Getting closer to this rigged election finale and only by the grace of God or the massive turn out can we save ourselves from the Globalists plans. Operation Veritas, WikiLeaks, DCLeaks and others have been dumping large quantities of emails, hidden video, and documents proving the elections have been rigged in the past and are going to be again this year. There are millions totally in the dark as they don't take the time to look for themselves or listen to anyone but Mainstream Media. They almost seem trance like and ignore the truth as they refuse to accept what is in fact readily available and right in theirs faces. On social media they use the very words given them by MSM to what they think discredit you. "Conspiracy Theorist, crazy, uninformed, crackpot are just a few that are heard or seen. I had one individual rail me for putting out non truths using words straight from the mouth of Hillary Clinton, claiming it to be their own original thought. Or you get people that link to a government or MSM report as their proof that I am wrong. My assertions on vaccines and Global warming are attacked as if I'm not telling the truth because Science says so. Well exactly whose science are you going by? Oh the science that the government supplies because the government would never lie, they protect us, that's their jobs. That is what the governments job is supposed to be I agree.
Isn't everything supposed to be open and honest? Why would members of government conspire against the people? Well, that answer is very simple as it is wealth and power. Now I'm sure you could accept that as a logical assumption. Some do aspire to wealth and some have a need to achieve power whether over a small group or millions possibly billions, and some want both. It is here that the problem becomes real and at times evil in nature. And sadly that is what we are dealing with today in all areas of government and sadly life. There are men and some women who have achieved great wealth and some power, there are families that have passed this wealth and power down through the generations. Most of these have become who we know as Globalists, the people who desire to rule over the world and all its people. These people already have all the wealth they could possibly spend so why do they want more? Just plain greed as their minds have been programmed for generations to think money before humanity. Its an illness, a mental disorder that gets handed down along with everything else.
This top tier is very small maybe 13 families who make up the ruling class, then you have the next tier of those with new wealth and power who sit on the boards of many corporations, one can sit on several at a time, there are also those like George Soros and the Koch bros. who work to run the political and non governmental organizations that work on engineering the norms for society to follow. Then you have the political class that works closely with the before mentioned group sometimes alternating between both. This is why you can't believe government science in most cases. This science is for profit or used as a tool to control society. They also use psychological operations in order to make you follow along and not think outside the box as it were.
Your work and play are not for your benefit it is for their benefit. Back in the days of Rome you were given sport and theatre to keep you happy and therefore compliant to the ruling classes wishes. Today you still enjoy these benefits plus you are sold on buying new things and following the latest fashions spending money that only benefits the rulers in the end. Think of how you just have to have that next IPhone or IPad, you already have the last one but now you just have to have the newest version in order to show your friends that you are a success. The ruling families hear the coins fall into their pockets and know they have you psychologically also, you will be peaceful and compliant and follow the herd.
In politics its the job of the politician to again guide your thoughts to the wishes of these ruling families (Globalists). MSM is also part of this Psyop. They both, working together want you to accept and believe what they want for you is your choice and so they hold elections to further the idea that you did make the decision when reality is you again were fooled into this thought.
What is Donald Trump bringing to the table? He was establishment that is true, there are those within the establishment that don't like what is happening in our world and either won't out of fear or can't as they don't have the ability to lead a revolt from within. People must realize that this is a revolt that we are experiencing this year. Not the full blown storm the castle revolution but as is within our Constitution we are allowed to change our government if it no longer fulfills the duties that we request. Trump is using the system through the elections to become President where he can wield the power to stop the Globalists destruction of the United States. Many voters due to being so controlled mentally fail to see what has been going on. And then you have others that don't basically care as they are more into their own daily happiness to be bothered. Trump has picked up the torch that lay dormant for years and has first been the messenger and now the leader of this revolt to take America back. He knows full well that this decision could very well cost him his life and if he doesn't win his businesses and life will suffer as he dared to make this move against the Globalists. He's been hit with every dirty tactic available to the Globalists, but has withstood these attacks without any true harm as he holds the torch high to lighten the way. Many throughout the world are not part of, nor do they want to be part of the Globalist One World Government.
WikiLeaks has helped expose the total corruption within government and exposed the Globalists for who they are. And as they have their leadership from Julian Assange on down have been under different forms of attacks including mysterious deaths. The Globalists will do everything possible to fudge the numbers during the election. They know the real numbers show an absolutes landslide in Trumps favor but hide it through manipulated polls of MSM. The Globalists hold on our country runs deep, yet is not complete and therefore even a win will only be a beginning since we could still see war and the economic crash they will most certainly attempt as punishment to us peasants that dared to follow the Patriotic Trump. If the Globalist steal the election there will be retribution upon all who dared to speak the truth, the rights of all Americans will dwindle as they won't risk another revolt against their hold onto power. Many within and some that spoke out, will simply go away some by violence and others with stern warnings not to speak out again. We need to make sure that Trump succeeds or there will be no turning back. If I die for what I've said then so be it but at least I sacrificed here on the front lines as a patriot to my country.
As Patrick Henry said to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775 "Give me liberty or give me death" I will never regret what I've attempted to do, as with the many other Patriots out here and the biggest Patriot of us all Donald J. Trump, we will fight till silenced.