The days are ticking by quickly, this election is the most important decision in your lifetime and that of your children's and future generations. Just a vote will not ensure a victory as there is so much more needed. You must become active and not only support Donald Trump but the others who have sacrificed their time and energy to make sure you can be free. I would hope that you finally understand what is at stake, if not God help us because there will not be another chance to do this peacefully. Many men and women in our intelligence community have stepped up and begun to initiate what is known as a Soft Coup. They are sacrificing everything for you and need you to also become involved and join this fight.
This Soft Coup is not a traditional military or armed civilian coup where violence and an overthrow of government takes place. There are no tanks, troops or jets filling the streets or circling above, its only individuals using the internet and alternative news sources to carry the words. They have the information that shows the extent of corruption at the highest levels of our government. WikiLeaks and its founder though not an American, Julian Assange, a brave Australian has sacrificed his ability to live a normal life, holed up in a room in the Ecuadorian embassy in London England, who has allowed you to see the inner workings of those who lead this country. You see how these so called people of power really feel about you. You see as they discuss how to have the election go in their favor despite how you feel. You see who is behind this treason and what foreign entities really run your lives.
There is so much that you don't understand or know as you have been living your daily lives and just don't take the time to be aware of the truth. You had believed the news media that we now know is controlled, you walked around in a daze trying to just live a normal life. You've been kept ignorant as again its proven that the government wants you this way. As a flock of birds you just follow whatever direction the one in front takes, all in unison as if orchestrated in advance. What you don't realize is that it has been and you just never knew. Like a dog on a leash you just do as your told.
This really is a revolution as we had in 1776 we now have again, only this time its not a war with muskets and cannon but a war of words, the truth against the lies. The 2nd American Revolution is under way and as in the first only 3% are involved in the daily battles, from military generals, intelligence agents, alternative news sites, the police, individual bloggers like myself to our George Washington, Donald J. Trump. Most of us sacrifice every spare moment and any sense of normal lives for one reason and one reason only. That is to alert you to what's at hand, what is being planned for you and where you'll end up more quickly than you think. You have been blinded for far to long and the problem with that is there is no more time.
You may be asking " what can I do?", there is a lot if you'd only understand that if Hillary Clinton who is controlled by George Soros, The Saudi Royal Family and China, steals this election and gets away with it, your life will never be the same. The women has had as her top aide a Saudi agent in Huma Abedin for way to long. Haven't you wondered why this could have been allowed? Its simple really its called cold hard cash, the Clinton's are criminals and always have been they and the Bush's have sold you out. Don't be fooled and believe that 9/11 was real. Have you not noticed what changed in your lives that day and has continued up until now? Be active call your congressmen and women your senators all elected officials remind them who they really work for. Let these people know that you are awake, fill your social media sites with the truth about what you want to happen, what you expect to happen and what you demand to happen. Demand the truth as this is the best starting point as it is the largest problem we have in today's world.
Have you not noticed the amount of lies being revealed? Have you not noticed how often everyone is lying about everything? All of society has been infected to the point most can't tell when they are told the truth, they are as if trained to believe that the truth is a lie. Its a sickness that is destroying us from within. The drugs, both prescription and street have destroyed lives and have been used to blunt the reality of this world. Free yourself and fight with everything you have, fight the corruption and end the lies that those we trusted are telling. You can make a difference if you really try, you just have to try. If you don't care and want to be enslaved then do nothing that is up to you.
Remember the service men and women who sacrificed their lives and years from their lives? They did this for you and now its time to pay it all back. My father gave four years of his life during WW2 just so I could be free, now our freedom is being attacked again from an enemy within our government. I will sacrifice whatever time and energy I have left so that those who come after me can be free too. Your country needs you, your children and grandchildren need you, its time to step up and take our country back. Hopefully I will see you on the front lines.
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