It shouldn't surprise anyone that what we are being told about Aleppo is nothing but fabrication made up by NATO and US propagandists. Syrian forces along with Russian and Iranian backing are not guilty of killing the Syrian people being held within ISIS and Al Qaeda territory in Aleppo. As has been a long standing tactic the terrorist groups are using the innocents as human shields. Why the US and European media continue to attempt to put out this disinformation is beyond any credible reasoning. Independent journalists and the Syrian people themselves who have gotten out all confirm that the so called rebels are actually ISIS, Al Nusra or Al Qaeda and are listed by the west as terrorists organizations. So why the huge disinformation campaign? It is already known that the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, NATO and Turkey all have directly or indirectly financed, armed and trained these groups who they claim are moderate Arab groups.
The NATO countries involved and their allies are only losing credibility throughout the world as they have been caught red handed playing both sides of the coin. It was this fact that caused the large purge within the US military, of Generals such as Flynn and Mad Dog Mattis. Of course all were allowed to retire however, the ranks knew the truth behind such a large number of Generals departing in the span of a couple years. These were the Generals that flat out refused President Obama's orders to invade Syria as they knew the truth behind who backed the so called rebels of the Arab Spring. Despite this there have been incidents were US war planes have attacked the Syrian Army in support of ISIS, Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. The claim of mistakes in targeting may be believed by nonmilitary individuals but everyone in the military knows that the pilots were given the coordinates and they were purposely deceived themselves.
The Western Media is using these false claims about Syria and Aleppo along with the false story on Ukraine and the now massive interference in all western elections by Russia to bolster the "Russia is our enemy claims" as they seem to be itching for a war. This is exposing the Globalist controlled NATO and US governments who created ISIS and Al Qaeda in the first place and are using them to infiltrate Europe and the US as refugees. Setting up the Chaos part of their plans to grab every freedom they can from their people with the excuse it is to help protect the citizenry. As wars keep the militaries busy and away from the homeland so that they don't interfere with the plans. Very calculated and thought out, yet now being exposed as the Globalists became too bold and allowed everything to come into the open. They use the Muslim refugees to create chaos while trying to distract the people from the planned war with Russia.
Brexit was the first large failure followed by Donald Trumps winning the Presidency in the US. And the rise of populism throughout Europe. The Globalists are losing ground and this only makes them more dangerous. The people of America need to remove their blinders and realize that the Clinton/Trump election was not Democrat/Republican as many still believe. Its been decades since there wasn't a Globalist controlled president in the White House. This past election was about Globalists and American Patriots who do not wish to see the US become a piece of the Globalist One World Government. Donald Trump is an American Patriot, hence his America First slogan. This is why MSM has done everything in its power to paint Trump in every negative they could, the goal of the Globalist is chaos as in Europe. Here the southern borders were opened allowing those from Mexico, Central and South America to flood into the US. This is why the Democrats pushed the Black/White issue so strongly. This is why schools have not been educating children but are indoctrinating children into believing in Communism and also pushing Islam as the new religion. Attempting to destroy Christianity as Islam comes with the repressive Sharia Law as part of the religion.
The Globalists have also been destroying the middle class in the US and Europe as this was seen as their major threat. A happy satisfied populace won't stand by and watch everything to be taken. The Trade agreements first used in post WWII Europe were in reality the first step in creating the European Union. Sold as combining all of Europe to become an economic powerhouse. Also sold as being better than previously independent nations. They failed to inform the Europeans that what was really being done was the creation of a government that was headed by Corporate Elites that in fact are not elected by the people directly, but placed by the Corporations and Elites of Europe. The move in the United States was with the same pattern as trade deals and the opening of Communist China were used to move the middle class jobs out of the US. The Patriot Act that took many freedoms away was the result of the False Flag of 9/11. Done by members of our own government with help from other Globalists allies. This began the destabilization of the Middle East and we now have come full circle as the Obama Administration started the Arab Spring in Northern Africa, Syria and Yemen.
The Obama Affordable Care Act was not done to give everyone affordable healthcare. It was done to further erode spendable income and strain the middle class further and make it harder for small businesses to function. The massive increases in vaccines has created an explosion of chronic illnesses that has driven healthcare costs higher. Weather manipulation is just another part of the Globalists plan to create a falsehood of man made Global Warming that results in taxation for what they call Carbon Footprint. This has increased costs in Europe and other countries that initiated the tax. Of course again it is the people who are hit and this drops expendable income also. Remember that Obama and Clinton wanted to end all coal mining for internal use. Again middle class jobs take the hit.
When Americans and all of Europe wake up and realize that these Globalists with their Islamic allies and the Communist Chinese are the real enemies we all will be able to stop them in their tracks. The United Nations as an organization is where a lot of this plotting is done. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are not the enemies. Its the Big International Bankers, Our Fed, the Rockefeller's, George Soros, the Walton Family, The European Union, The Saudi Royal family, the Pharmaceutical industry, the Communist Chinese and many of the so called Elite in the US and throughout Europe including members of their governments. These are the enemies to humanity. These are who need to be stopped. It is time to turn the tables and take our country back, stop and destroy ISIS and Al Qaeda and all those who backed them. This will be a huge task but unless you don't care what kind of life if any the future generations have then just keep believing the propaganda and allow the Trump presidency to fail and you will see the results, and I assure you it will become worse than today very quickly as you will have Sharia Law and a communist style non elected government known as One World Government.
Alan, Thank You for your good work. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteMore people are awakened to the threat of globalism.Yes, they are dangerous because their people are not in the White House controlling the military and it's awesome and lethal power! It is they who must now stand in fear.The laws that they have transgressed can be punished by our courts-- those elites in America responsible for the crimes against humanity, worldwide hegemony gotten through blood and theft.
ReplyDeleteThe only question remaining is does Donald know he is the only one who can protect us, the American people, from the corrupt global elites and their sanctioned child trafficking out of Aleppo. Meanwhile back in the US planned parenthood is mopping up the bloody 12 year olds after Mohamed has his way . . .