot at 1:45am. The staff at the bar Rich said he was headed to say they do not remember seeing him that night. He was not a regular and when shown a photo they didn't remember him. This bar was one mile from Seth's home. A 30 minute walk. This bar closed that morning at 2:30am yet there is no evidence he ever went there that night according to the Daily Mail timeline.

The DC police responded to shots fired at 4:19am and found Rich with bruising on his knees, arms, and face with two gunshot wounds to the back. Depending on if Rich stopped at the 2nd bar or not there is a time gap of an hour and a half to 2 hours that remain unaccounted for. Original reports state that Rich was on his cell phone with his girlfriend when she over heard Rich acknowledge someone, he then told her he would call her later. This leads to speculation that Rich knew the parson or persons that approached him on the street in the wee hours of the morning. There is also reports that Rich was conscious when he was first seen by police. Rich was pronounced dead at the hospital at 5:25am.

Other things that are known is that there are many security cameras that could provide crucial evidence that seem to not have been reviewed. There is also a technology called ShotSpotter that alerts the DC police to gunshots being fired. These sensors can identify type of gun and even distance from sensor. Yet none of this evidence has been made public which is highly suspect in such a high profile case. What is being hidden? What are on those surveillance cameras? What type of gun was used? What did Rich tell his girlfriend or the responding officers? And most importantly where was Rich during that gap in time between his confirmed whereabouts?

Seth Rich is described as a highly patriotic young man who was a supporter of Bernie Sanders. He believed in the democratic process and was a firm believer that all votes must count. He went to Washington to help make sure that the country he loved would excel in every sense. He may not of understood that politics is a game that is much more corrupt than he ever expected. There is a very dark side to politics that most are unaware of. Backroom deals, favors, payoffs and sadly blackmail are the normal. His lack of understanding the true nature of American politics may have been his downfall.

When you begin to connect the dots of the Rich murder and the DNC hacking there is a very high degree of circumstantial evidence that Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source and not the Russian narrative being pushed to nauseam by MSM and Establishment politicians. The fact is that the statements and actions by Julian Assange on the Seth Rich murder and that he emphatically denies a Russian government source leads in one direction. Seth Rich was the source and he most likely died because of it.

There has been zero evidence put forward, circumstantial or otherwise that Russia was involved. Yet, MSM and the Democrats plus some establishment Republicans continue to make statements as if there is even a a tiny piece of evidence. All are guilty of misleading the American public and causing unnecessary discussions and investigations into the Russia did it hoax. What congress and the Justice Department along with the FBI need to be investigating is the corruption revealed in the DNC materials. There is the real crime that nobody talks about or seems to care about. The DC police need to be investigated as to why they have failed to be more forthcoming with the Seth Rich botched robbery story. His position as a DNC staffer with access to the very emails that were hacked and who was murdered just days before their release by Wikileaks demands answers.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Obstruction Of Justice Former FBI Director James Comey Guilty?

That got your attention I bet. Through a private investigator Rod Wheeler and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange plus two unidentified sources. Seth Rich the DNC IT staffer who showed signs of a physical assault before being shot twice in the back that resulted in his death. Was the Wikileaks source of Democratic National Committee emails that the DNC and Hillary Clinton claimed was Russia. Rod Wheeler and Fox news have confirmed that over 43,000 emails were in fact sent from Seth Rich's laptop to Gavin MacFadyen an American investigate journalist who headed the London offices of Wikileaks. The FBI source says that the FBI has the laptop.

So why should Comey be charged with obstruction? James Comey was the director of the FBI, he held evidence that connected Rich as the DNC leaker. Comey ordered this evidence to be hidden and allowed a false story to continue about Russia hacking and Trump campaign collusion. Comey also has hindered the Seth Rich murder investigation and opened up an FBI investigation on members of the Trump campaign with full knowledge that there was no Russian involvement. He has allowed MSM and members of congress to deceive the American public. He has allowed 100's of thousands of dollars to be waisted by the FBI, congress and other government agencies in the process.

James Comey is nothing more than a Clinton Deep State stooge. He is a Fixer as they are known in the criminal world. The one called in to fix the crime scene by the criminal, to wipe any fingerprints or evidence away. The young 27 year old Seth Rich deserves to have the truth come out. He did what he felt was right at the time. He blew the whistle on major corruption in the DNC and paid the ultimate price. You can bet that Comey knows all the details and has withheld this evidence of what in truth was a political assassination.

It wasn't the Russians after all and Comey allowed all of the lies and fake news to progress in an attempt to overthrow the lawfully elected President of the United States. If you can't see who these people are I feel sorry for you. The fact is I fear for my country as evil sits in some of the highest posts in the land. We are at war not only with a terrorist organization created by members of our own government (ISIS). We are at war with many within our government who could care less about human life. What will become of us?

Deep State Going All In As Russian Fake News By MSM Imploding

Yesterdays claim in the Washington Post were shut down quickly by Secretary of State Tillerson  and McMaster NSA as they emphatically deny that the President gave Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Classified Intel. Both men were in attendance at the meeting that WaPo claimed their sources said that this supposed National Security breach happened. The fact that WaPo printed the details of what was said is being considered the real breach of National Security about the Russian/US war against ISIS. Both countries have been sharing Intel about ISIS for a couple years, and what was discussed was not out of the ordinary. This WaPo story is Fake News.

This is just another in a long list of stories that the MSM has been printing or airing that have been found to be untrue. The Deep State continues to use MSM as their propaganda tool in trying to bring down President Trump. The President remains in the cross hair of the Globalist's who have controlled Washington DC for decades. And the narrative that there was Russian/Trump collusion continues to fall as there has never been evidence to support this claim. The fact that the FBI is wasting manpower and resources on an imaginary link should disturb the American taxpayer. The real crimes and truth remain unsolved or even investigated.

A breaking story overnight is drawing attention as the family of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich have had a private investigator looking into his murder. The DC Police had claimed this was a simple robbery gone bad. The FBI didn't investigate as they accepted the DC Police's findings. The PI Ron Wheeler a former DC homicide detective has told Fox News that there is evidence on Rich's laptop that he WAS in contact with Wikileaks prior to his murder. Wheeler also states that his sources inside the DC Police and FBI have told him that they were told to stand down. The botched robbery claim would be the story upheld.

This of course destroys the Fake News narrative that Russia hacked the DNC and then gave the information to Wikileaks who published it just 12 days after Rich's murder last year. This contact by Rich was through Gavin MacFadyen an investigative reporter and documentary film maker who died last October in London, UK. MacFadyen was a mentor of Julian Assange the Wikileaks founder. Assange has claimed all along that the Russians were not his source of the DNC materials. However the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign said it was Russia. Today Assange tweeted the Fox story on these new revelations about the Rich murder. Again another Russian story promoted by MSM and Deep State controlled politicians is found to be Fake News. Whoever President Trump picks as the new FBI director is sure to open up this investigation.

A new rumor is being circulated in Washington that claims that President Trump suffers from Alzheimer's. This is another attempt to discredit the President and an attempt to remove him from office. The truth of course is that he doesn't have this disease, however if half of his Cabinet and Vice President Pence declare it to be true, under the 25th amendment of the Constitution he can be removed. If the President fights this move it then goes to Congress to decide. The Deep State and their Globalist masters are willing to do anything to stop the Trump agenda. If a new FBI director will open up all of the cases involving the crimes of those controlled by the Globalist's, some of the biggest names in the Washington past and present face charges that include; Treason, Espionage, Murder, Kidnapping, Theft and many more.

The Deep States narratives and crimes are becoming known. This makes them even more dangerous than before. It's time that the American people to all wake up and see just who has been telling the truth to them, and who has been lying. President Trump is not your enemy, it is those who have misled you for years. I enjoy being called crazy or a conspiracy theorist as the things I have written in the end are true. You who call me those things are just allowing yourselves to be controlled. There was no Russian collusion, the Seth Rich murder was a political assassination, the Globalist's are in the process of enslaving your bodies and minds. The Federal Reserve is stealing from you, not in the middle of the night but in broad daylight as you hand them your money without questioning why. Wake up!!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mueller and Comey Protected Clinton With A Hoax

Let's begin with the word collusion itself.



secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

"the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"

synonyms:conspiracyconnivancecomplicityintrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaborationscheming

"there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"


illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.

There has been zero evidence found linking President Trump or any of his surrogates with collusion to cheat the American voter with Russian help during the election. There hasn't even been proof that the Russian's hacked the Democratic National Committee or the Clinton campaign. Don't think that if there were it wouldn't have been presented by now.

What has been proven is Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State knowingly and willingly used a private server that she was expressly told not to do by former Secretary of State Colin Powell. She also sent and received classified documents on this server. Huma Abedin her assistant then transfered these documents via her yahoo account to husband Anthony Weiner. I'm sure this again was not over a secured server. Clinton also allowed her lawyers to go through her emails that contained classified materials as they determined which emails would be relevant to the congressional investigation. We now have many people who lack security clearances with access to classified materials. Comey claims no intent. The only intent was that he would clear Clinton of any crime.

Then we have Clinton lying repeatedly about sending or receiving classified materials, having her email server wiped clean, supposedly losing several devices used or breaking with hammers. Her husband talking to AG Loretta Lynch just days before Comey cleared her. We have the Benghazi failed investigation on top of this. Never mind the pay to play scheme used while Clinton was Secretary of State. The emails proving that then President Obama sent emails to and received emails from Clinton on this server. The list of crimes here is immense and all went under the rug and out of the MSM narrative.

Don't ask why that happened, it later was found through John Podesta's Clinton's campaign managers emails that there was collusion between the Clinton campaign and many members of MSM. And let's not forget the stolen primary with the collusion of the DNC and Clinton campaign. Have we forgotten Bernie Sanders? No, MSM just doesn't report on it. This might be due to the collusion between the Clinton campaign and MSM. Why did the DNC refuse the FBI access to its computers if the claim is the Russians hacked them? There was one person who had access to these computers and their files. Remember the young DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered and known to be upset about the steal from Bernie Sanders. This investigation went quickly by the DC police claiming a robbery gone bad. Lots of investigators with crystal balls apparently. Comey knows someone's intent and the DC Police are sure the assassination style murder of Rich was an attempted robbery.

Under Obama we had the fast and furious gun running scandal, the Iran hostages for cash scandal, the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae slash Obamacare scandal, Benghazi, wiretapping German Chancellor Merkel's cell phone, the Arab Spring, Arming and training of ISIS, the claim of killing Bin Laden then deaths of those involved. Wiretapping and unmasking of members of the Trump transition team and possibly Trump himself. Confirmed by MSM. And the sale of 20% of the US Uranium assets to, wait for it "Russia". Clinton signed off on this and then her husband made money giving speeches in, wait for it " Russia". Let's not forget the Podesta Russian links.

There are many more criminal behaviours I am leaving out but you can plainly see the problem here. You can't have the criminals investigating their friends, associates or bosses. Otherwise the crimes go away quickly. MSM and others are using the fake Trump/Russian Collusion story as a distraction for the real crimes against the American people. Its time that we fix this now!

Originally written in May of 2017.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Look For White House Spring Cleaning To Begin After President Trump Returns From Overseas Trip

With the Comey firing backlash still raging President Trump heads out on his first foreign trip. The First Lady Melania will accompany the President while he visits the centers of the three religions that are involved in Mid East turmoil. Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Vatican. Aides have said that Trump will announce that he backs Palestinian self determination. Trump will attempt to build a consensus for Middle East peace as he views Radical Islamic terrorism as the enemy to all in the region and abroad. While at the Vatican Trump will make a visit to Italy then Brussels, Belgium the seat of the European Union and location of NATO headquarters on the 25th of May for a NATO summit later this month.

One disturbing issue is that former President Barack Obama will be in Berlin, Germany visiting Angela Merkel while Trump is in Belgium. Obama, a private citizen who appears to be working for the Globalists as a private diplomat. This lends credence to the claim that Obama is working against Trumps agenda and brings further questions as to why Obama continues to work behind the scenes. Most former presidents ride quietly off into the sunset once they leave office. Obama took what was termed a vacation before he returned to what is obvious political duties.

Meanwhile sources close to President Trump both inside and outside of the White House a reporting that a spring cleaning or shuffle is to begin of his inner circle advisors and possibly even some cabinet positions. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Press Secretary Sean Spicer are two that are being mentioned. NSA HR McMaster is another since he and the President do not see eye to eye on anything. There has been speculation that McMaster is pushing Bildiberg member retired Gen. Petreaus's agenda and may even be sharing classified material with him.

Others are upset about Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner and their Liberal ties. This might be a harder decision than others due to family ties. It should be noted however that Trump fired his own brother from the family business. The President is a business man first and foremost and therefore he won't allow anyone too much leeway. As he did during the campaign, he will continue to do as President. If you can't handle or fulfill your duties successfully he will replace you.

As we all speculate as to who may find themselves out, be assured that in truth only one person really knows. The President is as he has said countless times " not controlled by anyone " and will do as he feels is the right thing at the right time. The recent White House visit by top American Globalist Bildiberg member Henry Kissinger drew questions and speculation as some claimed this proves that President Trump capitulated to the Globalists. This is not true as he needed Kissinger's services to help deal with the Chinese. Politics makes for strange bedfellows at times and what is seen on the surface is not always what is happening behind the scenes.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Liberals Refuse To Let Go Of Trump/Russian Collusion Distraction From Their Crimes

It has been 6 months since the election of 2016 and the Liberals, MSM and some establishment Republicans continue to beat a dead horse. Russia this, Russia that, Trump/Russia collusion, Russian interference in the election. Even claiming that the Russians put words in the mouth of then candidate Donald Trump. Apparently the Russians wanted Americans to elect a president that was pro 2nd Amendment, pro border security, pro rebuilding the military, pro jobs, pro economic growth, pro sovereignty and many other things that will strengthen the Republic of the United States. That makes total sense for a so-called enemy to do, doesn't it? "No it doesn't." Only if you are nuts and want your enemy to strengthen itself.

The James Comey firing at the FBI was not a ploy by the President to end a Russian Collusion investigation as many want you to believe. The acting director of the FBI Andrew McCabe told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the investigation will continue. This of course is a futile exercise as there was no collusion and to date, there has been no evidence what so ever to justify this sham. A total waste of taxpayer money on a politically motivated investigation and fake scandal. Devised by the Globalist Establishment to divert the many crimes of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee and the Obama administration. Benghazi, Clinton's private email server and the Pay to Play scheme used by Clinton while Secretary of State. The many frauds associated with the Clinton Foundation including it's actions in Haiti.

We also need to have the collusion between the Clinton Campaign and MSM investigated. The DNC robbing Bernie Sanders during the primaries, John Podesta the Clinton campaign managers ties to Russia, Hillary signing off on sale of 20% of US uranium assets to Russia, Saudi Arabia's excessive donations to the Clinton Foundation and campaign. The Seth Rich murder investigation needs to be reopened as well as Huma Abedin sending classified materials to her husband to be printed? Why would Abedin send and State Department materials or documents, classified or not to her husband to print out? I could go on forever on Hillary and the DNC.

The Obama administration has now been shown very willing and able to use the intelligence agencies to spy on friend and foe alike. They spied on the Trump campaign during and after the election. Unmasked thousands of private citizens including those associated with the Trump campaign and transition team. All admitted yet ignored by MSM and the Globalist Establishment politicians and bureaucrats that infest our government. The acting director of the FBI McCabe is one. He helped cover up the Clinton email crimes and his wife received almost 500,000 dollars from Common Good VA, a political action committee for her run as a state senator in Virginia. Democrat Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe a long time Clinton ally arranged the PAC's donation to Dr. Jill McCabe who failed to win at the polls in 2016.

McCabe recently attempted to give the impression that the rank and file of the FBI are whole hearted supporters of former director Comey. This of course is not true and an issue nobody should have brought up as the FBI employs 36,500 people and there is no way that they all were upset by the Comey firing. Anything and everything is being said and done to distract the American people from the real crimes. The Russian Collusion and interference in the 2016 election isn't it. The Chinese, Globalist's, George Soros and Saudi Arabia were all doing more than anything the Russians may have attempted. Even before the internet, spying and different types of covert operations have been done. From Corporate secrets to government it has all been a fact of life. The internet has become a major tool added in the 21st century.

It is widely known that the US Globalist controlled government has and is the world's largest and most active in interference and regime change since World War II. Guatamala, Iran, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Granada, Honduras, El Salvador, Chile, Afghanistan, Panama, Iraq, Libya, Nicaragua, to name a few. Most recent was ally Israel when the Obama administration attempted to oust the Netanyahu government. The Mubarak government in Egypt went down during the American sponsored Arab Spring. Ally or not, all fear US intervention and Globalist takeover. Many who lack historical fact are unaware that the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Czarist Russia was a Globalist Banker lead overthrow as was the NAZI takeover in Germany. Ignorance of these documented facts about Globalism and the truth has allowed all of this to happen plus much more.

The Russians lack the financial means to counter the Globalist Bankers. Vladimir Putin did wish for change in the US that can't be denied. However he has the same enemies as the American
people and European people. The Globalist Bankers and their Islamic terrorists armies of so-called refugees. Does Putin's Russia have the ability to influence, interfere or alter the elections within the US, France, UK, Netherlands or Germany? "No!" Russia is nothing more than a distraction and false enemy for the American and European people to fear. The real enemies are those who control us, mislead us and are destroying us. The Globalist Bankers, Radical Islamist , Fascist, Communist and their Liberal Democracies they control.

The rise of Donald Trump and Nationalism has broken the backs of Globalist control. We are a Republic not a Liberal Democracy. The word liberal is a new addition to democracy. By using the word liberal changes the entire meaning of the word. You must be classified as a liberal to participate. Therefore it is no longer a true democracy. Former President Obama used Liberal Democracy often. Many in congress use our democracy or liberal democracy. We are neither, again we are a Republic and there is a difference. A true Republic allows for all sides to participate and come to a consensus. Liberal, conservative, centrist, progressive all participate and using checks and balances share ideas and government to ensure equal participation and rule.

The first President of the United States George Washington warned not to create political parties as the Republic would suffer. We see today what he feared. Two party's controlled by one entity, Globalist Bankers. Many say "Zionist" however most know I avoid the term using Globalist instead. My last name is Moses however my family history that has been traced back to the 1600's and Wales in the UK has no Jewish connection. Even if I were Jewish it wouldn't mean I was a Zionist. The Zionist Globalist connection is very strong but I prefer Globalist in describing the enemy. As many non Jews are tied into this criminal antihuman cabal.

President Trump is doing the best he can to drain the swamp. Some believe he is just another fraud to make those in the US believe he is on our side while he fulfills the Globalist plans on world domination and control. Comey as head of the FBI was in fact 100% Globalist controlled. Hillary Clinton and Obama can't be held accountable unless the FBI does a true investigation without a Globalist puppet running them. This move as with all of the moves Trump has made was going to create a backlash. He gave Comey a chance to change alliance from International Globalism to Nationalism. Comey failed to right the ship at the FBI. "Fired"

The art of the deal is President Trump's calling card. He listens intently to all sides before he makes a decision. Unlike what MSM and the Globalist wish you to believe. This President makes up his own mind. He has a plan and he will complete it. Jump on board or fall to the side. Don't allow MSM to distract you. Pay attention to the tweets, pay attention to things like notifying the Russians before an attack, pay attention to calls for more troops on the Syrian Iraqi border. It didn't happen. Remember the promises he made. Don't be foolish and expect them to be completed in 100 days, 6 months, 9 months or overnight. However expect them by the time he has completed them. One step at a time, one deal at a time and one day at a time.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Breaking: Was Comey Firing Linked To Refusal To Investigate Possible National Security Breach By McMaster?

There might be a twofold purpose for the firing yesterday of FBI director Comey. Independent Journalist Mike Cernovich stated on Stefan Molynuex's YouTube chanel last night that he has been given information as to the main reason that Comey was let go. NSA director HR McMaster is suspected of giving his former commander, retired General David Petraeus classified documents. Petraeus was found guilty of allowing his girlfriend/biographer access to classified documents despite her lack of clearance. Since he was found guilty Petraeus also no longer has the security clearance required to view the alleged documents and information McMaster is sharing with him.

Comey is said to be aware of the situation yet refused to investigate. Sources have told Cernovich this is the real reason Comey was fired. On May 4th 2017 I wrote about a Cernovich claim that McMaster was on his way out at the NSA. At that time it was believed that McMaster who is still on active duty with the US Army was going to be promoted to Vice Chief of Staff of the Army. If this new Comey information is correct then McMaster may end up out at the NSA and out of the Army too. McMaster quickly lost favor with President Trump by giving him altered intelligence reports on the Syrian chemical weapons attack that caused the President to fire 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base as a warning to Assad.

McMaster served under Petraeus and was promoted to General by Petraeus and remains loyal to him today. General Petraeus is a Globalist as is McMaster and Comey. They all share loyalties to the International Globalist Agenda. Their loyalty to the US and the Constitution has been questioned often. By removing Comey the way is clear to take those connected to the Globalist Establishment to task. Hillary Clinton and even former President Obama must be wondering what may happen to them. While director of the FBI Comey protected many in government from criminal prosecution.

So the infighting continues between the Globalist Establishment and the Nationalist within the Trump administration. The Comey firing that was initiated by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein may be the first in a series of changes to come. The President promised to drain the swamp. The firing of Swamp loyalist Comey allows the President to appoint someone who will do just that.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Evasive James Comey Fired By President Trump Washington Establishment Loses FBI Protector

Many are saying that it is about time, others are calling it unprecedented and some fear that now that Establishment loyalist Comey is gone the swamp can be drained. Will President Trump find a replacement who isn't controlled by those that they may be forced to investigate? It is not easy to find anyone who is not controlled in Washington these days. Will the President go with another lawyer or find a law enforcement officer to do what is essentially a law enforcement job?

The FBI was begun formally in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation ( BOI ). Then Attorney General ( AG ) Charles Bonaparte under the direction of President Teddy Roosevelt used Department of Justice ( DOJ ) funding to create an investigative service that reported only to the AG. The BOI's first official act was to enforce the Mann Act of 1910. Known also as the " White Slave Traffic Act " that dealt with prostitution. During the prohibition years the BOI became the Division of Investigation ( DOI ), finally in 1935 the name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ). Serving as the domestic intelligence and security service, known also as the national law enforcement agency. It operates under the jurisdiction of the DOJ and through its intelligence gathering duties it is part of the US intelligence community. The FBI reports to both the AG and the Director of National Intelligence ( DNI ) in these matters.

J. Edgar Hoover is of course the FBI's most well known director, serving a total of 48 years from 1924 to 1972. Hoover pushed for creation of the Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory that helped law enforcement greatly in solving crimes. His hands on approach and involvement in every aspect within the FBI in the end made him too powerful. It is widely known that he gathered information on political leaders as well as criminals. Using the information to his advantage over the years. Hoover denied repeatedly that the Cosa Nostra ( Mafia ) existed in the US. Hoover and Robert Kennedy who served as AG 1-20-1961 to 9-3-1964 would often have heated arguments over the issue. The Mafia is said to have used Hoovers black mail tactics against him as they held photographs that compromised Hoover in these times. As everyone in Washington feared Hoover he was never fired. He remained until his death on 5-2-1972. Congress quickly enacted a law limiting the FBI director to 10 years to avoid anyone else from becoming so powerful in the position.

James Comey became director of the FBI on 9-4-2013 by appointment of President Barack Obama. An imposing figure standing 6'8" he is known to be soft spoken. He first appeared in government as US Attorney for the Southern District of New York in December of 2002, appointed by the George W Bush, serving just under a year he was promoted to US Deputy Attorney General where he stayed for less than 2 years. Between 2005 and 2013 Comey was employed by Lockheed Martin until 2010 when he moved on to Bridgewater Associates a Hedge Fund company with clients that included pension funds, endowments, foreign governments, central banks and foundations. At the beginning of 2013 Comey was appointed as a board member, a director and Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member for the London based bank HSBC Holdings. HSBC has connections to the Clinton Foundation as Lockheed Martin did.

James Comey's brother Peter works for the DLA Piper law firm serving as the Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas. This firm preformed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation. How independent they were is very questionable as they were a major donation block to the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign and Clinton Foundation donor base. From Lockheed Martin to HSBC to DLA Piper the Comey/Clinton connections are too close for comfort. This explains why the FBI never found Hillary Clinton to have broken any laws. By all ethical thought, director Comey and then AG Loretta Lynch should have recused themselves from any investigation involving Hillary Clinton as to their professional connections to her.

This type of Establishment insider hiring of the FBI director needs to be avoided in the future. President Trump has his hands full as he must find the right man or woman to oversee investigations that could include those within the Washington Establishment. The FBI has been hampered enough since its creation by the actions of questionable characters from Hoover to Comey. Much of draining the swamp will come through FBI investigations of wrongdoing by government officials. The Comey years of evasive and confusing statements is over, its time to move forward and not sideways.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Plane Crash West Virginia Adds To Other Questions About What Is Happening There?

Yesterday was another suspicious news day in West Virginia. A plane crash just before 7am (6:55am) on May 5, 2017 at Yeager airport in Charleston West Virginia has stirred questions as to why a state of emergency was declared? The flight originated from Louisville at 5:35am and was scheduled to land at 6.22am. The time discrepancy is of yet unexplained as the small 330 twin engine turboprop cargo plane is said to have clipped a wing on the runway causing it to cartwheel off the runway killing the pilot and co-pilot. The plane was Air Cargo Express Inc. operated that is said to be a UPS subcontractor.

The name doesn't match any US carriers. There is a Seattle Air Cargo Express, Air Cargo Express from the UK and Express Air Cargo from Tunisia. As we say the name of this subcontractor could raise red flags. There is time discrepancy, no distress call from the pilot reported, the name of carrier question, a single report of an explosion being heard just before the crash along with a state of emergency being declared surrounding the airport. The WV National guard was called to the scene, not normal for plane crashes. There have been recent odd reports coming out of WV recently. This just adds another to the list.

Recent reports out of this state seem suspect as there appears to be a larger story than a simple plane crash here. I have been called a conspiracy theorist, insane, crazy, nuts and just plain stupid since my first venture into writing. I was deeply involved in the early days of the vaccine conspiracy with blogs, TV and a book I coauthored with Michael Sichel PhD in 2004, Mercury, Medicine and Politics. I was warned then by a friend Dr. Bernard Rimland. He was known as the father of modern day Autism research and he fully suspected vaccines as a contribution to the explosion of Autism in the late 1990's early 2000's. When writing my blogs and book I was in contact with many of the top researchers in the field. Dr. Rimland warned me to be careful because my research was into more than vaccines. I was heading into a much larger arena than just vaccines.

The death threats and name calling increased and I decided that there was no more sense in continuing to expose the truth. I found most people dismissed what I was saying as it was not supported by MSM or the medical field. They had beaten and scared me off. I conformed and went full into the Globalist Zombie mindset. That lasted 7 years. I lost everything I owned, was on the street begging and realized that I couldn't conform to the system or where it was taking us. I'm a fighter and refuse to just give in. I began to research again, I was cut off from MSM propaganda. I was a free thinker again. I can see through the curtain of lies most ignore.

So here I am looking into what most look at as a plane crash, it happens so why worry? Because things don't add up when you look past the simple explanations given. Biggest red flag of all is that the WV National Guard was called in to secure the crash site. You should be asking why? What or who was on this plane that would create this type of response? What recent events have been going on in WV? Anything out of the ordinary?

There have been United Nations military vehicles spotted in WV, eastern Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina as recent as summer of 2016. There was the major flooding of 44 out of 55 counties in WV that same summer. Many in Charleston area forced to sell homes to government and unable to return after flood. Syrian Refugee rally held in Charleston WV in November of 2016. Muslims of America has known terrorist training camps within the United States. One has been identified close to Charleston WV. Cleveland shooter Steve Stephens was seen in New Cumberland WV gambling at the Mountaineer Casino just 35 miles from the US Department of the Army base in Brooke County. Known as the Facebook killer Stephens was also reported to have been seen on this military base. An obvious PSYOP the Cleveland shooting also was loaded with red flags.

So, regardless of these recent events should this be a suspicious event at the Yeager airport? Well, of course as I have stated the WV National Gaurd being called in is an obvious way to close down the area. To hide something from the public. The real who, what and why is being concealed. By the way does anyone realize that John Davison (Jay) Rockefeller IV was Governor from 1977-84 then US Senator from 1985-2015. His Great Grandfathers are Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and John D. Rockefeller. Aldrich led the Gang of Five in the creation of the Federal Reserve. The Rockefeller family is one of the major family's involved in the New World Order. When there is smoke there is fire.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Globalist NSA Director Lt General HR McMaster On Way Out

Pentagon sources have told Independent journalist Mike Cernovich that McMaster will take a promotion to 4 star general and be leaving his NSA position to become Army Vice Chief of staff. The active duty general has been on the outs with President Trump since he was found to have given the President altered intelligence over the false Syrian gas attack. He also has pushed for the invasion of Syria, larger presence in Afghanistan and on the Korean peninsula. McMaster also hired Major General Ricky Waddell as his deputy at the NSA without permission from the President. It is known that McMaster has been a source of anti-Steve Bannon articles to the MSM.

McMaster who is linked to Globalist retired General Petraeus since his promotion to general was given to him by Petraeus and he served directly under him. General Waddell who also served under Petraeus is linked to the Globalist's. McMaster's hiring as NSA director caused a stir among many in the Trump base due to his known direct ties to Petraeus and the Globalists. The President's first choice to replace retired General Flynn who was ousted in a Globalist soft coup over Russian contacts was Vice Admiral Robert Harward, retired Navy Seal and former deputy Commander of US Central Command. The Admiral declined the offer due to family and professional reasons. It has been reported that three others declined the position before the President settled on McMaster.

President Trump would prefer a military man for the NSA position, however this had proven difficult as was seen with the McMaster hiring. The Globalist's have infiltrated the Administration so heavily that he may find it almost impossible to find a true Nationalist to take the job. With MSM and the Globalist Establishment so willing to attack anyone that isn't a Globalist sell out this will again prove a difficult proposition.

As the Globalist's and Nationalist's continue to pull soft coup after soft coup while jockeying for position President Trump must continue to run his administration and stay the course. It has now become clear that there is a family problem within the President's inner circle. Daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner have proven to be a problem also. Ivanka has shown that she is in truth a Globalist Liberal and husband Kushner is now known to be linked to Globalist George Soros. The President is on the high wire without a net. What will happen in the coming days, weeks and months is up in the air.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Federal Reserve Act Of 1913 The Day The United States Was Given To The Globalist Bankers

On December 23, 1913 President Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act, in reality the president handed our sovereignty as free people to those we know today as the Globalists. There is a famous quote attributed to Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild " Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" that he did not say, though this saying fits perfectly in truth. The Federal Reserve Act was not born in the halls of congress. It was a plot devised by then Senator Nelson W. Aldrich who chaired the US Senate Finance Committee and whose daughter Abby was married to John D. Rockefeller Jr. Aldrich's son Winthrop became president of Chase National Bank. Grandson Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller served as Governor of New York and Vice President under Gerald Ford. Great grandson John D. Rockefeller IV is a long serving US Senator from West Virginia.

Others who attended what was called a duck hunting trip on Jekyll Island, Georgia for 10 days in November of 1910 A. Piatt Andrew the son of a banker who held a PhD from Harvard and former director of the US Mint was appointed by then President Taft as assistant secretary of the Treasury Department. Frank Vanderlip who was formally assistant secretary of Treasury himself and at the time of this meeting he was President of the National City Bank, known today as Citi Bank. Paul Warburg a German citizen at the time of this meeting( he would attain US citizenship the following year, 1911). Warburg was also director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) from 1921-32. Warburg was a member of the German banking Warburg family. Henry Davison a partner at JP Morgan and close associate of Aldrich was the final player in the big banking takeover of the US.

These five men (The Gang of Five) who were directly or indirectly members of Americas Elite class, Warburg was both American and European Elite. Aldrich and Davison had gone to Europe prior to the Jekyll Island meeting to meet with European Bankers and Central Bankers, namely the Rothschilds. After these meetings the plans were in hand, however this plan was going to be a hard sell in congress. It took 3 years for Aldrich and others in congress to get the Federal Reserve Act onto President Woodrow Wilson's desk to be signed into law. It has been said that President Wilson regretted his involvement in signing this Act. He was well aware of what it really was and what it meant to America's future. The Global Elite would forever be in control of not only Europe but the United States as well.

Aldrich and his gang of five sold the creation of a privately controlled central banking system as a way to avoid another financial crisis like the Panic of 1907. A year when the Stock Market fell 50% and caused a run on banks that could not cover their deposits. Many banks went into bankruptcy. JP Morgan got together with other large Bankers and devised a plan to end the panic by using their own wealth to shore up the difference between what the deposit ledgers said and what was actually in the banks possession. (I am purposely avoiding banking terminology so that I can explain this better.)

Banking is in all sense of the word a scam. Devised by the rich to take your money. Basically you give your money to the bank, they in turn loan your money to those they deem the most able to pay it back with interest. These are generally those who don't need the money in reality. Our system today is built on debt. The banks are involved in almost every transaction you make. Those credit cards and debit cards you use today are only ways of the banks to become involved in every purchase you make. Your groceries, gas for your car? If you used that convenient piece of plastic, the bank made a percentage on the sale that varies between 2.5% to 8.5%. You buy a house? Well you will pay the bank around 250-300% more than the price was as the interest over 20-30 years. A car, refrigerator or that trip to Disney World, all profited by the banker.

Once created the Federal Reserve or Fed took over the banking regulatory duties from the US government. Basically a private business that regulates itself. The fed has never been audited in its 104 year history. It controls the economy by interest rate adjustments of lowering the cost of loans to stimulate and raising the interest rates in order to slow the economy. Various situations influence national economies, from the mid 1700's to about 1860's agriculture was 2nd only to war. With the Industrial Revolution came different and more complex banking. GDP and employment were factored in. Recessions were always in play as any one miss step man made or otherwise could cause panic and restrict the availability of money. Aldrich and his gang of five had claimed that by creating a privately owned and operated central bank (Fed) these impacts could be better handled.

The Great Depression of 1929-39 cause has been debated since it happened. The Stock Market crashed as investors suddenly began a sell off of their assets. Production fell and unemployment rose into the millions. Smaller banks were again forced out of business as they ran out of money. The Fed tightened the availability of money and in many ways stood down as the country and world came to a standstill. Many today mistakenly believe that FDR brought us out of this depression with the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act of 1933 that created the Works Progress Administration (WPA) one of many such programs where the government not private industry borrowed from the Fed. The Social Security Act of 1935 was another government program devised to create a trust fund for old age and disabled Americans. This money collected from employee and employer equally is held by the private Fed bankers. Remember the Fed has never been audited.

Once war broke out in Europe and Asia the central banks of Europe and our Fed loaned massive amounts of money to all sides of the conflict. Something banks have done since they began. War is the most profitable way that banks can make money. Economies grow quickly as war materials are sought. From resources to boots industrial production grows. The Bankers become the most powerful men and women throughout the capitals of the world. In essence they already are under the Centralized Banking System. The Great Depression ended due to World War II, not because of government intervention in the economy. Every aspect of life is controlled by Bankers and these are the true rulers behind the curtain. They are the Wizards of OZ manipulating every move that governments make.

Centralized banking as with the creation of our Fed has been linked worldwide since its beginning as these Bankers would communicate often and attempt to make decisions together. The creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in July of 1944 was when Bankers began the process of uniting formally as one coherent entity. The goal of course is a One World Banking System controlled by these private bankers who have control of the worlds economy. It is not too difficult to figure out the ultimate goal here. One Banking System, One Economy, One Currency, One World Globalist Government. Or the New World Order.

All paths lead back to Germany and the Jewish Bankers of the Rothschild's family. It would take a book to explain the connections between the Elites of Europe and those within America. Most all run back through marriage or business partnerships to the Rothschilds and other European Elite. Many Jewish people in Europe changed their names so as to go undetected as throughout history the Jews of Europe were targeted. Paul Warburg one of Aldrich's gang of five was of Germanic Jewish decent. Otto Warburg was President of the World Zionist Organisation from 1911-1921. The Rothschild's have control or influence over almost every Central Bank world wide. The Bank of England is the Rothschild's main bank and where the worlds economy is run from. Despite the belief that governments run nations it is the Bankers and Industrialists that really rule.

When you realize that Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan did not have Central Private Banks you may understand the real reason they were targeted. Only three countries today do not have privately held central banks. North Korea, Iran and Cuba. All three are targeted for overthrow of their regimes either today or in the near future. Two are Communist Dictatorships and Iran is an Islamic Republic but Shiite Muslim not Sunni who dominate the Muslim religion. Once you understand that the Fed runs the United States and not the government you will realize that you are nothing more than slaves.   Your money isn't even real its not worth the paper its printed on. The plastic RFID chipped plastic cards are just their way of making you believe in their fairy tale about the Land of Oz.

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Quietly Completing New World Orders Third Alliance Eastasia

While we in the West deal with issues from the migrant crisis in Europe to the wars in the Middle East to the political turmoil inside the European Union and the United States. A rarely spoken of Alliance begun in 1996 with the creation of the Shanghai Five has grown quietly into a major player on the world's political scene. In 2001 the name was changed to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) when Uzbekistan joined the five original members of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This is a pact of Eurasian countries that have agreed to work together on political, economic and military policies. In June of this year (2017) the SCO will meet in Astana Kazakhstan and formally sign India and Pakistan as new members.

I am forced to again reference the book written by Eric Arthur Blair who used the pen name George Orwell. His book 1984 depicted a future world where everyone was living under a extremely controlled government. There were three global governments known as Oceania that included North and South America and the British Isles, Eurasia represented Europe and most of Russia and then Eastasia that represented China, Northern India, Korea and Japan. If this alone doesn't have you saying "What?" as you notice some distinct similarities in this book of fiction and today's world I don't know what to say.

Blair was known as a journalist and author of fiction. However he was also connected to British Intelligence before and during World War II. Many believe that his book 1984 published in 1949 was more than a fictional work as time is proving that it coincides with the world we live in today. Despite his world map of three separate governments not lining up exactly, the idea certainly has. You have the European Union that Britain is leaving, the US with its allies of Japan and Australia and of course the quietly forming SCO. Realize that today's political map is somewhat different than the one of post WWII. Russia was to be absorbed into the EU once the Soviet Union fell. As we know today that Russia is considered the major enemy of the EU. Vladimir Putin went off script and moved Russia away from EU control.

The Globalist's who are actively still attempting to build a New World Order had been building a three section world system of One Global Governance. The EU, the American Union and the Asian Union. All created and linked by trade agreements and eventually ruled by unelected officials in the United Nations. Remember then Senator Jeff Sessions stunned reaction in 2012 when questioning then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta? Learning that the US would have to have UN approval to intervene in Syria during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. And just last week President Trump met with UN officials concerning North Korea.

Eric Arthur Blair died within a year (1950) of publishing 1984 coincidentally as always seems to happen to those who alert the people of the world of the truth. Everything within this book is coming to pass from the surveillance state to newspeak (Ingsoc). There is just too many similarities to ignore the this truth anymore. The book 1984 was not a fictional look into history, It was Blair's way of giving us the heads up of what was being planned by those who rule the world from the shadows.