Saturday, December 17, 2016

Put Up Or Shut Up As Putin Says Obama Knows He Can't

Still on this "it's the Russians fault" narrative, Soon to be ex President Obama needs to take the Putin challenge. Put up the absolute proof that Vladimir Putin hacked the election, DNC, the Podesta emails and forced the American voters to vote for Donald Trump. Why don't you? Because this is only a sad excuse as to why Hillary Clinton lost. She lost for many reasons and not all have to do with the fact that the American people are as ignorant as you think. It simply is that most Americans have lost faith in our government as we see that it does not represent us. Let me repeat that, you and the government do not represent us. We have figured it out and are no longer willing to believe anything that you in government and your Propagandist at MSM tell us. I think the phrase is " the gig is up" or "we have caught too many lies to believe you any longer." You in government seem to forget who is in charge, it is not George Soros or your Globalist masters who hide behind the curtain pulling your strings. We the people decide, and we have made a choice, as it still is our choice despite all of the fraud and manipulations that those in government pulled this year and obviously years past.

Do you think Mr. President, that we don't now see what is going on? I must give you all credit as most seemed oblivious to what was going on for years. Some of us were onto it, but by labeling us Conspiracy Theorists worked pretty well. A lot of lives have been destroyed by doing this and some have been lost. However as the saying goes, "the truth shall set you free" and it always seems to in the end. You can try to alter history by teaching children a different version, but as long as someone remembers the truth and passes it down your teachings become useless. One thing about human nature, there are those born to follow and there are some that naturally are born to lead. Our problem today is that a group of followers have been hand picked by a group of leaders to be placed into leadership roles because they are followers and will do as these leaders tell them. You President Obama are one of these followers. Meanwhile true leaders are identified very young and if they question too often what those in power are doing they are destroyed as threats, many while still young and unable to gather enough followers to succeed.

The leaders of this world today are from the same families that have ruled since before the birth of our United States. It was these same families that our Founding Fathers were breaking from when they created our Constitution. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and all the rest were the born leaders who due to circumstance could not be destroyed by those who ruled Europe. Time and distance prevented them from stopping our American Revolution. We now call these leaders of old Europe who in fact are the same today, Globalists as they desire to finally conquer the entire world. One World Government is their goal. Of course history played into these families hands as our Civil War was the turning point. Our government was forced to go to these Globalists and borrow money. It was at this time that the long process to destroy us began. Our Founders were gone and there no longer was anyone that truly understood the dangers that were coming. The fact is that the Globalists began to infiltrate and allow our richest families to join in the cause.

So as you see Mr. President some of us understand, the Federal Reserve, the reasons for wars and it all. Some of us know many of those things you wish we didn't, that is why thanks to the internet we have all of the true history at our finger tips. That is why we understand that you have realized this great mistake of allowing us to have so much truth so easily accessible. That is why we know the reasons that you are now going to attempt to silence the truth. We are not restricted to your deceptions through MSM. We only need to research and find the truth ourselves. In your minds you thought it would be a tool you could use that would help you in your creation of a One World Government. Your problem is that a few born leaders got past your masters ever present watchful eyes. Donald Trump, Nigel Farrage, Vladimir Putin are just a few. None of these people are controlled by the Globalist Masters, this is why they are grouped together and the claim that they are the evil ones. How so sadly untrue this false narrative is. These people like our Founding Fathers are aware of the true history, they are the ones who understand the truth and what is really going on. They are the enemies of the Globalists but not the enemy of the people.

Now I ask why would anyone believe anything that the CIA says? Most concerning is that the CIA has been wrong so often with their assessments, Castro's true intentions in Cuba, they later blew the Bay of Pigs operation to overthrow Castro, they told President Carter that the Iranian people were not in support of a revolution, they told Mr. CIA himself George HW Bush that Saddam Hussein had no intentions of invading Kuwait over side drilling into Iraqi oil reserves. They told George W Bush that Saddam Hussein was in fact in the process of making Weapons of Mass Destruction. (Fact is he still had some of the chemical weapons left over that he was given by our government through the CIA when fighting Iran) it was found and destroyed secretly. And of course the CIA and its history of Drug and Weapon smuggling is documented. So ask yourself with these few of many incidents just how you can believe anything the CIA says?

Now does Russia use Cyber Spying (hacking)? Of course they do, so does China and every other country including our own. Its used in business and ordinary people hack each other. It is a huge problem for everyone. So Mr. Obama why don't you admit these facts? Why don't you do what President Putin says? Explain in detail how Russia hacked into these systems and then, when did they send them to WikiLeaks, and why WikiLeaks, to expose just how corrupt and evil the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, MSM and everyone else involved is? We saw you mention by the way. And the last question for you Mr. President, why were you not aware of how easy it is to hack, and why didn't you do something to stop it? And by the way, while you are making these false claims against the Russians the Chinese just stole one of our underwater drones right in front of the Navy. Think you're looking in the wrong direction, or was this the plan?

1 comment:

  1. It is a plan. More giving China access to our technology if they do not already have it.Under Trump we will just build something better. CIA, McConnell, McCain, Ryan, Hillary, Obama, Preibus, Bushes,Bolton, Condoleezza Rice, Monsanto all are globalist followers.They have in mind to conquer, chip, enslave, and kill most of the billions of people on earth.That's the end game.President Trump is compromised with Preibus on his staff. THE RNC IS AS MUCH A CRIME PARTY AS IS THE DNC. WE SHALL SEE HOW MUCH WILL ACTUALLY CHANGE!
