Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Final Warning Given To Obama And The Globalists STOP!!

The 2nd American Civil War has been going on for four plus years and the people have been unaware of it. The Globalists, Saudis and Chinese supported political and intelligence members of the US government and the Patriotic Constitutionalist Military, political and intelligence members of the government have been battling behind the scenes. The last straw was when the Obama administration ventured into backing The Arab Spring Movement in North Africa and Syria. Those in the Patriotic front were infuriated by the False Flag of 9/11 and the moves into Afghanistan and Iraq. They were aware of the stand down orders the fateful morning of 9/11 and the subsequent moves that followed to destabilize the Muslim world. From Desert Storm up to today was in fact all part of the Globalists plans to conquer the world. The opening of China back in the 1970's along with the creation of the European Union were all pieces of the puzzle to create the New World Order/Globalist One World Government.

Since the end of World War II we have slowly been witness to the moves by the Globalists to create their dream of having complete control of every persons lives on the earth. The creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the US was a move to create an arm within our government that could work behind the scenes and not be subject to the politics of the day. The importance of keeping up the charade of Democracy was important as it kept the people from knowing the truth. Controlling the media was also essential, therefore Operation Mockingbird began. The deceptions had begun and the moves could begin to fulfill the Globalists dreams. President Eisenhower a military man warned the US people and the world in his farewell address. President Kennedy was assassinated by the Globalists for his desire to hold them back and wanting take their growing power away. Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X would all be silenced by these Globalists as they threatened to expose the plans. The near assassination of President Reagan served as a warning to him to back away from exposing the truth.

President Nixon fell to these Globalists as he backed out of his deal with them. President Carter also a member of the Globalist front group, the Trilateral Commission was a military man like Eisenhower and became a liability. He was given misinformation by the CIA on the strength of the Iranian Revolutions true ability to succeed and therefore Carter was blamed for the overthrow of the Shah of Iran who himself was a CIA asset. This showed the division within the CIA and the Military that continues today. Prior to the CIA the job of spying and controlling foreign threats was generally a military responsibility, with the CIA being controlled by civilians since its creation it has for the most part been controlled by the Globalists.

The CIA consolidated their power when they placed GHW Bush as Reagans running mate for the 1980 election. This CIA Globalist faction had given up on trying to control a regular politician. In 1989 GHW Bush took the office of the presidency of the US for the CIA and Globalists that continued until Donald J Trump a long time member of the Patriotic front won the 2016 election. Trump is not who we are made to believe he is. A long time member of the Establishment, he is connected to those in Military Intelligence that have long been a thorn in the side of the Globalists. He is not some Ill informed knuckle head that the Globalists want you to believe. During the campaign he was viewed as a candidate who shot from the hip with statements that seemed absurd. The Globalist knew who he was and who his connections were, however they over confidently thought of him as no real threat. They would portray him as the spoiled super rich playboy, reality TV star. What they didn't expect was that Trump would begin to expose the Globalists for who they are. And with those inside the intelligence agencies who backed him and he was aligned with, the beginning of the end of the New World Order/One World Government would begin. The saving from tyranny and the destruction of America as we have been watching and experiencing for decades will start on January 20th 2017.

The Globalist had setup for a Hillary Clinton win to continue their agenda. The process was in place to defeat Bernie Sanders who, as shown by his actions was only their pawn in the Democratic Primary. On the Republican side they had Jeb Bush set to win, then be defeated in the general election. The fraud would continue, the people would believe they participated in another election and that Democracy was alive and well. Hold on, stop the presses, did Trump just knock out Bush in round 1 just seconds in? How dare he bring up 9/11, the Globalists scurried and went to plan B, the young freshman Florida Senator Marco Rubio was chosen to take the dive for the Republicans now. Overmatched Rubio couldn't even win his own state as the now Trump Train plowed over him easily, more panic set in and Ted Cruz became the last hope to stop Trump and the Patriotic Front. Trump quickly exposed Cruz's father as being CIA and Kennedy assassination link and he dropped out. The Globalists had lost control of the Republican Party. One last shot remained, the convention in Cleveland, make some rule changes and bring in a dark horse. This too failed as the Patriots had outmaneuvered the Globalist controlled members of the Party. No problem they will still beat back the threat, the Globalists controlled Mainstream Media and the American voter was ignorant enough to fall for the propaganda they over confidently believed.

The Patriots had one thing that the Globalists were caught off guard by, Julian Assange the Australian born founder of the website WkiLeaks who had exposed parts of 9/11 to the world, was primed and ready to begin to publish emails and documents obtained by the US intelligence agencies. Again WikiLeaks got these documents from members of the Patriotic Front inside the many US intelligence agencies and not the Russians. Trump had been saying that the primary process was rigged by the Globalists, and WikiLeaks released Emails to prove it. The Democratic National Committee's steal from Bernie Sanders was now on record and exposed. Seth Rich the insider who removed these documents was murdered for his involvement. However MSM did their best to silence this and Hillary appeared to be unscathed. Then her health problems were leaked and again the propaganda by MSM was used to blow off his truth as a lie. As election day drew near the two sides, Globalists and Patriots vied for power. Told by the Patriots to allow a fair election or more releases would follow the always over confident Globalists ignored them and upped their game. They pressed the threat to start WW3 with Russia as a distraction and as a threat that they will refuse to allow a Trump win. Race riots,, terror attacks, whatever it took the Globalists were all in.

WikiLeaks began a process of a slow trickle of emails showing corruption, collusion with MSM, again the civilian coup/counter coup was being played out by the Globalists and Patriots. The Globalists faction seeing that the Patriots were serious agreed to back down. This was when FBI director Comey announced that he was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email scandal that was squashed by a prior Globalists coup. The Patriots were assured that the election would not be tampered with as the true polling numbers had Trump way ahead by 10-15 and even 20% in some states. A last minute betrayal by the Globalists causing FBI director Comey to again close the Clinton case, began a series of strong behind the scenes discussions between the Globalists and Patriots that lasted well into the night of election night. The winner Donald Trump's acceptance speech was delayed due to this "negotiation". 

At the Globalists Clinton camp Hillary exploded in a rage as the rigging was scaled back and she would not become the 45th President as promised. She became so unnerved she had to be physically restrained and sedated. Her Campaign Chairman who had been physically assaulted by Clinton was visibly shaken as he took to the podium to report that Trump had won and that Hillary would give her concession speech the next day. What has followed has been coup/counter coup as the Globalists attempted to hold on and somehow stop Trump from assuming power. The recount failed, the manipulation of the electoral college failed and the continued attempt to start WW3 continues to fail as President Putin of Russia won't allow himself to be pulled into a fight. Just this past week the final warning was given by the Patriots to Obama and the Globalists to stop all actions or they will release through Wikileaks and other sources more even disturbing evidence about the Globalists and their controlled politicians. Names, dates everything would be exposed. From 9/11 to ISIS to the massive Satan worshiping, the Chinese connections, Saudi involvement, slave trade and pedophile rings, Drug dealing by government, money laundering and everything else that the Globalists have been doing. The Globalists know that their end is near and many will go down for their treason and the other crimes. Its a cleansing that needs to be done. Their fear is warranted and many of the most prominent names in American politics are involved. It now depends on who blinks first. I pray that God in Heaven he has mercy in his heart and allows the people of America and the world to finally rid themselves of these evil tyrants who have harmed us all. Donald Trump and his Patriots behind the scenes need to succeed for humanity to survive.

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