Sunday, December 4, 2016

Globalist MSM Still Shouting Anti-Trump Propaganda To The Public

The so-called journalist at the major MSM outlets are still pounding the anti-Trump narrative despite fewer paying attention. As their readers and veiwers dwindle the Globalist backed news continues to attempt to discredit President elect Donald Trump and his supporters. The use of "White Supremacist, Racist and Facsist" is still being thrown around as is the totally false claim that Vladimir Putin's Russia somehow has built a huge network of spies and fellow travelers, within the AltRight and Independent news organizations and individuals that are using true journalism to report the news of the day. This is a sad reflection upon how corrupt and far the Globalist will go as they attempt to continue to manipulate the publics perception of the facts. They also seem to be trying to further divide the country between those who believe their lies and those who can tell the difference between a lie and truth.

I could waste your time and mine by again explaining "Operation Mockingbird" and the initial reasons it was put into effect, and despite claims that it was ended, that it is still very much in effect today. I could also waste time explaining the Globalist agenda that is so well documented that it shocks me that so many don't know just how real it is. I will say that this new and improved version of "conspiracy theory" that is now called "fake news" is just the latest attempt to silence the truth. Okay, okay please don't question what I mean, just type CIA Conspiracy Theory Memo into Google and there it is. This has been going on since 1967 and ironically it was in response to a New York Times FOIA request. That was when the Times was still using real journalism to investigate stories it printed. Now I hope that helps clear up the entire conspiracy theory/fake news question.

Let's get to some reality about what these propagandist are doing. All dictators and oppressive types of governments have used the news/press/media to put out "news" that fits their desired narratives to make the people follow the desired path. A psychological operation (PSYOP) if you will to make you believe things that may or may not be factual. This is done in support of what those in charge want you to know or think you know. Look at 9/11 you were made to believe some guy in Afghanistan at the time, Osama bin Laden who headed up a terrorist organization named Al Qaeda, put together a group of Islamic purest to hijack 4 commercial aircraft and in unison take control of them and hit the World Trade Centers, Pentagon and US Capital bldg. Now one didn't happen but the other three we think we witnessed. Ironically within an hour news came that it was in fact Al Qaeda and within days there were details about everyone involved and what went on in each plane from take off to impacts. So much information came out you really believed it was possible, you were sold on the flase narrative.

Text book False Flag as many of the facts don't fit and were impossible to have happened. Just like the many other False Flags and manipulations of the facts we have been sold. So Back to today and the continued use of MSM and the PSYOP to sell you a load of goods that are false and only done to create a willingness to believe things that just are not true. The sad thing is that now they are pushing harder to silence those who do print or video the truth. You never need to silence the lie as it is the lie they want you to believe. Only the truth is silenced because they don't wish for you to even think about it. You'll buy the lies and manipulations if there is no counter with the truth. Now here is why our founding fathers made our 1st Amendment to the Constitution the 1st. They realized that in order for the people to understand all sides of the question you must allow all sides to be heard. Not just one as was what going on in Europe in those times. In order for the people to be well informed you have to allow for freedom of speech and the press, the more information you can access the better informed you are and can make better decisions in that manner. By silencing all but a few you are less informed and so you only know what you are allowed to know. And that makes you very controlled.

So when you hear that Donald Trump who will be the 45th President of this Republic and his supporters are all of the negative things they are called, your best option is to look for yourself and find out if it is true before you start parroting lies. Sometimes you just have to remove yourself from what you have been made to believe and look deeper into the vast pool of knowledge in order to find the truth for yourself. In that way you can be informed and not just a follower of the lies. The more informed you become, and I guarantee you that you will be amazed just how often you have been lied to. After all wouldn't you rather know the truth? If not fine I guess, but I would think knowing the truth would be better.


  1. Conspiracy theories have been replaced by fake news.But narrative by MSM was a constant stream of deceptions about Hillary winning with fake paid polls to go with it. And now Hillary won the popular vote is the new lie.Millions of illegal votes and dead votes are not a winning ticket.Yet this is the premise for a recount--Hillary won the popular vote. This lie needs to be demolished so that Trump can act without compromise in a mandate living movement of the people. Right and wrong must always be discerned. Or the communist and the corporations will rule over the soveriegn citizen. THANKS FOR ThE ARTICLE. POSTING IT IN THE WAR ROOM.
