When will this story line go away and why can't the Democrats just admit defeat? I will bet that if we just move forward with the results as is and allow Trumps inauguration in January to take place. Then go back and do a state by state recount of every vote and look for every illegal vote from dead voters to illegal immigrants and the fraud where precincts reported rigged numbers, that we will see that Donald Trump not only won the Electoral College vote but also the popular vote in a landslide. This constant distraction and deception has made a mockery of our system as the Democrats and their Globalist backers have been doing nothing but trying to destroy this country for decades. This includes many Republicans also, as Paul Ryan has shown his willingness to play his hand against Trump since the election process began. People seem to forget that this election was the anti Establishment Trump against not only Clinton but those hardcore Establishment members of the Republican party.
Many Republicans have fallen into line with the Trump take over of the Grand Old Party. However their loyalty to the voters is still suspect as they will be watched as we move forward. The facts remain that the Establishment is controlled by the Globalists and have been for decades. Donald Trump was a major player within these circles yet he never became a member of this group. He has remained the outsider as he has always been, no time for foolishness such as fraternities and secret societies. He is aware of and has been around these people only as necessary to achieve the success in business and entertainment that he enjoyed. But he did not participate in those things that only members are allowed. He was never compromised or allowed himself to be put into a position to be blackmailed as is the way of Washington DC.
And again this continuous claim that Vladimir Putin and his Russian Intelligence community did become directly involved in the election is false. Has Putin voiced his preference of a Trump victory over a Clinton? Yes he has but that does not mean that he controls anyone such as Trump or many others that have been falsely linked. Putin has been saying many things for a few years as he has been countering the Globalists for sometime. Most in the US have no clue who the Globalist are or what their goals are. All year I have written about the Globalists and often explained the who, what and why. To do so each time I write an opinion would cause each piece to double in size. You can simply Google Globalist and Alan E. Moses, add tags of EU also. ( You will find several Opinion pieces of mine at my website thoughtsandopinionsalane.com or Alamo179@wordpress.com ). Have the Russians hacked into email accounts and directly into government sites, we can only assume, as the Cyber war is an ongoing process among all nations. Don't throw your hands up and yell "see", as we do it, the Chinese, British and everyone else all do this as a routine way to find out what friends and opponents are really up to. Its an integral part of the intelligence gathering operations of the modern world. Just as our own government collects data on us, you can bet that some or most of us have been viewed if we frequent the internet by foreign interests also.
Julian Assange of WikiLeaks has stated categorically that no, "Russia was not their source." And until his whereabouts can be determined we have to assume that this was true. His disappearance should have caused more concern then it has and there are many rumours out there but nothing substantiated as of yet. Former Assistant Secretary of State and member of our own intelligence community MD, PHD Steve Pieczenik has said that Assange was working with "members of our own intelligence communities" such as the CIA, FBI and Military Intelligence. And they, not the Russians supplied WikiLeaks with the Podesta emails. And it is widely confirmed by sources that DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was found murdered earlier this year was the source of the DNC emails and documents that WikiLeaks released. So today we only have claims with no proof that Russia was involved, and if there was proof you would have heard the details by now.
ReplyDeleteYes, the republicans are moving toward President Trump. But the House passing HR 6393/ 5736 in bipartisan fashion signals globalist stronghold over too many of our representatives. If America were smart, it would vote the defeat of each House member responsible for these empowering the CIA propaganda arm to label pAtriots as Russian Agents. We are funding our death of inalienable rights. Our Sentors need to hear from us that they might strategize a path out of these two bills.Great article as always. I will seek out who exactly the globalist are. THEY ARE NOT GOD.THEY SEEM TO BE SEEKING god- like status.Patriots may see persecution before all of this is over. Yet we will prevail with God's help. The globalist can not come into full power until the Churh is removed. The day of the Grace of God is still open.No devil or globalist can shut it with their actions of tyranny.