Monday, November 7, 2016

Obama And Clinton Have America In Distress Vote Out The Lies

The President of the United States literally tells illegal immigrants to vote in the elections despite it being a crime. He also lied about not knowing that his Secretary of State was using a non secure email server as he received and sent emails on it. Then we have what is obviously a cover up within his Department of Justice protecting Clinton by calling off a 2nd investigation. His entire presidency has been a failure in every sense of the word. Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as the worst president that we ever had to date. Failed economic policies, foreign policies, educational policies, and of course his Obamacare failure. Let's not forget his paying ransom of $1.8 billion in cash to Iran or his treatment of our veterans.

The most corrupt individual in American politics ever Hillary Rodham Clinton who allowed 5 enemy states to hack US secrets by insisting on using a private email server while holding a position that deals with foreign policy. Allowed a US ambassador and 3 others to die in Benghazi Libya, ran a pay for play scheme that made her hundreds of millions of dollars while heading up the State Department. Ordered the destruction of government documents and wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the face. She is a known drunk that practices Satanic rituals and is known for violent outbursts when the cameras are off. Defends her husbands sexual assaults and rapes of women and has close ties to countries that treat women on the same level as goats. She admits having one public policy and another for her super wealthy donors. Admittedly relies on voters who are ignorant for support.

This isn't even close to being all that these two disgraceful people have done, neither respects our Republic or the Constitution. Their actions have been nothing short of treasonous, and both should be held accountable for this crime and many others. Their entire goals have been to dismantle the US and turn it over to the Globalists. The plan tomorrow is to steal an election that they can't win as the majority of Americans are tired of the corruption in the federal government. But as their careers suggest they don't care what the people want or need. We are the laughing stock to the world, we no longer have respect from even the smallest of nations as they understand our lack of leadership. We are a nation in distress and by the grace of God we can take this country back tomorrow.

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