Tuesday, December 6, 2016

China Not Happy With Donald Trump Who Cares?

After being able to push the Obama Administration around like a bully in grade school, Beijing is quite upset that the PE Trump isn't afraid of them. For years the Chinese were allowed and helped by 4 US presidents to become a Superpower and they began to view themselves as THE Superpower on the world stage. We can take it all the way back to President Nixon and then Secretary of State Kissinger who opened the door to the Communist Chinese. It wasn't until the early 1990's when American and other Western corporations began to move their factories and production plants to the land of no environmental regulations and literal slave labor. This dropped costs dramatically and grew profits threw the roof.

At the same time the Chinese were given technologies that allowed them to not only copy but build a modern military that is now threatening its neighbors and the world. By the mid 2000's it seemed that every toy, electronic, tool and even clothing sold in the US was "Made in China". Trade deficits of 500 billion became the norm as the use of a never ending supply of slave labor was utilized by the Chinese. With all of this new wealth the Chinese began buying in the US, automotive parts suppliers, land and many other companies in areas that had become financially strapped due to bad trade deals by Washington. Wages stalled and were lowered as the war on the middle class had begun and the Chinese took advantage.

We should all remember President Obama's last trip to China in September for the G20 Summit where he was forced to exit Air Force One by the rear as the Chinese government had purposely snubbed him. This was their way of telling the United States, "you are no longer the world leader". This also showed the world that the Chinese were boldly claiming that role as the worlds dominate force. Sadly Obama didn't do as he should have and just ordered the pilot of Air Force One to leave, instead he showed weakness when challenged as he often has.

PE Donald Trump has already shown the Chinese that he will not be ordered about as they no longer are going to dictate to the US. His phone call with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen is a prelude of the Trump style. We will no longer be treated as a 2nd class nation and we will not be pushed by anyone into anything that does not fit our true needs. Its an "America First" statement to the entire world. No more freebies of any kind or trade agreements that favors anyone. We make our rules and if you think that the game will continue as is, you are sadly mistaken. PE Trump will give respect only and when it is mutual, this is a path long forgotten as we have simply handed our role as THE Superpower over.

The Chinese and everyone else might as well learn that America is back and we no longer will allow anyone to make our decisions for us. Of course the Chinese response has been to call Trump naive and to make threats as they have been so used to being the Bully. This too has ruffled the feathers of the American establishment that are in truth controlled by the Globalists. However it has been the Globalist policies that has destroyed our country and so it is time to ignore them. They have failed every man, woman and child in the US as they only seek the destruction of our way of life. So as Trump is proving and a majority of we Americans feel the days of being walked on are over. China, you have no more influence here so simply put "we don't care what you think" you are the ones being naive if you believe that we do.


  1. According to the Treasury, the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt is China, which owns more than $1.25 trillion in bills, notes, and bonds, about 30% of the over $4 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. In total, China owns about 10% of publicly held U.S. debt. If they decided to call in a large portion of what we owe them, we would feel it.

  2. Right on, Brother !! ... "When you truly don't care what anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously AWESOME level of *FREEDOM* !!"

  3. Well, I rarely come across articles that China is not pleased with Trump. Don't know.. I would better pay more attention to data room
