The war on freedom continues as President Obama signs into law another illegal bill that ignores the Constitution of the United States. The "power grab" by the federal government continues as they create a 1984 style "Ministry of Truth" reminiscent of Soviet era Pravda, where the Communist Party decides what information is allowed. The 2017 National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) is now law and failed in many areas to help veterans, kill the overpriced and failed F-35 to replace the 30 year old F-15 and to secure our national borders. Also buried within is the "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act".
Much of this bill has little to do with defending Americans from the real threats to our nation or furthering our freedoms. It is in fact another bill that furthers the destruction of the Constitution as it helps to centralize the power of the federal government. The Ministry of Truth, creates yet another arm of the overgrown government that strips one very important part of our basic freedoms. Speech, the backbone of a truly free society, serving two purposes, one is the ability to hear, read or see all sides of any issue the second allows for ideas to be shared and this creates an atmosphere of innovation that hopefully generates better lives. Instead the Globalist Establishment chooses to restrict and control this area, as they continue on a course that eliminates free thought and free thinking, making it in essence a crime to think for yourself. Only tyrants such as Stalin, Hitler and Mao have had a need to remove the God given basic right of thought and expression. As any government that does this is creating a slave state where the government controls every aspect of life.
We have been witnessing this move to the Corporate One World Government for most of our lives and in most cases now, entire lives. With an educational system designed to dumb down potential and indoctrinate our children into thinking in a unified memorized state, the Globalist Establishment have created, a generation that has no ability or want to have independent thought. Now with the open and funded Ministry Of Truth the federal government can continue to indoctrinate as they control all information throughout your life. The truth will not only be deemed a lie, the next step will be to make it a crime. Reeducation, imprisonment or death will be the sentences handed down by judges who are hand picked and owe allegiance to the Globalist Establishment.
The claim that this "Act" is to safeguard the people and country is in reality a propaganda tool that is opposite of what is real. The CIA who has since its creation been nothing more than the Globalist Establishments "Enforcer" and "Masters of Manipulation" will head this elimination of free speech agenda. This election year the already Globalist Establishment Mainstream Media has pushed the "Russian Threat" to the maximum, even claiming that Donald Trump is controlled by "the Kremlin". Anyone that doesn't tow the propaganda line of MSM is also classified a "Russian collaborator". Now understand this, people who fight, write or speak for freedom, and the Constitution are considered to be working in conjunction with a foreign entity against the American people. At the same time those who are openly allied and controlled by the Globalist Establishment that "IS" a foreign entity claim that wanting freedom and respecting the Constitution is anti American. "You may think that I just wrote that wrong, I assure I didn't." Unless you have allowed yourself to believe that "War is Peace", "Lies are Truth" and "Slavery is Freedom" then you can understand what is really happening.
Who signed this bill in the Congress of both Houses ? They are not exempt from punishment by Patriotic Judges.