Saturday, January 7, 2017

Is Ft. Lauderdale Shooter Santiago A MK Ultra Operative?

Are we seeing the results of a long forgotten secret project once fictionalized through books and movies ie The Manchurian Candidate and others that showed how a person's mind can be programmed to the extent that they could kill upon orders given by a word or series of numbers? We have seen Art imitate life and life imitate Art many times before. We are aware of hypnosis used by many to treat addictions and phobias, so the idea isn't so far fetched. Of course not everyone can become a successful candidate for any type of hypnosis or mind control however sadly some can. The question is now, have we possibly witnessed another case of this mind control being used and causing the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting, that killed 5 and wounded 8, by an Iraq war veteran 26 yr. old Esteban Santiago?

A key reason why this is possible, is that Santiago himself went to an FBI office in Alaska where he lived and reported that members of the CIA had forced him to repeatedly watch pro ISIS videos. This does fit one of the techniques used in mind control, flooding the mind with certain information over and over to make the subject believe what he/she is seeing and hearing. This is done at times in combination with psychotropic drugs that alter the brains transmitters. The subjects are usually hand picked as they in most cases show signs of being easily manipulated or have preexisting psychological issues. With Santiago going to the FBI and making his claims, the agents believed him to be in need of a psychiatric evaluation as they believed his story was due to a mental disorder or illness. Most in law enforcement do not receive the necessary training to be able to identify mental illness or the type. The FBI does of course have an extensive department of agents trained in mental illnesses however they are not based throughout the many field offices, and are only generally called in after the fact or commission of a crime. So you may be asking where am I leading you?

Project MK Ultra, the CIA's mind control program, developed through the Scientific Intelligence Division in coordination with the Special Operations Division of the US Army's Chemical Corps. This project started in the early 1950's and of course was claimed to be discontinued in 1973. There is documentation that at times the CIA would illegally use private citizens for experimental purposes. The first public knowledge of MK Ultra came in 1975 during the Church Committee in Congress as they investigated the activities of the CIA. Two points of interest as, Santiago told the FBI that the CIA was trying to brainwash him and he was a US Army veteran. Is this a coincidence or the proof that MK Ultra is still an active operation being used by the CIA. One interesting fact found during the extensive studies on past subjects is that there were many cases when these subjects would have breaks from the control. Was this why Santiago sought help from the FBI? Another result found is that almost all of the subjects of the program suffered mild to severe psychological disturbances for the rest of their lives.

Other notable cases of possible MK Ultra influenced killings or attempted killings. The alleged assassin of Robert Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan who claimed he has no memory of the shooting or why he would, as he supported Kennedy. Just last year, Jo Cox a British member of Parliament who was against the Brexit vote, was killed by Thomas Mair who suffered from a history of mental illness, he was described as mild mannered and helpful to neighbors by family and locals who knew him, yet the British press claimed him to be a right wing neo Nazi. Then the case two days later, June 18, 2016 of Michael Sanford a British citizen who attempted to assassinate, now President elect Donald Trump at a rally in Las Vegas Nevada.

Besides both Mair and Sanford being British citizens, what else did they have in common? They both had been patients at The Lincolnshire Partnership Hospital, the British Militaries and Intelligence Services (MI6) main facility for treating mentally impaired soldiers, veterans, former spies and some civilians. The British and American militaries as well as the CIA and MI6 have a long history of running joint operations so when a former CIA operative showed up in April of 2015 to The Lincolnshire Partnership Hospital it wasn't a surprise that then patient Michael Sanford was released to Sanchez and flew to the US. Sanchez had retired from the CIA in 2004 according to records. In 2012 he landed a job with the 87th Medical Group at Joint Base Mcguire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey. Who else spent time in New Jersey? Esteban Santiago. Another coincidence?

We do know that Sanford was released by the 87th Medical Group and travelled throughout the country staying at expensive hotels despite no income. Was he released and funded as a future asset to be activated where, when and how needed? Mair did seek help the day before he assassinated Cox, it is believed he was activated to appear as a right wing nut who supported the Brexit vote. A PSYOP to influence the vote. And Sanford being activated to stop Donald Trump, removing the head of the snake of the Populist anti-Globalist movement here in the US. Santiago may have just been a broken plan to either put fear of terrorist attacks or something to let Trump know that those rogue elements of Globalists within the CIA have many more would be assassins that can be activated when needed. There just is too many questions and answers won't come as MSM will be given disinformation to tell. The Globalists will use every tool they have, we all need to keep our eyes open and not be drawn into the lies. Project MK Ultra is still being used, the question is when will the next victim become the predator unleashed with a word, phrase or numbers? Whose lives will become expendable so the Globalist can keep their control?


  1. What would be the reason to turn an operative against innocent American civilians?
    Do you really feel these covert ops still exist in the CIA?

    1. Of course, they still practice Mk Ultra. The technology is far more advanced today than you or I can imagine. Don't ever forget the Shadow Government trying to obtain world wide dominance over the populus.
      They have an agenda to push on American Civilians and will stop at nothing to reach their goals. Think of them as well armed control freaks.

    2. Could it be possible to use the MK-Ultra victims Veterans to create a national fear of veterans and their instability with weapons?
