Friday, January 6, 2017

The Russian Hacking Lie Just Wont Die Just Grows Bigger

It has taken a while for the Globalist to come up with their fake proof, they still have no direct evidence just claims. They have been working overtime on this as the Trump victory wasn't supposed to be. The Globalists believed they had sufficiently rigged the election to insure a Clinton win. Now they have had to create this false story and that is why they are being vague about direct evidence linking Russia to the claim of hacking. Our Internal Civil War is in full active mode again.

America, its all lies that are being used to create instability within Congress and the country. The Globalist are not going to go away and they will do anything to stop their loss of power. The most recent claim being played is that the lawyer for the family of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, Jack Burkman is saying he has been contacted by unnamed sources that say Rich was murdered by Russian agents. His full claim is that Rich, whose murder was claimed to be a robbery in which nothing was stolen, by the Washington DC Police Department that is still unsolved, was due to Rich finding direct evidence that Russia had hacked the DNC. Burkman repeatedly makes a point that he is a Republican as if that legitimizes his suddenly new evidence. He fails to understand that most Americans are becoming aware that the Globalists have controlled both major US political parties since the mid sixties if not before. So his "I'm a Republican" statement means as much as McCain and Graham saying it as they both have allegiance to the Globalists.

Burkman who is obviously being used as a pawn in this Russian hacking story contrived by rogue elements within the US intelligence community that along with the Obama administration have been trying to start World War III and delegitimize Donald Trump's victory. This Globalist conspiracy has run the length of the election process, going into full operational mode once WikiLeaks began to publish the DNC emails. Seth Rich's murder happened within days and remains unresolved as it was quickly swept under the rug. It is widely known that it was Rich who obtained these damaging emails himself as his position within the DNC gave him access. Rich was a known Bernie Sanders supporter who was upset about the flat out steal of his preferred candidates primary victory. Rich had contacted someone inside the FBI and these emails landed into the hands of WikiLeaks. No Russian involvement at all. The Russian story was to distract the voters from the content of these emails and documents that showed the corruption within the DNC. Rich's death is most certainly a hit ordered from above from within the Globalist controlled elements of the intelligence community to silence this young man who believed in an honest democratic process. Rich's naivete in the real workings of Washington politics cost him his life.

The Globalists continue to pound this false story about Russian hacking into the ground. The fact is it didn't happen and the Russian government had nothing to do with the DNC or Podesta email hacks. The Russians in no way influenced the out come of the 2016 Presidential election. Donald Trump, Nigel Farrage of the UK, Le Pen of France, Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, InfoWars, WikiLeaks or its founder Julian Assange are not Russian agents or assets as is being claimed by Globalist controlled MSM and those within our federal government who ARE Globalist controlled. President Obama, John Podesta, Hillary and Bill Clinton, GHW Bush, George W Bush, members of congress such as Chuck Schumer, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan and others, as well as CIA director John Brennen, James Clapper Director of National Intelligence as well as James Comey of the FBI all are Globalist agents and assets. It is they who are controlled and loyal to foreign interests, it is these people who are anti American and against the peoples best interests.

How many times has the intelligence community's Globalist controlled factions been caught lying to the American people? The Kennedy assassinations, Vietnam, Central and South American interferences in the early 70's, Iran, 9/11, Iraq, Benghazi, Syria and ISIS to name a few. The very business of spy agencies is to deceive, they are skilled at this tool. However this constant "repeating the lies until they become the truth" isn't working and is only exposing who they are. It is the town drunk who had hidden his condition for years then suddenly is heard repeating obviously baseless accusations throughout the streets and everyone just ignores him. This entire Russian story has no proof to back the accusations being made. And for a US Senator as Chuck Schumer to tell a President elect to buy the lie or else, is a direct threat to the life of Donald Trump. The Globalists are as desperate as they can be. They are dangerous despite looking and sounding ridiculous and we all need to pray that these evil tyrants don't succeed with their threats.


  1. why would you believe Putin over men and women who have worked so hard for our country to find out this information? you do realize the report is not just about hacking but how Russia is using propaganda to divide this country?

  2. How quickly can we say "get rid of these trouble makers".
