Monday, November 28, 2016

What Soros And Clinton Really Want

The 2016 election is not over despite what we are lead to believe, the corrupt evil Globalist are pulling out all of the stops. The Green Party's Jill Stein, backed by Nazi collaborator and international financial terrorist George Soros and his puppet, Hillary Clinton's recount call is only one part of the plan. Race riots, terrorist attacks, intensified propaganda by MSM and pushing the recounts past the date that the Electoral College has to vote are others. The college electors are being threatened by the Liberal left to ignore the normal protocols and install Globalist Clinton. If the recounts go past December 19th it could force the election into congress. All this is to disrupt the election results and stop Donald Trump from assuming his rightful position as our 45th President.

The Corporate Global Governance, New World Order or One World Government all being one in the same are in a major state of panic. They were kicked out of Russia by Putin, Brexit was the next blow, then Trumps election and they fear next springs elections in France, as Marine Le Pen leader of the Front  National Party seeks to end the Globalist stranglehold of French politics. There is also movements in Austria and the Netherlands as the anti Globalists are gaining support, as people have seen their corruption filled, Satanic worshiping political leaders turn their backs on their own countrymen. The last minute push by these anti humanity Globalists could result in civil wars in the US, France and other countries that would create a world crisis never seen before.

This all is the closest to Apocalyptic as we have been in recorded history. There is no games here this is a matter of life and death. The Liberal Left and those who have become so distant from the truth and what our American traditional values stand for are all just following evil as their new Lord and Master. Many totally unaware of what the truth is as they spew rehearsed propaganda and somehow justify their hateful actions. The calling for executions of police and destruction of private property while claiming to be against hate. Many see the almost pure mental illness driven actions as complete insanity as there is no justification on how what is said and what is done makes sense.

We live in a society where Satanic symbolism is heralded as people foolishly open the door ways to Hell. On TV, in music and through the movies this dominates all forms of entertainment. The total ignorance of what they are doing seems to be excepted as normal behaviour. The Nationalist movements are not only attempting to reset our political systems but also to stop the erosion of what is good being pushed out by the evil in this world. A true spiritual war is at hand and we cannot allow the election to be stolen or to have the Globalist toss a match into the fireworks factory as they leave the building. Donald Trump still needs our prayers and support, perhaps even more now then ever before. Don't give Soros and Clinton what they really want, that being your souls.


  1. Agreed, George Soros is gonna have to be arrested, along with Hillary, for this insanity to STOP.

  2. pray to god we over come these evil bastards!

  3. Yes, this is a spiritual war. Pray for the godly wisdom of Pres.Trump, Vic Pres. Pence, Conway, Bannon, Reince P., Electors, Jeff Sessions, Mayor Julianni, Congress, Judges..Intelligence agencies Pray Pres.Trump and America remains calm in the face of deliberate and manufatored storm. Thanks for the prayers and the analysis.

  4. Putin was the first. He even made it seem like he was on board with the Global agenda. Then turned on them overnight. Lol

    Globalists have the liberal party's in particular in their back pocket and pushing hard because they consist mostly of weak minded who do not research how Globalists plan on accomplishing their goals.

    For those who are liberal and super intelligent it's the easiest path to finding support For Socialism and they don't care if you have to crack a couple of eggs to bake a cake.

  5. Putin was the first. He even made it seem like he was on board with the Global agenda. Then turned on them overnight. Lol

    Globalists have the liberal party's in particular in their back pocket and pushing hard because they consist mostly of weak minded who do not research how Globalists plan on accomplishing their goals.

    For those who are liberal and super intelligent it's the easiest path to finding support For Socialism and they don't care if you have to crack a couple of eggs to bake a cake.
