Wednesday, November 9, 2016

God Saved Our Republic Donald J. Trump Will Be Our 45th President

God Blessed America today, the defeat of Globalism has begun. Donald Trump is officially our next President. This war against the Globalist will continue as they have so heavily infiltrated our system. There is a lot to do and it won't happen overnight. But I want everyone to believe me when I say that God played a major part in this victory. He exposed the evil that prevailed not only in the country but in your lives also. We have defeated the demonic forces today as they will run and lick their wounds and prepare a counter attack in the near future. And I can assure you these forces will, you are still needed to stand and continue to be counted. This early morning of November 9 2016 is only the beginning of our future that will be full of challenges and sorry to say more pain and suffering. Yet together we can defeat and reverse what has happened to our beloved country and its people.

The time to heal our societies divisions must begin now, if we ever wish to ensure a better and more prosperous future. We as a people need to look behind us into our history to see how the mistakes were made, only in this manner can we truly realize how not to repeat them. It will take us all to repair what went wrong and to fix these problems we face. We can no longer allow ourselves to become blinded by the evil we have allowed to prevail. Let us as a nation move forward and make a conscious effort to do what is right not just for ourselves but for us all.

We were given the gift of this Republic by men of great vision who wanted us to be allowed to be free from a heavy handed government that dictated what is right from wrong. They, I believe were guided in their thoughts by the God who looks upon us as his children and gave us the freedom of making our own decisions. I am sure he has been watching in complete disdain as we have become a people of evil who failed him and ourselves the most. When we are born we have a soul given from above, he allows us the choices we wish to make. Ask now for his forgiveness and allow him to guide our path and remove the shackles of evil. We have the chance starting today to change what we have done and to be a better people and nation. Stop the lies and stop believing that to be evil is the answer as you have been given your last chance.

Many of us have fought our own demons, back in the year 2002 I sat in my den and told Satan to come on give me your best shot. I had done many things in my life that were wrong but I still looked at the bigger picture and saw it was nothing compared to society as a whole. I warn you all never do what I did that night as not only did Satan hear me but God did too. I would begin a journey I never thought I would see. I was already working on research for my book. I kept thinking why is this government allowing this evil to continue. I was finding fraud and corruption at all levels, I was becoming distraught as I soon realized how evil was everywhere. So I challenged it head on. Fourteen years later I've battled it in all forms, from drugs to alcohol and losing what was a great job that wasn't going to make me rich but that I loved. Then evil hit me hard, Satan didn't forget that night I challenged him. He took everything I owned and cherished, my entire life gone. But there was still God waiting for my call, I'd imagine he stood watching saying to himself "figure it out my son."

He guided me to this election and gave me a reason to change my ways. I was to fight the evil again I was to take on those that side with the beast below. It didn't take long to find just how powerful the enemy had become as I no longer worried about myself and realized my mission. Use what I had learned and try to alert as many people as possible, I again would be ridiculed, I may receive death threats again as my opinions and introduction of the truth had before. So I started to write what I know, I knew at the time it would be hard. I also knew that those who I was made to believe were my friends or loved ones would walk away as they would be exposed for who they really are. I'm writing this for a reason as I believe it shows just how we as a people have allowed evil to reign unchecked in this country and within our own lives for so long.

We have had some of the most evil and insane driven leaders for far too long, when Trump took them on I saw instantly how everyone started to hate him and watched as they would make false claims on him. Nobody is perfect upon this earth but if you really understand good and evil you can quickly tell the difference. The Globalist who all have chosen to be evil attacked Trump as if he was a plague. They became almost insane in the way they would attack, twisting his words and throwing out lies as they only wanted to destroy him. I had seen this before as I could walk into a room and feel a sense of hate coming from some people in the past. It was a look and feeling of utter hate from someone I didn't even know. These are demons who become fearful of certain people and I was witnessing it being done to Trump. I realized that Trump was on a mission and he was not driven by evil, in fact he was exposing the evil. I knew I had to do everything I could to change at least one person or more to understand what has been really going on.

So I again went back to writing and getting the word out, I quickly reached 100's of thousands the world over (83 countries) and knew this was what I was to do. In fact I was silenced by a website for only telling the truth, this came within the same week I suffered a personal loss that broke my heart, but I had to continue my journey. The evil was fighting back and God was exposing the truth. I will continue to hopefully expose the evil and corrupt people in our government for this is what I must do. I will inform you of the truth as this is what I do. Its up to you if you choose to believe me or not. Just remember that God has given us all this last chance, and I choose to be aligned with him and never give into those driven by Satan again.


  1. President - Not Profitable, Not Time Table, Not Rest, Not Freedom,
    Not Skilled, Not Better, Not Personality, Not Popularity, Not Security, Not Credit, Not Excess, Not Guilty, Not Errors, Not Excess Talking, Not Bad Relations, Not Super, Not Partial, Not High, Not Low, Not One Legged, Not Over, Not Surplus, Not Ordinary, Not Professional, Not Emotional, Not Unmeasured, Not Unprepared, Not Uncommon.

  2. Take care Sir.! Them Jews are planning to kill it and blame to Russia, China or to them Muslims to cause a war to level planetary that desbastara our civilisation.

  3. Tenga cuidado seƱor Presidente.!! Los Judios estan planeando MATARLO y culpar a Rusia, China o a los Musulmanes para provocar una guerra a nivel planetario que desbastara nuestra civilisacion.
