Two picks in, and the Liberal establishment continues to use their failed racism card to down President elect Donald Trump's choice of Steven Bannon as Counselor to the President. This position is a counter to Reince Priebus as Trump's Chief of Staff, Bannon the anti establishment pick and Priebus the establishment. Reality dictates how wise these moves are in that President Trump is showing that he is more willing to listen to both sides of an argument than previous administrations. Acting more in tune with true liberalism Trump is always on the lookout for fresh ideas and ways to do things better. But this is ignored by the false liberal establishment that demands only that you hear their side of an issue. And so they label anyone who doesn't agree with their positions racist, sexist, xenophobic or any other negative in order to down play their oppositions point of view.
So now MSM and social media are using the negative term racism against someone who in reality is not. Pointing to specific stories from Breitbart, the Alternative News Network he took over when name sake Andrew Breitbart passed away in 2012. Bannon didn't write the stories in question, but allowed them to be published and as many in the so called altright news business he only allowed a journalist to air their own opinions. This is where MSM has failed as they have become entirely one sided with no room for opposing ideas. So again these attacks are not a true representation of who Steven Bannon is.
Once the liberal establishment realizes that these unfounded attacks won't work, they should learn that the American people will not listen anymore. And its up to those who have listened, to learn that those you relied on for the truth had only lied to you repeatedly. There are 3,998 more positions that Trump needs to fill, that is if he doesn't begin to minimize the overall size of government. There is a good chance that he will as this is one of the reasons the federal government has failed the American people. Its the old, "too many Chiefs not enough Indians" problem as the bureaucracy has become so large and is uncontrollable. It is the Trump supporter who will have to watch closely at who he brings in to fill these positions of power. And everyone can be assured that we will be keeping our eyes on the ball.
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