There is no way you can sit there and believe that Hillary Clinton has a chance to win this election. If you are at all honest with yourself you can't justify it in anyway shape or form. Don't even bother to try to point at the polls that are proven to be manipulated in order to have a specific outcome. One thing we rely on is government or their State Run Press to give us is, reliable polls or statistics and unless you understand how these are done, you have no clue just how easy it is to make them fit any narrative they want. You the American people have become so unwilling to question anything at all, using the excuse that the government said it so it must be true. How dangerous this has become that you have allowed yourself to be so easily lied to.
My entire life has been to question the obvious, this of course has made me the one that becomes labelled and falsely accused of stirring up trouble. I have only pointed to the true injustices and frauds that are so imbedded in our system and society. Many others have done this also and the results have been the same, ignored and called crazy as the herd moves off over the hill following the shepherds to their doom. There are times that you must look back and wonder why that one or two have just refused to follow along? Do you think that maybe just maybe they know something you don't? The shepherd still leads you away telling you not to look back there, those people are wrong this is the way. How many times have you been told, "this is the way it is and there is nothing you can do about it?" Now there is, now just maybe you can see the truth.
It took one of the shepherds to say "hey come this way", and as you begin to realize you are going back over that hill where the others had broken away, those that you were told were wrong and to ignore are there as they had wondered what took you so long. The key was it took one of the shepherds to turn you around, to tell you that what you have been told all along wasn't true, that wasn't the way it has to be and you can do something about it. That shepherd is Donald Trump, who as you struggled to deal with what you had given into, Trump while sitting around the fire staying warm with the other shepherds was always looking away and watching as you shivered in the cold trying to huddle together for some warmth. Trump would feast with the others but didn't take his eyes away from you as he wondered how to do what was right and lead you back over the hill. Trump would listen to the others laugh as they plotted against you and revelled in the fact that you so willingly followed them to what would be your destruction.
Donald Trump made the decision to lead you away from the hands of those who lied, cheated, scammed and abused you. He knew the dangers he faced and the ridicule he would have to endure. All of the other shepherds and their herding dogs would attack him and claim he was a traitor to them and you. They would pile it on as they realize that the numbers who are breaking from their herds are growing, their power is in decline. How dare he take you back over that hill were those who had broken away so long ago had been. How dare he let you know just what their real plans are. How dare he tell you that to think freely and desire to really be informed is the right way, not the wrong way you had always been told. How dare he tell you how corrupt and evil the other shepherds have been. It took one of their own to break away and bring you back over that long ago passed over hill.
Now is the chance to finally strike back and with a simple vote you can choose the shepherd you wish. For years and generations you were misled and told that you were picking the lead shepherd, you can now see this like almost everything else has not been true. This is your chance and most likely your last chance to begin to end the torment and lies. It requires that you stand together still but not as followers, as leaders to ensure the future of your herd. Go to the polls vote then watch for tricks and frauds that are going to happen as they have already. Don't allow them to control you anymore take charge and let the shepherds of doom know that you refuse to blindly follow them anymore. Take off the blinders and remove the chains from your hands and ankles, its okay its called being free and it feels good.
Be Americans again and strive for all those things you believe to be right, there never was any truth in being told "that's the way it is and there is nothing you can do about it." You can change things it can be fair, the truth should prevail not lies and deceit. This election is your chance, don't allow them to steal it from you, demand that they don't, tell them with your voices and tell them with your actions. Stop being sheep and allowing them to make fools of you, take this first step and defeat them by electing Donald Trump, "Drain the swamp" and start to be free again. You have no idea the amount of lies you've been told, do this for yourselves and your children, stop sitting on the sidelines and not caring because you've been broken to the point of being unable to realize what this means.
I had broken away many years ago, I saw it as a young child during the 1960's. I was a rebel without a cause. None of it made sense to me and I didn't know how to make anyone understand. I was an outsider and not because I wanted to be but because I was told to be, I would challenge authority not in a radical way but directly as I would say, that's not right, not fair, I was told time and again "that's the way it is and there's nothing you can do about it." I've spent my life in a state of inner turmoil, self destructing as I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.
I thought I found a cause when I became involved in the vaccine/autism controversy, I wrote about what I found and like others I was called a liar and crazy, my dear friend and mentor Dr. Rimland warned me to be careful as I was up against more than I knew. I spoke to a group of Special Education teachers at a local school system, I was literally laughed at as I knew then they were all unaware of the truth. The rate of Autism/ASD was 1- 500 at the time, today it is 1-38. I wrote a book with Dr. Michael Sichel of Australia in 2004 and by 2006 I was forced to end my fight for the truth to be told about this hideous vaccine program. Death threats, being called crazy you name it. I then found myself back in the herd. I continued to educate myself as I had never stopped believing that something could change. I still was a rebel and felt that somehow things really could change. I on occasion would mention things that I had found on many subjects that were not what we had been made to believe to be true to friends, and most would laugh or just act as though I was kidding around.
In January I found myself at the lowest point in my life, I began to become interested in this years election and already being aware of how the system is, I saw one person stand out that surprised me. Donald Trump one of the shepherds who was saying things that didn't fit the normal politician dialogue. Yes he was brash and he didn't pull any punches, he was attacked and laughed at but didn't waver at all. I at first believed that the powers that be would quickly dispense of him. I began to fall back into my researching ways to find the truth. As I learned I became more interested again in writing what I had learned in the past and was becoming aware of today. Writing, though I have only a tablet for my tool was always a passion and a way that I could say what I knew to be true. I had reached millions before and decided to not allow anyone or thing stop me in this goal. I will tell as many as I can what they are not being told. I knew that many wouldn't care as they had bought into the lies and deceptions just as I found before. I knew with Trump I had found someone running for the highest office in the world. He gets it, he's aware of many of the same things, he tells the truth and he will allow others to finally be heard. So here I am again fighting those same Shepherds. I was just getting back to finding an audience having my words being heard again, not only from my own site but others who thankfully felt the same. Being quoted in Russia, Ukraine and other countries gave me the drive to keep going, then suddenly last week I knew I had become relevant as I got hit with a social media sites suspension, censorship is the correct term. They didn't tell me exactly why or exactly which piece had forced their hand. But I have been silenced there until after the election. Ironically the pieces remain on the site, I am barred from adding more.
This is not the America I was told where you have freedom to speak your mind. This is not the America any of you were told either, if they can silence me, they can you too. I will not stop I will not be swayed, I will do everything humanly possible to continue to alert you to the truth. You must make sure that Trump wins, he has the numbers despite what's being said. Don't let them take our freedom, don't allow them to continue their lies and deceit. Don't just sit and believe the lie "that's the way it is and there's nothing you can do about it."