Unless you have been living in a cave and shut off from the world, you must be aware that something bad is happening throughout the world. MSM is now calling for people to submit to Sharia Law and to forego the traditions that have long been who we are as Americans. Christianity is under attack as there has been an influx of Satanic rituals played out on our television screens, the internet and even sporting events such as the NFL. The Elite who have worshiped at the alters of evil and ancient beliefs for generations have increased their influence into every aspect of life. The desires of evil for confusion, chaos and destruction has increased by the day. Terrorist attacks by those who follow certain false religions are not condemned but rather explained as a right to kill innocent victims for reasons that remain unclear. The recent attack on the campus of Ohio State University should be awake up call to all. The MSM came out against the officer who saved countless more victims of the deranged evil possessed individual that believed he had a divine right to kill and injure anyone he chose.
We have seen that apparently its okay to assassinate police officers who have chosen to put their lives on the line for us on a daily basis. What kind of mind could rationalize these acts? How can you justify the taking of anyone's life in the name of justice for acts done by others? The world is upside down and even words are being manipulated into meaning the opposite of the truth. You can't say this you can't say that, you can't tell the truth as it is forbidden. Open debate has given way to strict and closed minded control of what reality is. Are we to be blinded and shackled to strict and evil beliefs of those who have hate and fear in their hearts? What will be the conclusion if we continue on this path that we are on that has no boundaries and no rules as right and wrong doesn't exist?
You have to wonder why our choices have been eliminated and that even long held traditions have been spat upon. Is it that you don't understand or are you blind to the realities of what you are witnessing? Do you not know that it is men and women who at some point have decided to sell their souls to evil and secrecy that have gained prominence in society? Are you so unaware as you have been kept so busy trying to survive that you can't even see what is happening to your own minds and thoughts? Is it the water that they claim is safe, the food that has been genetically modified that you eat, the constant demand that you subject yourself and children to vaccines that you are told will save your lives? Then tell me why there is increases in infant mortality, cancers, diabetes, mental illness, Autism Spectrum Disorders and a multitude of other disorders and diseases? When are we going to say enough is enough? At the rate we are on its soon becoming too late. So sit on your cellphones and just ignore what is really happening.
You ignore what is happening to your family and nation' s peril. Thanks.