Saturday, November 12, 2016

Protests Continue With False Narratives, President Elect Trump Searches For Cabinet

As the news continues to focus on Trump protests that are being organized and financed by George Soros and his foundations and organizations to cause chaos in the streets of America. It is sad to watch so many being misled with false claims and fears that are unwarranted. This is all by design as the Globalists are grasping at straws and refusing to accept defeat at the polls. MSM had worked so hard during the election to paint Trump as this racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic candidate. The truth is he is none of those things as nothing in his statements or background supports these claims. Some even claim they heard Trump say things that match these false charges, the question is did they? No, they didn't and it was a contrived and edited piece from MSM that made you believe that is what he said.

On the other hand you have the Democratic candidate heavily funded by the super rich, Wall Street, foreign regimes that abuse woman and kill gays and funds ISIS. How you could believe Hillary Clinton could even care about poor people or the middle class is beyond belief. And as we see now neither Clinton or President Obama have said or done anything to help stop these protests. But of course both are or have been funded by Globalist George Soros. Try to get the protesters to see these connections that make their entire reason for protesting is negligible. Most protesters seem irrational and clueless as to why they are even protesting. Of course many are being paid and bused into the locations which is further proof these protests don't represent the true feelings of the people and are contrived.

As the protests continue President elect Trump is setting up his cabinet and it is here that we all will get the true direction that his presidency will take. He has a monumental task ahead as he attempts to  fill these positions with those people who like him support the Constitution fully and desire to fix decades of policies that has destroyed the country. We must walk back the ideas of socialism as this form of government has never worked when implemented. We have a generation that has been indoctrinated through the failed Common Core program to believe in many falsehoods.

It is too soon to react upon anything that Trump may or may not do. The New York Times has even admitted that they were not being fair and doing true journalism. All of MSM were and most still involved in the Globalist agenda. What these protesters need to do is use their time to read for themselves the WikiLeaks releases, the DCLeaks and it is there they will find what the truth is, in the words of the Establishment. It is here their eyes will be opened as to how those they believe are their saviours are not. This is why so many Trump supporters shake their heads as they watch these protesters yell and scream against Trump. They have a right to protest but if you choose to protest then at least make sure you have a clue as to why.

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