Thursday, December 8, 2016

Why Is PE Donald Trump Appointing So Many Generals?

The answer is not that he is creating a Military Government that some Establishment are fearing. It is because he is looking for those who put Country and Constitution first, he wants true American Patriots. Generals, Flynn, Mattis and Kelly fit this bill as does the possible addition of Navy Admiral Michael Rogers who may become appointed as Director of National Intelligence. The only one that would not at this point is the possibility of General Petaeus as Secretary of State. Petraus appears to have close ties to the Globalists as he attended the yearly meeting of the Bilderberg Group this year in Germany. The Bilderberg Group has long been identified as the Globalists highest ranking members group. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller are long standing members along with others from banking, heads of state, multinational corporations and media throughout the world. Petraus was an invitee this year but that still brings into question his loyalties.

Some are grumbling that this many military officers would place the long tradition of civilian control into question. As with the military and General James "Mad Dog" Mattis being head of the Department of Defence. He will require a waiver similar to President Harry Truman's choice of Army General George C. Marshall. As there is a law requiring military personnel to have been retired for 7 years before being allowed to become head of the DOD, Mattis is only at three years. General Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor will not be required to have Congressional confirmation. He has all the necessary experience to fulfil this position. And General John Kelly who was the former head of the Southern Command is the perfect fit at the Department of Homeland Security. Kelly is well qualified in dealing with border issues, drug trafficking, immigration issues and terrorism.

Admiral Michael Rogers who may be the next Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is in the Obama Administration currently serving as National Security Advisor. He would give the Trump team another highly qualified expert in National Security. Although he survived the purge of military leaders that Obama had implemented, notably Flynn, Mattis and Kelly, his appointment appears to be backed by those Generals advising Trumps transition team. This may also be said of Petraus, yet until they are announced it is only speculation at this point.

In the end PE Trump is doing his best to place the most qualified people who share his goals of returning the US to the people and protecting the Constitution. Those who have backed the Globalist agenda are and will remain upset at these choices. After years of control there is little to show for any accomplishments in any area on the world stage or at home. Since the George HW Bush years we have been on a steady downhill decent. Trump has vowed to reverse this and as we've seen just since his election he has already had an impact. The Globalists are pulling every trick out of the bag to stop him, however all are failing. For America to survive we must have his vision completed, if any of us wish a better life. More of the same will not do as even now freedom of speech is under attack and the threats of violence are increasing by the Globalist backed left. A lot of work is still in our futures and this must be understood as the election of Trump was only the first of many steps needed to return our country to its rightful place, as the leader by example and strength of the free world.

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