Thursday, December 15, 2016

Electoral College May Give Hillary Clinton Presidency 28 States Electors Not Bound

This possibility is very real and there are some who believe the steal of the Trump presidency is now certain as 30 Electors to date have asked the CIA for confirmation that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election. A move by Hillary Clinton Electors, mainly House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's daughter, Christine Pelosi who is from California and was to vote for Clinton in the Electoral College vote on the 19th of December regardless. They are reporting 10 but insiders say they have 30 from other states that don't require Electors to vote based on state outcomes in the popular vote. They need 8 more to take the Presidency away from Trump and hand it directly to Clinton.

This move is being made on the heals of the reported assessment by some in the CIA who claim Russia directly interfered in the elections. They have not given proof yet MSM, Democrats and Republican John McCain are pushing what is a false narrative that Russia had in fact interfered. They are also claiming that Donald Trump and many of his supporters in alternative media, namely Breitbart and Infowars are Russian agents or assets. Even Tucker Carlson of Fox News has been labeled. If 38 more Electors vote for Hillary Clinton, the steal of the election will be complete unless challenged when both the Senate and House meet to certify the Electoral College vote on January 6th 2017. Some believe that this will not be known until then on how the EC vote went on the 19th. However you can be sure that the votes outcome will be leaked.

This would be a first since the creation of the EC. The Democrats along with MSM will spin this as the only obvious legitimate choice as Clinton shows a popular vote lead on a national level and of course by selling the idea of saving the country from a Russian take over. Sadly both are untrue as the vote was rife with illegal votes and fraud in favor of Clinton. And the Russians did not interfere. We could face a revolt by those who voted and support Donald Trump. There are rumours that President Obama may call a National Emergency once the EC vote is completed in order to divert any possible uprising. Martial Law and arrests of suspected Russian agents, assets and sympathizers could begin. The entire problem is this is not a true issue. There is no proof of Russian involvement nor is Donald Trump or those at Breitbart or Infowars tied to Russia.

If this EC steal takes place it will in fact be a Coup by the Globalists as they will have to hand power over to Donald Trump and many believe they will refuse to do so. The Globalists have put in to much time and effort over the decades to lose it all so easily. Until we know for certain the outcome and Donald Trump takes the oath of office, things could become very volatile. Unfortunately MSM and the Globalist backed politicians of both parties don't appear ready to fold their hand. This high stakes Poker game is far from over.


  1. Gonna go to final decision on J6th,2017 OMG

  2. Dont worry. Nothing happens. Trump is elected and would be sworn in as President in Jan'17.
