Jill Stein the Green Party candidate this past election, is backing a last ditch effort to put Hillary Clinton into office. She has begun a campaign to generate millions in an attempt to gain recounts in three normally Democratic states that went to Republican Donal Trump. The main question is, why would a third party candidate who had zero chance of winning the presidency let alone a state, ask for a recount? Her claim of ensuring integrity falls short due to the fact that there was no claims of pro Trump voter fraud. In fact there was wide spread documented pro Clinton voter fraud throughout the country. So what is Stein's angle?
She like Bernie Sanders tilt heavily in favor of Socialism style government, laden with the so-called freebies that are far from free. And during the election campaign she seemed to prefer a Trump victory over a Clinton. Bernie Sanders who had energized the far left as Democrats after joining the party for the election. Was cheated in every way and had his nomination stolen by the Party itself, as was planned from day one. Bernie ended up selling out to the Globalist Queen Hillary just before the Democratic Convention. His supporters were let down and everyone wondered where they would go, stay in the party, jump to Trump or move over to the Green Party and support Jill Stein who shared many of Bernie's Socialist ideas. They appeared to scatter to the wind, many wondered why Bernie ended up endorsing Hillary Clinton in the end. Many rumours, yet no distinct reasons were given other than being against a Trump presidency.
Jill Stein had often mentioned that she would prefer Trump over Clinton and that is what makes this whole recount suspicious. Is she trying to take away the Trump win? Has she been threatened in some way? Is she in it for the money that started out at 2.5 million and has since climbed to over 6 needed to attempt to gain recounts? Some believe that it is a scam to financially benefit her, others feel that she has become another puppet of the Globalists, as they are trying anything and everything to stop Trump from being inaugurated. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are the targets, all usually blue states that went Red this year. This like most things at this point, we will just have to wait and see what happens.
We have the Electoral College vote on December 19th and that is in question as rumours swirl around its outcome also. The Globalist's are pulling all valves in order to find a solution to their problem, and that being the Nationalist movement that is gaining ground throughout the world. As more people have begun to wake up to what Globalism really means, and are beginning to stand against it. Jill Stein seems to have buckled for whatever reason and is just playing her part. There is probably nothing to worry about at this point. It will however be interesting to see exactly what will happen? So hold on folks we again have to just ride it out.
Jill Stein is going along the same path the Amy Goodman has gone. They start as independent activists, gain some social credit for it, and then get tired of being on the margins and give themselves up to big money.
ReplyDeleteThey may be telling to themselves: "I have worked so hard to reach to this position... I deserve to use my position to get some funding..."
Goodman and Stein are thus both aligned with George Soros line.
Easy, stolen, and scammed money is the communist way to wealth. However, scammed money raised for the Green communist party is just one part as it was for Bernie selling his people out to Hillary.The second reason is deception that produces chaos and confusion among Americans.Hillary won the popular vote was a lie.Trump had a "monster" vote as described by Bill Still. Much of it, I believe, was redistributed to Hillary ( some people's votes for Trump went to Hillary).Alex Jones believes Hillary's 5 states won were actually Trump' s wins. This recount can only reveal Hillary's voter fraud.And Trump won Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan legitimately with that Monster Vote, meaning democrats voting for Trump and first time voters and the silent majority vote and so many black and Latino cross overs. THIS WAS NOT A TYPICAL ELECTION. SO THE RESULTS CAN NOT BE AS USUAL ELECTIONS. HISTORIC ELECTION!So what can MR. Global be up to? He got his behind kicked by the people he despises. Create chaos is his only option. At first Stein looked credible because she said she would vote Trump because she does not like war provoked by Clinton. She was lying. They knew the monster vote was out there and could not steal it out in the open. Transition of power had to be maintained, peacefully. With Clinton, Bushes, and Obama the illusion of democracy was there.They are building a highly technical globally centralized government off the slavery of Americans. It's there. You paid for it yet are not allowed to share in it. I think President Trump will take the oath of office. Yet, they will continue acts of rebellion like Stein to build chaos into the system of Constitutional government being rebuilt by President Trump, God, and the American people. Stein's slice of power chaos puts doubt in the American mind to suggest the falsehood that Trump stole the election because Hillary was winning it.They have gone back to the same old psychological gaming of the electorate that said "Hillary is winning" when she never was. They are the fake news source.Their only weapon of war which brought Castro into power was propaganda. Thus they have no truth. THEREFORE,THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY.THEY ARE FAKING AUTHORITY WITH The STEIN RECOUNT NONESENSE. President Elect Trump is correct "the recount is a scam."
ReplyDeleteThese so called "leftists" and self proclaimed "Socialists" are disgracing and tainting the name of Socialism. There was a time that Socialists were hard fighting tough revolutionaries. These days it seems any brat who gets tired of being a loser, contends to be a leftist or a Socialist...
ReplyDeleteI understand why Karl Marx once said: "If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist"