Friday, January 20, 2017

President Donald Trump Slams Establishment Globalists During Speech Of Real Hope

While the threats mounted, idiotic George Soros/Globalist funded rioters verbally and physically attacked true Americans who wanted to see and participate in President Donald Trump's Inauguration. Former Presidents Carter, Clinton, GW Bush and Obama sat while President Trump spoke of a America long forgotten and abused by the Globalist controlled former Presidents and federal government. True to his word President Trump speaking the truth and including God with a speech of rebuilding and unity while "Making America Great Again" set a tone of true hope for our futures.

MSNBC's Chris Mathews spun the speech as Hitlerarian, Militant and Dark, an obvious outright lie as the Globalist controlled MSM shows their evil selves. The purveyors of evil, communist doctrine have created all the lies that are driving the anti-American, Godless ideas that causes racial division and financial doom we presently see. The failed welfare state and false democracy that was finally overthrown by we the people.

Rioters who were causing turmoil acting like the brainwashed slaves as they are calling President Trump Fascist, as well as his supporters are in fact the true fascist as they use the George Soros fascist playbook. It tears at the Presidents heart to see the country he loves being destroyed by International Bankers, Corporations and Elite whose end game he vows to stop. The destruction of our culture, families, education, morals, job opportunities as well as physical and mental health is in a state of crisis. We either reverse things now or suffer the annihilation of our sovereignty and all around lives. Too many Americans have been programmed to believe the Globalist lies, many are so Ill informed that fights amongst friends and families are common place as the informed try to awaken those who have been indoctrinated into evil lies. This is good verses evil and yet many don't see it as they remain fearful of opening their eyes and ears. Most can't even use their own words to explain their reasons. If they do respond, it is word for word propaganda heard directly from MSM.

Step one is complete, we have the White House, now the real work begins as our President will need us to help him help us take our entire country back. It is 1776 again and Donald Trump is George Washington 2.0. We must stand taller, speak louder and fight along side of him. We can't just sit back and wish for it all to fix itself. Allow God to speak to your hearts and work for the restoration of freedom and the ability to prosper. God helped us get to this point and now its our turn to follow the light and change our direction as well as the worlds.



  2. President Trump gave our sovereignty back to the American people. There is much work to do in support of President Trump. God has given us talents to glorify Him. Opening the Door to God was done Yesterday by President Trump, Vice-President Pence, and Franklin Graham and all other Pastors and Rabbi who depends on God to build this nation.Praise God!
