Thursday, January 19, 2017

Today Donald Trump Becomes Our 45th President Thank God

Today at 12:00 Donald Trump becomes our 45th President God Has given us a chance

Today we get the first step of many to take our country back from the Globalists. Go ahead and hate the 45th President, lie about him and get violent. Call everything I say a conspiracy theory, I don't really care because its not and your use of that CIA term proves that you have been brainwashed. I know its hard to believe but sadly true. Fact is there is a lot you believe that isn't true. I don't want to create more hate by telling truths so I'll just leave it at this. Donald Trump is not racist, not against immigration ( legal ), he is no bigot or any other name that MSM and the Globalists have made you believe. Your hero's are Communists, eugenicists, Satanist, scum that wanted to take all of your rights, put you through a Nuclear War, pump you full of vaccines that make you and your children sick, tax the hell out of ya and in the end enslave you. 2+2=4 its not that difficult to figure out.

Look at it this way, some of us are standing here watching you run like Lemmings toward the cliff. We try telling you to "stop" but you keep running, we then yell, you still keep running, we jump up and down screaming "Stop". You keep running while calling us the nutty ones. We are the ones trying to save you and this country, we had stopped running long ago just because someone told us to. We are using our spirits that God gave us all, we understand that evil has ruled this world and we have decided to change it.

Come join us or keep running its your choice to make.


  1. Until the time of the Jewish Sabbath
    sunset those who know a greater power is making changes of domiom.
    Pray for our country as Pres.Trump receives the oath of office.Safe and secure,we that pray for God's perfect will,please humbly pray this
    All day as prompted by Holy Spirit.

  2. Until the time of the Jewish Sabbath
    sunset those who know a greater power is making changes of domiom.
    Pray for our country as Pres.Trump receives the oath of office.Safe and secure,we that pray for God's perfect will,please humbly pray this
    All day as prompted by Holy Spirit.
