As we watch the transition from the Globalist sponsored presidency of Barack Obama to the Nationalist people supported one of Donald Trump you are seeing what fear does. The Obama administration is in full panic mode as they scurry around trying to cover their tracks, not only their own but those of the previous presidents George W Bush and Bill Clinton. These presidencies were the selections of the Globalist Masters who have in reality been running the government for decades from behind their curtain of secrecy. With the people awakening, thanks to a tool that the Globalists created that was to further their agenda, the internet. The people were able to by pass the controlled Mainstream Media and its propaganda and find the truth and spread the word as to what was really going on. This last election cycle literally exposed the who, how, where and when of everything. The American people and the world now knows the level of corruption, lies and deception that has been taking place for most of our lives. And the loss of the executive branch of the US government and the power it holds has the Globalists terrified.
What was exposed? There was in truth only one political party, as Democrats and Republicans played a good cop bad cop scam on the American voter. We have all heard the saying that "it doesn't matter who you vote for nothing changes", as in truth it really didn't. Both parties were in fact controlled by "special interests" which of course was the International Banking and Corporate interests who are the Globalists. The elections were just a formality to make everyone believe you had a real choice in the matter. All presidential elections were done with preselected participants from both so-called parties who had opposing views on minor issues that they controlled and the winner was decided even before the campaigns had begun. At times the voter causes a minor problem and votes against the decision of who and that's when the adjustments come into play. As Stalin said " its not who you vote for its who counts the votes" and sadly this is true.
This past election of 2016 was the year that we were allowed to see how they had been doing this, with some states allowing people without ID's, electronic voting machines programmed to flip votes, boxes of thousands of ballots already cast well before the election, MSM giving heavily favorable preelection polling numbers to discourage voting, non US citizens being encouraged to vote by the President of the United States. And despite all of these tried and true manipulations the people came out in such vast numbers and voted out the Globalists. The shocked faces of the MSM and the Establishment politicians on election night was priceless. It wasn't that they didn't know that the people were not onto their game, it was that despite the normal vote rigging, the Globalists knew that they had problems ahead. The scams had been exposed and the people are no longer in a brainwashed state.
Hillary Clinton was intended to be the 45th President and the Globalists Masters were confident that they could continue their agenda and create the One World Government. After all they control everything including, information, education, healthcare, banking and of course the government. After all they had been doing the same scam on the American people for decades and so a sense of over confidence set in. What could go wrong? The PSYOPS were still in place that had been working for generations, the ignorance level was increasing as the sheep (people) were still following along. Their was a silent majority who we last heard about in the late 1960's still out here and despite being forgotten and thought to be a very small minority as a couple of generations had passed, this forgotten segment was building in strength and numbers. It wasn't just the White middle class church attending silent majority anymore. The people that had declined in numbers as they had become less likely to attend church and with trade deals designed to decrease the numbers of middle class workers and the fact that the family unit was being destroyed. Single parent families, poverty and unemployment of almost a third of the population all increasing, a major part of the Globalists agenda backfired.
Poverty hits the poorest first then drops the rest down each rung of the ladder over time until the desired level is the same. What the Globalists wanted was a three class society, the slave work force, the armed enforcement class and the tiny Elite class who rule by decree. So the Globalists tool to achieve their evil goals have in fact caused their downfall. The attempt to cause a race war failed as the Black community was tired of being let down, George Soros spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to stir up the ashes of division. It failed miserably. The Globalists had become exposed and the people have spoken. The truth about who created and used terrorism for control was exposed as well as how voting is really handled and how they ensure your cooperation. The total control of the Media came to light and the absolute corruption that is our government is known. These Globalists have lost their grip on power. They fear the rightful retribution of the people they have lied to and abused with their once hidden agenda. As is commonly said "the game is up" the people are aware of it all. The people want their government back and are willing to stand and be counted.
There are still many that believe that the Globalists are their saviors and that the awakened majority are somehow misguided. Despite this thought being totally illogical as its the ones that stopped allowing themselves to believe the propaganda that doesn't fit reality that rebelled against what the system had become. It really is a simple basic mathematical equation, if 2+2 is not adding up to 4 then we have some serious problems.
We see the Globalists attempting to discredit President elect Trump as unlike past transitions, this one is a true transition of power from the Globalists to the People. This has not been smooth as is the norm, regardless of party it was actually only a hand off from one Globalist controlled person to the next Globalist controlled one. The tightly held secrets and agenda being the same and so it was not a problem for either. This transition is much different as Trump, who already ls aware of these secrets and agenda will be put into a position that affords him to fully expose everything. He will also have the power to give the Department of Justice the go ahead to begin prosecutions. A President Trump can bring down 100's if not thousands of those involved. Many believe this to be unlikely as the Globalists still hold a majority in the House and Senate. The Republic was chosen for a reason by the Founding Fathers as it insures that no majority at any one time can grab complete control from any of the minority. In fact it is due to our being a Republic that has caused the Globalists fits. They had to slowly whittle things away and not just make drastic changes as it may have caused an uprising.
The use of False Flags has been a favorite tool used to appear to be protecting the people from mostly imaginary threats to their freedom and safety. Oddly as with 9/11 the people allowed the government to enact the Patriot Act which in truth had nothing to do with Patriotism, but was a way to remove freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. All smoke and mirrors pulled off to deceive our sense of reality and fall for the miss directions. Those days are soon to end and the Globalists are aware that the majority are awake to these Psychological Operations. Yet they are playing what they believe is one of their last PSYOPS, they are trying to cause World War III with Russia while at the same time labeling President elect Trump a Russian agent along with many in the Independent Media who have helped expose the Globalists. Are they planning mass arrests in these last days before January 20th? Are they planning one of their major False Flags to gain the support of the people to begin the war? The truth is that the Globalists have no viable options left but two. One would be to assassinate Trump or they can attempt to block every move by Trump with their controlled Congress.
The Establishment has a lot to fear and losing the White House is just one of the problems they face. The list of crimes is long and all would cause any of us to be sentenced to life terms if not death. The Treason against this country and the citizens along with major war crimes is extensive. These Globalists have been working diligently to destroy our great nation over the course of many years, and with the help from above we may become witness to the move away from these peoples evil grasp on us and the world. Time will tell what our futures will be and we may have to use the power of the law to give warning to anyone that the United States of America is back and better than before.
ReplyDeleteThis same manner of cooking the vote has been used all over Europe and in Britain so the voters think they have had a fair election; it's how Merkel got into power; and in Britain the same method of vote rigging got David Cameron Elected and cost Nigel Ferage the election; had all the votes been counted Fairly Nigel would be Prime Minister of Britain, and we wouldn't have this refugee crisis in Britain.
ReplyDeleteRecall elections should begin immediately on allllll the Rhinos!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting journal.
ReplyDeleteNice article. You have very beautiful and interesting website. I like it so much.
ReplyDeletePEC 5th 8th Class Result 2017, 5th Class Result 2017, 8th Class Result 2017