There is a serious problem within the Elite class worldwide, these people are the most evil people on earth. The Huma Abedin life insurance policy of 650,000 emails and documents has revealed the truth about the Elite worldwide and here in America, not only are they criminals stealing everything they can, they kidnap and abuse children in every way including murder. Hillary Clinton has been involved in these practices for several decades. These Satanic rituals include Bankers, Wall Steelers, Democrat and Republicans in congress past and present. The list of names is known and will be released. The New York City Police who first investigated Anthony Weiner's sexting with underaged girls case ran across the 650,000 life insurance on his and wife Huma's laptop. What they have found has literally sickened many.
The NYPD copied the contents of the 650,000 and turned over a copy to the FBI who forced Director Comey to reopen the email case against Hillary Clinton. This case and all material will eventually become known. Corruption, fraud, treason, pay to play, child abduction, pedophilia and murder is included. This case shows just who these demonic people are. There is a coup in progress within our government, between those protecting the Satanists and those demanding this information to come out and arrests to begin now. As of now the Department of Justice and the NYPD, FBI along with other intelligence organizations both civil and military are embroiled in a push and pull. Our government is in fact run by Satanists engaged in these vicious crimes.
MSM of course is not reporting any of this as it would cause a national outrage and possible Constitutional crisis. This election is the key to stop these demonic people in their tracks, and we need to ensure a Trump victory. This is the greatest threat our government has ever had internally, it may result in a civil war. The Elite who are Globalists will try to steal the election and its up to the American people to stop it. This situation is fluid and all Americans need to prepare for the worst. These Satanists are trapped in a corner and they hold the ultimate power, this makes them extremely dangerous as they now know the secrets are about to be revealed. This is good against evil and we need to stand firm and be ready for whatever these scum throw at us.
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