We have all heard the lies and disinformation. We have seen the deceit, felt the impacts of those who give allegiance to evil and witnessed the faces of those who mislead. The past year and a half has been full of everything that those who are guided by the Devil can show. Fear, confusion and flat out insanity has ruled this entire period in human history as good battled evil for the upper hand. The destruction of the Satanic Empire has begun as the New World Order/One World Government begins its inevitable decline. People from around the world have begun to awaken to the sounds of horns echoing the the truth through messengers, both male and female that are becoming louder and stronger by the day. The revolutions of ending the reigns of those who sold their souls to evil have begun through the ballot boxes in Europe and the United States.
We had one last chance in the US and by the grace of God a man who came from great wealth and walked among the evil ones freely decided it was time. The evil American Establishment welcomed him as they believed him to be weak. This was a mistake that they quickly realized as the Billionaire from New York City had the knowledge the Establishment knows nothing about. Donald Trump, being well read and so very informed, spoke to the hearts and souls of Americans. He was saying what they felt and he was unwilling to lie or mislead anyone about the true direction we were heading in as a nation. These truths that he speaks are unwelcome by those who live in denial or who have been blinded by a program that creates an ignorance of what is reality. This ignorance is supported by those within MSM, entertainment and politicians that are paid to deceive the peasantry and keep them oblivious to the evil Globalists plans.
During this past election the propaganda flew in wild and outlandish fashion as the Globalists were driven to stop the movement that the now President Trump leads. The CIA that has always been the enforcer and creators of all things Globalist, were working feverishly to keep control. It soon became clear that their ranks were divided. While the people fought and argued amongst themselves, a war inside the CIA was in full motion behind the cover of secrecy. The men and women who saw the opening to disavow the evil that has been the trademark of most CIA operations became emboldened to help steer the change of direction. The threats exploded of revealing all and it became to much for those controlled by the Globalists to withstand. The election would stand and Donald Trump was allowed to become the 45th President. You could see the result of this behind the scenes loss the Globalists suffered. The people who had awakened were allowed to have their President and his first speech solidified his campaign as the Globalist controlled former presidents sat in stunned silence as President Trump called them all out for who they were and what they had done to the people and country. A speech that no their man dared to make, President Trump made that day.
On the Presidents first full day, he headed directly to CIA headquarters to give them their orders. ISIS and radical Islam is done. No more secret backing this insane Globalists operation, it is over. He also let the CIA members who thought otherwise know that the US military is under his control and so any ideas about disrupting his plans from within will be handled accordingly. Later that day at the first White House press briefing, the CIA Globalists faction of MSM were told by Press Secretary Sean Spicer that the lies and Globalists propaganda will not be tolerated and they too will be called out. The game of lying for the Globalists and their evil is done. These two moves on day one shows the genius of President Donald Trump. He went to the direct sources of the disinformation and those who were to enforce the Globalists operations of destruction.
President Donald Trump has let it be known he is only the messenger for the movement, people and God. This war has only just begun and as we see in the streets with misguided and violent unjustified reactions based on pure lies that many are unable to think for themselves and discern what is good and what is evil. These people are the ones we need to reach out to and listen, as they repeat the programmed lies. Then give them the facts and truth and go from there. Use your tools available to you to awaken them by silencing the Globalist spokesmen. Ask those who believe the lies to explain themselves and let them know its okay to have been fooled. They can't explain any of their positions as they are not based on truth. It is time that we all work to fix decades of lies.
Do You Want To Help Prevent The Threatening Floods and Future Forest Fires In Israel? Please Share... and Fund
ReplyDeleteDonation of a $120 from 5,000 or $10,000 from 60 of you will solve this problem.
There will be more forest fires in Israel. The JNF is planting forests in the Galilee where much of Israel’s semi-dead-sterile soils that are dry packed and do not absorb water. They are overgrown with non-native desert shrubs that burn at a higher temperature igniting trees and causing forest fires. Planting in semi-dead-soils without improving it is a waste of water and trees.
Using Holistic Grazing with Texas Longhorn Cattle, We Can Increase Soil Bacteria, Soil Fungi, And Improve Soil Anatomy And Physiology. This Brings life back to soils causing increased grass growth and destroys shrub growth. It also increases water and carbon adsorption and decreases floods and forest fires.
Texas Longhorn Cattle are desert cattle that can eat cactus with all the thorns. They also eat the shrubs that cause the fires.
Contact Robin 650-631-9270 or Click here to join in this urgent mission: http://longhornproject.org
Robin Rosenblatt, M.Sc. Animal Science, former Israeli Soldier and past Anti Terrorist Agent
The Israel Longhorn project
Nonprofit 501(c) 3 #74-3177354
22 Yarnall place
Redwood City, CA 94063
Tele: 650.631.9270 / cell: 650.339.0269