Previously published prior to the election. The question today is who decides what is fake news?
The whole idea of a free press is so that different people with differing opinions can express those differences to others without restrictions. This is one of the principle tenants for our first amendment to the Constitution, it is to ensure that all ideas could be expressed and debated publicly by the people. A press that is regulated and controlled by the government or a ruling class is not free and is therefore a tool of these entities to be used to limit information and therefore knowledge. In these cases it controls the peoples preceptive to believe whatever the conveyer of the information desires. Therefore we call this propaganda or in today's atmosphere a PSYOP.
What is a PSYOP? Psychological operation, it is generally designed to be a part of a military operation against an enemy, also used as a means to influence noncombatants who are within the targeted area. This can be done by the dropping of leaflets, radio broadcasts, television announcements and other more covert ways. Today our Mainstream Media is in fact engaged in a PSYOP upon the American people, we are and have been engaged in a war of sorts. This has been an ongoing information war where the Globalist interests have coopted our MSM and use it as part of their plan to create the ultimate goal of the New World Order/One World Government. It is for this reason the stories and reporting by MSM is so severely tilted to influence your opinions and knowledge on the issues they want you to support.
The use of this PSYOP is to guide you to support the candidates that the Globalists want you to vote for and therefore elect. In this way they can consolidate power and continue the dismantling of our constitution that was designed to block one entities control over everyone. The constitution was designed to ensure your freedoms of thought and speech. The decision of creating a Republic over a straight Democracy was to have imbedded checks and balances to thwart any dominance by one thought over another. It is the only form of government that allows the most individual freedom of choice and desire. Our founding fathers gave us the greatest gift to mankind and unfortunately we have been fooled by a longstanding PSYOP that has influenced us into following and supporting those who wish to destroy our freedoms.
Thanks in part to technology the creation of the internet has given us a needed new avenue to find the truth and research the various ideas and thoughts. We do have options other than following the MSM PSYOP. The creation of the Alternative Media was born shortly after the internet became so highly used throughout the country and world. Again our first amendment protected the rights of anyone to share their thoughts and opinions. Unlike MSM the Alternative Media is not controlled, their are a couple what claim to be alternative sites that actually are a part of the Globalist PSYOP. But it is on the internet that you can find all sides of any issue or opinion, this has become the new free press that the founding fathers desired the press to be. Globalist MSM and politicians will tell you that many true journalists are nothing more than Conspiracy Theorists, they claim this to sway your opinion of the Alternative Media. Again the term itself is actually part of the PSYOP.
This election has brought a lot to light as we have the Globalists for the first time in a very long time up against a Nationalist who wants to stop the Globalist from further destruction of our Republic. The Globalist MSM and their PSYOP is in full attack mode against Donald Trump and the Alternative Media. Despite the first amendment it is not uncommon that AM has been under attack by Social Media sites that have censored information that doesn't fit the Globalist PSYOP. Search engines are geared to hide stories and opinions that do not agree with the Globalist position. The MSM has continued to put out polls that show a close race in the election despite it being no such thing. This is so you fall for what is now known to be a steal and manipulation of the votes. They plan to put Hillary Clinton into the presidency whether you agree or not. And the PSYOP is designed to make you believe that a majority agreed. We need to really understand the difference between the PSYOP and the truth.
Great survey, I'm sure you're getting a great response. alternative news